Cheated Then Knocked Up By Ro...

By KimmyUB

744K 22.9K 2.1K


Chapter 1 - The Text ✔
Chapter 2 - Truth revealed ✔
Chapter 3 - Stupid ✔
Chapter 4 - Clubbing ✔
Chapter 5 - I want her ✔
Chaper 6 - I want you ✔
Chapter 7 - Who is he? ✔
Chapter 8 - Cancelled ✔
Chapter 9 - The Run In ✔
Chapter 10 - Dinner Invitation ✔
Chapter 11 - The test ✔
Chapter 12 - I'm Pregnant (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 13 - I'm Pregnant (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 14 - Surprise visitor ✔
Chapter 15 - Who the hell are you?! ✔
Chapter 16 - I'm bleeding ✔
Chapter 17 - Hospital ✔
Chapter 18 - Two of them?! ✔
Chapter 20 - Our Home (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 21 - Our Home (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 22 - Meeting the "In-laws" ✔
Chapter 23 - Family Drama ✔
Chapter 24 - The Dinner (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 26 - Missing ✔
Chapter 27 - Why are you doing this? ✔
Chapter 28 - I'm Coming ✔
Chapter 29 - I Got You Baby ✔
Author Note
Chapter 30 - The Doings in "The Mafia Mansion" ✔
Chapter 31 - I'm Fucked! ✔
Chapter 32 - I Owe You The Truth... ✔
Chapter 33 - Manipulative Bitch ✔
Chapter 34 - Barbeque ✔
Chapter 35 - Surprise Guest ✔
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Loose Ends (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 37 - Loose Ends (Part 2)✔
Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔
Chapter 39 - Proposal ✔
Chapter 40 - Doctor's Appointment ✔
Chapter 41 - Gender Reveal Dinner ✔
Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔
Chapter 43 - Labor Pains (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 45 - Welcome Home ✔
Chapter 46 - Christmas Day ✔
Chapter 47 - Girls Night ✔
Chapter 48 - Marry me NOW! ✔
Chapter 49 - Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch
Chapter 50 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 52 - Honeymoon
Chapter 53 - Explosion
Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News
Chapter 55 - His Awake
Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital
Chapter 57 - I'm Done...!

Chapter 19 - We having Twins?! ✔

13.3K 447 31
By KimmyUB

SAME DAY - (Sat, 22 April 2017)

Kiara's POV

"What am I looking at? What are you trying to say doctor?!" I asked dumbfounded.

"I'm saying, you're having twins Miss Cambridge as in you're pregnant with two babies " the doctor says in a dur tone with a bit of an attitude and I don't like it.

"I think we get it Doc, we do not need you're tone!" Stephano says through clenched teeth and squeezing my hand a little almost like his reading my mind.

"That's not what I meant Mr Romano..." The doctor didn't get to finish because Steph spoke again.

"I don't give a fuck what you meant, what did I tell you last night? Keep that in mind and don't speak to her that way again yeah?" He says looking the doc right in the eye with a deadly voice and doesn't even give him a chance to respond. "Now do you're damn job and tell us if our babies are good and healthy, as in NOW!" He says losing his patients again because doc seemed to be frozen. I'm surprised he didn't even loose his shit because we having twins, like I am about too.

"Right... Uhm the babies, I mean "feti" looks fine, strong heartbeats, everything is fine I'll just snap a few pictures for you and then we're done." The doctor says and I'm still speechless, can't rap my head around the fact that we having twins... (Feti is plural for fetus)

"Doctor how's Kiara doing and when will she be able to leave?" Stephano asks the doctor in a more calmer voice.

"She's doing fine, her blood pressure is back to normal and there are no more bleeding, I'll give a prescription for her vitamins and she has to get herself a Obstetrician/Gynecologist as soon as possible so she can get regular checkups due to her high risk pregnancy." The doctor says to Stephano like I'm not even here.

"We just have to keep an eye on her for the rest of the morning and if she keeps her blood pressure down, I'll prepare her discharge papers for late afternoon after I recheck her this afternoon." The doctor continued.

"Okay thanks doctor" Stephano said. And the doctor just nod took notes on his clipboard and then left us alone.

"Are you okay baby?" Stephano asks after a few minutes.

"Yeah I mean I think I am, how am I going to handle two babies?" I say more to myself then him.

"Well you have me and I'm not going anywhere, we going to do this together." He says with a smile on his face, that smile that makes everything okay.

"You seem happy about us having twins?" I ask but it sounds more like a statement.

"How can I not be... I'm having them with you." He says with an even bigger smile. And instead of taking that as a good sign, I remember what brought us here. But before I could speak the door opens and the girls walk in.

"Oh god you're finally awake! How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?" Mel says as she runs to me and then grabs me in a hug.

"Can you slow down..." I say with a giggle while holding her and I see Stephano just standing there staring at me. "Doctor says I'm fine and that I might be released this afternoon." I say after I let her go. And then hug Aurora and then hug Ziara but I feel that she didn't really want to hug me or maybe it's just my imagination.

"I'm glad you doing fine." Zee says when she lets me go and I can hear in her tone that something is up.

"What's wrong?" I ask eventough I'm the one in the hospital.

"Oh nothing at all..." she say with a sarcastic tone and then looks at Stephano.

"Okay I can see something is up, clearly by you're sarcasm." I say to her

"When were you going to tell ME you're pregnant with HIS baby?" She asks putting emphasis on his. WTF

"Zee I think everyone here would agree with my decision to tell their dad first instead of telling everyone else including you and what do you mean by HIS baby?" I say and lift my hand as I'm not done yet. "Im not done yet... I sure hope we are not back there again because no matter what you feel or think about him, he is and always will be my children's father so I suggest you get you're shit together and deal with it because whether you like it or not, his going to be around for a long time as I'm not keeping his kids away from him... with or without you're support." I say to her and I can hear my heart monitor going a bit faster.

"Kiara you should take it easy, you heard what the doctor said about stress so please babe relax and Zee did I not talk to you yesterday about this conversation? I told you she doesn't need stress especially from her sister, she needs you right now she needs all of us." Stephano says before anyone else could say something so I guess he spoke to her while I was still out, Interesting...

"What the hell do you mean CHILDREN?!" Zee says completely ignoring Stephano and my rants. But before I could answer her the door opens again and a dozen of HOT guys walk in and all my girls gets flushed including myself I don't know why?

"You must be the infamous Kiara," the one guy says with a gorgeous smile on his face, taking my hand and kissing it. "I'm Giovanni Russo, Steph's best friend and brother, I've heard a lot about you." He says with another smile and I couldn't resist smiling back. And reply with a Hi. And I see how Zee is looking at him but then she turn back to me with a glare.

"And I'm Elijah Romano, Steph and Dee's cousin." The other cutie says. "That two over there," he says pointing to the other two guys standing near the door. "is Jayden Smith and Dimitri Valenté Both our close friends and that of course is Stephano's brother and second in command, Dante Romano which I believe you already met." He finishes everyone's introduction.

"Hey" I say with a smile and a little wave being my awkward self. And before anyone could speak, Zee takes it upon herself to speak yet again, she just can't chill.

"So are you going to answer me?! What did you mean when you said children??? Are you planning to have more kids with HIM, after this one?!" She rises her voice with a disgusted look and asks her questions with huge eyes and loud voice getting everyone's attention that's in the room.

"What is you're problem Zee?!" I shout at her, she's starting to piss me off.

"Would you stop, can't you see what you doing to her, she's in the fucking hospital right now and look at the damn heart monitor, didn't you hear what Stephano just said, no stress." Aurora says coming to my side and holding my hand. Getting Dante's attention, mmhmmm interesting...

"We spoke about this last night, if you're not concerned about her, then I suggest you leave!" Mel says as she clearly starting to get pissed off with Zee.

"It's okay guys I'll answer her... What I meant is that WE as in Stephano and I, are having twins, we just found out and instead of being a bitch while I'm in the damn HOSPITAL, could you be a damn sister for once and be happy for me or concerned atleast and stop making everything about yourself will you," I say holding up my hand as she's about to interrupt me. I already have tears forming in my eyes and I feel like I'm about to breakdown. "I'm not done yet... Why don't you just go huh? Instead of standing here judging me and we all know you are the last person who can judge anyone, right Zee and guess what, I've always been there for you! But you can't do the same when it's actually needed can you? God, Mom and Dad would be SO proud of you right now..." I say with a sob and there it is, me breaking down infront of everyone in the room.


Stephano's POV

I watch her smile at the boys and man she's beautiful even in a hospital bed, she's just perfect. And it seems like the boys are taking a liking In her and her sister just had to take her smile away and all I can do is watch this go down between them. I just wish she could have atleast waited till they're alone or out of the hospital then Kiara finally breaks down and says exactly what she feels, Man she just made me proud, she fucken defended me, not that I needed it but she did for ME! WOW SHE REALLY DOES LOVE ME! and then I see her break down in a sob and it clenched at my heart to see her hurt.

"Fine! I'll go just don't come running to me when he hurts you!" She says with venom, what the fuck is her problem.

"I think it's time for you to go and you don't have to worry about her running to you because I'll never hurt her, so you can put that shit out of you're head and LEAVE!" I say making my way to Kiara and holding her and then I watch Zee turn to leave but I stop her before she reaches the door. "And Ziara don't return until you sort out whatever problem you got because Kiara doesn't need you're drama during her pregnancy, she can't have any stress and I won't allow it! SO unless you're willing to play the good sister, I suggest you keep you're distance." She doesn't say anything, she just turn back again and walk out while Kiara is holding on to me sobbing.

"Shhhh everything is okay baby, you need to relax." I whisper to her and I feel everyone around us just staring, fucking idiots.

"Awww aren't they're just the cutest?" Mel says making the guys chuckle.

"So cute it makes me sick." Dante says gaging a bit, making everyone laugh.

"Shut up!" I say letting Kiara go. "Did you bring the bag?" I ask Dante.

"Yeah and I spoke to Melody about packing Kiara's things, I'll pick it up tonight or when she's done. And I brought the bag you said that you had at you're place so Kiara can wash and dress when she gets released and I brought you a bag as well so you can change you're clothes too. I know I'm the best brother no need to thank me or anything, it's what I do." He answers with a smug look on his face making me roll my eyes. ASSHOLE!

"What is he talking about Stephano? Why must Mel pack my things?" Kiara asks me with a confused look. Oh Shit!!!


There you go next update will definitely be tomorrow, hope you guys liked it. I know not much action but there's lots still to come in their journey as it is still far from over. Anyways please don't forget to comment and vote guys.



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