Blue Orbs

By joliva51

197 3 0


Blue Orbs

Chapter 1: Julie Wilson.

45 1 0
By joliva51

Note: I am deciding to write chapters in the point of view of the characters. Since this is the first chapter, you will be introduced to each character one by one. 


   's a pretty color, isn't it? It's the color of the sun...well, the sun in our world. I'm pretty sure the sun on the real Earth in yellow...something close to that. I think the only people who actually remember the real sun are our ancestors makes me a bit sad to realize that, but what can I do to change it? We are already so advanced in technology, it'd be such a waste to try to go back to old technology. Well, as you can see I'm Julie Wilson. A 15 year old girl, currently attending Klayne High School. My best friends are Charlie Jones and Sofia Dianiz, both are my age and go to my school. Anyways, my life here is pretty normal. You know, the usual morning routine, school routine and evening routine. It keeps us all in balance and check, but we aren't required to follow it.. That's all I can think of I think...Wait! There is one thing that may seem cool, I think. It's not really known to stand out in this town, everyone thinks it's just something natural, including me. I mean, what's really special about a few orbs in the sky? Have you heard of the Northern Lights? if that can happen, so can this. The Blue Orbs are kind of like the towns symbol, it doesn't really happen anywhere else but here...that's the only thing that makes them special. There's a theory about the Orbs that they are just the sun's tears. The whole theory is that the Gods, or maybe just God was sad and distressed about us moving to a piece of solid rock where nothing is actually of Mother Natures own doing...that's the theory most people here accept. So that's it...they are just God's tears...quite depressing, isn't it? 

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