There's Another Bionic 2: Her...

By horsesrmylife12

8.4K 175 128

We thought it was over, But it's just beginning... More

There's Another Bionic 2: Here We Go Again!
Chapter 2: Bloody Noses and Rocket Chairs
Chapter 3: Dun Dun Duunn
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6: The Date Hijackers
Chapter 7: Bionic Battles and Newlabistan
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: WHAT'S GOING ON?! (Part 1)
Chapter 10: WHAT'S GOING ON?! ( Part 2)
Chapter 11:
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Macie the Manager
Chapter 19: Saving Chase
Chapter 20: Geeks...
Chapter 21: Ah. The Wonderful World of Award Shows...
Chapter 22: Circles.
Chapter 23: Dreams
Chapter 24: Recovery

Chapter 12

215 8 10
By horsesrmylife12

"How's Australia?" I ask. "Good. I miss you guys." Bree smiles. "We miss you too! Well Chase and Adam do. I have Skype." I laugh.

"I come home in 3 months!" She smiles. "We almost died in a fire yesterday." I tell her. Her expression falls. "What?"

"Yeah. Davenport sent Adam, Chase, and I to a 5 alarm fire at a chemical plant and the building collapsed. We barely made it out alive." I explain. "Oh my god. Macie I'm so sorry." She sighs. I shake my head. "It's fine." I smile.

She sighs. "Who's that?" I hear a girl ask. "I have to go." She whispers and hangs up.

My phone rings and I pick it up. "Chase-" "Macie you have to get down here now." He pants and hangs up. I look at my phone funny and teleport.

I land in the lab where 6 feds stand. "Oh man not again!" I exclaim. They turn to look at me. "Miss we need to wand you." The fed says. I shrug. They quickly do the wandy thingie and it goes off on my chip. "Bionic. Just as I thought." The wand guy says.

"Macie over here." Chase calls me over to a computer. "Are we getting arrested?" I whisper. "No, something more serious." Chase replies, nodding to his computer. "Douglas attacked the pentagon." Marcus explains. "And he stole all of the weapons, including the most dangerous combat robot on earth." The general says. "Wait. Does the president know about this?" I ask.

"No." He replies. "Good." I smile. "We need you to help us. This could very well turn into a world war." He sighs. "I'll let you in on a secret." I say cautiously. Chase does a scan for a hidden camera, then we tell him about Stephen.

"Can you get that kid over here?" General asks. I nod and text him.

Stephen can you come over?

He texts me back. Yes

See you in a few.

"He's coming over sir." I tell General. He thanks me and turns back to his soldiers. I sit on a stool and watch him. I look at my phone and read my iBook. The general leaves with Davenport to another room.

Chase leans over and kisses my cheek. "You're just so cute!" He giggles. I smile and look at the floor. "Why do you always do that?" He asks. I don't answer him.

He stands up and I do the same. We lace our fingers together and he rests his forehead against mine. "I love you." He beams. I lean up to kiss him.

"Okay that's never going to come out of my mind." Leo whines. I look over to see everyone looking at us. I blush and jump away. "Leo you have 3 seconds to run." Chase warns. "Huh?" Leo asks. Chase super speeds over and pounces on Leo.

"Oh leave them alone Dooley. I think it's cute." The General smiles. I just stand there, too shocked and weirded out to know what to do. "Sir what are we going to do?" I ask. Stephen casually walks in tapping away at his phone. Everyone points a gun to his head. He looks at me with wide eyes and screams a little. "What's going on?" He asks in a small voice.

"It's okay. That's Stephen." I call. They drop the weapons and he runs over to me like a scared puppy. He even clings to me! "Alright kid. What do we need to know about Douglas?" General asks. Stephen starts talking.

My dad motions for me to come to him. "What's up?" I ask. "I made new combat suits. They will make you indestructible against Douglas's army." He says. I nod.

"Whoa! Okay! I came to have a good time, and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now!" Stephen whines. I giggle.

"Okay then, we can lock you up in a lab if you don't want to-" "OKAY!" He screams.

Chase stands behind me and we watch them wand him.


After they sort everything out with Stephen, the doorbell rings. "Oh. That's the kid I'm tutoring." Chase says, going to the elevator. I teleport behind a pillar and watch him intently. A girl is at the door. I growl quietly. "Hey Sabrina!" He grins. "Hi Chase!" She exclaims.

"Okay so everyone is busy down in the lab. So let's get started." He says. They sit on the couch and she pulls out a binder. I flash down to the lab again and kidnap Adam. "Macie what-" I shush him. "Chase it out there with another girl. We need to spy." I hiss, thrusting an invisibility cloak at him.

We stop behind the couch and observe. Sabrina smiles and curls up closer to Chase. I narrow my eyes.

3 hours and 47 TEDIOUS minutes later, they are done building the molecular structure.

"Okay. I'll see you next time." Chase says, getting up and going to the door. "I'm not leaving yet!" She exclaims. "Oh you want to work on Thursday's homework too!" He grins. "No I mean I want to hang out." She tells him. He looks at her shocked.

"Okay?" He says like a question. "I'll get the Chemistry videos." He walks away. I flash Adam to my bedroom and he screams in terror. "Would you stop doing that?!" He whines.

"She is trying to steal my boyfriend!" I yell. "Macie calm down." Adam says. I blast the target on the wall next to him. "Okay stay stressed!" He says defensivley.

"We need a plan." I mutter. "I like where this is going." Adam smiles.


I hide in the shadows. "Chase?" I yell. "That's my girlfriend. You'll have to leave now." He tells her. A door closes and I walk out. "Hey Macie!" He grins. "Was there a girl here?" I ask. "Just Sabrina. I'm her chemistry tutor." He smiles. "Okay. Love you." I smile fakely. I know she's in the closet. I did a thermal scan.

I make sure to give him the biggest, steamiest, kiss before walking out of the room in anger. A door opens, and I hear the blonde girl again.

"Go for it Adam." I nod. He fires a laser at them. Sabrina screams. I bite my lip to stay quiet. He keeps shooting.

Next I put the invisibility cloak on and make a storm cloud above her head. She screams again. "Guys stop!" Chase yells. "What's going on?" The blonde brat asks. "Our house it haunted." Chase lies.

"I'm scared." She says, snuggling closer to him. He tenses up. What she does next really sets me off. SHE KISSES HIM! His eyes widen as he shoves her off. "Are you nuts?! I have a girlfriend!" He shouts.

"She doesn't have to know." Sabrina murmurs. I grit my teeth. I shoot the stun lasers out of my hand at her and she goes limp. "BOOYAH!" I yell and pull off the cloak. Adam does the same. "Perfect shot!" He laughs, high fiving me.

"Macie! Did you kill her?!" Chase squeals. "No they were set to st- oh man." I gasp. Chase screams. "THE FEDS ARE DOWN STAIRS!!"

"I'm sorry! I thought they were on stun!" I yell. "MACIE!" He squeaks. Adam and I burst out laughing. "YOU JUST GOT PUNKED!" I smirk. He groans. "Well get out of here before she wakes up." He says. "Uh no. She crossed the boundry. She needs to learn how to keep her paws off." I growl.

"I can handle her." He tells me. I stalk off with a new plan.


Chase's POV

Sabrina leans in an kisses me. I really don't like her. Macie runs in sobbing. "IT IS TRUE!" She screams. "WE ARE DONE CHASE DAVENPORT!" Then she runs out of the room sobbing. "Macie wait." I start, running after her. She just runs too fast for me.

"Shouldn't you go after her?" Sabrina asks. I look at her and put my head in my hands. 20 minutes later, the lights go out and Sabrina screams. I hear Macie scream bloody murder and she goes quiet.

"M-Macie?" I stutter. Creepy music plays as the moonlight sheds on a gruesome scene. A creepy zombie is holding a dead Macie in his arms. She's covered in blood and hanging limp. I hold back a sob. Another zombie appears behind us, and another comes up from behind the couch. I scream and so does Sabrina.

But instead of eating us, the zombies lay down Macie and walk away. I can barely look at her. But even with her throat ripped out, she looks beautiful.

I crouch down beside her and start sobbing. "I'm so sorry Macie." I croak out. Then i hold her and cry. A ghost of her comes up out of nowhere. "Chase... I love you." She sings. "Macie. What happened?" I ask. "I love you. Don't forget that. I hope you can love Sabrina as much as I loved you." She whispers.

"But I don't like Sabrina! She came onto me!" I bawl. Sabrina leaves as the ghost comes closer. "Guess what?" She whipers? I lean in closer. "Boo." The body exclaims. I drop her and scream. Then I run out the door.

Macie's POV

Heheha suckas!

I get up and high five Adam just as the army comes up with our dads and Chase runs in with a priest. He is screaming "DEMONS DEMONS!"

I burst out laughing and look to Adam. "What in tarnation?!" The general squeals. "HAPPY HALLOWEEN HOMIES!" I scream. Chase stops chanting and gives me a glare. "Are you kidding me? I HAVE A FUNERAL IN 6 MINUTES!" The priest yells, walking out the door. 

I look after him with a confused glance.

"Next time, don't go kissing other girls." I smirk. "I'm sorry Chase." Adam says. "You're forgiven. Now can you help me get this knife out of my back?" He asks turning around. 

Adam screams in terror and starts running before I can even comprehede anything. 

And that's how the 2014 Halloween prank war started. SOS!

A/N: Wow I suddenly realized I haven't updated this story in 3 months... Hehe... Oopsie.



Lol I'm sitting here and I'm totally lip syncing A Love Like War and everyone is staring at me... #sorrynotsorry

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