The Rebellious Fate

By SadeeshaFernando

28 0 2

For my entire lifetime, you were just a nobody until I saw that spark in your eyes......... What if you fall... More

Episode 01

28 0 2
By SadeeshaFernando

Kim Hyun Joong -as- Sean Spencer

Jung So Min -as- Riana Ferdinand


The cage was made of iron which was used to sell animals. It may be 3*3" in dimension. But today, it was not occupied by an animal. It was a human...a innocent girl who had to sacrifice herself because of money.

She was inside that cage, like a street dog who was caught and enclosed. Her legs were hurting and she couldn't raise her head. Her hands were handcuffed and couldn't move an inch. She has knelt down inside the cage.

So many people were there. They were shouting. In fact, it's not just shouting, they were bargaining...but it was not just a was not bargain for goods and stuff...they were bargainings for her... for a young beautiful slave... And yes... it was nothing but an auction....

"One Million dollars" she heard someone shouted. They were pricing her without a shame. They were pricing a human, like traders.

"She is young and beautiful. She used to work so she can do anything for you. Not only your household work but anything you wish...Look at her properly...Is it only thousand dollars' worth?" she heard the sound of the auctioneer. Her heart was about burst with the fright. But she was silent... she didn't know how to escape from this... this must be the end of her life...

"Three Million dollars" another richest one's voice came through. Bargaining was not that much difficult if you have money and know the true value of the item you are going to purchase. And, it's really interesting to bargain to buy a beautiful girl as a slave...

"Ten Million dollars" A sudden voice came out. The traders' attention hurriedly transferred to the person who must be a billionaire.

The auction closed without a delay. The door of the cage was opened and two men who dressed completely in black took her out. But, they didn't remove her handcuffs.

"Take her away. Be hurry. We have more items to sell here" Auctioneer instruct them. 'item' ??? yes, she was just an item there...

"Let's go" she heard a voice of the man next to her. But, she sensed that she was unable to stand up. It was like her legs were locked and her bare feet ached a lot.

"Let's carry her" They were so quicker than she imagined. One guy carried her to his shoulder suddenly.

"Please... keep me down...I can walk...keep me down" her efforts were totally effortless. They were still in the hotel. The auction was taken place at the secret floor of the five-star, hotel Tango.

The elevator was going up. The guy who carried her kept her on the elevator floor and stayed behind her. She just understood that they were henchmen who work for the man who bought her.

"Where am I going?" she asked trying to stand up but she failed. She sat on the floor waiting for an answer.

"Please...let me go. This is a misunderstanding. I will pay for the loss. Please let me go" she begged but no answer from those men in black. She threw her glance at the floor charts.

"To 25th floor?" she asked again. The 25th floor is a penthouse of a rich man who lives in this hotel. There were rumors that he's the owner of the hotel but no one knew exactly.

"Have I been sold to the man in the 25th floor?" she asked again leaning to the elevator wall.

The door opened. An attractive fragrance blew into her nose. It must be the penthouse. The guy carried her without any permission again and walked with his subordinate towards the main door. With a trembling scared heart, she remained in silence.

"Excuse me" they opened the door and entered.

"Young master is in his room. You can go in. He is waiting for you" An old looking man instructed. As per his clothes and the uniform, he must be the housekeeper of this penthouse. Carrying her as such, two men in black climbed up the staircase and knocked a beautiful wooden carved door.

"Come In" a male voice came out. They entered the room and kept her on the floor. Without waiting for a minute, they left back while closing the door.

She raised her head to look around. A tall guy with a manly body was standing at a table which was in the corner of the room. His long sleeve white shirt was tucked into the dark shine brown trouser so neatly. His shoes shone like stars and the watch which was on his wrist must be worth more than a thousand dollars. Her eyes caught the large king size bed in the mid of the suite room which made her scared again and again. The furniture in the room was like crystals and the walls have decorated with wooden carvings. It was not just a room but a palace which the large windows faced to the ocean. The night sky was so lonely and the sound of sea waves haunted everywhere.

'Tuk.........Tuk.......... Tuk.........'

His footprints came towards her. She tried to stand up again trying to massaging her own locked legs. But, before that, his feet stopped just in front of her. Her entire body felt like sweating and her heart began to beat like crazy with the fright. She joined her handcuffed hands and thought to beg even without looking at his face.

"Please.... Please......let me go... I will pay for the loss anyhow.... Please...." she begged while kneeling down before the guy.

"How dare you speak to me!"

It was like a roar... She shut her mouth and raised her head to look at the face of the man who bought her for ten million.

A tall young guy with a gorgeous handsome face standing in front of her while frowning. Unbuttoning his cufflinks, he folded the sleeves of his glamourous white shirt up to his elbow. The blue male veins of his arms were clearly visible in her eyes. She stared at his manly face once to beg.

"How dare you look at me!" he roared again. She lowered her head without a second with his roaring.

"Sir! Please... I beg you...please let me go..." she begged again.

"Shut your mouth, you slave!" the lion roared again. His shout made her all words gone dumb.

"Stand-up..." he said again.

With the scare, she felt, her legs got a little strength to stand up but because of the handcuffs on her hand, she couldn't balance her body and fell down again.

The eyes of the young man tend towards the girl on the floor. He noticed how she was struggling to get up. He bent over her and caught her chin suddenly.

"Huh!!!" her eyes raised towards him. They were totally filled with the fright.

"I bought you for ten million dollars. Remember it, you slave" he said looking roughly at her. She remained blankly and frightfully staring at him. he took a small key from his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs at the next minute.

"Stand-up now..." he said strongly standing in front of her. Bearing the ache in her hands and the hurt in her legs, she stood up weakly and lowered her head before him.

"From where did you steal that bracelet?" Pointing his fingers to her right hand where an old red thread bracelet was worn, he asked.

"Huh! I didn't steal, It's mine. I am not a thief..." she said shortly.

"Just answer what I am asking" he roared again. she became silent.

"Give it to me" he commanded.


"Hurry up..." he said roughly.

"It's something important to me" she murmured.

"How dare you talk me back? Give it to me now. The reason I bought someone like you is, this bracelet" His words were so sharp to the point. Shockingly she looked at him. 'he bought me for ten million dollars just because of this old bracelet?' she was totally shocked. He hurriedly caught her hand and pulled the bracelet away from her.

"Ahhhh!!!" with the hurt she screamed. The small gold sequins of the red thread bracelet hurt her skin where the handcuffs hurt her already.

Her hurt didn't bother him. More than anything he was totally focused on the bracelet but his face got withered. 'it's not the one' he murmured himself disappointingly and put it into his pocket and walked towards the bed. He sat on the corner of the bed and threw a deep glance at her.

"Come here" he commanded again. Like a little rabbit, she stepped and stopped. She wanted to ask back the bracelet but at the same time, she knew that it's pointless too. He would never return to her. It was something very special to her. Anyhow, she wanted it back... but, this's not the time...

"Take off your clothes"

His rough male voice shuttered her ears... A thunderstorm trembled her heart. With widened eye-brows and totally shocking expression, she looked at the guy who was freely sat on the bed and remained while staring at her. He threw a wide glance from top to bottom of her body. Her reddened legs and hands caught his attention but he didn't want to bother about them. She has worn a hotel uniform which's the white blouse which tucked into her black short skirt. When his eyes ran through her body, she hurriedly joined her hands embarrassedly. She sensed that he's going to do something to her. Her innocence and purity will be ruined by a stone-hearted rich guy whom she never will meet again.

"Please be mercy on me...Master.... Please......I am not meant to be auctioned like this.... Please let me go..." she begged again. Her eyes were moisture already and she held her tears with much difficulty.

"I bought you for ten million dollars. Right now, you are a slave of mine. Don't you know the meaning of the word 'slave'? do you want me to explain more?" he said with his sharp deep gaze at her.

"Please Master.... Please......"

"Take off your clothes.... Right now,... he roared again.

Her heart thumped with the fright and the helplessness. She greeted her teeth and tightened her fists to overcome the tears but it was just an attempt. They rolled through her cheeks hurriedly than breaths.

"Don't make me do it in my way"

She heard his words again. With the shivering fingers, she caught the buttons of her blouse. His eyes caught her trembling fingers but he remained staring like a statue...

Letting her own tears to fall down, she began to unbutton her top standing in front of an unknown rich guy.

He wanted to see something. Even though the bracelet was not matched, there was something in the body of the person whom he was looking for. He wanted to check that one too. After all, he bought her for ten million dollars. Even though it was just a peanut for him, there must be no one who buys a slave for ten million dollars.

He remained whilst staring at the opening chest of her. Her black bra began to visible in his eyes. He didn't bother with her tears. He didn't care about her sighs. Only he wanted to see the thing which he wanted to see from her. When all the buttons were opened he stood up from the bed and walked to her. He noticed the shiver on her fingers and her arms. He knew she was scared but he didn't want to bother about it. Stopping in front of her, he caught both front sides of the blouse and opened them fully until he was able to see her half-naked chest totally.

Her eyes closed tightly. Her breath skipped and tears fell down freshly. And she didn't know what will happen to her from this moment onward. But, when the silence was spreading, she opened her eyes and threw a glance at him. He was just staring at her opened chest without touching her. His face was confused and looked defeated. The edge of his eye-brows was joining together with the curiosity of his face.

Suddenly he raised his head and stared at her. Her scared and helpless eyes caught his sight at the same moment. He knew he was wrong. He wasted ten million dollars for nothing. It's all because of the bracelet she wore. A slight anger just rose within him. and at the same time, something just hit his thoughts.

'A half-naked girl is just in front of me and I bought her with my money'

His sharp gaze became deeper and noticed the innocent lamb before the fierce lion. She sensed he was about to make a move with her...

'Huh!!!!' Taking a step, he carried her in the bridal style at once and threw her to the middle of his bed.

"Huh!!!!" her shocking sigh just flew away from her mouth. Hurriedly walking by his knees and middling her on the bed, he caught her arms and buried them tightly to the mattress without letting her move while tightening her legs from his.

"Please...please.... don't do this to me.... Please don't do this to me......Please......" She wept because it was the only thing which she could do. His eyes found her cry and the tears fell from her eyes. But, the opened chest of a young girl was just in front of him and it made him go wild in his young blood. When the sexual tension was building up within him, he bent down to her blossoms while tightly holding her hands to the mattress.

"I beg you, sir, please don't do this to me... I want to go back to my poor father as the same daughter of him.... he must be waiting for me Sir.... Please let me go.... And...when my brother comes home, I want to see him just as his pure sister who always loved him so dearly.... therefore, please don't do this to me......Please, I beg you......"

He raised his head. His eyes found her teary eyes. His young heart was in a tension. He was in a bed with a girl. He doesn't have feelings for this least he doesn't know the name of her...But, he's a man...A young man.... His entire body was asking him to do 'it' with her. But, he didn't want it to be a rape... He must be arrogant and stubborn to the death but he's not a rapist... He has not been rejected by any woman so far...he has been someone who had a higher demand among the women so far...But..........this girl..........!!! After all, it's his money. He paid for her. Even though his purpose was different, now she was just under his young blood.


"Do you that much hate it?"

He asked looking at those teary eyes. She looked at those eyes. It was the moment she was able to see him clearly. There cannot be any woman who refuses someone like him. for the fortunate or unfortunate, it was her who amazed him with her refusion. She was unable to answer him...but, her eyes were speaking to him so clear... They were filled with a fear and a helplessness...

He couldn't... he couldn't make himself to move forward anymore. 'Sean Spencer' who's the millionaire of the year, the stubborn, rich, arrogant, sexy, stone-heart and rude young man, just surrendered for something which even he didn't know in front of a slave who was just bought by him.

He released his grip on her hands and focused on her eyes. Those scary, teary red eyes were begging him to release her. He remembered someone...and something happened twenty years back.... And his feet just raised and jumped away from her.

Like in a dream, she sat on the bed. She was able to see his handsome back. He remained sitting facing his back to her.

"You are a waste of my money..." he said suddenly turning back to her. His voice was rude and tough. Frightfully, she caught the open sides of her blouse and gave a huge attempt to cover her chest from his eyes.

"But, remember this... I bought you for ten million dollars. Therefore, you belong to me" passing a glance slightly towards her half-opened chest, he said arrogantly looking at her eyes.

While she was shockingly and frightfully staring at him, he stood up from the bed and stepped towards the door.

"What's your name?" he asked turning back once.

"R...R.....Riana Ferdinand" her innocent murmur just mix to the air and came to him.

"Clean my room" his response was totally different from others. The door was closed and he disappeared from her sight. Like someone who woke up from a dream, she stayed the same on his king size bed without moving an inch.

A moment ago, he was going to do something to her. She saw the tension in his eyes which made her scared for the life and it took her breath away. But, what has just happened? 'God must have looked at me...' she thought lonely. Adjusting her clothes and buttoning her blouse, she jumped out from his bed and sat on the floor. Even though he left, the entire room was fragrant from the scent of his expensive male perfume.

Her hands and legs were aching a lot. And more than that, her heart was hurting enormously. What will be the life after this moment? Will I have to live as a slave to this man forever? Even somehow, I paid for the loss I made to the hotel which I used to work, how on earth I pay ten million dollars to this man ever and get released? Does that mean I will be stuck forever here? What about my father? He may be waiting for me now... He may think that I am in my night duty today... but if I won't be able to go home tomorrow, then what will he do? Will he go to the hotel to find me? If he ever gets to know that I have been sold like this, he will die with the shock... And my brother.... when he comes on earth would I face him? How can I see his face? Will he be disappointed about me?

What should I do now? What should I do?

And this man, even though he released me today, who knows what he will do to me in the next time? What if he sells me again to get his money? Then, what will happen to me?

When the fresh tears were flowing down without knowing what kind of a fate was waving at her right then, Riana covered her face with her both hands and began to weep like a crazy.


-Twenty Years ago-


'My mom taught me, all these words in different languages means 'brother'. If you don't like me to say 'brother' to you, then should I tell one of these words?' the small girl who was around seven years old asked showing an old book which she has written something.

'Don't bother me. I am busy' the boy who was around ten years old didn't pay any attention to her words. He was fixing his cycle sitting on the ground.

'In Hindi, they call 'Bhai', in Korean, they call 'Oppa' and in Sinhala, they call 'Ayya'.... Which one you like?' she came next to him and sat on the ground. The boy didn't care about her.

'Then, shall I call you 'Oppa'? since your name also starts with 'O', I will call you 'Oppa' instead of 'brother'....' She was murmuring alone.

'How come I am your brother? Stop nonsense. Go home. Don't follow me' The boy rejected her and got into the cycle. He saw how the little girl's face has gone withered.

'My mom said, we will be brother and sister, so soon' she said looking at his arrogant face.

'I don't care what your mom plans, but you will never be my sister' he said rudely to her. She bit her own under the lip and remained looking at him with a crying face.

'Go home and stop bothering me' he said again.

'Can I ride with you?' changing her little mind one to one, she stepped to him and caught the handle of the cycle.

'Why should I ride with you?' he asked looking at her.

'I have never ridden a cycle. Because my legs are short, my mom told me not to try it' she said rubbing the cycle hand. The boy remained a while, thinking and staring at her. He felt pity a little for the girl.

'Hmmm... then get in' she heard his words like in a dream.

'Really?' her cute little smile spread all over her face. He remained while looking at her. She came around and sat on the bar and hold her hands on the front bar. He began to ride the cycle. The breeze which came from the paddy fields was so cool and refreshing.

'I really like you....' The small boy heard her voice.

'What?' he asked while riding.

'I really like my Oppa...and I will forever like you, my Oppa...' she shouted to the air when the cycle was going across the wind.

-----End of Flashback-----------


"Huh!!!" She opened her eyes suddenly with the sound of a door. 'I must be dreaming' she thought while recalling the dream she saw. 'It's not a dream, it's a memory of mine' she thought again. Her eyes caught a shining pair of shoes just in front of her knee. Quickly she raised her head and looked above.

"Huh!!!!" he was looking at her carelessly who was still sitting on the floor. Riana hurriedly got up and lowered her head. She rapidly recalled what he tried to do to her a while ago.

"Did you clean my room?" she heard his voice. she got scared because she has fallen sleep even without her knowledge.

"I am sorry. I will do it now"

"How could you ignore your first duty and sleep here?" he roared again.

"I am really sorry. I will do it fast..." she murmured with a scare.

"No. Stop". Frightfully she turned back and stared. Her heart began to thump with a scare. 'Will he again......??????'

"I have a good idea. A very good idea how to use you effectively for me?" he said deeply staring at her.

"Huh!!!" He took a small walky-talky from his pocket and pressed a button.

"Ask the nurse to come" he ordered. Without being able to understand what's going on Riana remained like a statue. He sat on the bed freely and looked at her. Riana noticed his sharp gaze towards her. It was like lazars. She looked down. The minutes were passing in an awkward silence. Sean's gaze was sharp at her. Since he bought her for a huge money, at least he should have earned something from her. He recalled the fresh contract he was about to enter with 'Gold partners' tomorrow.

"Treat her properly" when the nurse came in, he ordered like a boss.

"Yes, sir"

Dragging a chair in the corner of the room, the nurse instructed her to sit. Washing her light wounds and scratch marks, she put the ointments on her hands and on her aching feet. When nurse lifted up her skirt to see her knees, her eyes automatically transferred to him. As expected he was looking at her silently. At the moment, their eyes met, Riana hurriedly placed her hands on her naked thighs to cover them from him. Realizing what she did, a sarcastic and an irritated smile drew on his handsome face. Standing up from the bed, he walked towards the large window and opened the curtain to see the midnight ocean. Taking his brand-new phone, he dialed a number.

"This is Sean. What about the Grandpa?" he asked from the other end.

"I couldn't find yet. I am in the process" he answered such.

"Mr. Lee, will you inform him to be patient. Because it's not that much easy to find people as he thinks"

With an irritated feeling, he disconnected the line and turned back. The nurse was there waiting for him.

"It's done, sir..." she said.

"You can leave" he bossed while stepping towards her.

"It's been few hours. Have you already forgotten?" Riana stood up from the chair at once. She sensed that something's wrong.

"You are my slave" he walked to her and bent over.

"How dare you being shy and protective in front of me?" he roared again.

"Huh!!!" she was unable to realize what he was talking about.

"A slave means someone who let her master do anything. So, I don't want your permission to look at you or use you. Just because you covered your legs from me, it doesn't mean I cannot touch you understand? You belong to me..." he roared to tame her.

"I didn't cover my legs from you because I forgot that I was sold to you. I did it because I am a girl"

Looking at his manly eyes once she murmured frightfully. Something stuck in his throat at once. He didn't expect an answer from her like that. Pretending his nervousness and coming back to his original way, he woke up his voice.

"How dare you talk back to me?" the lion roared again.

"I am sorry" the lamb trembled.

"Don't talk back to me. Don't look back at me. Don't ask questions. Just answer what I ask. And for most of the time, your answers would be 'Yes and OK'... do you understand?"

"Yes, sir" she muttered lowering her head. More than the wounds, her heart was aching. To the point she feels like ending her life, her heart ached a lot. There will be no going back to her original life. 'Slave!' that's the word she needed to remember from here onward.

"Now go and fill the bathtub. I need to take a wash" he ordered.

"Ok Sir" Riana walked away from him.

She walked through his suite room and entered the large bathroom which she has ever seen. She turned the tap on and sat on the edge of the huge bathtub until it fills. She felt so weak in her body. Since yesterday night, since the unfortunate incident happened to her and she was caught and sold at the auction, she has not eaten anything. She looked at her hands where the handcuffs hurt her and her legs which were hurt because of the cage and the feet which were aching because of walking without slippers. The ointments made her felt a bit good but, her emotions have ached more than anything.

While looking at the filling bathtub, she touched her own chest. A few hours ago, she opened her blouse to a man to whom at least even she doesn't know the name. Tightly holding her chest, she let the tears fell down once again. A sudden severe headache spread all over her head and she felt like getting weakened in the entire body. When the entire bathroom was getting blotted and darkened in her sight, cracking her balance on the edge of the bathtub, she fell down to the tub and drowned in the water.


TO BE CONTINUED...........................


Hi all, I am here again with a new story... it is totally different from others... it will be totally rebellious :)

Feel free to upvote, comment and share the story with your friends...

I suggest you predict the next movement as always... Stay tuned and hang on always......

I will look forward to seeing the comments of all of you.....

See you all with the next update soon............


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