ARRIVAL ; seokhui


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seokmin was excited to see his boyfriend again after two long months apart. //one shot More



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seokmin couldn't stop jumping around all morning. finally, he was going to see junhui after the two months in china where he was helping out his family. his father had fallen ill and junhui went back to his homeland to get the family business back on track.

facetime was the couple's best friend for those couple of months and not once did the two not long for one another.

they missed each other so much to the point where it drove them both crazy. seokmin missed being in junhui's arms and the gentle but secure way he would always hold him. junhui missed seokmin's warming smile and how his mere touch could send his heart racing.

now, the long wait was over as seokmin stood outside of the gate with an anticipating smile. he held back an excited squeal when the first people came out.


junhui craned his neck, finding it sore due to the way he fell asleep on the plane. he yawned a little behind his hand and continued to lug his suitcase behind him as he exited the terminal. junhui looked around eagerly when walking through the gate until his eyes finally settled on a specific someone.

they both instantly smiled when their eyes met.

junhui picked up his pace though he didn't really need to as seokmin as already running up to the older at top speed. junhui was slightly afraid that they would both topple over due to the force seokmin would accumulate if they were to collide.

regardless, junhui stood with his arms open which allowed seokmin to fall into them and messily initiate a sweet kiss. junhui laughed loudly when they indeed, stumbled a little due to the force of seokmin's approach.

the kiss was fucking magical. seokmin melted right into and felt as if he wasn't even in control of his body anymore. he had almost forgotten how weak junhui made him feel. he was a powerful man in that sense. seokmin was like goddamn putty in his hands and he really didn't mind. junhui's bottled up passion of two months was pouring out into the first kiss they had shared since their last face to face meeting. seokmin's hands found their way to junhui's hair and he chuckled lightly when junhui pulled away and peppered mini kisses all over his neck.

the younger sighed contently. he had missed this so much and so had junhui. the older soon leaned his head against seokmin's. they both couldn't stop smiling.

'i missed you so much, holy shit' seokmin murmured, the words coming out airily. junhui squeezed his boyfriend's body a little tighter.

'i missed you too, min' he said back, meaning every word.

they stayed in that embrace a little while longer until they decided to get back home as soon as possible and spend the rest of the day wrapped up in each other's company.


seokmin pushed the heavy door of their apartment open and tossed the keys onto the couch. junhui inhaled deeply, missing the scent of rose and vanilla which had a deep connection to seokmin; he loved those scents. junhui has grown accustom to them seeing as seokmin would always light vanilla and rose scented candles. now, everything they owned had the distinct musk attached to it.

junhui pushed his suitcase away, deciding to unpack later on and instead grabbed seokmin's hand and dragged him off to the bedroom. seokmin couldn't help but just stumble after the older.

letting out a tired groan, junhui collapsed onto the well made bed, too tired to even think about changing out of his jeans. seokmin grinned fondly at his hyung as he took off his own denim jacket, throwing it onto a chair. junhui then slipped into the thick covers, motioning seokmin to come and join him. and how could he say no to that face?

seokmin gladly did so, shivering at the sudden change of temperature. it was so warm under the covers but it was a different kind of warmth. it was probably because junhui was finally there with him. it was more content and cozy. seokmin grabbed hold of junhui's strong arm and snaked them around his body.

junhui just chuckled at that, his eyes closed as he himself was slowly fading into slumber.

'this is good' seokmin decided and whispered.

the chinese man let out a sleepy hum of agreement and nodded his head quite slowly. their legs began to entangle. seokmin shut his eyes too and only listened to the soft beat of junhui's heart. it eased him.

'love you' junhui announced in a hushed voice, fatigue clearly evident.

seokmin smiles and kissed his jaw, admiring his beauty. he had already drifted off to sleep. seokmin decide that he would do the same.

'love you too' he replied.

//it's so incredibly cliche to end a fluffy one shot when they both exchange i love yous but whatever i do what i want 🤠✊

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