Story of the 'Lone Wolf'

By Shiraj_3_2_1

16 0 0

This is a story of a Wolf Pup tho doesn't really fit in with his pack.When he hunted with his pack he'll usu... More

The Favor.

The Beary Bad Encounter!

5 0 0
By Shiraj_3_2_1

Authors POV:
Heyyyy Guyyyssss!!! How's it goin'? Hope ya'll are feeling great 'cause I know I'm feeling good! Now on with my Story!!

Wolf-Pup POV:
As I scurried through the grass I picked up a sent, Brown Bears, all I need to do is kill one of them.I sneaked in the grass unnoticed. "Hmph, why should we hunt in the great river? Why not at this lake?!!" A loud voice said.scary.Than I saw a group of orange leaves arguing with the silver leaf. "This river is dangerous!! There are bucks and their herd, coming to drink!! We have to leave so we don't frighten them, so they don't hurt us!!" The silver leaf said.Bucks here?!! Is it Birth time (spring time) already?!! "WE CAN FIGHT THEM OFF!!" The orange leaf said. Than I saw some hates running in the grass.Yummy... wait I gots focus!!Than I saw them walking away.Sh*t.

*Some time later*
I was trying to find the bears when I heard stomping. "GRRRRR" than I saw a HUGE buck. "Hurry this way, we're near the great river!!" A huge red buck said(🔝).The buck look at it's herd. Than I saw a small fawn with a doe."coming! Come on,herb!!" Said the Doe. "Coming Ma." Said 'Herb'. Than I saw the herd. I was frightened so I ran away.

Herb POV:
I was walking with my ma and da when I saw some white fur in a bush. Is it a bunny? When I looked again I seemed to scurry away. What was that? "Herb!! Come on your da is waiting!!" I heard my ma call. "COMING!!" I yelled as loud as I"Ma, I think I saw some white furry thing in the bushes." I said,chewing on some grass. "What did it look like?"Ma said, eating some grass with us. "I didn't get a good look,only it's fur." I answered. "Don't worry about it, now off we go." Da said.

Wolf-Pup POV:
I ran outta there as fast as I could.Jeez what were those mounts (deer) doing?As I tried to find a place to sleep tonight.

Authors note:
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, BYEEE 👋

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