Reincarnated in another world...

By hikari231

167K 6.3K 700

[Highest Rank: #1 in magic (14/06/2018) #1 in shounen (30/11/2018)] Tsukishima Na... More

I was reincarnated because.....
I am a boy now.....
Six months.......
Nature of magic........
Nature of magic (part 2).........
Birthday (part2)........
A normal day............
Lilian (part 2)............
Lilian (part 3)................
Lilian (part 4)...............
Invitation to Ball............
The Ball............
Meeting in the forest..........
Going on an adventure..........
Singer near the lake.............
Missing Allen.........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV.............
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part2)...........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part3)............
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part4)..........
Let's talk...................
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Royal Capital...........
Exploring Selia.........
The Five Year Ceremony........
The Five Year Ceremony (part2)..........
Waking up..............
Healing (part2).............
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Returning Home..........
A normal day (part2)...........
Teacher arrives............
Katherine's condition...............
Studying is hard, Test is harder..............
Investigating Oletha Household.............
Investigating Oletha Household (part2)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part3)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part 4)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part5).................
I always keep my words..............
Inspecting Shein Village..............
On the way back........
The boy.......
The battle at the hideout (part 2)............
The Battle at the hideout (part 3)........
Making new friends.............
Making new friends (part2)...........
White Fang.........
A day in hell..........
A day in hell (part2)........
A day in hell (part2.5).....
We're big brothers now....
Author: Something happened...
Starting from scratch....
Starting from scratch (part2).....
The battle at the Oletha Mansion......
The battle at the Oletha Mansion (part 2)...
The battle at the Oletha mansion (part 3).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 4)......
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 5).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 6)....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 7).....
Umm... A Conversation

The battle at the hideout...........

984 48 2
By hikari231

Edited by: dragonsam656


Reind and company made their way to
the place Ethan told them about but not before letting him take some rest and eat something. Ethan during that time got to know more about Allen and Ray, though Allen refused to set foot on the ground. Ray only sighed at the antics of his younger brother and scolded both Allen and Reind for letting him do whatever he wants and how that is spoiling Allen.

Watching Ray lecture Reind and Allen, and looking at both of their expression Ethan couldn't help but laugh. "Hoo... so you can laugh," Arnette said startling the boy. "Oi, are there more kids like you there?" 

Ethan just nodded his head in response as he looked at the trio who were busy with themselves with a faint smile and with a look of nostalgia as tears started to stream down from his face. "My family used to be like them too, but after the outbreak everything changed. My mom and sister died because of the epidemic and my dad died in the fire, I was left all alone to fend for myself." 

"But after the village was burned down in order to stop the epidemic from spreading was the time when my life became a living hell. Some people took to us someplace, I thought that they were going to sell us to slavery but I couldn't have been more wrong. They took us to this cave where there were some weird machines and there they extracted mana from us. I have seen so many kids die, so many close friends died in front of eyes and at one point my tears stopped. And it was all because of the greed of you nobles that we have suffered. I'm never gonna forgive you guys ever." 

"You suffered a lot haven't you?" Ray said as he patted Ethan's shoulder.

"Yeah, I promise you that we will get you guy’s justice." Added Allen as he looked at Ethan with warm eyes. "We will save all the kids and punish those who did those deeds." 

"Ethan, what is your full name?" Allen asked as he sat near Ethan. "I don't have one."

"Huh? Can that even be possible?" Allen said surprised by Ethan's words.

"Reind-sama, Lilian has contacted me; he has succeeded with the escaped of the captured children from their hideout. It's a perfect time to do a raid as they are in complete chaos." One of the guards notified everyone.

"Ok, Allen, Ray, both of you stays here. It's dangerous where we are going so it's better if both of you stay here with the guards and Ethan." Reind said as he and Arnette got ready to go to the hideout and raid it. "No, we are coming along with you guys. I don't want to stay here." Allen pouted as he argued.

"That's what happens when you spoil your child." Ray commented from the side as he sighed because of Allen's childish behavior.

'You are his child too.' Arnette and Ethan thought to themselves.


Lilian made a gesture asking the kids to stay silent as they were escaping the hideout. The security has already been informed about them so the difficulty of escaping with the children had gone up. Lilian too called out a familiar to have him take a message to Reind and the others, telling them about the situation.
Meanwhile, the bandits in the hideout were planning to send the search party to find the missing children. Lilian was thinking of a plan of escape when one of the guards saw him and the kids. One of the kids who noticed the guard let out a muffled cry as he tugged Lilian's sleeve to point the guard's position.

Lilian looked at the direction he was pointing out and saw the guard. The guard tried to alert his comrades about the kids but before he could speak Lilian knocked the guard out. Lilian had at first wanted to kill the guard but he didn't want to scare the children or take the chances of letting others know about them right now so he decided to go against it and just knocked the guard out by hitting his neck. He hid the guard's body as he planned to kill him later.

"Now, Allen, be a good boy and stay here with the guards. We will be back before dawn." Arnette said with a strict tone which Allen wasn't able to say no to and ended up pouting and sulking in a corner.

As Arnette said that he and Reind took off for the hideout of the bandits. Allen was preparing to follow to the hideout without getting found out but was stopped by Ray. Allen was now really annoyed by the regular pestering of Ray and with this, he finally had enough. "Ray, stop always stopping me from doing what I want to do!"

Ray frowned as he heard Allen say that, "I was gonna say that we can go the hideout with Ethan's help after they have gone far enough so that they don't sense us sneaking and make us go back." 

Allen was dumbfounded by what he heard, he thought that Ray was going to make him stay behind but apparently he had a different plan all along. Allen looked down at the ground guilt-ridden when he suddenly felt someone patting him. "From next time onwards first listen to what I have to say then open your mouth to retort." Although this seemed like he was consoling him but right now Ray was pissed and this was a warning to Allen because this caught a lot of guard’s attention and now the chances of their sneaking away are even lower.


"Reind, they are going to come to the hideout. They're planning to do so right now," said Arnette to Reind as he jumped from one branch of the tree to another. Reind who was following behind him was expressionless the whole time which was in complete contrast to his daily lively self.

"We get rid of the bandits before they reach us what else." Reind speeded up as he followed Lilian's familiar.

Meanwhile, Allen, Ray, and Ethan had successfully sneaked away and were on their way to the hideout. Ethan had determination written all over his face. 'Minnah, just wait for a bit longer, help is coming.' But on the other hand Lilian had already started with the evacuation of the kids kept in the hideout.

Reind and Arnette were standing in front of the entrance of the hideout as Lilian's familiar flew inside it, flying straight to where Lilian was with the children. As he saw his familiar approach him his face brightened up but that was only for a few seconds. The bandits have found out about him and the children and because of the kids, it was hard for him to fight with all his might. He was killing some of the bandits on the way but it was becoming increasingly hard to fight. Just when he was going to order the kids to run away while he distracts the pursuers some of the kids suddenly turned around and started to run in the other direction. This action caught Lilian off guard as he looked back and was about run after them when suddenly a boy nearly Ethan's age tugged his sleeve.

"Take the young ones and run away while we distract the pursuers. It is hard for you to fight alone, isn't it? Now run and please take care of the young ones." Lilian was about to retort hearing what he said but when he saw the look on his face, he decided to listen to the kid and just nodded as he started to run towards the direction where Reind and Arnette were getting ready to kill anyone of the bandits that they saw in the way.

Just when Lilian and the children came out of the cave they saw Reind and Arnette who was oozing murderous aura. Their expression and their surrounding terrified the children and they were scared to even approach them. 

Lilian ran towards Reind and Arnette to explain the whole situation to them when a rustling came from the bushes. Lilian, Reind, and Arnette looked toward the direction of the sound and suddenly one the bandits jumped out from the bushes, ready to attack the young ones. Reind, Lilian, and Arnette were standing too far away from the kids to stop him from hurting them. Now, there was only one thing they could do try to minimize the harm done to them by intercepting that the unanimous decision the three of them reached together at the moment's notice when suddenly a wall of land suddenly came up from the ground protecting the children. 

The wall was really huge, looking exactly like a mountain, the kids who were scared out of their wits suddenly started to cry. The bandit clicked his tongue in annoyance as he looked at the direction from which the magic was casted but before he could even locate the caster his head was in the air flipping, he saw his own body and blood spewing out of it from its neck. 

Everything happened so fast that the bandit could not register anything and he was beheaded when he rolled his eyes to look at the person who killed him, he saw beautiful golden hair and blue cold as ice eyes looking at him with a disdainful look. 

"Ray, Allen, come out this instance or I will spank both of you when we reach home!" Arnette said with irritation apparent in his voice. 

Allen and Ray flinched when they heard that and came out meekly from the bushes a few meters away from the one where the bandit was hiding. Lilian looked towards them with a worried face but didn't go to them but rather went to the kids who were crying their eyes out of fear. Ethan who was standing behind also hurried towards them with a worried expression.


( Hi guys, also I kept my promise and updated a chapter within a week. I will try to update it again within a week but this time I can't make any promises. I have a lot of presentation coming up and also my pre-finals too. But I'll try my best to update it. Also, thank you all the support and comments. Reading those comments seriously makes me want to write more and more but if only I had that much time.

Also, I'm thinking of writing a BL novel. Although I'm not too sure about it right now I do have a storyline in mind. So, if anyone is interested in collaborating with me please message me because its too hard writing two stories together when you barely have the time to write one. And also this story is going to be a long one because I originally thought it will at most of only 50 chapters or so but it turned out to be way longer than that with just the starting events taking more than 30 chapters.

Once again, thank you so much for all the votes and comments guys.)

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