He's A Controller (Muselk X R...

By _Lakei_

42.6K 646 1.1K

You, Y/N. Live with Muselk and his crew after he offers you a job to work with them. You gladly take it and a... More

✨ Sick II ✨
✨ Sick III ✨
✨New Heights✨
✨(Information + New Update!)✨
✨New Heights II✨
✨New Heights III✨
✨ New Heights IIII ✨
✨ Information! ✨
✨ The Walk I ✨
✨ The Walk II ✨
✨The Walk III ✨
✨The Walk IIII✨
✨Downfall I✨
✨Downfall II✨
✨Downfall III✨
✨Downfall IIII✨
✨Prosper II✨
✨New Schedule!✨
✨Prosper III✨
✨Prosper IIII✨
✨Ice Berg✨ (Plus News!)
✨A Small Break✨
✨Ice Berg II✨
✨Iceberg III✨
✨Qna Time!!!!✨
✨Iceberg IIII✨
✨If Muselk Saw This Story✨
✨Illusion II✨
✨A Big Update✨
✨Illusion III✨
✨A Fresh New Start✨
✨Illusion IIII✨
✨Gypsy I✨
✨Gypsy II✨
✨Gypsy III✨
✨ The Truth✨
✨Gypsy IIII✨
✨ Vibe II ✨
✨ Vibe III ✨
✨ The End ✨
Should I Make A Comeback???
Im coming back
Alright yall

✨ Sick I ✨

2.6K 31 4
By _Lakei_

You're P.O.V
I wake up to a large banging sound at the door, at first I think it's Cray and Brodey wrestling again. But, as soon as I roll over to take a look at the time from the clock on my desk. I realize it's five o'clock in the morning, which is when Brodey heads to his aunts house.

I sit up and rub my eyes, removing my white blanket off. The banging stops, I slowly get up and open the blinds. I'm on the very top floor, which, I didn't want but I ended up with it anyways.

The room was beautiful, pristine and clean. The only problem was that I have a huge fear of heights. But, I have to get over it somehow.

As I open the blinds and look down, I see a guy with black hair and he was pretty short. Shorter than Cray it seemed like, which is probably unlikely. He wore a Nikey shirt, and some baggy black pants. His shoes were black, Nikey as well.

I grab my phone from my pocket and text Cray, asking if he was expecting company. Considering Cray brings random people over daily, which can only be accepted if Elliot says so.

Cray - "Nope, Not Expecting Any Company".
Y/N - "Really?"
Cray - "Mmhm".
Y/N - "🤔".
Cray - "Ask Elliot, He Probably Invited Someone Over."
Y/N - "Okay, Ttyl, Cray".
Cray - "😋".

I shook my head and let the thought go of who invited this guy over and just decided to open the door and see who it was for myself. Though, before I could. The guy drove off in a black Jeep, it was shiny and seemed well taken care of. Who could it of been?

Opening my door, I head downstairs. My hair was a mess and it made me super self conscious of course. So, I took a quick trip to the bathroom and fixed it up into a beautiful and sleek messy bun. As I did so, I slipped out and walked into the kitchen to prepare my ultra famous egg in a basket for everyone.

"It's crazy how fast he had gotten wiped out!" Marcus exclaimed, him and Kathleen walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Hi, Y/N". Kathleen greeted me, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and walked up to me. "Me and Marcus were just talking about how Leafy got wiped out, you know who that is right?"

I nod and set down the eggs I had in my hands, Marcus came up from behind her and grabbed her waist which I smiled at her as he gracefully kissed her cheek.

"Yes I do, I know about the whole 'Disappearance Thing' I mean, it's surprising but he'll come back eventually". I replied, turning around and grabbing the eggs again.

"Well yeah, but, don't you wonder why he left?" Marcus asked, removing his hands from Kathleen's waist.

"So suddenly?" Kathleen added, setting her phone down on the counter.

I turn around and scoff, grabbing the pan from the Cabinet. "Don't you two have things to do this morning?"

They both eye me, questionably.

"Like, gaming? Videos?" I say, spewing out things. They both shake their heads.

"You know we don't do it this early in the morning, unless, Elliot tells us too that is". Marcus said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, Elliot hasn't changed the routine".

My eyes blink a bit fast for a second as I pull out my phone to reveal the new routine on the group calendar.

First Three Weeks Of October
Brodey goes to his aunts house at five, daily.
Videos are made and up daily, in the mornings they must be recorded at five or six.
I sleep until seven o' clock
Y/N makes breakfast daily and then afterwards makes a video at nine o' clock
Brodey comes back and makes a video at any time he arrives back
Cray delivers a video with Brodey or with himself at any given time
Then the day goes on from there.

They both nervously laugh and race upstairs to their rooms, which I was guessing to prepare for their videos.

After minutes and more minutes pass, I finish breakfast and grab a plate. As I sit down, I take a luscious bite and enjoy the view from the window of the house. It was so sunny outside, the view was beautiful.

"Hi, Y/N". I hear someone say, I turn around and see Elliot. Wearing a white shirt and grey sweatpants. I lift my eyebrow in confusion. It was only 6:07, he only wakes up until it's seven. It's never been six before.

"You alright, Elliot?" I ask, taking another bite. "It's six, you never head down at six".

He grabbed a plate and sat down across from me, with a chuckle he lifts his fork. "I wish I could lie to you but...." He sets down his fork "I think I'm sick".

I tilt my head and wipe off some egg on my cheek. "Emotionally or physically?"

He laughs a bit and takes a bite. "Honestly, both". He snickers "For real, I just feel groggy. I woke up with a headache".

"Groggy?" I smirk a bit "Huh, what a choice of wording for how you feel".

He nodded and grinned "Thanks for the breakfast".

"Of course, anything else you need?" I say cheerfully as I take a drink from my glass.

"No thanks, I'm alright".

He stands up and rubs his head, as I stand and grab our plates and walk into the kitchen. I put them in the sink and head up stairs.

"I'm going to go work on a video for today, sure you don't want anything?" I ask, making sure he was 100% certain he didn't need anything.

He hummed a bit "Actually, can you make me some oatmeal?"

I snicker "Oatmeal?". I look at him, my eyebrow lifted.

He smiled "Don't judge me, I always ate it when I was sick".

I shook my head and smirked "Fine, I'll make you some oatmeal".

"Thank You". He said, sitting down at the table again.

"You're Welcome".

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