ethereal โœง emmett cullen [ 1 ]

By may-dayy

145K 4.6K 1.1K

โ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ฌ ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ข ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ๐ž๐ ๐ฎ๐ฉ, ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐'๐ฏ๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ž๐ง? โž in which a you... More

๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž.
๐ˆ. the rain
๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. a test
๐ˆ๐•. la push
๐•. pretty eyes
๐•๐ˆ. just a legend
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ. rule breaker
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. falling
๐ˆ๐—. the sun
๐—. nothing compares
๐—๐ˆ. too much
๐—๐ˆ๐ˆ. acceptance
๐—๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. don't let go
๐—๐ˆ๐•. all i could ask for
๐—๐•. something's coming
๐—๐•๐ˆ. hรกkล‚tis forever
๐—๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ. nightmare
๐—๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. new reality
๐—๐ˆ๐—. rebirth
๐—๐—. pity party
is anyone still out there?

๐ˆ๐ˆ. dropping books

8.4K 299 104
By may-dayy

      IF YOU ASKED ME what I thought my biggest flaw was, I'd immediately respond with clumsy. I'd always been clumsy, ever since the day I could walk – even Daylin agreed. Whether it was tripping over my own feet or dropping a glass and shattering it, I had done it all. It wasn't endearing or cute, or helpful whatsoever; not at all like how they made it out in the stories. It was awkward, and made me cringe harder than anything else.

      Because of this, I hated libraries. They were meant for swift and silent people, who could actually breathe without accidentally knocking over nearby objects. Sadly, I was in high school, and sometimes library trips were mandatory.

      It was only my second day and I was already being forced to research for my botany class. I didn't mind the research or writing the paper, it was the library that annoyed me most. Anytime I entered one, it felt like I was tiptoeing through a field of landmines, constantly trying to avoid being blown up – or in this case, publicly humiliated.

      My first day had gone well enough. I didn't mind my classes, I had found people to sit with during lunch, and things were looking up. But, that didn't detour from the fact that I was still the new girl. All I could do was smile sweetly and stay quiet; I was not one for uncomfortable situations.

      Walking into the Forks High School library, I immediately began to look around. The area was just as silent as I had expected it to be. Only a few kids were present, spread out as if they were each avoiding the plague. I didn't mind this though. After all, I liked my personal space.

      Making my way to the nonfiction side of the library, I easily found the botany book I was searching for.

       Each move I made was careful and filled with worry, not wanting to drop a book or two. I knew the hardbacks falling on the wood floor beneath me would only draw attention; and that was not something I craved at the moment.

        Eventually, I found two books that I needed. Both in hand, I quickly turned around to make my way to the desk, when I ran straight into another person. My fears became reality as I dropped both of my books, the girl in front of me doing the same. I hit the ground, the noise pulling people's stares towards us. I cringed, my eyebrows knitting together as I frowned.

      "I-I'm so sorry, jeez, uh-" The girl in front of me seemed just as awkward, her dark brown hair moving in front of her face as she eagerly moved to pick up her books. She was pretty, with dainty features and ivory pale skin.

      "You're fine, really. It was my fault," I sighed, also bending over to grab my books. Once we gathered our belongings, she finally looked back at me. I was the first to make a move, holding out a free hand, "I'm Evelyn Crawford."

      "Bella, Bella Swan. Um... uh, isn't your brother a, a cop?" My small grin faltered at her words, but quickly reappeared as I nodded.

      "Well, um... My dad, he's the chief. So, don't worry. I get it. You're proud of them, but... everyone looks at you like they're gonna be arrested if they make the wrong move."

      I couldn't help but laugh softly at Bella's words, finding that her dry humor and somewhat monotonous voice were rather charming.

      "Yeah, definitely. Daylin loves Chief Swan, says he's a really great guy," I began, my smile growing more genuine. She returned it, the two of us chuckling before Bella once again spoke up.

      "Um... I-I know what it's like. Being the new girl, I mean. I moved here last year."

      "Really? Where'd you move from?"


      I nodded understandingly. It was comforting, knowing she had recently been in my shoes. We had only just met each other, but she was the first person I found myself relating to.

      "Did you notice all the staring on your first day?" I breathed out, shifting back and forth on my feet. At this question, Bella laughed quietly and nodded.

      "Yep. They'll calm down, don't worry. I'm guessing you've met Eric?"

      I quickly nodded, my eyes widening, "He's not even the worst one though! You know who tops him?"

      "Jessica," "Jessica."

      Our answers blended together, leaving us in fits of giggles that needed to be suppressed. After all, we were still in the library.

      "She's not too bad, don't worry. Just steer clear of Mike and she'll get over the initial jealousy of you being the new girl," Bella snorted, her statement assuring me that maybe Jessica wasn't the worst person I could sit with at lunch.

      Before we could say more, the bell rang, signifying the end of the free period. I silently cursed the obnoxious sound, genuinely enjoying our conversation. Bella also seemed a bit deflated by this, her shoulders slouching.

      "Well it was nice meeting you Bella. I'll see you around?" I spoke, my voice hopeful.

      Bella gave me a half-grin, nodding. "Yep. See you around."

      Maybe my clumsiness wasn't the worst flaw I had, especially if it led me to making new friends.


      For some reason, I was looking forward to lunch. I couldn't explain why, I just was. In the end I decided to blame it on meeting Bella, curious to see if I could find the girl and sit with her. Not that I disliked my current table, they were nice enough. But, it was clear to me that she and I had more in common than me and Jessica ever would.

      I eventually made my way to the lunch room, being bumped into consistently by those around me. I didn't mind my height, really. But what I did mind was being thrown around so easily. It could get pretty annoying, and sadly there was nothing I could do.

      Looking around, I couldn't spot Bella anywhere. This made my heart drop slightly, a small frown appearing on my face. Within moments though, I'd been spotted by none other than Eric.

      "Babe, over here!"

      I held back a cringed look, instead grinning and sending him a small wave. I trudged over to the usual table, giving Angela a more genuine smile and hello. Taking a seat next to her, I quickly zoned out, not too keen on listening to Jessica's gossip. None of it even made sense to me, since had no idea who she was even talking about.

     Lunch continued on like this, with me simply staring out the windows. The weather outside wasn't horrible, but the sun was no where to be found. As I continued to zone out, something caught my attention.

      Well, more like someone.

      She was a beautiful girl, with a dark pixie cut, sparkling gold eyes, and nearly snow white skin. In fact, she looked like Snow White herself. Continuing to stare, I realized the tiny girl was accompanied by someone.

      He had blonde hair that waved out to his cheeks, and similar eyes - although his were more of a topaz hue. Just like her skin, he was pale as could be. Not a dull pale though, no; the two nearly glowed in the fluorescent lights of the cafeteria. They were mesmerizing.

      I was so in awe by them, I didn't even hear Jessica speaking to me.

      "Hello? Helllooooo? Earth to Evelyn?"

      Quickly, I snapped out of my trance, paying attention once again.


      "Wait, were you staring at the Cullens just now?" Jessica was quick to disregard my previous topic, now moving on to more prevalent matters. She looked between me and the two gorgeous students, alerting me that they must be the Cullens. My cheeks felt hot, embarrassed that I'd been caught staring. Still, I gave her a sheepish nod.

      "Are they a big deal or something?"

      "I mean, look at them. What do you think?" Angela chuckled lightly, making sure to keep quiet as the couple walked past, holding hands. They approached an empty round table, sitting at it gracefully.

      Everything they did looked graceful.

      "The girl, her name's Alice. She's like, super weird. And that blonde guy is Jasper. He's hot, but... he kinda always looks like he's in, like, pain?" Jessica explained in a hushed voice, the three of us staring at them. My southern manners made me aware that staring was rude, but I couldn't help it – these two were absolutely flawless, it was insane.

      With no warning, another person approached the table, just as beautiful as the previous two.

      "Oh, that blonde girl that just walked up? Her name's Rosalie. She could totally be a model, but she's got serious RBF. Apparently, she's too good for any guy here, so she's been single for, like, ever." Jessica seemed to thrive off of explaining the inhumanely gorgeous Cullens, so I stayed silent.

      If anything, I wanted to hear more.

      Within a matter of moments, three more people approached the table – I recognized one of them: Bella. I furrowed my brows, too focused on her to look at the two males she was walking with. But, Jessica continued on.

      "And those two, that's Edward and Emmett. Edward is so gorgeous, but I guess he has things for girls who look like they're constantly confused, or sick–"

      "Jessica," Angela scoffed, clearly upset by Jessica's rude words. The volleyball player merely widened her eyes at this, raising her brows.

      "What? I was just kidding Angela, chill!"

      I tuned them out, too busy staring at Bella and this so-called Edward. I watched as they laid their hands on the table before intertwining them, quietly speaking to one another with small smiles on their faces. It was cute, actually. Edward was, like his siblings, beyond attractive. And Bella looked happy. I was glad for my fellow klutz.

      It took a few moments before my eyes shifted to the final Cullen, and as soon as I did, I felt my face grow warm.

      To put it simply, he was straight out of a dream.

      He was by the far the most fit, athletic-looking person I'd ever seen. His black locks were short and slightly curled, framing his face almost too well. And of course, those eyes. Those award-winning, golden eyes. Sure, his siblings had matching ones, but Emmett's were different. They had a sort of playful glint in them.

      To top it all off, he had the most charming, goofy smirk on his face, as he laughed at something Edward or Bella said.

      Before I could even realize that I was staring, I noticed Edward turn his head a bit, and look towards me. I felt myself grow flustered, but it was too late as he mumbled something to Bella, who turned just in time to make eye contact with me as well.

      Jessica and Angela had moved on, discussing something along the lines of dress shopping. I shyly waved at Bella, who in response waved back. Shy and awkward didn't normally mix well, but we managed to make a silent agreement that in our case, it worked.

      After this, I went back to minding my own business. However, I was unable to get the thought of the haunting family out of my head. They all looked so different, yet had such major similarities. Pale skin, gold eyes, unrealistically beautiful... What were they, some cult?


      "She thinks we're all too attractive to be human. I suppose she's on to us," Edward let out a small chuckle.

      Bella nodded, smirking. "Yep, she's not wrong."

      "She thinks Emmett's the most attractive. She's comparing him to a big bear, or something."

      At the mentioning of his name, Emmett perked up.

      "She thinks I'm the most attractive? Hah, can't say I blame her," he gave his adoptive brother a cheeky grin, leaning back in his chair as Rosalie rolled her eyes.

      "She hasn't met you yet, obviously."

      Alice and Bella giggled at her words, Emmett glaring at them.

      "If she did, I bet she'd still think I was attractive. Where is she? I'll go introduce myself!" Emmett began to stand up, before Bella fast to object.

      "Emmett, no, don't. She's new, and... and shy. She'll probably, I don't know, combust or something if you go over there," Bella sighed, blinking rapidly at the thought of Emmett embarrassing Evelyn. The girl was sweet, and didn't deserve near death from a vampire's utterly good looks, especially only on her second day.

       Emmett scoffed, crossing his arms as he sat back down in his seat. "Who even is this girl? I didn't hear anything about a new student."

      "Oh, she's the brunette over there, the tan one? By Angela and Jessica," Alice was quick to pipe in, almost as if she'd been waiting to say something.

      Emmett disregarded this, choosing to look over at the table Bella once sat it. What he saw made his non-beating heart start up, and then stop dead in its tracks. If he could breathe, his breath would've been caught in his throat.

      Emmett Cullen had found the one, and dear lord was she the most ethereal thing he'd ever seen.



I hope you guys are enjoying the story!!! Things will start picking up soon, don't worry~
What do you all think of Bella and Evelyn's blossoming friendship?
And what's got Alice so eager?
Find out in the upcoming chapters!
Also, remember to like, comment, and add this to your library. Y'all's support literally means the WORLD to me!
~ May 🖤

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