Beyblade and bakugan crossove...

By Burnt_Patchwork

2.6K 84 1

When Ryuga returns with zenet to battle her good old rival, Monica. with Stoica, Gingka, kyoya and the others... More



378 9 1
By Burnt_Patchwork

Monica stared at Ryuga. What was Zenet doing with him? She knew she'd see Zenet soon but she'd never dreamed of seeing Ryuga.

"What are you doing here, Ryuga?" Gingka asked in a surprised tone.

"Why else would I be here? I heard there was a strong opponent that also uses something called "a bakugan" besides zenet here so I came to see for myself," Ryuga smirked.

"And who'd you hear that from?" Tsubasa asked.

"Zenet of course," Ryuga answered glancing at the girl.

"I'm here to show him," Zenet said. She pulled out her bakugan,which is called contestir and was ready to battle. "Battle me right now, Monica!"

Monica clenched her teeth and fists. "Is that all you think about?" she asked.

"I've been training a long time for this!" Zenet said. "Get ready, Monica!You're going down!"

Monica grabbed her bakugan, which is Drago ( also known as pyrus lumino dragonoid). "You can do it Drago," she murmured really quietly so nobody could hear her. "Be strong. I need you now."

"I'm ready Monica, just say the word." Drago replied.

"Touché...What ever," zenet growled. "gate card set!"and zenet threw her gate card into the battle field.

"Bakugan brawl...bakugan stand...rise haos contestir!" zenet yelled out as she threw and summoned her bakugan.

"Bakugan brawl...bakugan stand...go get'em pyrus lumino dragonoid!" I cheered my bakugan in as I threw him and summoned him aswell.

"Be careful Drago" I warned him, remembering that zenet is one of my toughest rivals.

"Woah, what are these things?" yu questioned Monica.

"Bakugans," Monica replied.

"Bakugans? "yu repeated.

" know what i'll expkain later okay?"Monica said

Yu nods his head

(Contestir starts at 900 points, Drago starts at 1000 points)

"I knew Drago was strong but I never knew he was this strong." Zenet said in amazement, "how hard so they train??"

"Ability activate!! Cross fire!!" As I shouted out my ability. An "x" shaped fire knocked down contestir. (Drago gained 300 points)

"That one hurt," contestir said as he was hit with drago's attack.

"Whoa, ya gonna let her smack ya right outta the game. suck it up contestir, ability activate!! Giga Nola!! zenet ordered contestir.

Contestir delivered a beam of light from his horn to Drago. (Contestir gained 200 points, Drago lost 200 points) but, Drago deflected contestir's attack.

"Next" Drago said sounding disappointed.

"Wow, that looked like such a weak attack now didn't it?" Tsubasa questioned.

"Try this on for size, ability activate!! Volting drill!!" then bolts of lightning shot out of contestir's fist. (Contestir gained 200 points, Drago lost 200 points) Zenet spoke in a confident voice

"No big deal, ability activate!!particle wave!" Monica said. Drago unleashed a huge amount of fire waves at contestir. (Contestir lost 500 points, Drago gained 500 points)

"Aaaaaahhhhhh" contestir screamed.

"Wow nice one Monica," gingka yelled out.

"Seriously" zenet said, sounding shocked.

"Oh yeh that's what I'm talking about!" Monica cheerfully said.

"Wow that's so awesome!!"kenta screamed excitedly.

"Gggggggggrrrrrrrrr, we're never gonna win this way. Step it up contestir!!" Zenet ordered contestir once again.

"Ready" contestir replied.

"Gate card open! Misty solotune!!" Zenet shouted out, annoyed.

"What is that, it's so bright!!?"madoka said.

"Monica, Drago watch out okay!!?" Stoica warned them.

Everyone covered there eyes (except Monica,zenet, Drago, contestir, Ryuga, Stoica and kyoya)

Drago was sent to a different dimension that only he was in and not Monica. (Drago was in an illusion, well you could say that)

"Monica where did you go" Drago questioned himself sounding a little bit confused.

"Drago what's happening can you hear me... drago!!" Monica questioned Drago but Drago couldn't hear her.

"Alright...and now for part two, ability activate!! Evil copy!" Zenet smirked.

Contestir instantly transformed into subterra coredem.

"Contestir just changed into coredem?!" Monica yelled out shocked.

Then contestir was instantly transported to where Drago was.

"Are you okay Drago?" contestir asked Drago, disguised as coredem. (but of course Drago didn't know that)

"Coredem? what are you doing here? Where did contestir go? Drago questioned contestir. (who was still disguised as coredem)

"I don't know, I haven't seen him." the fake coredem answered.

But when Drago turned his back to the fake coredem, the fake coredem's eyes started to glow then he shoved Drago really hard.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Coredem what are you doing!?" Drago screamed at the fake coredem, confused.

"Ahahahahahahahahahah! he fell for the slick coredem! you're such a moron!!" zenet sneered.

"Drago! that's not coredem pal"

"Save ya breath,he can't here ya inside there Monica"

"This is bad" as Monica panicked trying to think of a strategy.

"Oh no this is looking bad for Monica, what's she gonna do now," Benkei asked worried.

"Don't worry I'm sure Monica will come up with something," gingka said to Benkei.

"Sooo, let's see how you enjoy this next little trick of mine, ms battle brawler." zenet tormented."ability activate! Phantom blow!!"

Then a see through light hand appeared from the fake coredem's hand and punches drago. (Fake coredem gained 400 points + 100 points)

"Coredem what's wrong with you?" Drago thought to himself.

"Ability activate! Stale arrow!!" zenet called out. A beam of light shot out of the fake coredem's gem.(which was in the middle of coredem's chest)

"Drago!!" Monica screamed. (Drago lost 300 points - 100 points)

"At this rate zenet is bound to win," Ryuga smirks.

Monica began to sprint up to Drago.

"Wow that girl is crazy" zenet murmured to herself.

"Hey what's Monica doing?doesn't she know she might get hurt!" Benkei shouted.

" Well no one here should surprised. after all, this is something gingka would do." tsubasa said

"It's true it is something I would do, now right?" gingka blushed while scratching the back of his head.

"Drago you gotta wake up do you hear me?!" Monica demanded Drago.

Monica starts to kick Drago really hard to see if he would snap out of the illusion.

"Hilarious" zenet starts to laugh.

"I'm still too far away from him to hear me, okay then here goes nothing" Monica says to herself.

Monica then starts to climb up drago, so she could stand on his shoulder.

"Woah, is she nuts?" zenet questions herself out loud.

"Whoa,uh Monica I think you're taking this a bit too far now ya know," yu yelled.

Monica continues to climb Drago.

"Oh yeah she's definitely nuts."zenet answers herself.

"Hmm...impressive I never expected her to do this," Ryuga talked quietly to himself.

"Drago wake uuuuuuuppppp!! Please you have to! Drago, Drago wake up!!" Monica shouts at Drago.

"Monica!monica!" Drago answers.

Drago is still in the illusion but, can hear monica's voice.

"Aaww, no way" zenet said, surprised.

"Drago that's not coredem it's contestir in disguise," Monica explains to Drago.

"What?" Drago says confused and shocked.

"He can't actually be here ya know" zenet smirks.

"Drago can you hear me?! it's contestir!!?

"That must be it, that would explain it." Drago thought to himself."i hear you Monica...loud and clear."

"What in the world is that?" Yu asked all of a sudden. Monica and Drago looked behind them to see a white glowing portal appear. Not again!! Monica thought to herself.

She didn't have anymore time for thoughts before they were all sucked in. When she was inside she saw a lush forest. Her friends were nowhere in sight. The only one besides her was zenet.

"Does This have to happen when we battle?" Zenet asked.

"I guess. Let's just find the others and get out of here," Monica said.

Zenet smiled. "Reminds me of when we were kids, when we explored."

Monica smiled. "Then lets make it like that."

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