GATE: Thus the Doom Slayer Fo...

By After_Hours_Writer

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A DOOM X GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There Tale. More

Chapter 1: New Threats in Unknown Land
Chapter 2: Mind Games/The Caravan
Chapter 3: The Men in Green
Chapter 4: The Search Begins
Chapter 5: Italica
Chapter 6: The Horrors of War

Chapter 7: Making Amends

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By After_Hours_Writer

Count Formal Manor...
A Few Hours Later...
3rd Person POV

The princess and the countess both sat on the small thrones, overseeing the recovery of Italica when the princess's oldest member of the Rose Order of Knights approached her.

Grey: Your grace.

Piña: What is it, Grey?

Grey: You may want to see this for yourself.

Piña: What is it?

A Few Minutes Later...


After witnessing the Doom Slayer's unpleasant return to Italica by the remainder of her Order, she slapped herself in the face with her own hand, muttering to herself with Grey beside her.

Piña: It hasn't been a day, and we've already broken the treaty.

Grey: They can't use this as a reason to restart the war. I wouldn't put it past your father to, but we're not too sure if these "Japanese", or the Doom Slayer, would do the same.

Piña: If either one does, this'll all be over quickly.

Grey: At the very least, Bozes and Panache haven't done any real harm to him, but he does seem unpleasant about his return. At the very least, we should apologize for what they did.

Piña: You want me to just crumble?

Grey: I don't think you want to fight, all things considered. 

Piña: Hnrgh....

Doom Slayer's POV

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Kaine: I apologize on behalf of the Countess for any inconveniences you may have experienced in you're return, Mr. Blazkowicz.

It's not you, or your staff at fault. You have no reason to apologize.

Hearing towards the door, I opened them to see that the moon had taken the sun's place, dimming the sky with its presence.


Kaine: Allow us to let you use the guest room for the night. It's the least we could do to make up for the Rose Order's "aggressive" introduction.

Sighing I turned back around.

I guess. Thank you, Kaine.

Nodding, she pointed upstairs as she responded.

Kaine: Up those stairs, the first room on the left is the guest room.

Nodding in return, I did as the head nanny asked and walked up the stairs towards the guest room. As I was closing the door, I sort of noticed a few blue robes trailing behind me, but thought nothing of it. Closing the door, I rested my back against the wall and sat down on the floor. Shotgun in hand, I tilted my head down and closed my eyes for the first time in  what felt like eternity.

???: Mr. Blazkowicz?

???: Mr. Blazkowicz?


Maid: EEP!


Waking up from my own silent nightmare, I stood up to see several women in blue maid outfits, each of them having some odd characteristic.

The hell?

The only human maid spoke behind another with the familiar high pitched tone in the dream.

Maid: Umm....are you alright, Mr. ....Blazkowicz?

Yeah, I'm-. The fuck?

Then it dawned on me the maid she was hiding behind had big, purple cat ears.

Cat ears?

Cat Maid: Is something wrong?

A little bit. Why are you all in here?

Then the head maid came into the room.

Kaine: It's all right, Mr. Blazkowicz.

Noticing where I was, she responded.

Kaine: I'm surprised that you didn't take the bed.

I would be crushed it if I did, now-.

Kaine: We've been ordered by the princess to give you the best service possible. All you have to do is ask one of us, and we will take care of you. The two knights that have taken you away from your men are being punished as we speak. Your actions have brought a new light to this city, and for that, we are eternally grateful my lord.

Ok, first, please don't call me that. I have too many damn titles as it is, I really don't need another. Two, Who are they?

The red head with the wiggling hair giggled before all four of them spoke in unison, as if expecting this moment.

Maids: We are your personal maids, Mr. Blazkowicz!


Maids: Feel free to request anything from us!

Wiggly Haired Maid: And we do mean "anything".

That won't be needed.

Kaine: What's happening?

Maid: Someone's at the back door. It sounds like they're trying to force their way in.

Kaine: More than likely Mr. Blazkowicz's friends. Let them in and bring them here.

Looking at the woman who spoke, I immediately noticed the giant brown bunny ears she had, reminding me of my dear pet, Daisy.


Bunny Maid: I'm sorry? Daisy?

Umm... I mean....carry on, ma'am.

As the maids were leaving, the bunny spoke to the others.

Bunny Maid: Anyone know a "Daisy" by any chance?

Maid: Nope.

Hopefully, they don't shoot the maids by accident.

Kaine: The maids can handle themselves, Mr. Blazkowicz. Mamina is a warrior bunny. Aurea is a-.

Did you just say, she's a warrior bunny?

Kaine: That's right.

Warrior. Bunny.

Kaine: Yes, I did.

Warrior.... Bunny.

Kaine: Is it hard to contemplate, Mr. Blazkowicz?

That's the most awesome, yet adorable thing I have ever heard of.

Kaine: Well I appreciate your remark, Mr. Blazkowicz. If only more people were like you, there would not be an issue of race.

Of course race is an issue. What s with miss wiggles?

Kaine: Aurea is a medusa.

So her hair were snakes?

Kaine: Correct.

Oh! That explains that. And the cat girl?

Kaine: Persia is... well.... A cat girl, I suppose.

Ah. Straightforward with that one, I guess. And the human one is human?

Kaine: Yes. The Count had a rather open heart and took in people of all races. In fact, he went out of his way to have his staff be as diverse as possible. The issue of race meant nothing to him.

Swell man.

Then I heard something sniffing from my left side, causing me to turn myself and the shoulder mounted cannon towards the source. Looking to my left, I noticed the snakes on the medusa's hair sniffing at the Praetor Suit.

Aurea: You have a much different scent than anyone else, master.

The fuq?

Maid: Aurea! Stop sniffing our guest!

Aurea: Sorry.

Maid:  It's rude.

Aurea: Why do you still have that massive helmet on, master?

I'm not your master, and reasons.

Aurea: Reasons?

Then she started climbing into me, causing me to light try to shake her off.

Aurea: So there's no way we can see the man behind the suit?

Get off me!

Maid: Aurea!

Aurea: I love a good rodeo!

As I tried to shake the girl off without killing her, the door opened back up. Tuka, Itami, and all the others from Alnus Hill entered the room, finding me in an odd predicament.

Tuka: William?

It's not what it looks li- Stop touching my helmet!

In the Countess' Throne Room..

Piña: Bozes, Panache, you have both attacked the Doom Slayer without my consent and have been less than hospitable with him. This is a violation of the treaty we had set with both him and the Japanese Self Defense Force.

The two looked at one another in realization before the princess continued.

Piña: They possess the power to fight off a flame dragon, and not only that. The Doom Slayer alone destroyed a small army of bandits with ease. Imagine if that kind of power were to be turned on us? If they were to declare war on us, the Empire would fall!

Bozes: I'm sorry, your grace. We didn't know that-.

Piña: It is on you to make amends with the Doom Slayer! Do whatever it takes for him to act like it never happened. You'll have to offer that man your body.

Bozes: Wha-? I.....

Realizing that no matter what she would say, the princess would not listen, she hesitantly bowed to her before sighing and speaking in defeat.

Bozes: Yes, ma'am....

Piña: I know it's degrading, but you must know what it takes to keep our realm secure.

Bozes: I know. I'll make sure he acts like it never happened, even if it comes to that.

Back in the Guestroom...

Everyone was getting to know one another, some more than others.

Private: Private Kurata Takeo, reporting for duty, ma'am! I'm 21, single, my hobbies are anime and manga reading! And I think your ears are pretty cool!

As Persia laughed at the private for his loud introduction, the Doom Slayer thought to the private, which translated to the tone of a man who had been through hell and high water.

Doom Slayer: You know, you don't have to scream, right?

As the two groups conversed with one another, Bozes entered the room silently, wearing nothing more than light pink lingerie. The only person to notice her entrance was the Doom Slayer, and even then, he was confused.

Doom: What uhh....are you doing?

Her expression turned from deep embarrassment to rage. Clenching her fists, she muttered to herself.

Bozes: This ass.... I am the second daughter of the Palesti family. He has no idea how much it took for me to lower myself to him.

Without thinking, or hesitation, the woman sprinted towards the Doom Slayer in anger, bringing everyone's undivided attention to her.


Doom Slayer: Seriously, what are you-.


Doom Slayer: OW!

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