
By Unexpectedwriter0986

600K 22.9K 5.7K

Renae hated looking at herself in the mirror, all she would see is an ugly black girl. She was physically and... More

Chapter One:Seeing Him
Chapter Two:Nightmares
Chapter Three: Baby?
Chapter 4: "Don't kill me"
Chapter 5: Fake Friend?
Chapter 6: Making Amends
Chapter 7: Cast!!!
Chapter 8:Troye
Chapter 9: Remembering
Chapter 10: Caring?
Chapter 11: Out to the Mall
Chapter 12:Annual Celebration
Chapter 13: Friend problems.....again
Chapter 15: Why Renae
Chapter 16: Spoiled
Chapter 17: I wish it were real
Chapter 18: I hate u I love u
Chapter 19: A Chance
Chapter 20:Revealed
Chapter 21: Pettiness
Chapter 22: Exposed to the World
Chapter 23: Unexpected Turn
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 25: Just To Be Happy
Chapter 26: Leah
Chapter 27:Maybe I love her
Chapter 28: Finally
Chapter 29: New Beginnings
Chapter 30: Lost Times
Chapter 31: Mine
Chapter 32: The Babysitter
Chapter 33:Shocking Encounters
Chapter 34: Can't Trust No One
Chapter 34:Guilt
Chapter 35: Time
Chapter 36: Truth
Chapter 37: Phone Calls
Chapter 38: Execution of plan
Chapter 39: He will Pay
Chapter 40: To the Rescue
Chapter 41:Phyco, but not too smart
Chapter 42: Happiness Found
Chapter 43:Almost Perfect
Chapter 44: Perfect
Chapter 45: Epilogue Part one
Chapter 46: Epilogue Part Two

Chapter 14: Outcast

12.8K 508 40
By Unexpectedwriter0986

Liam broke up with Kelly that same day, just as he said

All the girls went rushing back to him like bees when they figured out he was single again

Kelly hated me from that day, she blocked me on all her social media, never talked to me in person, and almost exposed all the secrets I told her.


My feelings for Liam has been confirmed. Whenever I'm around him I feel this electricity, this pull, my heart beats fast and my palms get surprisingly sweaty.

I want to tell him, you know?
Just to get him out of my head, but I'm scared to get rejected and he doesn't talk or tease me that much either..

I don't know why and honestly? I missed it

Troye and I have become closer that ever, and Lee and him are officially dating

I'm so so happy for them, but for myself?

Hell to the no

After a long and boring day at work, I decided to go home. And now I'm laying on my bed, randomly thinking about life

My IPhone ringtone went off, and it took me awile to answer, because I like dancing to it

It said unknown number

I don't even have much friends, who could be calling me?


"Renae, baby, is that you?"

I froze. It was my mom. My mother's voice speaking to me right now I couldn't believe it, it's not true

"Baby? You there?"

"Yes, m-mom, how did yo-"

And I got I interrupted, usual for my mom

"Oh baby, you can't believe it!"

She sounded stressed

"Adam's missing! His mother and I are going crazy, he just got up and left, maybe he went to search for you, but if you see him please call back"

"Sure mom, bye"

Is she serious?

Is she frikin serious

She had my number the whole time, never called when I ran away to check if her daughter is okay, even put herself as unknown so I wouldnt have her number but went crazy when Adam went missing.

He is not your damn child

My mother always liked me the least, always payed attention to my 3 older sisters and my dad payed attention to my 3 younger brothers

Yup, I was stuck in the middle

Don't get me wrong my siblings and I always got along, they were the ones that actually cared for me, but there were times when I got envious

Everyone got the perfect grades except for me, because I had dyslexia, it has gotten better over the years, but back then my grades were horrible, and no one could understand how I felt.

"Guys come to the living room, it's Christmas time, we need to open presents" my mom said

"Come on Diamond, let's have a race on who can run down the stairs faster"

"Are you serious Renae? Your glasses are gonna come off and your gonna break your head" Diamond said while rolling her eyes

"Fine" and I ended up having a race with Deshawn instead

When we arrived we all sat on the couch

Mommy, Daddy, Diamond, the twins Ashley and Angel, Me, Deshawn, Brandon and Daniel

The Christmas tree was decorated beautifully, and under was a million of presents, I couldn't wait to open one

Everyone got cool presents from mommy and daddy first

Like wii, iphones, or shoes

"Mommy, what did I get?" my excited 11 year old self said

I looked around at all my siblings comparing there presents

"Oh honey you get two presnts" she said with a fake smile

Everyone was getting like 5 or 6 presents but I was too excited to care

She handed me two poorly wrapped packages

One was an itchy sweater and one was a series of a book

It was what I got every Christmas

"Too help with your dyslexia and when your cold" or "get better grades" was what mommy always said

So I was respectful

"Thank you daddy" I hugged my dad tightly but he only gave me a pat on the back

I didn't understand back then, but when I became 15 years old I finally understood

I was a child of an affair my mom had with some guy at a bar, my real father, I will never know

My mom tried to have an abortion, but when they heard of the complications, they decided to just go with the birth

Apparently to my mom, I caused the relationship with my "dad" and her to falter

Like was I the one going around sleeping with random men?

She and my dad hated me with a passion, though they didn't say it

If you looked in my family pictures, everyone had baby and first's pictures, but not me, everyone had sweet sixteen pictures or new car pictures but not me, I was like an outcast

The only reason I kept it together, or not try to commit suicide, was because of my siblings who noticed this mean behavior from my parents

In front of people, my parents would put a show on, pretending they loved me , those were the times I loved

When Adam and I started dating, that's when she actually started to like me

Adam was rich and very handsome, and the son of one of her closest friends

So when Adam started abusing me, I couldn't dare tell her, she was going to stop loving me, the only person I told was Kelly, no one else

Since I ran away, I told Kelly and she came too, and my siblings kept calling me, but soon after it ended

But a call from my mom and dad?


Adam is now missing and she cares so much about him

Though she treated me like trash, I still love her. She is my mom

My family all have light skin, so that's why I kind of look really different

Their last name is actually Cabellerro, but I kept my last name as my true father

Sometimes, I would dream of finding him

Hey beautifuls, I updated the cast, it will have with Renae family, so check it out, and comment what you think

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