By The Rules

By 400_SoKold

44.7K 2.2K 335

Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... More



2.6K 123 28
By 400_SoKold

two weeks later


Fluffing my hair in the mirror, I run my fingers through my curls and turn to make sure I got every piece of hair. It's Christmas Day and I'm off of work for the night. The past few days have gone good for me. I got the job at Ruth's Chris and it's going well for my first week. The pay is good and the environment is way less hectic. I like it there so far.  After fixing my hair, I look at my fit again and shake my head. This isn't anything you'd wear to meet someone's family. I travel over to the drawer and look through it for a shirt. With all the clothing I buy, I should have something. Not finding anything particular, I head to my closet and look through the shelves and racks. All my shirts were either tight fitting or something I wasn't in the mood for. Getting agitated, I sit on the floor and groan laying my head back on the shelf.

Narrowing my brows, I witness the sky blue colored gift wrap with snowmen printed on it. Standing to my feet, I travel over towards it and grab it. It's the gift my mother gave me when I went to see her two weeks ago. She told me not to open it until today, and I haven't done so. Neatly unwrapping the gift, I open the box and smile at the cream white and gold turtle neck sweater. The top is a cream white with specks of gold glitter that are woven between the fabric, leading to the gold material at the bottom of the sweater and sleeves. I never seen anything like it, but this is definitely something I would wear. My mother use to make all our clothing, with dreams of being a fashion designer. Everyone use to think we were wearing designer clothes, but we weren't. Even my father wore her designs, hoping one day she would let him buy her a shop to fulfill her dreams. My mother was too independent for that. She rather do it on her own, which she did. Taking off my button up, I put on the sweater as my phone rang. Grabbing my phone off the bed, I see who it is and answer it.

"Yo, I'm on my way." He says.

"Ok, just honk the horn when you're outside." I tell him, grabbing my jacket, purse and overnight bag. I leave out room and lock the door, closing it behind me.

"Ard, and don't forget my watch." He says.

"It's already in my bag. I'll see you when you get here." I hang up and jog down the steps to the living room. I witness Tristan in the kitchen, placing food on the counter. It's seven o'clock which means his guest we'll be arriving soon. His family is coming over for the first time to have Christmas dinner. Tristan never cooks, but the way this house is smelling right now has me shook. Let me find out this man can cook. However, just because it smells good doesn't mean it taste good. I place my purse on the couch and put on my beige peacoat, pushing my arms through the sleeves.

"Damn, you clean up nice." Tristan comments, causing me to laugh and smack my lips.

"You tried it. You like it though?" I question, walking an imaginary runway and ending with a turn when I get to the counter.

"Fierce." He snaps playfully. I hit his arm playfully while traveling to the cabinet.

"You gotta chill. Who's all coming tonight?" I question, grabbing the two bottles of liquor I bought earlier.

"My mom and pop, a few cousins, some aunts and some uncles." He shrugs. I nod while turning to face him.

"Sounds like fun." Tristan scoffs while shaking his head.

"If you know my parents, then you know that nothing is fun. You going out tonight?" He decides to question.

"Yes, meeting the parents." I inform, putting the bottles of liquor in my purse.

"Mm. Sounds like you're going to have a ball." Tristan says sarcastically.

"I just hope everything goes as well." I mumble to my self while buttoning up my coat. When meeting someone family, we all know how it can go. Either good or bad, but you mostly hope good. I never met any guys family I was talking too or dating, so this is new for me. I'm nervous as hell but I know how to hold my own. Hearing a horn honk outside, I grab my bags and wish Tristan a Merry Christmas. He tells me to do the same as I leave out and close the door behind me. Traveling down the steps, I get to the entrance and leave out. When I approach the car, I grab the handle to open the door but it's locked. I lean to view and knock on the window seeing he's deep in his phone. He presses the button without looking and I open the door, exhaling deeply while extending my bag to him.

"What?" He questions unbothered. I roll my eyes while throwing the bag in the back.

"I was handing it to you to sit it in the backseat, but never mind. I forgot who I was with for a second." I mumble, getting in the car.

"Oh my fault." He says, taking off. You can say I was use to Buddha's gentleman ways. Although I have to remember, I not with him tonight I'm with Malachi. Buddha did invite me to dinner, and I told him I'd think about it. As soon as I stepped in the door that night, Malachi called me. I was told many of times to block his number or ignore him because he cheated. After hearing him out, I decided to give him another chance. Malachi is a really nice guy and I want to be with someone different from my past. He's a regular guy, unlike the so called wanna be thugs and drug dealers I called myself dating. Malachi is a twenty-five year old college major, wanting to do something with his life. He has his own place, a job, cars and money. He can be a pain in my ass sometimes, but he always finds ways to make up for it.

"You ard?" Malachi questions as I keep my attention out the window in deep thought.

"Adela?" Malachi calls again.

"Where are we going?" I question, turning my attention towards him. He scoffs a laugh while shaking his head.

"Just sit back and relax." He says to me. I jolt my head back amused.

"I can't if I don't know where you're taking me. This is a different route to go your place." I inform.

"I know, because we're not going to my place. We're going to my parent's house." Nodding, I raise my brows a bit and relax them.

"Oh." I respond.

"That's ok with you?" He questions.

"Yea, that's fine." I shrug, putting my attention back towards the window. I really thought that we were having dinner at his place. Meeting someone else's family at their home is one thing, but to actually go to the parents house is a whole different story. I'm even more nervous now but I'm going to hold my own. After a twenty minute ride, we arrive to his parents place. I look up at the tall building as he parks the car and cuts the engine. I look up and down the block, seeing that we aren't in the hood anymore. This is definitely something I wasn't expecting. Especially not this big ass house.

"We're here." Malachi says while opening the door for me. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car.

"Where exactly is here?" I question. Malachi hands me my purse and  laughs a little.

"We're here in TriBeCa, where my parents reside." He says, taking my hand as he closes the door to his car. Once he locks it, Malachi leads the way to the entrance. When we enter, I knit my brows to the decor and many flights of stairs in front of us. It's like a loft and a mansion all in one.

"What do your parents do again?" I question as if he ever told me. Malachi barely ever talked about his parents. I never talk to him about my parents either, but I have my valid reasons. We board the elevator and Malachi presses the button to the the fifth floor. The doors close and the elevator begins to lift.

"My father is a business owner and my mother is a photographer. She's taken pictures for Vogue, National Geographic, Time Magazine and Forbes." He shrugs. I raise my brows impressed as the elevator slowly comes to a stop.

"Wow. That's some kind of résumé." The doors open and we exit onto the floor. Examining the room, I didn't see any Christmas decorations but they're a lot of people here. Everyone is dressed in designer gowns and suits, while Malachi and I are dressed in casual jeans and sweaters. This looks more like a business event than a family dinner.

"Good evening Malachi. May I take you and your guest jackets and hang them up?" A well dressed butler questions. Malachi shakes his head while taking off his jacket.

"No, I got it. Thank you." The butler walks off as I take off my jacket and hand my purse to him. He tells me that he'll be back and I nod, standing by my lonesome awkwardly when he leaves. A server with a tray of drinks stops in front of me while smiling. I smile back a little confused.

"Hi." I greet.

"Hello ma'am. Would you like a glass of Dom Pérignon Rosé?" She questions. I take one and chuckle lightly.

"Thank you." She walks off as I take a few sips and continue to eye the place. When I see a familiar face, I knit my brows a bit. Flashes of him and my father meeting enter my memory. He's a tall caramel colored gentleman with a muscular physique. He looks to be in his late twenty's early thirty's, with a thin mustache and a full goatee. Sipping more of my drink, I feel around my pockets for my phone. That's when I realized I left it in my purse. I smack my lips, feeling a hand land on my lower back. I grab the other guy's attention and quickly turn to Malachi who smirks.

"Damn we ain't been here but five minutes and you got a drink already?" He questions. I smack my lips and playfully shove him.

"Shut up. I was actually asked if I wanted the drink, thank you." I sass as he pulls me towards him while wrapping his arms around my waist. I place one hand on his bicep while holding the drink in the other.

"Mm. You should have got me one too." He says, kissing my lips. I laugh a little as he pulls back.

"Um if you forgot, you're our designated diver. Ain't nobody trying to be in someone's ditch." I remind him, causing him to smack his lips.

"I thought we were past that yo?" Shrugging my shoulders, I sip my drink as he sighs and shakes his head. I didn't care though. He knows I'll speak my mind whenever I felt the need to.

"Is that my ChiChi?"
(Pronounced as Ky Ky) A cheerful woman squeals. Malachi unwraps his arms from around me and turns around. I watch the light arms wrap around his torso and smile as she rocks him side to side.

"Ma you gotta chill. No one calls me that anymore, but you." Malachi sighs. When they pull back, I witness the five foot four inch woman. She's very light with deep brown freckles all over, with bleached blonde hair that's pulled into a sleek low ponytail. When she spots me, she gives me a warm hug and I return the favor. When she pulls back, she holds me by my biceps with a wide grin. I stare in her light brown eyes through her Ray Bans prescriptions while smiling.

"And you must be-" She gets cut off.

"Adela." Malachi interrupts. Mrs. Thompson narrows her brows in confusion and turns her attention to him.

"Adela? What happened to- never mind. It's nice to meet you." She smiles, hugging me again while patting my back. A lot of thoughts ran through my head as I stare at Malachi. I wanted to say something, but I figured we talk later. As Mrs. Thompson and I pull back, a man travels over towards us. From the brown skin to the medium build, I could see an older Malachi. If this is what Malachi is going too look like, than I'll always have something to look at. After Mr. Thompson hugs Malachi, he travels over towards me.

"And who might you be?" He smiles while extending his hand.

"My name is Adela and I'm Malachi's date. You must be Mr. Thompson." I give him a firm handshake, studying his features. He's bald with neat bushy eyebrows and dark brown eyes. His slender nose leads to his neatly trimmed mustache and beard that has a even horizontal patch of salt and pepper.

"Yes I am and a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman." He smiles.

"Thank you." I say as Malachi wraps his arms around my shoulders. Mrs. Thompson sighs into small laughter while staring at us both.

"Well, dinner will be ready in a few. Malachi you can show Adela around and introduce her to the family." She says. Malachi nods and his parents walk off, talking to one another. I shrug my shoulder for Malachi to move his arm from around me. He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes and walk off.

"Calm down Adela, don't go off just yet." I tell myself.

"What's wrong with you?" Malachi questions while walking behind me. I turn to him a little hurt and he could see it. He exhales deeply and looks away from me.

"You didn't tell them about me?" I really want to go off on him, but I'm going to embarrass myself. He opens his mouth to speak but someone interrupts. I put on a fraudulent smile as a woman approaches us and hugs Malachi.

"Hey cousin! Who is this?" She questions as they pull back, nudging his arm.

"I'm Adela." I introduce while extending my hand. She flags my hand with pursed lips and open arms.

"We hug around here boo. I'm Olivia." We both laugh and share a quick hug.

"It's nice to meet you. Are you two dating?" She questions while pointing between us both with a slight smirk. While sipping my Rosé, I arch a brow and glance at Malachi who nods somewhat unsure.

"Yea." He replies.

"Yes cousin! You got yourself a black queen here." Olivia excites, causing me to laugh.

"He better know it." I agree as we hi-five.

"She's feisty I like her. I can definitely see us becoming friends." Olivia smiles.

"Same." I agree, patting her shoulder. Malachi and I connect eyes as we both think differently. He could tell that my actions were some what fake, but I didn't give a damn.

"Ok everyone, dinner is ready. Come on so we can bless the food." Mrs. Thompson says.

"Great. I'm starving." I groan, causing Olivia to laugh as we link arms. I sit my empty glass on the tray with the others.

"Who are you telling?" We travel to the kitchen around the table where everyone else stood.

I feel eyes on me and look over my shoulder, witnessing the guy I saw earlier staring dead at me. He and Malachi are walking next to one another before they decide to separate. When the man stands on the opposite side of the table, we intimidatingly stare at one another. He then smirks and bows his head closing his eyes. I bow my head as Olivia and Malachi both take a hand. After looking around to see heads are bowed, I move a little closer to Malachi.

"Who is that?" I whisper, making sure I'm not as loud as Mr. Thompson who's blessing the food.

"Who's who?" He questions.

"Grey pinstriped suit with the black tie." Malachi sighs and closes his eyes again.

"My cousin Lucas." He says. I bow my head again, trying to figure out where I seen this man before. The way he was looking at me, he had to know me from somewhere too.

"In Jesus name, Amen." Mr. Thompson ends.

"Amen." I mumble, raising my head with everyone else. We all take a seat and begin making our plates. Bowls and plates were being passed around as everyone engaged in conversation. I sit quiet while putting a little off everything on my plate. My appetite quickly left once I got here thanks to Malachi. I wasn't going to make a plate at all, but I didn't want to seem rude. Satisfied with my plate, I place my napkin in my lap and grab my salad fork.

"So, Adela. How long have you and my son been together?" Mrs. Thompson questions while forking some turkey off of her plate.

"For about six months. We met in college when I transferred from Pittsburgh." I inform truthfully. Mrs. Thompson nods while chewing.

"What are you majoring?" She questions. Covering my mouth, I swallow my food while narrowing my brows.

"I was studying to be a doctor and psychiatrist, but I had to put that on hold for a while. I plan on returning."

"May I ask why you stopped attending?"

"My mother had gotten sick and I need to be here for her right now." I couldn't say the full reason on why I stopped. In a way it was about my mother. However with Kris continuing to do the deed of our father, my safety isn't as good as it once was.

"Oh, I'm sorry to here that. Is she doing ok?" Mrs. Thompson questions concerned.

"She's much better now." I smile and think of the last time I seen her. I definitely have to thank her for the sweater she made. Mrs. Thompson gives me a warm smile while going back to her food. I cut into my boneless chicken breast and begin to eat again.

"Well since you aren't in college, are you working?" Mr. Thompson questions.

"Yes. I'm a-"

Malachi interrupts saying,"she's an event planner. You know like planning banquets and fundraisers."

"Oh. That sounds fun." Mrs. Thompson smiles.

"Maybe I can get a discount for my fifty-fourth birthday party." Mr. Thompson chuckles, arching his brow. I laugh with him and Mrs. Thompson, shrugging a shoulder.

"I don't know. I'd have to talk to the manager at ACES Nightclub and see if we can fit you in." I joke, but I was dead serious.

"Oh no. You take that man there he'd have a heart attack." Mrs. Thompson laughs and pats her husband's shoulder. Mr. Thompson smacks his lips with a small smile while shaking his head. Malachi's parents continue to laugh as I take a sip of my wine, sitting it down while smirking at Malachi. His face holds a mean mug while he chews his food. He really didn't want me to tell his parents that I was stripper, but I'm going to be me regardless. He got me all the way fucked up tonight.

"All jokes aside Mr. And Mrs. Thompson, I'm not a event planner. I work as a waitress at Ruth's Chris." I inform.

"And there's nothing wrong with that. We all have to start somewhere." Mr. Thompson says.

"Indeed we do." I agree as we collide glasses. I rest mine down on the table and cut into my food again. Malachi's parents I get to know each another more. Mr. Thompson informed me of the many shopping centers and restaurant franchises he also owns. I've been to a few not even knowing he owned the places. Mrs. Thompson informed me about the many people she met. She also told me how she felt honored to work with major magazine companies and celebs. Mr. Thompson told their story of how they struggled with their dreams, but supported one another to go through with them. As they held hands and smiled at one another, you could tell that they love one another dearly. It reminded me so much of my parents and something of what I wanted. 

However, I don't see that happening for Malachi and I. Not after the shit he pulled. I had nothing else to say to him. After dinner, Olivia introduced me to the rest of the family. I befriended a few of his female cousins that are our age or a little older. We conversed and laughed the whole night over drinks. Once getting to know one another, they wanted to exchange numbers but I refused. It's not because I was breaking up with Malachi, but because having friends right now isn't a good idea. Hours had passed and Malachi was ready to go. He wasted no time getting my coat and purse from the back room. I take them both and put on my jacket, placing my bag on my shoulder. I hug Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, and thank them for the dinner. We enjoyed one another's company and it was nice. After hugging Olivia, I wave to the rest of the family. Malachi and I board the elevator and take it down to the first floor of the home. When we get there the doors open and we step off. I adjust my bag on my shoulder and exhale deeply.

"Am I taking you home?" Malachi questions as we approach the car.

"Yep." I get in and put on my seatbelt as he does the same. There's an intense silence as he takes off and head to Brooklyn. He had nothing to say to me and I was fine with that. If anyone should be mad, it should be me but I'm collective. I made up my mind and I'm going to stick to it this time. After an hour ride, we arrive to my apartment. I take off my seat belt and reach in the back for my bag. Once I have it, I grab the handle to get out but Malachi stops me. I turn to him confused.

"We're not going to talk about this?" He questions annoyed. Scoffing a laugh, I sit back in the seat and close the door.

"Talk about what Malachi? Huh? How you didn't tell your parents about me? How you're embarrassed of me being a stripper?" I argue, squinting my eyes a bit. He clenches his jaw while shaking his head.

"You don't get it." He says.

"You don't get it. It's clear you don't want this Malachi. You didn't tell your parents about us, you're embarrassed of my second job. Yes I admit that I don't like that I strip, but I could never knock the confidence and will power I have to do it. Now if we were together, there are a lot of things we could of changed. Although, you're not changing me. I've felt that slowly happen but not in the ways that I want it too. You were there when I needed you the most, but you were more so in it for the sex than anything else. I need a man that loves and cares for me. Not a nigga that just wants a quick nut when his other bitches don't want to be bothered. You do you my dude. I'm good." I chuckle, hopping out of the car. I close the door and walk through the parked cars to the pavement. Malachi takes off without a rebuttal which proves what I said was true. As far as I'm concerned he's the past and I'm not going back to that. My father always told me to never settle for what's out in the open, when what you need is better to find. I didn't get it at first, but after a few failed relationships, I do now. Entering my building, I sit my overnight bag on the steps and request a ride. It's just twelve thirty in the morning so I know Tristan's family is still here. I definitely didn't feel like meeting another family tonight. After twenty minutes, my ride arrives and I grab my things and head out to the car. I need a drink.

the next morning

Fluttering my eyes open, I groan and close them again. It's morning so I knew it was time for me to get my ass up. Sighing heavily, I sit up in the king mattress and rub my eyes. The other side of the bed is empty, when I know I didn't go to bed that way. Shrugging my shoulders, I throw the covers back and climb out the high bed. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I leave out the room to the steps. The aroma of cinnamon flows through the house as I walk down the stairs. Entering the kitchen, I yawn and scratch the back of my thigh while heading to the fridge.

"Damn. You look rough." Buddha teases as I take out a personal bottle of apple juice.

"Shut up." I mumble, closing the door as Buddha chuckles lightly. I lean on the refrigerator and twist the cap, turning the bottle up.

"Hungover?" He questions, flipping the pancake.

"No, dehydrated." I inform, traveling over to the counter. Last night, I decided to come here to Buddha's place out in Bronx. He was surprised to see me on his doorstep, just as I was surprised to see him home. I thought he would be with his family, but I thought wrong. He said he went over there and sat down for a few hours. Kris needed his assistance so he had to leave. It still surprised me that he was home at one in the morning. He's never home at night. Anyway, I drank all night and vented to him about Malachi. Buddha said nothing all night, he just listened. To me that either meant that he didn't care to hear it. Then again, he probably didn't want to say anything that would upset me. Buddha sits the plate of food in front of me, sitting a bottle of water there as well. The plate is filled with two cinnamon pancakes, two turkey sausage patties and an cheesy omelet. My stomach began to growl as I sat up and grabbed the syrup. I drizzle some over my food and close the cap when done

"You want butter or whip cream?" Buddha questions.

"I'll take the whip cream." He pushes the nozzle and moves in circular motion. I witness the large amount that resembles ice cream and nod impressed.

"What?" Buddha questions as he sits the can in the fridge.

"You a chef now?" I tease, cutting into my food. He hunches his shoulders while sitting his plate on the counter across from me.

"Not on some cocky shit, but I can shake and bake." He says and I chuckle while chewing.

"You're really annoying as fuck." I mumble through chews.

"You love it." He assures with raised brows and nodding. I shake my head amused.

"Use to it would be the better choose of words." He nods and shrugs his shoulders.

"You'll learn to love it." As we both ate, we connect eyes and smirk at one another. This man swears he knows me or what he's talking about. It's true that Buddha could have the whole package. He's handsome, funny, caring and real. He's not afraid to tell you how he feels or how you feel towards him. It was different from most men. As I ate my food, I sigh in satisfaction causing Buddha to laugh.

"Why aren't you married yet?" I question. He smiles while chewing his food.

"I'm waiting on you." He boldly replies. I laugh at his boldness and clear my throat.

"Well, you'll be waiting a long ass time." I tell him truthfully. Buddha nods in understanding while continuing to eat his food. As of right now, I'm not worried about having a relationship. If it happens than it happens, but right now I need to focus on work and getting myself together. Love can wait. Buddha and I eat through a peaceful silence until his phone rang. He sits his fork down and turns to the opposite counter to grab his phone. I watch as he slides the icon to the right and place the phone on speaker.

"Yo." He answers.

"Buddha, it's Cass." He says over the phone.

"I know who it is, what's up?" Buddha questions, bitting a piece of his sausage patty. I soak up the syrup with my pancakes and bring the fork to my lips.

"Kris called a meeting at the warehouse tonight at one in the morning. Make sure you're there on time." Cass says.

"Ard, anything else?" Cass sighs over the line as I grab my bottle water and twist off the cap.

"If Kris needs anything else I'll let you know. Just do your job of securing Adela as requested." Buddha glances at me as I arch a brow while drinking my water.

"No problem." Buddha replies and hangs up. I'm not surprised that Kris has this man following my every move. Since I left the house six months ago, he was always there. When ever I turned around, he was there and I couldn't really get upset. He's there to keep me safe but he's only one person. If something does go down, how is he himself going to do anything if he doesn't have help. That's my point of it all. I throw the empty bottle away and go back to my plate.

"You do everything your boss tells you?" I tease. Buddha chuckles and nods.

"Yes I do. If I want to see another day and your pretty face, I better do my job." He says.

"Mm. I guess." I smile as I finish the rest of my food. I push my plate away from me and witness the time of ten in the morning. Not late, but it felt late to me because I'm always up early. No matter what time I go to bed. However that liquor had me snoozing longer than usual.

"Am I taking you back to your place?" Nodding, I hop down off the barstool and head to the sink.

"Yea, if you don't mind taking me."

"Or you can spend the night again."

"Yea, no. I have work in the morning." I excuse.

Buddha smacks his lips questioning,"you're point?"

"You don't have to waste gas to get me to work." I argue.

"You're acting as if I don't drive around the city for your safety anyway." He says. I think about his statement and I couldn't argue with that. It was clear that last night we had gotten closer in a sense. The fact that we could open up to one another, made me see a true friend in him.

"Fine, but I'm sleeping in the guest room. Also, I still need to go to my place to get some clothes." I inform him. Buddha grins wide causing me to playfully roll my eyes in amusement. It was cute to see that he wants more of my company after last night. I guess in a way I don't mind his company either. I head up the steps and enter Buddha's room, closing the door. I take out my clothes and lay them on the bed. I grab my toiletries and head to the bathroom, turning on the shower. After about twenty minutes, I step out and dry off. Once dressed, I take out my flexi-rods and remove my scarf. I pack my bag and meet Buddha downstairs whose ready to go. He takes my bags as I shove my arms through the sleeves of my coat. Hopefully, he'll help me run a few errands before heading to my place.

As I lay across the bed and stuff my face with Hot Cheetos, I flip through channels. After running the streets with Buddha and getting some clothes, he dropped me off and went on about his business. I didn't ask where he was going nor bothered to call. He isn't my concern or my man. Although, I'm nothing to him either and he still manages to check in on me. I grab my phone and see the time of eight thirty at night. I blow a breath and unlock my phone. Just as I pressed my contacts, the door opens revealing Buddha. I narrow my brows as he kicks off his sneaks and lays on the bed, resting his head on my stomach.

"What we watching?" He questions. Sitting my phone down, I grab some more chips.

"I'm watching a movie." I mumble threw chews.

"This my shit." He sighs relaxed. I run my fingers over waves, tilting my head a bit.

"Do you even know what it is?" I question.

"Nope." He says, causing up both to laugh.

"Where did you go?" I question.

"Why, you missed me?" He questions. I roll my eyes annoyed.

"No. I was worried though." I shrug. Buddha laughs and turns his attention towards me. I tuck my lips in as I try the stop myself from giggling or even smiling. 

"After running you around, I went to my mom's place and kicked it. Is that ard with you?" He questions.

"Yea. Just concerned as a friend as all." We stare at one another until his phone rings. He breaks the stare and reaches in his pocket, revealing his phone afterwards. I witness a female's name and he ignores it, laying his head back on my stomach. I continue to rub his waves  as he grabs the bag of chips I was enjoying. My phone alerted me next with a text message and I see it Malachi. He wants to talk and honestly, I was done talking. The only person I need to love is myself right now. I want a relationship but that can wait. Relationships aren't anything to rush into, especially when you're in it for emotional support. I wanted Malachi because he was there for me when no one else was. Putting the thoughts behind me, I put my attention back on the tv. My mind was some where else, so I knew it was time for me to go to bed. I hear snoring which causes me to laugh. He ran hisself straight to sleep. I awake him and tell him to go to bed, but he gets up and lays up right in the bed. Shaking my head, I grab my phone and turn off the light and tv. Leaving out the guest room, I close the door and go to his room to sleep. He won't mind.


Adela notices someone that may have worked with her father. Could this mean something and should she worry?

Malachi doesn't tell his parents about Adela. Adela and Buddha get more aquatinted. What are your thoughts?

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