Umbra Castle (BxB)

By Tonymug

75 3 3

The truth is this: every monster you have met or will ever meet was once a human being with a soul that was... More


Chapter 1

38 1 2
By Tonymug

First Chapter Plz Im sorry if its suck I really am. Our Character Áedán, Anthony Pacheco thats AKA ME Lay off I want to be in my Fantasy World


I feel cold, like it's cutting my skin cold. As I open my eyes to wakeup and try to comprehend Why I am this cold. I notice I'm in a Corridor, Im surrounded by torches. Getting up from the floor I look around and Its a corridor with no end, I can only see the Line of Torches.

Walking to the wall and take a torch, Walking slowly looking back and forth to see if I see a door or a Another corridor, Then I heart it (Laughter) that deep laughter, makes my skin crawl. I look back And forth and anything, picking my pace, I heard it again but this time closer. Looking back Its the same no one I look forward and nothing but the laughter Sounds closer and closer.

Running Im definitely Running. I hear a whisper like it was said close to my ear so low that It had to be next to me to heart. "I'll find you soon enough" I stoped, looked around swinging the torch left and right so fast That my torch can lose its flames. Someone grabs my shoulder and whispered again "I will Find you" as it Bites my neck.

"Ahhhhhhhhh get of me! Get Of me! Stop!!" I feel someones hand touch me and I Screamed not hearing what they where saying.

"Áedán stop! it was just a Nightmare, your safe..... It was just a nightmare, Its me, open your eyes its me." Carefully As I open them I see my dad scared expresión . My eyes started to tear up as I hugged him. "Im sorry dad I am so sorry" he holds me and kisses my cheek backing away, he looks at me "It's alright Áedán don't cry it gonna be alright. Don't shed anymore tears ok"  as he is whipping my tears with his thumb.

"I really am sorry for this dad" I looked at him and I saw his dark circles, he looked so restless, it's all my fault,been waking him all week With the same nightmare. "It's Fine son I just panic every time I hear your screams in the middle of the night. I panic thinking that something took you to" I look at my hands thinking of that day that Rose Disappeared. Nobody know what took her 12 years ago. I was 6 and she was 10, we where playing in the back yard when suddenly something came out of no where and took her I only heard her screams and My Fathers screaming her name.

"Dad Its gonna be alright, nothing is gonna happen to me. And lets go to sleep. Its my first day tomorrow and Im exited as to see what their like" he nodded and messed with my hair and went to the door, he looks back at me with a scared smile "Please Be careful when you leave. You don't know what they are capable off." I smiled and went to bed "Just like humans dad, just like humans. Goodnight!" He closed The Door and I stared out my window looking at the Beautiful Full moon.just as I was closing my eyes I heard howls coming from all around, and Took me to a deeper sleep.

*Alarm* Alarm* Alarm* Alarm*

I pickup my phone and looked at the Time and mentally slapped my self. Getting up and running to the bathroom to shower Its my first day at Umbra Castle. Its like your normal Collage except well the students are all Different.

If you are asking yourself how different, well let me explain.

Us humans are no longer the only Intelligent species nor on top of the food chain. Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids, Imps, Oni, Fairy, Elves, Witches, Demons, Angels and every other creature their is out their. Now coexist with us humans. Even the Loch Ness Monster exist. In the Medieval Era they where Living among humans, then they kept secrecy for each species that existed. Back in 1910 they slowly started to re emerged with the human world and since then they have with us humans in peace. They are still People that Hate them, discriminate or just wish they where all dead, but the law protects all of them.

I on the other hand I'm frightened because Umbra castle Is for rich kids not anyone can go, I got a scholarship and had great grades and was accepted to Umbra.

I got out of my shower and went to my room when All of the sudden I hear screams. Covering my ears the I hear squeal. "Akira shut up, your gonna make me deaf" Elion goes to shut Akira's mouth before I get any real damage to my ear drums. "Thanks Elion, when did u guys get here?"

"Elion and me have been here like 20 minutes" I nodded and Look at them and the the door. They stayed their looking at me "Aren't you to getting out I need to get dressed"

Elion took Akira's hand and went out the door. Honestly I love those two. Elion being an elf and Akira being a Oni. They Look so similar except that Elion is Tall and Skinny with white Hair and pointy ears and a Very strong Jaw and deep voice and dress elegant, While Akira is Small, Skinny, with grey hair and horns pointy ears and a loud fashion sense and petite face.

I finished and went downstairs where they where waiting with my bags, Dad was next to them with a big smile but sad eyes. "Dad Don't cry Im just gonna be a few hours away."I hugged him and gave him a Kiss on the cheek. "I know you will but Your my only baby boy....... Be careful and Don't be afraid call if anything happens ok" That my dad always worried about me. "Boys here something for the long trip." Dad gave us some bowls with food. "Elion I made you some of my Pumpkin bread that you love with some Blueberry tea. Akira I made you some lemon salmon with seaweeds soup and Lemon Tea. And Áedán I made you some french toast." The guys Smiled and gave dad a hug and say they where very thankful and went to the Car with my bags. I gave dad a last hug and went to the car.

Akira:"What you thinks its gonna be like in Umbra Castle" while eating his salmon.

Elion: "My Dad says its the best their is even when the corridors are long and the only thing lighting the castles are torches, he says its still the finest University their is"

Áedán: "Well lets get going, can't wait to see whats waiting for us" in the back of my mind I was scared and the only thing I remember it that whisper (I will find you).

Heyy guys thanks for the support plz give me feed back u loved it hate it I don't care just let me know. My English writing is not muy bueno but Im hanging In their hahaha Like the story share it if you guys liked it Thanks everyone ❤️❤️

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