"Tear" - Park Jimin AU

By Eomma--Jin

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{This is the continuation of "In love with a vampire"} Tears slowly dripped down my cheeks as I was sitting... More

"Tear" - Chapter 1
"Tear" - Chapter 2
"Tear" - Chapter 3
"Tear" - Chapter 4
"Tear" - Chapter 5
"Tear" - Chapter 6
"Tear" - Chapter 7
"Tear " - Chapter 8
"Tear" - Chapter 9
"Tear" - Chapter 10
"Tear" - Chapter 11
"Tear" - Chapter 12
"Tear" - Chapter 13
"Tear" - Chapter 14
"Tear" - Chapter 15
"Tear" - Chapter 16
"Tear" - Chapter 18
"Tear" - Chapter 19
"Tear" - Chapter 20
"Tear" - Chapter 21
"Tear" - Chapter 22
"Tear" - Chapter 23
"Tear" - Chapter 24
"Tear" - Chapter 25
"Tear" - Chapter 26
"Tear" - Chapter 27
"Tear" - Chapter 28
'Tear' - Chapter 29
"Tear" - Chapter 30
"Tear" - Chapter 31
"Tear" - Chapter 32
"Tear" - Chapter 33
"Tear" - Chapter 34
"Tear" - Chapter 35
"Tear" - Chapter 36
'Tear' - short intermezzo
"Tear" - Chapter 37
"Tear" - Chapter 38
"Tear" - Chapter 39
"Tear" - Chapter 40
'Tear' - Chapter 41
'Tear' - Chapter 42
'Tear' - Chapter 43
'Tear' - Chapter 44
'Tear'- Final Chapter 45
Thank you

"Tear" - Chapter 17

418 25 2
By Eomma--Jin

Hi guys! Enjoy reading! (=^^=)


If you get easily triggered by subjects as: violence, curse words, suicides, etc. Please don't read.

If you or anyone you know suffers from mental health problems, please try to stay strong. I'm not saying you should get help, in some cases it might help, others not, but please, please, please do remember that everything eventually ends. Even depression, or any other thing that hurts you.

Stay strong, I love you, fighting! ~~~~(>_<)~~~~

Mi-Cha's POV
My head hurt as everything around me was heavily spinning until I my knees fell onto the cold floor.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as my heart felt empty and completely left alone.

Why-Why did Jimin do this?

Pain in my heart slowly took over as I tightly grabbed my stomach to bear with everything.

I love him. We just needed a break although I almost got feelings for Abraxas, and yet,

Yet he disappoints me. Again.

My one and only love just hurt me the most he could...

Jungkook's POV
Without controlling myself, my sister actually, I had filled our bath with water as I had also taken pills to relax.

I didn't want this. I didn't want to sadly look in the mirror and think about how stupid I am. I didn't want to feel how my sister felt.

I looked to my sisters red, painful eyes as I wanted to go away. She-She isn't going to... No. NO! I have to get out of this hallucination as fast as possible.

The hand I couldn't control sent a message to Jimin as I could only feel the emptiness and sadness filling my stomach.

I suddenly felt the pills began to work and I got very drowsy and dizzy.

I slowly turned around as I tried everything I could trying to stop it.

Yet, nothing worked.

I tried to scream, yell or even hold on to something, but I couldn't control it.

The cold water was quietly and peacefully in the bathtub as my heart beat faster.

I don't want to see this. I can't. I don't want to see how much my sister hurt.

Mi-Cha's POV
With my arms hopelessly past my body I slowly walked to the kitchen.

I had stood there before for the same purpose.

Without knowing it, I already had the shiny knife in my hands as I let out a deep shivering sigh thinking about Abraxas.

Again I looked at my pale wrist while several flashbacks of dear people stopped me.

It's no use to stay for Jimin anymore... he was one of the main persons that made me feel like this.

"Just LEAVE and never COME BACK!"

His harsh voice that filled my head made my heart beat at an unnormal rate while I heard my quick breath.

A first horizontal red line was on my skin when I awoke from my dreams.

Blood slowly dropped down.

And also for Abraxas I do not have to be here anymore. He is just as mean as Jimin... He doesn't want to see me either.

"Talk to me when you don't make things up just to play the victim."

Two new stripes were added at my wrist.

With wide watery eyes I looked at it not knowing what to think or do next.

My brother is so addicted that he would not even miss me if I was gone.

My last thought broke my heart the most as a waterfall of tears slid down my cheeks.

I want to see Jungkook again, I want to give him a hug and help him, but, he does not even care.

He's just as egoistic as the others...

I could still see his facial expression when I came after his secret.

I put my, without knowing, bloody hand on my stomach as everything inside me slowly yet extremely painfully consumed me.

I couldn't do this anymore.

I couldn't bear with the pain anymore. Not again.

I had tried this before, but this time it would work. This time I would be set free from my problems and live a happy live. 

By the thought of seeing my mother my grip on the knife slowly tightened while even more tears streamed down my face.

Jungkook's POV
I had struggled for a long time as my face was now almost under the cold water.

I had to stop this!

My nose slowly got into the water as oxygen slowly escaped my lungs.

I had to do something, but how?

My breath suddenly stopped as I had never felt this before.

I was a vampire, so I didn't know what it feels like to not have oxygen anymore and drown.

It's terrible.

I got anxious as I tightly closed my eyes still trying to scream and get away.

I slowly lost consciousness, until someone called my name.


I quickly opened my eyes as I felt a splash of water on my face to see Jin standing above me with a can of water.


I quickly sat upright from the cold floor as I noticed my extremely fast breathing.

"Where... am I?" My voice sounded panicky and my hands were trembling as I wanted to search for my sister noticing Jin had opened the door of this basement.

"You are still in the basement, but are you oka-"

"I need to see my sister!"

I quickly ran up the stairs as I knew something was wrong with her.

"But wait!" He grabbed my arm as I knew I didn't have enough time.


"I just wanted to say,"

His voice became quieter as he looked to his left softening his grip around my arm.

"Sorry that I didn't believe you, I-"

"Apology accepted."

He gave me a strange look as I was in this hurry.

"Let's go before it's too late!"

Again I ran upstairs as he followed me while I was blinded by light.

I didn't care about my eyes and just quickly ran away.

"Before what is too late?"

Jin just ran behind me as he wasn't as quick as me.

"I don't know. Something's just wrong with my sister."

Abraxas' POV
I was driving in my car as I was on my way to my friend while I felt something strange in my stomach.

It didn't feel good yet I never felt it.

Was it maybe... sadness?

No. I had once felt that and it was different.


Was it maybe guilt?

I looked to an advertisement that passed me while I was driving with maximum speed.

"Turn around!"

I ignored it was first as I suddenly thought about Mi-Cha.

She cried so hard...

Maybe I should just forget it.

Again the feeling of guilt grew bigger as I didn't want to listen to it.

I tightly grabbed my black steering wheel while I tried to stop myself for feeling sorry.

No Abraxas. You are one of the most powerful and mighty vampires on this earth. Don't screw it up and don't get more stupid human feelings.

But, even if I tried my best, another advertisement caught my eyes.

"Come back home."

I deeply sighed as I talked to myself without noticing.

"Aright, Alright... Let's go."


After still doubting for quite a long time I finally opened my front door as I got surprised by the delicious scent of blood.

I knew it was Mi-Cha's, but, why would there be blood?!

All the terrible thoughts crossed my head as I was frozen when I found her in the kitchen.

She was lying in a pool of blood on her back with her eyes closed.

On arm was stretched and held a big knife as the other was resting on her stomach.

Both of her wrists were vertically ripped open as blood was will flowing onto the white floor.

For the first time in my whole, long life I didn't know what to do or how to handle.

For the very first time I panicked and was frozen by my sight.

My most precious person was lying onto the floor and I was just paralysed by fear and anxiety.

With my trembling and forced feeling hands I grabbed my phone to call an ambulance and quickly grabbed a clean towel from this kitchen.

I quickly sat down on my knees as one tear slowly fell down my cheek.

It tasted salty and I had never cried before.

I tightly pressed the cloth on her red wrist while my hands were covered in blood.


I quickly tried to feel her heartbeat in her neck as it was weak and slow.


I tried to wake her up by patting her still wet cheeks.

"Please. Please wake up." I shook her as her eyes kept close while more tears followed.

"Stay. P-Please stay! Don't-Don't leave me." My voice cracked as I suddenly whispered without knowing.


I looked to her beautiful closed eyes and red lips as I cried my heart out while softly stroking her hair.

"Please forgive me, but... I-I love you."

I slowly rest my head on her chest while still tightly holding the cloth onto her wrists while crying heavily.


After the ambulance had taken her while I followed them to the hospital, I was now on my way to Jimin.

I knew the operation of her wrists would take a while and I just had to know what he had done to get her this upset.


I didn't need any explanation. I had figured everything out when I slowly stopped before his house while quickly opening the door of my car and running up to him.

Jimin's POV
The doorbell rang as I was just home. Jungkook's door was still closed as I knocked onto it before opening it.

But I didn't open it because the doorbell suddenly rang.

It began to heavily rain as I smiled.

It must be Mi-Cha. She must want to see me again.

I felt butterflies in my stomach who suddenly disappeared as I opened the door.

A shock went through my spine as I saw Abraxas standing before me.

His hair was a little wet, the white of his eyes was a little red, his white blouse was stained in dark red blood and... there was something different with his eyes.

This time his odd eye wasn't green, or red. Instead, it was... white.

It was almost neon and his pupil and edge around his iris were black.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" I asked as he angrily walked in and quickly turned around.

"What do you think?"

His fangs were sharper than ever as I got angry hoping he hadn't done anything to Mi-Cha.

"Why is there blood on your blouse? Did you do SOMETHING TO Mi-CHA?"

I grabbed his shoulders tightly as I dragged him inside the living room.

He quickly slapped my arms away as I had never seen him this mad.

"No," his voice sounded relaxed as it suddenly changed.


I got a hard smack on my face as I almost fell onto the floor.

"What do you MEAN?"

I had never seen him this wild, while he could normally always restrain himself.

"She," he looked away for a moment as it was like he slowed down.

"Cut her w-wrists," his eyebrows sharpened again as he gave me an intimidating look while he walked to me.

"What?-" "YES!" He screamed as he grabbed my collar.

"BECAUSE OF YOU," he yelled "She might NOT make IT!"

It now slowly got it and knew I had done terrible things.

Why for God's sake was I so selfish?

Jungkook's POV
I had made a promise with Jin. He would search outside and in houses while I would go back home.


When I arrived I quickly opened the door to see Abraxas and Jimin standing in front of each other both ready to fight.

Abraxas lip was already bleeding while Jimin had a scratch on his cheekbone.

"No, it was ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jimin screamed as he tried to grab Abraxas' neck.

With one hand he squeezed it as he held him fiercely against the white walls.

"Hey!" I screamed as I walked up to them. "Stop!"

They both ignored me as Abraxas punched him while Jimin held his hand even tighter on his neck.

I was now done with this sh*t.

I grabbed Jimin's hair, dragged him to the other side of the room and stopped when his back touched the wall while he gave me a surprised look.

"What the f*ck are you stupid, dumb, annoying c*nts doing?!"

The words slipped out of my mouth as I held my hand up high to punch him.

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