By CreativelySOCIAL

230 19 8

"Ready to risk it all? You ain't even gotta answer that. Cause you want it and I do too. Be careful though... More

Prelude To A Beautiful Stranger...

The Situation-NO-Ship...yet.

120 9 7
By CreativelySOCIAL

One - The Situation-NO-Ship...yet.

The morning BEFORE the meeting...

Zahra hurriedly glanced at the rose-gold apple watch fastened to her wrist, silently chastising herself for running a bit later than she'd intended. Her interior designing/decor business, Arrangements by Z. Scott, had quickly picked up leverage within the last few years and she was forever grateful for the success. If she wasn't traveling to meet the needs of her clients in other parts of the world then she could be found in the bustling city of Atlanta.

"On my way up to the office now," She answered, her fingers connecting with the small Bluetooth device in her ear. She entered the lobby in a hurry, barely stopping to acknowledge the young eccentric woman that occupied the circular receptionist desk on a daily basis. "Good morning Ms. Scott..." She announced, her light voice managing to grasp her attention. Zahra tapped her desk, making her peer at her with a small smile, "Same to you, Jade. I'm lovin' this new hair color by the way." She added, making note of the violet-tinted dreads she'd piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Before Jade could respond the telephone rang, forcing her to answer it instead, "Thank you for calling, you've reached Arrangements by Z. Scott, this is Jade.."

Zahra took that as her cue to leave and headed towards the elevator. It had just taken back off to another floor when she reached it. "Ugh, come on." She hammered the 'UP' button repeatedly although she knew that wouldn't make it return any faster. "It'll get there on its own time," That was her assistant, Jacoby, whom she'd forgotten she hadn't hung up the phone with yet. "Laugh it up now, and watch me deduct a few coins from you! You must've forgotten that I'm the one that signs your checks." His chortling quickly subsided then. She could picture him rolling his eyes at her. "Uh huh, you're quiet now. Fix your face!" She teased, the elevator finally meeting her.

"I'll be the one telling you to fix yours in a minute, boss lady... especially when you catch a glimpse of who's here to meet you. It's the queen of the Holloway's and you know how she is."

"Well, that was everything I didn't need to hear this morning." Zahra heaved a deep sigh and began smoothing her hands over her outfit of choice. For a moment, she began to contemplate on if the mauve pantsuit she'd chosen to wear was too much. She already knew that her 'future mother-in-law' was going to find an issue with it and a slew of other things to complain about. "Don't stress it, Zee! You're successful, beautiful, and worth more than gold. If your fiance's old hag of a mama can't see that, then that's on her." She burst into another fit of laughter with a shake of her head. That Jacoby Phillips! He was more than just her assistant, he was also one of her dearest friends.

"Thanks, Coby, you knew I was about to be in my head, huh?"

"But of course, because it happens every time that shady woman comes around. I mean I know her son is fine and all, but it ain't never that serious if you gotta deal with the damn wicked witch of the west to marry into the family!" The elevator sounded, signaling that it'd made its way to her destination on the third floor. She ended the call on her headset and ambled towards her office, the clear glass panels showcasing the back of the woman she didn't want to see. "Apparently, she needed to be seen before you're allowed to start your day," Jacoby revealed, his gaze shifting between his planner and computer screen. His area was strategically placed right before one could reach her office.

"Don't you dare go into YOUR office without YOUR confidence! Shoulders back and head held high, queen!" He fussed, playfully waving her off. It was a shame that her best friend needed to remind her of who she was whenever Esther came around. Zahra's confidence never wavered any other time except whenever she was in her presence. She took a few deep breaths and pulled open the glass door, her eyes instantly colliding with those of Esther's hazel ones.

The woman was devastatingly beautiful with a modelesque physique that put most women in their late 20's and early 30's to shame. She wore her caramel complexion well and kept her long dark hair swept into a low elegant bun that revealed high cheekbones splattered with the faintest of freckles. She obviously called herself keeping her look simple because she hadn't gone as full out as she normally did. She must've been feeling angelic (which was the complete opposite of who she was) because she wore an all-white jumpsuit with a pair of nude red-bottom pumps and a nude bag with red accents to match.

"There you are! I've been waiting on you forever." She huffed, despite Zahra only being a mere fifteen minutes late. She hadn't even known she was the "client" she was supposed to meet, otherwise, she wouldn't have accepted the meeting, but leave it to Esther and her ever-growing sneaky ways. She'd set up an appointment under another name because she knew that Zahra would turn her away. "Well, we've got things to discuss for the wedding..." Here she goes yet again, she thought to herself.

"With all due respect Mrs. Holloway," She began while sitting her purse on top of her desk, "Ahmir and I have everything under control. I've already told you that the wedding planning has been handled and it's going just fine." That's right. Zahra wasn't even allowed to address her by her first name despite her future nuptials to her oldest son. Esther folded her arms across her chest with her frown growing deeper, "Excuse me?" She really seemed taken aback with her eyebrows nearly coming together on her forehead. "Ahmir told me that I'm more than welcome to help with any involvement..."

"Well, Ahmir told you wrong. It's my day, and I'd like to plan it as such. It won't be about anyone else besides me and your son." Zahra conveyed, her gaze now focused on her computer screen. It grew silent between the two with the exception of the echoing of her fingers padding across her keyboard. She began to focus on her work, trying to figure out an aesthetically pleasing home decor for the clientele she'd spent most of her day with yesterday. Soon, she was so engrossed within her morning grind that she barely noticed her 'mother-in-law-to-be' was still present.

"I don't know why my son wants to be with you. Obviously, you don't know how to put him, his needs, and his decisions first since you'd rather spend all your time on your little projects and side hustle."

That grasped Zahra's attention and forced her concentration away from her screen. She could feel the anger draping over her demeanor in thick sheets. She was in no mood to deal with her disrespect. It was bad enough she had to quietly deal with it whenever Ahmir was around, but since he wasn't this was the time for her to set her straight without being damn near chastised for doing so.

It truly angered her to nearly a point of no return whenever Esther insisted that she was only marrying Ahmir to secure the bag and a piece of Holloway Corporation. She had her own and she prided herself on being a woman that could and would always provide for herself. It was definitely one thing she was big on - not needing a damn man except to help her keep her bed warm at night!

"I'll tell you like this Mrs. Holloway... if you're going to insinuate that my job is a petty little side hustle, then you can kindly find your way out of my office. I won't have it. No ma'am, not today." Zahra tugged at her freshly braided jumbo box braids before tucking them behind her ears. She leaned back further in her seat, allowing the soft confinement of the cushions to placate her. Esther hopped to her feet with a sudden angry quickness, "Don't you ever speak to me like that! Ahmir is going to hear about this..."

Zahra rolled her eyes as she continued to fuss. "Okay, that's fine," Deciding that she wouldn't waste any more breath going back and forth with her, she grabbed her phone to shoot a text to Jacoby to send him out on a coffee run. "And another thing, you look like a trollop in that outfit, dear! I'm sure you've drawn every man's eyes more than the one who should be looking at you." Zahra scoffed with a chuckle opposite of actual amusement. She already suspected that the disapproval in her looks was coming. She was also convinced that her ebony skin complexion was another reason why Esther just couldn't find it in her to show anything other than disdain for her. It made no sense to Zahra especially when it came to her husband and their two sons sharing a skin tone darker than her own.

She was proud of the way she looked - fearless and self-assured in her body and her skin. She couldn't help that the mauve blazer and matching high waisted pants she'd paired it with made her stand out. She couldn't be blamed for looking like a chocolate goddess! She flipped her braids over her shoulder before standing to her feet. She shuffled to the door and pushed it open, "Mhm, thank you for your concern, but I don't want or need it." Esther kept on talking and Zahra let it go in one ear and out the other because if she listened she knew she would eternalize it and she didn't want that type of energy manifesting within her.


It was lunchtime by the time she heard from Ahmir and just as his mother said he'd heard about their not-so-secret squabble. Somehow he'd found time out of his normally busy schedule to show up at her place of business. She hated that he could be such a mama's boy. "You know she just wants to feel apart of everything, Zee." He uttered as he shuffled towards her while loosening his tie. He shrugged out of his black blazer to reveal a pale blue shirt that stretched across his vast chest. "And I get that, but what I won't stand for is her trying to take over and control everything Ahmir."

He chuckled and moved to lean over her with his arms on either side of her head, trapping her where she sat. Ahmir was definitely a handsome man and in the past, she would've melted at the affection he was trying to give her. He leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her lips but she gave him her cheek instead. "Move, you know it's not like that between us anymore. Stop trying to distract me, because you know I can't stand your damn mama." He laughed again and leaned upright, "I tried, but come on for real be nicer Zahra. I hate having to listen to my mother cry and whine because you won't let her participate." She shrugged and fanned him away.

"And...that's supposed to mean what to me because she's upset?"

"Hell, nothing I guess, but pretend, please! Pretend like we've been doing for the last few years. We both know the spark was gone a long time ago..."

"Trust me, I know. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I agreed to this fake ass engagement anyway."

Ahmir smoothly pulled her out of her seat and walked them towards the full-length mirror she had in her office. He wrapped his arms around her waist, "Because we look good together and we're convenient. I have an image to maintain and I definitely don't want to start over with someone new and have to make sure they're not after me because I'm the heir to my father's company. We already know each other, and plus you'll be set for life."

To the outside looking in, they appeared to be the perfect couple with the picturesque fairytale meeting. They'd met during their sophomore year in college while attending Howard University. Ironically, they discovered their attraction to one another when they became partners in an introductory chemistry class. He was charming and persistent and for a while, she'd pretended that she wasn't interested. However, Ahmir got her one night when he showed up to her dorm room to help her study and they actually ended up memorizing one another's personal anatomy instead.

Their relationship was good for the first few years and suddenly things grew stagnant between them. They went from being two teenagers in love to adults that simply tolerated each other because they fit a mold. Their 'relationship' was comfortable and when they were with one another everything was predictable and routine.

"I don't need you for the money, I've got my own."

"That might be true, but you and I both know you ain't goin' nowhere. You're too used to the lifestyle now, and you gon' make the perfect little trophy wife. Well, you will if you just follow my lead..."

Zahra grimaced and pulled out of his embrace. He'd pissed her off. He almost sounded like his clueless mother. Why was she staying around again? Because she honestly didn't know how to be alone and she was just as dependent on Ahmir as he was on her. She gathered her things and began to shut everything off so that she could meet with her next client during lunch, which she'd learned not too long ago was Ahmir's infamous younger brother. Apparently, he was the black sheep of the family because he'd decided to branch out and march to his own beat. She then allowed Ahmir to continue to revel in his self-absorbedness for a bit longer before she told him that he was getting on her last nerve.

"Alright, I guess that was a bit harsh, Zee. I'm sorry. I've always known that you were never like that even when you found out who I was.." He nudged her while they stood in the elevator waiting to head down to the first floor. She scoffed, sarcasm heavy in her tone, "Yeah, you're trying to butter me up and it's not working. I appreciate the effort though." The elevator sounded and opened, allowing them both a chance to exit. She didn't bother to say another word to her 'fiance' after that, leaving him to his thoughts that probably only consisted of himself.


The meeting that started it all...


She was staring again and Knight was fully aware of her eyes.

She could tell by the way he'd shoot her all-knowing smiles whenever he noticed it.

Zahra was also cognizant of the lingering gazes he would give her in return.

Their meeting moved from the restaurant of the hotel he was currently residing at to one of the houses he was working on flipping. It turns out that Ahmir suggested her services when Knight revealed that he was bringing his business, R. H. Inc., to the city of Atlanta. He'd been looking for the best interior designer in the game and learned that Zahra Scott was it.

They were alone again because Ahmir decided that he would much rather spend his time heading a company board meeting instead. Even still, his presence wasn't missed between the two. Already, it felt easy to be around one another while Knight talked of the plans he had for the old Victorian style home that he planned to completely modernize.

"I think this is gonna do amazing numbers on the market when it's complete..."

"Thank you, I'm glad you were able to see apart of my vision at least, "Knight grinned, stopping just short of the double doors that led into another part of the home that he hadn't shown her.

"The last room I have to show you is the kitchen, and it's my favorite because it's so spacious. I think there's a lot that someone with your skills could do with it when I'm finished with all of the carpentry."

A light cloud of dust somehow gathered around her when they entered it and she burst into a fit of sneezes and coughs. Knight's deep laughter rippled throughout the air, "I'm sorry, it's not the cleanest yet. My crew's been ripping things apart. I actually shouldn't have brought you until it was halfway decent." He gestured towards a few piles of wooden boards and various tools laying haphazardly around.

Luckily, he'd been able to supply her with a hardhat at least. Zahra shrugged while waving him off, "It's okay, I actually enjoy getting to see renovations come to life." She began to turn in a slow circle so that she could begin creating a vision for the room. "Wow, this kitchen is big enough to have an entire breakfast nook and maybe even leading through that door we could even create a whole sunroom. I can just envision it all now!" She instantly began taking pictures on her tablet and jotting down measurements.

Knight must've enjoyed watching her type diligently into her Ipad because she caught a whiff of his cologne when he moved to stand beside her. "Are you always this excited over designing?" She could hear the smile in his voice. She tucked away her tablet inside her bag, chuckling, "Don't you get excited over building houses?"

He sighed deeply, "Yeah, whether I'm tearing them apart, building them, or rescuing someone from's all the same for me."

That piqued her curiosity, "Rescuing?"

"Mhm...when I'm not doing this," He gestured towards the structure of the home, "Then I'm a firefighter, hence my nickname being Ruin because I always seem to be rushing into the ruins some way or another."

When he revealed that bit of information that made Zahra give him another healthy once over. It was no wonder he was in such good shape. Obviously, he had every right to be that fit. "Wow, you do a lot.." She said, her mouth had suddenly gone dry.

"Too much?" He smirked.

"It could be for someone else. It's surprising you haven't run yourself ragged doing all that." She didn't realize he was even closer to her until his arm brushed her own.

"Yeah that's true, but I prefer honest work, the kind that involves me being hands on..." Knight's sudden dark gaze sent a small shiver over her spine. He was peering at her as if he wanted to consume her entire being. She had to look away because she couldn't withstand how smoldering his gaze was.

He rendered her speechless.

"If you caught that double meaning, then you know I've already just crossed a line with you that I know I shouldn't and I know this is probably gon' make it nearly impossible for us to work together, but I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life and I don't know what my brother did to get you..."

Zahra took a few steps back, her heel suddenly getting caught in a small hole in the floor that she hadn't even been aware of. That caused Knight to have to catch her, and that did it. She felt his heat as she grabbed ahold of his shirt to steady herself. With his hands spread across the small of her back, he pulled her closer. A sudden case of electricity permeated her body as if it were a natural impulse. Her body had never even reacted to Ahmir this way in the past.

It was then that she wished she hadn't been too lazy to change into her tennis shoes before she set foot on the property. That was always rule number one rule when it came to a construction site. Hardhats, no open toe shoes, or high heels! Now she regretted it because her fiance's younger brother was undeniably dangerous and her body was relishing in the nearness of him.

"I'm not sure how what should've been an innocent conversation turned into that, but I want you to take back everything you just said." Zahra needed him to forget about whatever he had forming in his mind because she wasn't going to allow it to happen. Yes, she'd given him a few long-standing gazes but she wasn't planning to take it any further.

"I won't because I want you..."His voice low and every bit commanding, "And I'm gon' have you, Zahra."

She hurriedly pulled out of his embrace although her body had already had it's reaction to him. As if he could smell her arousal, his tongue made an appearance from its hiding place in his mouth. He laughed a bit, whispering, "It's gon' be real fun working with you..." Working? Or did he mean playing with her? Because that's clearly what he was doing.

Zahra swiveled around on her heels and began to mentally gather herself. She walked away with ease as if Knight's promise to have her didn't have her quaking on the inside. She couldn't allow him to see her sweat. "You can walk away now, but I felt you quivering. I think you'll be coming around sooner than you think, beautiful."

"I'm engaged to your brother, Knight."

"And? He don't have to know what you're doing on your downtime. I can clearly see he gives you a lot of that." He smoothly eased up behind her and tugged at her braids, making her head graze his chest, "He'll think we're working, but really I'll be giving you what it seems he hasn't given you in a long time.."

She grabbed his hand just when he wrapped it around her throat, "Are you usually this submissive Zahra, or is that only for me?" He turned her loose just as quickly as he'd grabbed her.

His forwardness should've had alarm bells going off in her head, but it didn't. Instead, it only made him that much more tempting. She shivered again and she knew he was aware of it. If she didn't get away from him soon he was going to break her down and have her doing things that she knew wasn't ideal for an almost married woman despite her not being into Ahmir at all. It was just the principle of the whole thing and it was wrong.


It was seeing the clear blue sky and inhaling the fresh fall air that gave her confirmation that she was away from the thick tension she and Knight created. She moved down the few steps of the porch with a quickness and headed to her car. Once inside she heaved a few deep breaths. She turned on the radio to try and rid her mind of the man she'd just signed a contract to work with for the next few months.

She'd heard a few stories about Knight from his sibling and even seen a few of his childhood photos but she definitely didn't expect him to be such a force in person. It was told to her that he'd left the family estate when he was sixteen and he'd been on his own ever since because he just didn't want the glitz and glamour of being a Holloway.

For all of the six years, she'd been with Ahmir his brother hadn't returned home and so she'd never met him until today. Already, she began to wonder if she'd met Knight first would she have even taken a second glance at Ahmir.


Welcome! This is an idea I've had roaming in my head for more than a few months. I don't know if it'll ever get past the first chapter honestly, but I thought I'd share it anyhow and see if anybody likes it lol.

Thanks for reading!


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