Lord of the Rings: The Heir...

By martykate1

3K 93 22

The Second Age has ended in fire and blood, and the Third Age is beginning. The Enemy is not dead, but sleeps... More

The Cast
The Coming of Celebriel
The Journey to Imladris (or Rivendell if you like)
Two Promises
Mithrandir--crashed version
Mithrandir--Corrected version thanks to Google
To Find an Ally
Moon Over Lorinand
Winter Was Coming
To Escape Imladris
The Forest Kingdom
Legolas and Thranduil
To Woo a Warrior Elven Maid
Meeting in the Greenwood
Beloved Daughter
The Hidden Tower
The Enemy in the Forest
Return to Imladris
Waiting for the Storm
To Ride to Lorinand
The Long Ride South

The Feast and a Duel

174 8 3
By martykate1

Great tables had been set in the hall, covered with snowy white cloth. Dishes of all sorts already had been laid upon them, and the aroma of food was making her hungry as she and Arwen seated themselves next to Celebrian. From her viewpoint she could see many folk, Elves, Men, and Dwarves and for a time she found herself forgetting her manners as she stared in wonder at the peoples she had never seen before.

Elrond sat at the head of the table, and Glorfindel sat at his right. At times she could feel Glorfindel's eyes upon her and she would look at him and smile, but sometimes she felt uncomfortable and looked down at her plate. This feeling was alien to her and she wondered at it. She could lift her chin and meet Elrond's with no trouble, but the old friend of her childhood was making her feel shy and unsure of herself, perhaps for the first time in her life.

Arwen nudged her and whispered mischievously, "I did not know you already had a suitor, oh fair sister of my mother."

"What are you talking about?" she whispered back.

"Glorfindel. Look at his eyes when his gaze is upon you," she said, "Look at him and tell me that you do not see it, too."

"You see things that are not there," Celebriel said, but she would not look at Glorfindel anymore, and felt all the more disconcerted.

At length all appetites were sated, and even the hungriest could eat no more. Elrond and Celebrian rose, and sent out of the feasting hall and into a great room lit only by a fire burning in a great hearth set between two carven pillars. Chairs had been prepared for some, others sat on cushions and suddenly the sound of music and fair voices singing filled the hall.

Had she been less fatigued, Celebriel would have gladly spent the rest of the night there, but she found that she could barely keep her eyes open. She did not remember how or when it happened, but somehow there had been someone who had helped her to her room and make herself ready for bed. She then fell immediately into a slumber filled with dreams as sweet as she could have wished for.

But the dreams faded with the morning. When she opened her eyes she looked about her and felt apprehensive in the strange surroundings. "I do not belong here, I should be at home, I never should have left Lorinand," she said out loud.

She sat up, clutching her pillow to her. Was her secret safe, did any suspect? She wondered.

She recalled the last night she had spent in the Golden Woods. She'd been in the company of Amroth, King of Lorinand, and his consort, Nimrodel. They had been a refuge for her, a place to retreat from her mother's people when she felt overwhelmed. Nimrodel's house by the little river Amroth had named for her was quiet and peaceful, and she spent many happy hours in their company.

They had given her a farewell present, now carefully hidden in her baggage. A sword, with the hilts set with yellow and white gems in the shape of a mallorn blossom. They'd also included a new bow and quiver of arrows, such as she'd often carried when she helped keep guard on Lorinand's fences.

"This is our gift to you," said Nimrodel solemnly, "but there is one more, a thing that we have waited to tell you, lest your parents discover it."

"You are to be my heir, Celebriel," Amroth told her, "Nimrodel and I have no children and there is none other to whom I would entrust the Golden Woods." He held up his hand as she started to object, "I know what you are thinking, child, but consider this: there are many among us who  believe that Sauron is only sleeping and biding his time. Remember that Isildur did not destroy the Ring, so Sauron's power still lives. There are rumors about that the Nazgul are in hiding, so great evil still lives in this world."

"The people of Lorinand know and love you," Nimrodel added, "And your connection to the Noldor may aid you in times of trouble. You have some growing up to do, but someday you will become a great leader, we think. Alas, there is more we wished to teach you, but there now is no time. There will always be people here who will help you. You are the child we never had, Celebriel, and had we been blessed with a daughter, we would have wanted her to be like you."

She took Celebriel into her arms and held her close, "Do not weep, my dearest child, you will always be in our thoughts."

Celebriel did not return to the lord and lady for several days, but took refuge on the borders. She feared that she would never see Amroth and Nimrodel again, the thought was more than she could bear.

There was a gentle tapping at the door and Celebrian entered the room. "Are you still in bed? The sun has been up for hours."

"Not quite hours, sister, but for a while. I have been thinking. Tell me, how long am I to stay here?"

Celebrian had expected the question, but not quite so soon. "We had thought to have you here until you are summoned back..."

"By whom? Mother and Father? Or Amroth? I know our parents plan to leave Lorinand, but I had thought that I would stay there." She began to rummage around in her coffers, looking for the men's clothes that she had packed. She had no desire to wear a gown and sit and spin with her sister and ladies.

"Where are my...oh, there they are." She dug out the grey tunic and white leggings she had packed. "See, this is how I dress, and I don't spin nor do I wish to learn. I can kill and dress a deer, I am an expert shot with an arrow. I could live on my own in the woods if I had to."

Mother is right, thought Celebrian, she has grown headstrong but that is a Noldor trait. If not for that, we would still live in the Blessed Realm. "Very well," Celebrian said out loud, "I expect that if I want to find you I should look in the armories. You are not released from your schooling, you will meet with Elrond every day and he will be your teacher."

"Mother has taught me well, I don't need any more lessons in Elvish history or lore or songs. "But," she said. "If you promise to leave me to my own devices, do not force me to sit and with the women, I will consent to being tutored by Master Elrond." She pulled out her leather jerkin, "Now, if you will let me get dressed, I am going to the kitchens for some food—I'm starving."

Elladan and Elrohir did not know what to think of their aunt as they watched her make her way to the armories. They had never seen an elven woman in men's garb, let alone one with fiery red hair that hung loose over her shoulders.

"What do make of this?" Elrohir asked his brother.

"I am wondering," Elladan replied, "What Mother knew of this, or Father. I suspect that they did not expect a maiden clad in men's clothes. Come, let us become better acquainted with our mother's young sister—this may prove to be both interesting, and fun."

Celebriel suddenly found herself flanked by the twins.

"Where are you going, aunt?" asked Elrohir mischievously, "Could we help you find your way?"

"Don't call me 'aunt'," she said, not bothering to hide her irritation, then slapped away Elladan's hand as he fingered a lock of her red hair.

"It didn't even burn me," he said in mock disappointment, "I've never seen hair like yours on elves or men."

"Are you trying to amuse yourself on my behalf? All I'm trying to do is find the armories to try out the bows that are used in Imladris. I want to see if they are as good as the ones we make in Lorien."

"And see the sword Glorfindel had made for you? Ow," he said as Elrohir slapped his head, "Why did you do that?"

"Because he wanted to surprise her, and now, thanks to your loose tongue—as usual—it's no longer a surprise."

"But I have a new sword, Amroth and Nimrodel had one made for me, Mother wouldn't let me bring mine—this one she knew nothing of."

As they made their way to the armories, Celebriel asked with a gleam in her eyes, "So, nephews, is either one of you game for a little duel? First arrows, then sword? The winner can demand his prize, but nothing awarded if two events are not won."

The sons of Elrond looked at each other. "We can demand anything we like if we win?"

"Yes, whatever you ask, but it will be the same for me," she replied.

"Your dagger," said Elrohir, "The one in your belt with the gems in the hilts. That's very fine workmanship."

"But what do you want of us should you win?" Elladan queried.

"Your cast-off clothes, that's what I want," she replied.

"But why, your mother sent you here with many gowns, almost as many as Mother has. Why do you want our things?"

"If I wanted more gowns, would I ask you for your clothes? No, I don't need gowns, but I need the garments you no longer want. Now, do we have a bargain?"

At that moment, Glorfindel appeared, walking across the wide lawn. He heard them arguing and approached them. "So the three of you are making mischief already? What could possibly be the matter?"

The boys looked at each other. "Celebriel's challenged us to a dual of skill: bows and swords. We think she's foolish, after all, she's only a girl, she can't possibly best us."

Glorfindel smiled, "You may be sorry you said that, but you do not know your aunt. She has had teachers that are the equal of any Imladris has to offer, I include myself in that. Very well, I will judge this contest and make sure it is played fairly.

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