Tales of the Ruin princess 2:...

By Oddeyesdragonmaster

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After stopping her brother. Maotelus was suddenly kidnapped and rias chased after him but, when she went afte... More

Chapter 2: return of bad memories.
Chapter 3: Sins of parents and siblings.
Chapter 4: Heldalf and the fallen Shepard
Chapter 5: Irina, The Honourary knight and scarlet's return
Chapter 6: Misla's revenge
Chapter 7: test of Judgement part 1
Chapter 8: the test of judgement part 2
Chapter 9: the test of Judgement part 3
Chapter 10: forgiveness of one's self
Chapter 11: scarlet Vs Sorey part 1
Chapter 12: Scarlet vs Sorey part 2
Chapter 13: Sorey, the shepard
Chapter 14: Preparations
Chapter 15: sorey's final confrontation.

Chapter 1: Rias, in the strange world

410 1 20
By Oddeyesdragonmaster

After chasing maotelus through the rift, Rias entered a strange world that was advance than her own. Rias walked around the town and as she did, people stared at her. Feeling uncomfortable with the unwanted attention, rias got away from the town and enter an odd wide open area where kids and adults were playing in.

"What is this place?" Rias wondered confused

While trying to figure out where she was, she refocused on finding Laphicet.

"Laphicet... where are you?" Rias wondered concerned


"Where am i? Rias? Rias! Where are you!? Rias!?" Laphicet called out

Laphicet looks around and notices a building close by. He then walks towards it and looks around. A lot of people stared at him while walking through the building, most of which were girls on how cute he was. Soon enough, all the walking around the building paid off when he saw someone with red hair. He chased after as fast as he could, when he caught up, the person he was chasing was with a group of people.

"Rias? You got a little kid following you." A girl with black hair pointed out

"Huh?" She wondered while looking back

"I'm so glad i found you! Who ever kidnapped me is still around here some where." Laphicet said relieved

"He kind of reminds me of gasper." Admitted a young man with brown hair

"Yeah, a little bit." Agreed a young man with blond hair

"Sorry kid, i don't know who you are." Said the young woman with red hair

"What!? You chased after me when i was kidnapped i saw you! Did you lose your memory?" Laphicet wondered

"Kid, she said she doesn't know you, now leave." Said a girl with white hair

"But i'm in danger! Someone kidnapped me and i don't know who!" Laphicet reminded

"Hey, rias?" Asked the young man with brown hair

"I know what you're thinking and you're right. He should stay with us for the time being." The red haired woman agreed with the young man with brown hair

"So i can stay!?" Laphicet wondered

"It looks that way." Answer the woman with red hair

"Thank you!" Laphicet thanked kindly


"Laphicet... where are you? Sigh Raynare would sure come in handy right about now. Her ability to turn intangible would help a lot." Rias said depressed

Rias remembers parts of her journey.

"It was fun while it lasted." Rias admitted

"Hey, can i say something?" Ddraig asked

"What's up?" Rias wondered

"This is going to sound weird but i sense myself." Ddraig explained

"How is that possible?" Rias wondered

"Been asking myself the same question for a while now." Ddraig answered unsurely

"Maybe if we fine your other self, we find Maotelus." Rias suggested

"Maybe." Ddraig said unsurely

"Where does it feel the strongest?" Rias asked

"At a school near by. We should be cautious and not talk to anyone. We talk to them, and they'll ask questions." Ddraig answered

"Alright." Rias agreed


"So you mean to tell us you're from another world?" Asked the woman with red hair

"Yep. In that world i'm an Empyrean. I still am but i can't seem to revert back to my dragon form." Laphicet answered cheerfully

"You're a dragon?" Wondered the man with brown hair

"Yep." Laphicet answered

"Kind of weird now that i think about it." The young man with brown hair admitted

"It may seem hard to believe but, i'm telling the truth." Laphicet told them.

"Huh? Issei, get outside now!" Ordered the green circle on issei's left hand

"Why?" Issei wondered

"I sense a dragon approaching." It answered

Issei heads outside and sees Rias

"What the?" He wondered shocked

Rias notices issei and is shocked to him

"You're alive..." rias said with shock

"Alive?" He wondered

"Remember, this world is different from ours." Ddraig reminded

"Right. Sorry." Rias apologized

"Who are you? Are you the one after The kid?" He asked

"Kid? What kid?" Rias wondered

"Issei!" Called out the woman with red hair

"What the!?" Rias wondered confused and shocked

"This is weird!" The woman with red hair admitted

"Where is Laphicet!? Tell me now!" Rias demanded

"Rias!" Laphicet called out

Laphicet runs out the building to see rias

"Laphicet! Thank goodness you're alright!" Rias said relieved

"You know him?" Issei wondered

"Not really but, my world will be in chaos without him." Rias answered

Issei summons out his boosted gear and is ready to fight.

"Mind tell us who you are and why you look like rias?" Issei asked

"Because that's who i am! My name is Rias gremory!" Rias answered

"Huh?" Issei wondered confused

"Look, just hand Laphi back to me and i'll go." Rias said

"Not going to happen. For all we know, you could be the one who kidnapped him!" Issei said in denial

Rias looks at Laphicet and is concerned

"Laphi?" Rias wondered concerned

"I know you want me to go back with you but, we need to find out who kidnapped me. I know for a fact it wasn't you." Laphicet told rias

"Alright." Rias agreed

"Mister, please let her stay! I need her and she needs me!" Laphicet pleaded to issei

"It's not my call though, and what am i suppose to call her? I can't call her rias too. I mean that would be confusing." Issei told Laphicet

"Call me scarlet. Scarlet crowe." She told issei.

"Scarlet... okay." Issei agreed

"Miss? Can scarlet stay?" Laphicet asked

"I feel uncomfortable having another me around but, alright." Rias agreed

"Thank you." Laphicet thanked kindly

To be continued....

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