Expedition Dead

By Clever_Username

904 52 14

The Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania is the most haunted forest in the world. Julia Stevens accepted an offer she... More

Expedition Dead
The Forest
The Cave
Almost Free
Final Morning
Epilogue: One Year Later

Romania and The Team

104 7 1
By Clever_Username

Two weeks after accepting the position, Julia boarded a plane to the Cluj-Napoca International Airport in Romania. After fifteen hours between two flights, she waited at the rental car center in the airport for her female team members. They would be driving to the house they were staying at, and the guys would be driving together. 

As she waited, Julia couldn't help but notice how much she stuck out. Everyone in the airport was a good six inches taller than her 5'2. Her wavy golden hair and bright blue eyes didn't help her blend in, either. The only similarity between herself and the Romanians around her was her tan skin, earned from hours spent hiking outdoors.

After a while, she saw two women who didn't exactly fit in, either, and they each had a hiking backpack and a small suitcase like hers. They leaned against the counter next to her, whispering.

"I'm telling you, that's her!" the one with red hair hissed at the brunette.

Julia interrupted them. "I'm Julia Stevens, if that's who you're looking for."

The redhead elbowed the other one. "Told you." She held out a hand to Julia. "I'm Ginger Matthews. I know, my name is Ginger and I'm a ginger. So funny."

Julia giggled and the other woman rolled her eyes, smiling. "I'm Anna Taylor."

"And I'm Raven Parker," a voice said from behind.

Julia turned to see a black haired, green eyed girl who looked to be around her age. She smiled.

"Julia Stevens."

Julia rented a car and within ten minutes they'd all claimed their seats: Julia driving, Raven in front, Anna and Ginger in back.

"Since you called shotgun, you get to be on directions duty," Julia told Raven.

Raven saluted her. "Yes ma'am! But can we stop to eat? I haven't eaten in seven hours."

Ginger directed her to a place called Restaurant Panoramic. They parked and rode an elevator up to the top of the tall building, where they were seated at a table that overlooked Cluj-Napoca. It was a perfect mix of intoxicating city lights and gorgeous rolling hills, and the girls couldn't get enough of it. The only thing that could get them to leave was the thought of the house waiting for them in Atid.

Anna and Ginger were asleep before Julia pulled out of the parking lot. She envied them; she'd been on the go since five o'clock in the morning. If she was still going by Colorado time, it would be nine o'clock at night. She was in Romania, though, and it was six o'clock in the morning. She was jet lagged and her internal clock was all messed up.

"Are you going to stay awake with me?" she asked Raven. "I don't really need directions."

Raven smiled. "Duh I'm staying awake with you. What kind of friend would I be if I went to sleep and left you to suffer alone?"

Julia pulled onto a narrow dirt road and prepared herself for a long drive. The thought of her first friend on the team by her side was enough to make her almost happy.


Atid was in a very rural region of Romania. There were no hotels, but they were able to rent out a farmhouse with several bedrooms, a large living room/kitchen, and a ton of bathrooms. It was almost like a little bed and breakfast without the service.

They pulled up to David Farm at nine o'clock. It was a gorgeous little farmhouse, located in a glade between two miniature forests, with a crystal clear creek that ran alongside the house to the back yard. 

Though it was June, it was cold outside, and the four girls eagerly brought their things into the house. Ginger and Anna immediately got a fire going in the living room while Julia and Raven claimed the best bedroom. It was cozy, the beds were soft, the window had blackout curtains, and there was a stone fireplace. It was bordered on either side by two bathrooms, which was perfect for two girls.

Julia headed to the bathroom by her bed and hopped into the shower. There was actual hot running water, which was heavenly after the ninteteen hours she'd spent without it.

When she finally went back to the bedroom, a wet haired Raven was sound asleep in her bed.

Julia climbed under the covers, sighed in contentment at how perfectly warm and cozy she was, and fell asleep.


Julia was woken up by loud knocking on the door. She sat straight up, already missing the warm covers, and ran a hand through her hair.

"What?" she demanded.

"It's one o'clock!" Anna exclaimed. "We made lunch."

Julia, knowing she would never sleep tonight if she didn't get up, woke Raven and headed to the living room.

They both stopped short when they noticed the four guys lounging around the living room.

The cutest one stood, like a perfect gentleman, when they entered the room. The other three followed suit.

Julia looked down at her outfit, wishing she had something more professional on than black sweat pants and a white off-the-shoulder shirt that showed her sports bra, but decided to act professional nevertheless. 

"I'm Julia Stevens. I'll be your leader," she said with a smile.

A short, lanky asian man stepped forward, holding out a hand. "Kevin Deng."

The next to introduce himself was barely taller than Julia. He had red hair and bright green eyes. "Marvin Watts. I'm the manager."

The way Marvin was looking at her gave Julia chills, and not the good ones. She attempted to push away the negative vibes she got from him for no apparent reason, and forced a smile.

A blonde, slightly taller than Marvin but still considered short by guy standards, was next. He had a firm handshake and Julia could tell he was full of energy. "I'm Oliver McNally. I'm the doctor." He had an Irish accent, and Julia was fascinated.

The fascination soon faded when the guy who had first stood upon her entering the room approached her. He was easily eight inches taller than her, and was muscular in a lean, hiker way. His hair was deep brown and wavy, hanging just a little too long in the back. Julia loved it. His eyes were a vibrant light green, putting both Raven's and Marvin's to shame. His skin was sunkissed and his smile was bright white and flawless. There were dimples in both of his cheeks.

"I'm Travis Savoy."

He held onto her hand slightly longer than everyone else had. Julia was drawn to him, for some reason.

They struck up a conversation about the long distance traveling while introductions went around the room. That turned into a conversation about their home towns (his was Denver!) and that led to discussing hobbies and family.

Julia didn't notice that everyone was watching them, amused, until Anna cleared her throat. She looked at everyone sheepishly, avoiding Marvin's glare, and met Anna's gaze.

"Stop monopolizing Travis, please, and come get some lunch," the brunette said.

Blushing like crazy, Julia nudged Travis. "I'd say Anna is jealous that I'm 'monopolizing' you. Wouldn't you?"

She smiled to let Anna know she was joking. Travis laughed, playing along to help her diffuse the sudden awkward atmosphere.

"I'd say so. But can you blame her?"

Oliver put his arm around travis. "I can't blame her. You're just so bloody cute!"

Raven gasped. "Oliver, I thought we had something special!" She pretended to cry into Julia's shoulder. Oliver ran to her, kneeling in front of her and taking both of her hands.

"We do, my queen!" he exclaimed, then happily escorted her to the kitchen.

Travis held his arm out to Julia. "Since I've been abandoned, would you allow me to escort you to the kitchen?"

Julia looped her arm through the crook of his elbow. "Even though I'm second choice...Yes."

Everyone laughed.

"You were really my first choice," he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, his lips just barely brushing her ear.

Tingles ran through her, and she fought off a shiver.

"Now that this has all been worked out, I'd like some food," Kevin declared.


The team spent the day walking around outside, getting to know the area and each other. Julia, Oliver, Travis, and Raven really hit it off. So much that, by the time they went inside to cook dinner, they'd linked their arms and walked huddled together to keep warm. It wasn't awkward like it would've been if they were normal people who had just met. That was the thing, though: They were abnormal and they got along perfectly.

Especially Julia and Travis, but she refused to go there...yet. Maybe, when (or if) the expedition was over and the two returned to Colorado, she would pursue a relationship with him, but not now. Not when she needed her focus more than ever.

The team ate on the floor of the living room, sitting around the fireplace. When Julia took the spot next to him, Travis set his plate down and held out half of the blanket around his shoulders. She let him drape it around her, as well, and was perfectly content to stay there sharing body heat forever.

She knew she had a job to do, though, so she sent the team to bed after dinner before the sun even set and finally climbed back into her own bed.

Raven closed the blackout curtains and added several logs to the fire before going to sleep.

Julia watched the flames as her eyes grew heavy, thinking about the past two days. This whole trip had seemed more like a vacation with friends than anything, but she knew that would all change tomorrow. They were a team, and they had a job to do. A highly dangerous one, at that. 

She drifted off to sleep, trying not to think of the fact that she would possibly be leading seven other people to their deaths in the morning.

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