Will He Ever....? (A Poth (Pa...

By undertale_Nightmare

7K 137 154

Palette Roller and Goth Afterdeath, two different monsters... Palette Roller: a popular cheerleader at UnderH... More

Sorry Guy's
"How We Met"
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Finally!)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

314 5 5
By undertale_Nightmare

~Quick Review~

"I saw a familiar face walk in. There cheek-bones where stained wet, they're holding their own hand, both hands over there mouth. Palette her name is. I think. She fastly walked up to me, "G-Gothy!?" I nodded, Palette came around the desk and hugged me, "H-how do you feel?" I grabbed the whiteboard and wrote, 'ehh It still hurts a lot' She looked at me confused, "Wh-why do you have that?" I erased what I had and wrote 'I can't talk. Or I'd have to go back to the nurse' Palette smiled and nodded, "O-okay. I'm just happy that you're okay." "

~Platte's POV~

Gothy smiled nodded, "Wh-what happened anyway? I-I just saw you laying on the floor." He wrote on his board, 'it's nothing. Don't worry.' I frowned, "Gothy..." He sighed and wrote, 'Fine. Some humans cracked my skull.' I gasped and put my hands over my mouth, "Why Didn't you tell anyone!?" He sighed, 'I don't know their name or what they look like.' I hugged Gothy, "You can still tell someone tho. It'd help with less around the school. And the cameras might have gotten there face!" Gothy smiled and wrote, 'I guess I'll tell Muffet.' I smiled the bell for the end of school rang out throughout the whole school. I stood up and Gothy wrote, 'I still have work.' I looked at the line of kids with books and blushed, "I-I'll be reading a few books." He smiled and went to work

~Goth's POV~

I checked out five books, until Bunny was there, "Took you long enough~" I sighed and wrote 'Book?' She looked at the board, then at me, then at the bandage, then me, "What Happened, Gothy-Po!?" It was funny, she actually sounded worried I wrote down, 'Nothing you need to know about.' She sighed and made that cute angry puffed up face that Palette makes, but it wasn't cute on her, "Gothy~Po, want to come to my house today~? I'll make your head feel better~" I looked over at Palette, she was too into a book. Bunny pulled my head to look back at her, "Pffff, he won't help you." I must have looked confused so I wrote down, 'He?' She laughed, "Oh My Goodness! You Think That Palette's A Girl! Wow!" She walked away and I looked back at Palette. Her/His face full of worry. She/He walked up to me, "Y-you think......I-I'm a girl....?" I slowly nodded and his face became sad, "I-I have to go." He fastly walked out, but dropped the book on my desk, next to me.

~Time Skip-here by TeM~

I was at my house, on my computer. I was face timing my mom and dad, 'Goth, what's that on your skull?' Geno asked I wrote, 'My skull got cracked...' Reaper and Geno's face became worried. Reaper sighed, 'Where is Palette? Because he loves to talk to us.' Geno said. Reaper laughed, "Me. He likes to talk to me." Geno rolled her eye-lights, 'Whatever' Reaper laughed. I wrote down, 'What gender is Palette?' Reaper and Geno both looked at me with blank stares after reading it, "He's a guy. You know that. You know that because you're gay." I blinked and looked at them, 'Why do I think he's a she then?' Reaper sighed, "They must have hit you hard if you think he's a she..." I nodded

'He left and didn't come over also' Reaper sighed, "Okay. Well, we need to sleep. Tell, Platte that we said, 'Hi' okay?" I nodded and wrote down, 'Love you two' Geno smiled and signed, 'thats two people that cant talk now' Me and Dad laughed a little, it looked like Mom was laughing, 'Bye mom + dad' They hung up and I shut my computer and walked to my bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but before I did, I saw something standing over me. The door was locked and I was too tired to see who it was, I just remember them leaning down towards me.

~671 words. I don't feel like writing 1,000+ words, so this has 671, okay? Okay? I had to end it on a cliffhanger! Anyway:

inspirational picture: 

inspirational quote: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/audrey_hepburn_413479?src=t_inspirational

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