Death Is My Frenemy (Book Thr...

By katrocks247

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Dear Reader, It hadn't hit me right away, many things, but especially the fact that I was about to turn twent... More

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Death Is My Frenemy
Chapter 1: The Chase
Chapter 2: Light in the Darkness
Chapter 3: Devin Star
Chapter 4: Your Execution
Chapter 5: Rage
Chapter 6: Bonded
Chapter 7: Pale Reflections
Chapter 8: Old Friends
Chapter 9: Reunited
Chapter 10: Romancer
Chapter 11: Drapetomania
Chapter 12: Walking Mirror
Chapter 14: Deprived
Chapter 15: Fortified
Chapter 16: Mortified
Chapter 17: Drown into Me
Chapter 18: Fight to the Death
Chapter 19: Talons
Chapter 20: Miss Death

Chapter 13: Facing the Truth

242K 9.7K 10.8K
By katrocks247

Warning: I've been told I kinda rock. ;p


The transition from Earth and the Unknown was so quick that my brain hadn't registering that there was no oxygen in between. My butt hit the ground hard, then my head, and my eyes instantly flew open at the sun straight above.

My retinas burned with the brightness and I tore them away. Where am I?

I  slowly took in my surroundings. In front of me spurted tall blades of grass and weeds and even a few stray flowers. I lay in damp mud and putting my hands to my eyes, my finger nails were caked with dirt and grime.

Almost instantly I became aware that even though everything before me was in three dimensional and looked entirely real, I couldn't smell anything. Not a single thing.

Then it clicked. I was in the Unknown and somehow my sense of smell had been affected.

I spotted a patch of onion grass shadowed underneath a tangled weed and took a huge sniff. Nothing. Messaging the sides of my nose, I drifted my eyes over my attire. I was wearing the same clothes as I was in the funhouse.


My eyes jerked up and my ears prickled with awareness. My heart thudding wildly in my chest at the closeness of the voice.

The woman's voice became more urgent. "Alexandru! Alexandru! Ubi sunt vobis?"

There it was again. And I could perfectly understand what she was saying. It was Death's mother calling out to him, asking where he was. I couldn't bring myself to look over the grass so I listened to my breathing and tried to make due of what was happening. Where was I? What time period? How had I gotten here? Could they see me?

I shut my eyes and had the vague recollection of falling through darkness. The sensation that I couldn't breathe in between worlds.

This is what you wanted, I internally reminded myself.

Then why was I so scared?

Finding a small ounce of courage, mostly sparked from curiosity, I slowly got up from my spot and peered over the grass. A young woman, a few years older than myself  crouched with her back to me, and peering over the tall grass just as I was. Down her back lay smooth, spirally golden hair that created a halo of light around her as the sun threw its rays upon it. And when she slowly maneuvered herself so that I could see the side of her, I saw that the woman was almost my age, with high cheekbones and olive colored skin. Who I assumed was Death's mother was beyond beautiful.

The woman had grown silent, watching the grass at it swayed slowly by the wind. When her eyes grazed over my spot I muffled a gasp. Immediately, I felt a sense of remorse for the woman. Death's mother was undoubtedly upset, her light green eyes pooled with tears and her cheeks flushed. Across her right eyebrow lined a decently sized cut that looked a few days old. The beautiful woman reached up fix a strand of hair which had fallen in her face, and turned away from me. Her hands were tremulous.

She hadn't paused or frowned when her eyes had grazed over me. She couldn't see me.

I became well-aware of the time period when the woman stood to her feet. She wore an off-white, long stola and a matching shawl over it which draped over the left shoulder, under the right arm, and then over the left arm. At her breast was a golden clasp holding the two components of the stola together: the bottom and the top, and then  curbing down to her torso were an assortment of buttons. When she took a step forward the stola swayed with the wind like a dress.

I hadn't realized the woman's eyes were fixated on someone until my eyes drifted in the direction. A small boy, whom resembled a wild cat, had stuck his narrowed eyes over the grass and was watching the woman intently. The boy's hair was cropped short with pieces of grass in between it, and stuck up in all angles in small blonde tuffs. Dirt and mud scattered the plains of his sun kissed skin. His thin coppery tunic fell loose around his frail body, its short sleeves reaching his elbows. His cheeks were flushed as if he had been running vigorously. I knew he had been holding his breath within the grass to be silent by the way his chest was moving up and down in quick heaves.

"Cur fugit, Alexandru?" the beautiful woman questioned. I could feel the overwhelming sensation his mother had to run to him and hold the boy in her arms for an eternity. Why must you run away, Alexandru?

"Pater vix me," the boy replied. Father scared me.

The woman carefully made her way to the boy with long, languid steps, her hand to her chest as if her son was breaking her heart. She feared the boy would run away, and so did I.

. "Ego semper tueri te, Alexandru. Pater non nocere tibi." I will always protect you, Alexandru. Father will not harm you.

But he will harm you, I thought, at the recollection of the deep gash in her face.

At the stare from his mother, the boy stood up with his gaze down and shyly pulled out from beneath his back a handful of wild daisies. His mother took the daisies into her hands. Her fingers smoothed out one of the petals. By her expression, she loved flowers and she especially loved that her son had picked them. Alexandru's mother sniffed them, a smile shaking across her lips. It quickly fell. She didn't quite know how to smile anymore.

Alexandru's dark eyes stared up at his mother in interest. He hadn't believed her at all when his mother had said she would protect him. The expression Alexandru held as his mother distracted herself with the flowers was extremely intelligent expression for a child, almost impossible.

 He reached out a hand to his mother's and grasped it and on cue, his mother began to heavily sob. Alexandru stretched his chubby arms up and reached towards his mother, grabbing her upper arms as if to be picked up.

 Mother? I heard him whisper in Latin, his features overtaken by confusion. He thought he had been helping his mother, making her happy, and suddenly she was crying.

And strangely enough, I knew why. I had the strange sensation of empathy for Alexandru's mother almost instantly. I was starting to fully believe it had to do with the Unknown's capabilities, too. I had seen Malphas before, and noticed the dominant resemblance to young Alexandru and him. He might have had his mother's hair color and her radiating innocence, but almost everything in his bone structure was perfectly set up to grow into Malphas' handsome features.

She was terrified that her son would be a perfectly sculpted replica of her demonic, abusive husband. The woman continued to cry and picked up young Alexandru, holding him in a tight embrace. He wrapped his arms securely around her neck, his face hidden in her hair.

I didn't know how long I had been in the Unknown, or how long the two had embraced before the scene had been whisked away into another, I didn't know if Death was somehow watching me observe his own memories, but what I did know for sure was what would happened moments after I had forgotten I was in a dangerous dimension. Moments after I was starting to believe that Death had told me practically everything about his life.

Alexandru's cat shaped eyes lifted upwards at my stare, and I could have sworn for a fraction of a second it seemed as if he was looking in my direction. His eyes flickered to a brilliant green and widened, which startled me entirely because they had originally been so dark I could barely see his pupils.

The unnerving conclusion that drifted into my mind, though, was how Alexandru's eyes weren't entirely focused on mine, they were focused on something behind me. Had those two tiny orbs of emerald focused on me I probably would have had a panic attack they were so exotic.

Kinda wishing you didn't come into the Unknown to see his identity, did ya? Now you know what's been staring at you under the hood this entire time. Just imagine what they look like now. Two snake eyes. My inner voice was being a jerk again.

Alexandru and his mother were still embracing and I was starting to wonder why I was still there, watching them. Was I suppose to see all of this? Did the Unknown ever change memories or did I have to force it? I sat up in the tall grass and watched Alexandru carefully, to see if he flinched at my movement. He couldn't see me, either, and he was still staring at the same spot as his mother swayed with him side to side.

I turned in my spot and my mouth fell agape. Underneath the shadow of a leafy tree, a mere forty or so away, stood a man dressed entirely in black. His hair was a wavy platinum blonde and fell past to his wide shoulders, all the way to the center of his back. The man, at first, had been hidden, but as a cloud above moved away from the sun his eyes were revealed. Two vivid crystal blue eyes stared intently at Alexandru.

The man was absolutely utterly beautiful. His face was all too familiar. Gabriel.


At a second look there was something different about the features of the angel standing by the tree. They were sharper, more exotic. It was the face of the Devil--Devin, as he went by publicly. Devin had always somehow resembled Gabriel, but his eyes and jaw were shaped differently, not to mention I could undoubtedly say if I ever had made the connection between the two, Death or Devin would have erased it. The man standing under the tree was no angel, too, he was a Fallen, and was poisonously beautiful. A forbidden fruit, parse. And as the blue eyed Fallen continued to watch young Alexandru with interest I grew uncomfortable.

Lucifer. The mere name sent chills down my back. Why had he appeared to Alexandru at such a young age? The only logical conclusion I could draw up was that somehow the Devil had known Death was special, even before he changed into an angel. Even before he fell from Heaven. Death had told me he was a great fighter, strong, not to mention he was half Demon. The Devil had to have found out eventually of the boy whose father was a powerful Demon, and who's mother was human.

Had he known Death would be special, even as a child? Did he watch over Death when he was younger? Maybe...just maybe--

My internal voice ended it's monologue when Devin's gaze darted right at my position and his icy gaze penetrated mine. Slowly, the corners of his mouth lifted and a solid chill went down my back. It wasn't exactly a friendly smile. More of a victorious one.

Found you, his eyes said.                                                                           

My breaths came out quickly as Devin started to prowl towards me in quick strides. Why was he in the Unknown? How had he found me? How did young Alexandru see him? Was I imagining this?I blinked over and over again, willing him to disappear. All I knew was that there was a repeating thought swirling through my mind that I couldn't get rid of.


My legs thankfully obeyed and I threw myself off of the ground. The world swirled around me as I ran and my heart pounded in my ears. I leaped over the grass with ease and threw myself into longer grass. It's crisp, sharp stalks scrapped along my legs. They started to feel like thin arms trying to hold me back.  

I could feel, and yet there  was still something weightless about running in the Unknown. And there was an addictive feeling which followed that. It was almost like dreaming.

 And I never wanted to wake up.

It was equivalent to my wild sprint through the forest, after Gabriel had met me at the church. I had felt so peaceful, so alive. I felt like I was free from Death's grip on my life.

I was unsure how long or how fast I was running and found myself stopping at a small creek. It's surface was crystal clear. It's movements were so gentle against its banks that it soothed me to an extent that I had to stare into it's depths.

A familiar hum surfaced from the water and my eyes went ample in size.


I observed my surroundings and remained crouched until I was certain Devin was nowhere to be seen. He was gone. But where? There was no possible way I could have outran the Devil...

"I was wondering when you would come to your senses."

 On instinct, I whipped around at the smooth voice. The urge to scream scratched along the sides of my vocal chords at the unsightly spotting of two horns, a stunning face, then two beautiful, ancient blue eyes. Those eyes held intelligence.

Devin was more spectacular to look at from up-close. He simply looked straight out of a Calvin Klein magazine. That is, a supernatural magazine that allows the angel Lucifer to be their front page.

All illusions are torn down in the Unknown.

I found myself leaning towards the creek in fear of the creature before me. He had masked himself to look more human on earth. In the Unknown he was Lucifer, yet I couldn't get up the guts to say such a name which signified pure evil. "Devin..."

"Don't move a muscle. Don't attempt to do anything, in fact, but reply to me," Devin snapped. The edge in his voice set my brain into alarm mode. "I'm not going to play dumb for you, Faith Williams. You know who I am. I know who you are. I'm well aware what my idiotic brother has told you."

"Your brother cares about you," I said. "He wants to help you--"

"Yes, help. That is exactly what I need! Help, from the exact person who stunted my growth." A flicker of amusement danced over his blue eyes and Devin mockingly did the sign of the cross, clasping his hands together at the end and praying. "Kudos, brother of mine, for that painful display of remorse towards me. It was almost believable."

"He cares about you. I know he does," I said, my voice trembling as Devin leveled his gaze with mine. "You don't have to mock him."

 Devin's eyebrows knit together. "You hold to much trust in your heart if you truly believe that."

"I know exactly who to trust, Devil. You are the last person I'll leave the Unknown with, that I am sure of."

"What I'm capable of is beyond what your knowledge," Devin said. "You don't understand me, girl. What I am incapable trying to understand you. That is all I am guilty of, too, Faith Williams, trying to understand what you are. I haven't harmed you in the slightest. You have only harmed yourself."

"Yes you did!" I cried out. "You harmed me the moment you crashed your car into mine! I bet that was planned, too, wasn't it? Did you and Death decide you needed your pawn as close to the kingdom as possible? So you could keep a freaking eye on your weapon?"

Devin put his hands out, gesturing for me to calm down. "Your emotions will upset the equilibrium of the Unknown. We could be thrown around to another memory."

I gripped the rocks beneath my fingers with pure rage. I hated how calm he was. I felt my nails peel backwards and realized I could be harmed in the Unknown. I let up and painful tears stung my eyes. "I don't care. I want to be separated from you. From both of you."

"Obviously you can't stay away from either of us." Devin motioned to our surroundings. "Even in Death's presence you are searching through his personal things. Or are you not aware that he's able to see everything we are doing right at this moment? Even when he is getting punished by Him, you continue to invade what Alexandru has so carefully hidden."

He's is he always right?

Devin turned his back to me. "And I hope you know his punishment is mostly because of you. His guardianship to you was only a necessary precaution for your safety. We asked John nicely to stand down and he refused, knowing what Death would do to him. John's lack of cooperation is only a perfect example of how relentless Light angel's are..."

A moment of silence stretched between us. I opened my mouth to speak and my tongue was bone dry. I became aware of the hum from the water behind me once again. "Are you here for me?" I asked carefully, my eyes lingering to the creek.

"Yes I am."

 "Do you know what happened to us? To Death? What..what He--"

"Yes, I'm aware of your conversation with God," he said admittedly. "That is a conversation we will have when both of your feet are settled on a dimension that is suited for a human. That is less dangerous." His eyes leveled with mine and he smiled. As if two thin puppet strings were holding his lips up, then snapped with the strain it took to show emotion, Devin's smile fell all at once. "The particular situation you have put yourself in is quite the predicament. You are inside of an angel's subconscious mind. Not exactly the safest place to be in the Unknown, even for me. But especially a little girl."

What the heck does that mean...?

"I'm not a little girl. I'm eighteen. That's legally an adult." I found myself standing up as if it would make me look older. Devin's height was noticeably taller. I instinctively shrunk back a little and cleared my throat. "And it's technically you and Death's fault I'm here, anyways. If he wasn't so set on killing me, the little girl with no capabilities but contacting the Unknown, maybe this never would have happened--"

"Only a girl would accept a deal from a guardian of the Unknown, just to see the Angel of Death's face," Devin interjected. "A woman would have at least weighed her options. I was simply making a connection between the two, excuse my miscommunication."

"I couldn't resist it's pull." I bit my bottom lip, hard. "It was calling out to me! I was just curious. Catos promised me answers."

"There you are, sounding like a girl again," Devin said, his gaze boring into mine. "You have created your own snare, and I am willing to take you back to earth. I'm not willing to do many things for others, you know."

I reached behind me towards the creek. Listen to the humming... "I don't want to leave, yet. I want to know more--"

"No, no you don't. You don't want to know more about Alexandru. Especially in such an uncontrolled environment. Trust me, at least on that." Devin's eyes went wide as they grazed over my hand reaching for the water and his face had grown pale. It was not an expression that looked good on the Devil. "Please, step away from the water. Come, I will take you home. You could become lost, Faith. Nobody will be able to find you. Let me teach you." Devin took a ste closer and held his hand out. "We'll both teach you."

Death would never teach you anything! He hates you!

I shook my head swiftly. The unnerving feeling settled in my stomach that Devin was only a seconds away from picking me up and taking me back to earth. "I'm not leaving," I said firmly.

 "Do you understand what is happening to you right at this very moment?" Devin's usual calm tone was cracking along the seams. He sounded nervous. "What happens when you stay in the Unknown for too long? You become a part of it and you become addicted. You never want to leave."

My body trembled underneath his magnetic gaze."I'm not addicted. I--I just want to see--"

"He doesn't even reveal himself to me," Devin interjected, his voice rising. "To me. Think about that, Faith. Do you honestly not have any decency?"

"Do you have any decency? Does he?" I questioned. I watched as Devin's hard eyes slightly softened. "I deserve to know everything about Death. And as silly as it is, I deserve to see his face, whether he likes it or not. This stupid mask he puts up is getting in the way of too many things. You think I am the little girl, and yet you have your second in command dressed head to toe in a blanket because he's too afraid of what people will think of him!"

Devin shook his head once. "You're creating accusations out of nothing. He is bound to his duty, his curse. The reveal of his identity is meant simply for a painless death. Nothing more. Taking it so close to the heart is simply unnecessary."

"Does that even make any sense?" Tears flooded my eyes. A headache pounded along each corner of my skull. I clenched the sides of my head. A shiver crept down my back as well. My eyebrows knit together for a sliver of a second when I saw that Devin had taken a step away from me, his expression in shock. "How about you give me one more damn excuse why he insists on not telling me crap about anything, because I don't believe y---"

My heart froze in my chest. I had lifted my finger to jab it into Devin's direction. Before me lay a finger laced in metallic liquid. My gaze dropped to my legs which were completely encased with silver.

I looked up at Devin. He was staring at the metallic liquid on my legs. I was too petrified to say anything to him. "Your emotions have triggered the Unknown," he murmured.

Before I could say anything in reply, I was pulled back into the reflective surface of the creek.

My face hit the ground, hard. My first thought was something like, You'd think a world that is so complex would freaking have a landing spot made of cotton or something.

 I hadn't remembered ever being dragged into the creek, but I remembered the last defeating look Devin had given me. Had I subconsciously called to the Unknown again to take me away from my troubles? I tasted copper in my mouth and realized I had bit my mouth somewhere my travels. I figured it was probably when I had head butted the ground for my graceful landing into Death's second memory.

I had did it. I had escaped the Devil, who had somehow found me in the Unknown. What a crazy, badass human I was...if I was even a human to begin with. I mean, God had referenced me as a human, so I had to be one, right? He wouldn't have sugar coated it...

So, maybe I had a few things to sort out after I left the Unknown. A lot of things. That could all be pushed to the side, for now.


A dark, thick brown substance fell to my left.

I pried my eyes open and looked in the general direction, almost leaping out of my holey jeans in the process. The barn was entirely lit, but not enough that I could say it was the middle of the day. It wasn't dark enough that I couldn't see the obvious horse a few feet away from me, nibbling on some hay like it was nobody's business. Then that pile was definitely horse poop. It wasn't like I could smell it, I couldn't smell anything. I was kind of happy I couldn't at that moment, too. Cringing at the poop, I reached over to poke the horses leg. My finger went right through. Well, then.

I was alone, I was definitely in some sort of barn, and my finger had just gone through a horses leg. Besides that, the barn was pretty normal. Nicely built for the time period. There was lots of hay, lots of bricks, too. Did the Roman's even have good architecture? I couldn't even remember...

The horse beside me made a low noise and I couldn't help but think of the black beast I had met in the forest. Cruentas. Had Death met Cruentas yet, in this memory? My heart did a summersault at the idea of seeing Alexandru...the real Death. Frankly, I didn't care if I was invading Death's privacy. The moment he stole my underwear he was labeled "Have Revenge On" in my agenda. Besides, how shockingly handsome could he really be as a human?

They didn't even bathe in the Roman erra!

My heart popped a blood vessel at the sound of heavy footsteps. I was in the middle of my own monologue and suddenly there  were voices? I found myself miserably diving into a stack of hay. How could I touch the hay, and not the horse? Why was I even hiding in the stack of hay if nobody could see me? My lips turned downwards a little and I sunk deeper into the hay. Now that I thought about it, why wasn't I leaving the freaking barn?

A low whistle sounded through the barn and my body stiffened. Of course, at that very moment, the horse decided to step entirely into my vision. I tried to peer around the horse and I could see some of the man. Was it Death? Ironically, I couldn't even see his face because of course, the guy had his entire head up against the horses neck and was practically hugging the thing.

PPPPPPHHP! The horse let out a sound through his nose that startled me. They began to walk out of the barn, the man skillfully guiding the horse.

My heart leaped in my chest. I could now see the back of the man. I first noticed how muddy and dirty their hair was and pulled my nose up in disgust. It looked a sickly brown and green, as if they had been rolling around in the dirt. His shoulders weren't exactly wide, but they weren't thin, either. Thick armor lined his back I could see the front of his legs had some sort of protection as well. I had only seen a fraction of their profile before they guided the eager horse out of the barn.

What are you doing in a pile of hay? Get UP!

I leaped up from the hay and ran after the two, coming to a slow when I was twenty feet behind. I saw that the man kept turning his head slightly towards the horse as they walked. Was he talking to it? Why?

I came to notice along the walk that there were no houses around the barn and the practically open field around it. It was just...there. In the middle of nowhere, really. Who would build a barn in the middle of nowhere?

I watched from afar as the man tied the rope which wrapped around the horses neck and acted as a leash, around a tree trunk. The tree was next to an evident river bank. I became fully aware of the fact that the last body of water I had come close to dragged me in, so at first, I was skeptical about the whole thing.  

The horse immediately tried to pull away from the tree as it was tied to it securely, but the man with the muddy hair shook his head and mumbled something to  the horse, silencing it. I watched in disbelief as the horse lay down on the ground.

Horse whisperer? Magician?

 As I came closer, started to edge towards a large bush which smelled thickly like pollen. The air was becoming thick too, I realized. Humid. Even though I knew I was invisible I felt the urge to be hidden. The man was a mere ten feet away.


The man started to strip and my jaw dropped in disbelief. His chest piece must have been heavy because when he dropped it to the side it practically shook the ground. There was no way this was Death. His frame wasn't big enough to fit his cloak.

The man's arms had been dark, practically a deep brown, but his muscular back revealed that his skin was more of an olive shade. That wasn't exactly what I was staring at, though.

Those biceps. His biceps weren't ridiculously massive, but were decently sized, sculpted like man who worked outside in the yard all day. Those biceps could have bench pressed me a hundred times, easily.

The poor filthy man was stripping like it was nobody's business. Boy, was I starting to feel horrible, staring at this stranger like I owned the place.

This is so wrong.

But so, so very right. Sweet mother of Jesus... My cheeks were aflame with naughtiness!

The man was so slick with sweat, I could just feel someone checking off a little box next to each of the my 10 Commandments every time I licked my lips. I could tell he exhausted himself from  exertion almost every day because of the slight unevenness of his shoulders. On cue, he heavily rolled his shoulders and his neck, sighing heavily.

He had a deep voice, too, I could tell just from that little sigh.

 A small moan escaped my lips at the way his muscles shifted from such simple movements. He was so very tense...

"I would totes give you a massage any time you want, honey," I murmured,  puckering my lips as if I was kissing him.

 The man stopped stretching and turned his head a little. Panic seized my throat. I internally sighed when the man didn't look in my direction. He looked over at the horse and scratched at the side of his face, dragging a line of dirt away from his skin. I couldn't see his eyes to see if they were possibly green. His face was too caked with mud and I had only seen half of his profile.


It was as if I hadn't expected it, even though it was obvious what the guy was going to do next. He removed the rest of his armor, leaving a thin tunic. The man swiftly looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking. Too quick to even see his nose shape.

Down went the tunic, leaving before me the complete naked backside of a man, and my eyes a shoo-in' for some competition with the full moon, they were so wide. He had one hell of a butt.

The man took off in a full sprint. A splash sounded in the river and I jumped up from the thick pollen bush. Admittedly, I thought the man had committed suicide or something. Then it clicked. He was bathing! Of course! I sat back in the bush and sighed.

Ok! Well, that was enough staring at the stranger. Now would be a good time to go check out some Alexandru...

I went to stand up and brushed off some gross yellow pollen from the bush. Instead of just leaving the scene immediately and looking for Death, I decided to take a quick look at the strangers armor. It was only a few feet away, anyways. I wondered over to the man's abandoned clothing and kicked the chest plate over with my toe, encase it was drenched with sweat. I was a golden color with red leather straps that secured around the body. On the front of the plate lined multiple scratches and dents.

You must really suck at protecting your chest, man.

I decided to try and lift the thing. I mean, it wasn't like I would be able to do it again. I held the armor on the sides and almost toppled over at its weight. The fact that someone had to carry that around on their body for multiple hours was unbelievable.

"So glad I'm not a man," I breathed out. Right as I said that, the wind kicked up and carried away the pollen which had latched itself to my shirt. The large bush I was hiding behind had wonderfully threw it's goodness onto my nice, clean black shirt, staining it with yellow. The pollen also went straight up my nose and I struggled to not sneeze.

But with my horrible luck, I did anyways. It was louder than expected.

A loud whine sounded behind me afterwards, followed by a snort. I side eyed the horse. That was just good timing, that's all...just good timing.

That was when it hit me: since when could I smell anything in the Unknown, or feel anything, for that matter? I had smelled the pollen in the bush. Felt myself hit the ground and bite my lip... Felt the humid air...

"You become a part of the Unknown..." Devin had said. How could I have possibly forgotten that? In fact, why hadn't I even thought about Devin since I had fallen in the creek?  Did the Unknown make you forget those things? It had to be more addictive then I thought. Dangerously addictive.

It couldn't be...

One thing was for sure, my surroundings had gotten quiet. Way to quiet for my liking. It was an unnatural silence, like that dreadfully soundless moment between a beast that is crouched behind a large rock, reading it's pursuit, and the prey a mere two inches away from being eaten.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. I was definitely the prey in that metaphor, but only with one man in particular. I returned my gaze to the chest plate that had grown increasingly heavy, almost peeing myself in the process at the man who was suddenly present in the reflection as well. 

Those eyes...

With a piercing scream, I dropped the stupid chest-thing straight onto my foot.


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