There is a first time for eve...

By mczkmczk

6.5K 177 40

Love By Chance real person PerthSaint fan fiction More

Looking for advice
First try


1.7K 50 18
By mczkmczk

When Perth and Saint finally appeared on set the filming of some scenes already started. No one really noticed they were late or no one cared as long as the director didn't pay attention to that. New just looked at the two boys amused. Saint grinned and Perth smiled blushing a little. When Perth spotted Cooheart near the food stands he came to say hello and the older boy immediately asked how the matters are progressing and demanded all information. Perth got embarrassed and didn't really know what to tell.
- We tried it this morning. - he started shyly.
- You did? Oh my god! You are quick, Nong! - he teased, but looking kind of proud. - Did you asked him to?
- No. It was P'New, because he talked with P'Saint earlier and it turned out he wanted to practice too and then he found me and P'New talking about it in the car and... I don't know, somehow it ended with me and P'Saint being alone in his car and we talked about the kissing scene and other stuff... - he hesitated and decided against telling too much.
- Other stuff?? - Cooheart got really curious. - Are you guys dating already?? - he joked.
- No! P', we're not and we're not going to.
- You said you have a crush on him, didn't you? - Heart whispered. - Did you mention that to him? Did he rejected you??
- No, no! He didn't reject me and we discussed it...
- And?
- I don't know exactly, but, how do you say it, we're on the same page? I guess. - Perth smiled.
- I don't really get it. - the older boy complained. - Are you like, figuring it out?
- Ee... Something like that. - Perth nodded.
- Hmm... And how was the kissing itself? - Cooheart smirked.
- Eeh... - Perth scratched the back of his head cheeks getting rosy by the second - It was good. P'New just said that when we play, I should be more dominating not the other way around.
- Wait, wait, wait. - Cooheart got confused. - Was P'New with you?
- No, we recorded the second try and sent it to him. - Perth giggled.
- You did?! - Heart was shocked.
- Yeah. It wasn't PeteAe at all, but you know... - he shrugged shyly. - We wanted some tips anyway.
- So~~, it was PerthSaint? - Cooheart grinned. - I wanna see too!! Please, can I see??
- Shh, later and don't tell anyone, okay? They would tease us so bad. - Heart nodded enthusiastically.
Something was off today. Saint was somehow silent and it seemed he is focused on work, not engaging in any pranks with other boys and particularly not hanging out with Perth. The younger boy was almost avoiding the older one when normally he would be by Saint's side all the time. However today he was strangely talking a lot with Cooheart, the most well behaved from all of them. The change unexpected and almost suspicious. Mark noticed and was going to figure out what it is about. Something must have happened. He hoped it wasn't anything bad.
- Why are you acting weird? - he asked straightforwardly. They were good friends with Perth, so he didn't feel the need to be sensitive about it.
- What? I'm not. - Perth answered ready to immediately deny any accusation.
- You are. - Mark stared at him not believing a word. - Why are you avoiding Saint then? Are you fighting?
- No! Why would we? Why would you even think that?!
- I don't know. You're not talking to him at all and instead I see you whispering with P'Cooheart all the time today... One thing I know, you're acting strange. - he stared some more demanding explanations.
- What? Am I not allowed to be friends with other people?
- That's not the point!
- Leave him be, Nong. - Heart stepped closer. - I know you're worried about them, but they are definitely not fighting. - he grinned.
- Perth? - Mark sensed the older boy knew something Perth didn't want to tell him and he was one of his best friends.
- Don't be nosy. - Perth replied annoyed.
- I'm going to ask Saint then.
- No! Don't make a fuss. - he grabbed his friend's wrist. - Just promise not to tell anyone! - he said through gritted teeth.
- Of course. - Mark grinned.
- We are not fighting. We just... we started to practice the difficult scenes we have together. - Perth tried to be casual about it, but he couldn't help the blush appearing on his face.
- Oooh! - Mark smirked - I get it now. So, am I to understand you finally kissed that boy and you liked it, hm?
- Shut up. - Perth hissed.
- And now you're being too shy to even talk?
- Shut. Up. I'm not.
- Okay. Whatever you say. - Mark didn't stop smirking. - I gotta go.
- Wait! Leave P'Saint alone! - he grabbed him again.
- Calm down. I'm not going to bother Saint.
- What are you up to?
- Nothing.
- So, why you look all... Dangerous and stuff? I know that naughty face of yours.
- I think I'm going to do some practice for the role myself. - he smiled slyly heading outside.
- What did he mean? - Cooheart asked, because he heard most of their conversation.
- I don't know? Now it's Mark who is being weird. - they looked at him leaving in the direction of the parking lot.
- Fuck! - yelled Gun pacing helplessly by his car, trying to call towing service, but no one was picking up. He wanted to go home after the whole day of work, but he got a flat tire second time this week. He forgot to replace the spare wheel after the first time. - Why is this happening to me. - he muttered to himself.
- What's the matter P'Gun? - asked Mark politely appearing out of nowhere.
- Oh? You're still there too? Look. He pointed at the wheel.
- Hmm, that's unfortunate. - Mark smiled somehow looking not surprised. - Leave it. I can give you a ride and you can deal with it tomorrow.
- Thanks, but I live quite a while from here. I don't want to bother you.
- That's not a bother. - Mark assured his voice deeper and smooth and slightly... dusty. Gun knew it was a weird way to describe someone's voice, but that's how Mark's voice felt to him. Gun mentally frowned. He couldn't explain why he was thinking about feeling someone's voice rather than hearing it.
- But still, I won't be able to get here easily tomorrow without a car. - Gun whined after a moment it took him to shake off his thoughts about that voice.
- Hmm, maybe just stay the night at my place, so we can drive to work together in the morning?
- Oh... Are you sure? - "Say 'hmm' one more time and I'm gonna melt." Gun thought trying to focus on the fact that Mark just generally had a nice voice many people enjoyed and convince himself that it was the same as enjoying other sounds, music for example. It was a common thing. Nothing strange, nothing personal.
- I don't have any other plans for tonight. Do you?
- No, I just want to have some rest already.
- Then, let's go. - Mark smiled calm and confident as usual. He was actually perfect for his role of Kengkla. Gun thought the boy was cute but handsome at the same time and always emanating this kind of aura of dominance and just... being cool. In his own eyes, comparing to Mark, Gun looked dorky and certainly not cool at all.
- Okay. - Gun agreed feeling grateful for the help.
- Great. - Mark smiled - I was actually looking forward to spending some more time with you P'.
- Oh, you were..?
- Yes, we're a couple after all. - he smiled and Gun stared at him with wide eyes rendered speechless - Why are you so scared? - Mark laughed. - We play in this series together, Love By Chance? Do you recall? - he joked.
- Y-yeah. - Gun smiled awkwardly feeling embarrassed with his own reaction.
- You are so easy to tease, P'. - Mark smirked as he stepped closer looking at the older boy mischievously. - It makes me want to tease you even more. - He smirked bending a little, so their faces were really close now. Gun held his breath and his heart started beating faster. The younger boy reached for the car door opening it for him. Gun exhaled. Mark was not meaning anything weird. Just opening the damn door, so he can get in. What was he thinking the boy was doing? "Calm down, idiot!" Gun scolded himself in his mind getting on the passenger's seat quickly to avoid eye contact. He needed to get his shit together, but after reading "How to secretly" it was almost impossible. He was looking too far into everything Mark was doing now. The problem was that it was just his wishful thinking. The whole ride he was so awkward it made him angry with himself. Mark's presence was somehow so intense. He was driving calmly, making small talk and throwing smiles and glances at him. Gun was usually an easy going person, he liked socialising with people. It was just Mark who was making him shaky, but it wasn't a bad feeling. It was good and that's what was making him confused.
- What would you like to eat, P'?
- Eeh, uhm, anything is fine. Whatever you like.
- All right. You like sushi, right? - Gun nodded - I know this cozy restaurant near my place, we can stop there.
- Sounds like a plan. - Gun smiled, because he was really hungry.
- I owe you a dinner anyway. - Mark grinned.
- What do you mean you owe me? It's rather me who owes you for letting me stay over.
- Maybe, but let me buy it for you today. - Once again Gun couldn't explain it, but he wasn't able to say "no" to this guy.
It was a first time Gun was at Mark's place. It was just an ordinary room, big enough for one person, quite clean and organised too. When Gun spotted a single bed he tried to convince his Nong that he will be okay with sleeping on the floor, but it turned out Mark didn't have any spare blankets, so they would have to share the bed. At first he didn't mind, because it wasn't his first time staying over at someone's place, but after he took a shower and put Mark's pyjamas on he was feeling slightly uncomfortable. He got under the covers waiting for Mark to finish washing up. The bed smelled like the other boy and Gun was now very aware of the intimacy of this situation.  He took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down and adjust to this circumstances. It turned out to be futile. It got even worse when Mark returned wearing only pyjamas bottom. Gun tried not to look, but it only gained Mark's suspicion.
- P'Gun, are you okay? You look nervous. - he asked, a look of innocence and concern on his face.
- I'm okay. - Gun clutched the covers pulling it up to his chin.
- Can I sleep on the outer side of the bed? - the younger boy eyed him carefully.
- Yes, of course, it's your bed. - Gun smiled awkwardly scooting further towards the wall.
- I wanted to be sure you won't fall from the bed with the little space we have here. - Mark smiled and  Gun blushed as he realised he was now trapped between the wall and his Nong.
- You're being shy. - Mark noticed smiling.
- N-no, it's just... I feel kind of bad for the inconvenience of me staying the night. - he said knowing well it's just an excuse to distract the other boy from his very real embarrassment.
- Please, don't feel that way. I offered, so I honestly meant it when I said it's not a problem. I was hoping we could use it.
- Use it?
- Yes, to talk and to get comfortable with each other.
- Err... Eeh...
- We are going to have some challenging scenes together, right? - Gun's eyes widened. Why he had to remind him about it now? He got so nervous he thought he is going to have a heart attack. - Don't be so scared, P'. - Mark smiled touched by Gun's blushing cuteness. - Or, are you disgusted with having to act in that kind of scene?
- No, no! What are you saying, of course not! - Gun shook his head rapidly.
- Or... Is it me you are not okay with? - Mark faked a sad expression.
- No!! Nong, absolutely not! It's actually quite the opposite and I-i-i'm just shy, because I have hardly any experience acting and in that stuff too. - Gun almost shouted and noticed just too late that he probably said too much already.
- Hmm, I see. - "That voice again!!" Gun thought frantically. - Don't worry about it. As they say, practice makes perfect, right? - Mark smirked. "Does he mean he wants us to practice?" thought Gun. "Because there is no way I'm gonna say 'no' to that and then he is going to pick up on me being so gay for him in no time." He thought frantically.
- P'Gun, do you remember that shirt I was talking about last time we went shopping? - the younger one changed the topic suddenly, seeing that Gun's embarrassment is not dissipating.
- Yeah, did you buy it? - the older boy got interested instantly, because fashion was their mutual passion.
- I did. In grey. - he got up and opened his wardrobe searching for the piece of clothing. - Cool, isn't it? - he showed the shirt putting it to his chest.
- Try it on! - Gun said sitting up and Mark smiled at the enthusiastic response. "Try it on and cover these abs already." thought Gun glad with the distraction.
- I was thinking what kind of bottoms would go together with it.
- Let me see. - Gun got out of the bed too and headed for the shelf with trousers rummaging through it. - I think these will be cute. - he handed Mark a pair of trousers. The younger boy agreed with his choice wholeheartedly. Gun had a great taste as usual.
- I'm gonna try them on too to see how the whole outfit looks on me. - Gun nodded eagerly, but when he saw Mark dropping his pyjama pants he held his breath. Was he creepy for not looking away while his Nong was changing?
- How do I look? - Mark asked closing the zipper. Even without any make up and his hair still damp he was so handsome wearing checked high waisted trousers and the new grey shirt with a bow under his neck.
- It suits you so well. - Gun said with a shiny smile staring at him. - This is so your style.
- A bit quirky, isn't it? - Mark asked checking himself in the mirror.
- Well, yeah, quirky makes the whole outfit. That's the point!
- Do you like it? - he turned around smiling at the older boy.
- I love it, Nong.
- Hmm, what I meant was... - he hesitated stepping closer to the other boy - Do you like ME wearing it?
- Well, of course. - Gun pouted, because wasn't he painfully obvious with his checking Mark out right now? When wasn't he checking him out actually. - I'm sure you can definitely tell that I like... right? Are you just teasing me the whole evening, Nong?
- Umm, more like... seducing. - Mark admitted smiling - Or so I was hoping.
- Well, you succeeded. - Gun said gathering all his courage - I thought I was only imagining things though.
- You were not. - Mark put his hand on the older boy's neck. He stepped closer putting their foreheads together.
- Nong? - Gun panicked and tried to move away but Mark cupped his face in his palms gently holding Gun in place.
- P', we have to do something to make you more comfortable with me. - Mark almost whispered. "I'm gonna die" the older boy thought "or get hard and then die from embarrassment if he notices." - You know, for the series. - Mark added.
- I-i'm just really not used to that kind of stuff. - Gun squeaked.
- You'll get there. - Mark said soothingly stroking Gun's head.
- Yeah. I'm sorry. - the older boy closed his eyes inhaling and exhaling deeply. - You're so good at this though. - Gun attempted a cheerful smile.
- And you are so good at being skittish. - Mark grinned.
- Nong! - Gun complained, but the mood became considerably lighter as they giggled together. Mark suddenly embraced Gun tightly rocking them from side to side. - Oi, what are you doing? - Gun laughed surprised.
- I'm gonna do stuff like that until you're cozy like a kitten in my arms. - hearing that, Gun was grateful he is wrapped in the hug, so Mark couldn't see the crimson blush on his cheeks.

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