
By Yarah001

9.3K 209 447

In which Raimon worries, Tenma keeps dismissing his own well-being - he should stop doing that - and lots of... More


Venous: Chrono Stone I

4.1K 107 288
By Yarah001

This was supposed to be one chapter... but it got too long, so the second part will come later. Eventually XD

Now, enjoy!


''Are you the reason why Raimon's gone all weird?''

''That's right.''

The strange boy – Alpha, he said his name was – stares at him blankly when Tenma narrows his eyes angrily. ''I'll never let you erase soccer! Turn everyone back to normal!''

He remembers their blank stares, the confusion when he spoke to them, and swallows thickly. ''Give soccer back!'' he says, instead of following that line of thinking.

''No,'' states Alpha and holds out a hand, his voice and expression as monotone as it's been the whole time. ''What we must do is the exact opposite. The total annihilation of soccer.''

He feels nauseous and the brunet swallows, trying to get rid of the feeling. ''That's...'' he clenches his fists, trying to stop their shaking. ''I won't let you!''

But then Alpha is holding something, some small, black disk with a red button, and as he throws it into the air he says, ''you cannot resist me,'' and a ball shape forms. It lands in front of the purple-haired boy and Tenma has barely a second to notice the different buttons on it, when Alpha pushes one of them and the ball starts glowing with a bright red energy. ''Time Warp Mode.''

He shoots it towards the brunet and Tenma steps backwards, but trips on the staircase. The world lurches sharply and a bright red light fills his vision, Alpha's face the last thing he sees, and for a few seconds that feel like hours, he's gone.

When he comes back to his senses, he can feel the wind in his hair, hear the cries of the seagulls, feel the salty wind on his lips.

His eyes snap open because he knows this.

Blue sky, as opposed to the evening's orange glow from a moment before, the bright, sparkling blue sea, lazy cotton clouds drifting through the sky.

He knows this, as well as he knows his room in Kogarashi Manor. Even if it's impossible, even if his mind tells him that he can't have traveled from Tokyo to Okinawa in barely a minute, he knows this place like the back of his hand.



Tenma's staring at the world of sparkling colors beyond the window of the Inazuma TM Caravan and while he's awed by its beauty, there's too much going on in his head to really notice.

''Don't worry. You survived.''

That's what Alpha had said, after stopping Gouenji's attempt to save the brunet's younger self.

Despite everything that just happened, he can't help but focus on that part.

You survived. Nothing about how long, or the repercussions.

It should've been reassuring, in the least, but instead, Tenma can only remember the doctor visit where he was diagnosed with hemophilia. That was when he was five.

The accident happened when he was three.

Part of him wonders how that went down, in this world. You survived could've meant so many things.

It probably isn't a good sign for his mental stability if he's thinking so much about his possible death.

But the other option is remembering the pain.

Like fire, searing hot and fast, too fast, no way to stop it. Burning away his memories as something fundamentally shifted, forcefully changing.

For a moment, he hadn't known anything.

I love soccer and I don't care about it.

I love my friends and I don't know them.

Things he'd known for as long as he could remember, torn away and replaced by other things, cold and unfamiliar and different and painful.

For a moment, he'd been someone else and it was terrifying.

And that particular line of thought leads to Raimon. If Alpha's words – and his own experiences with them – are any indication, they really forgot everything. They went through the same process, the same pain, the same lack of identity.

That, more than the beating or the bruises that will undoubtedly cover his skin tomorrow, makes him feel like throwing up.

''Hey,'' says a soft voice and Tenma tears his eyes away from the window when Fei sits down next to him. ''How are you feeling?'' he smiles sympathetically. ''I can imagine all this is a bit... much.''

The brunet shrugs. Fei is nice, definitely, but he's still a little uncomfortable around the other boy- the time traveler. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it. ''I- I guess it is,'' he mutters finally, staring at his hands. ''I'm worried about my team- oh, crap.''

Fei furrows his eyebrows. ''What's wrong?''

Tenma grimaces and holds out his hand. The other's eyes widen when he sees the blood covering it and for a minute, Fei seems speechless. ''Oh jeez,'' he says after a moment. ''I'll- I'll go grab the first aid kit.''

He quickly stands up and moves to the back of the caravan and the brunet holds his injured hand with his other, making sure not to stain his uniform. Fei returns a second later and quickly sets to cleaning the blood and bandaging the rather small cut.

Despite that, it's still large enough to bleed quite a bit and Tenma would find it strange he didn't notice it before, if his whole body wasn't still sore from Protocol Omega's attack.

''Done,'' announces the time traveler once he finishes treating the wound. ''That okay?''

Tenma stretches his fingers and turns his hand a bit, then looks up and smiles at Fei. ''Thank you.''

Fei returns his smile. ''Don't worry about it, I'm glad to be of help!''

And in that moment, the brunet is sure they will get along perfectly.


Tenma can't possibly describe how relieved he was to see his team.

They're alright.

It's a shame he doesn't really have time to think about it, because soon enough they're off to bring Tsurugi back, and then Alpha teleports them and they're on Raimon's inside field, about to have a match.

''The place where your soccer will be buried for good,'' states Alpha, his voice as monotone as always.

Fei smiles, a fire of determination burning brightly in his eyes. ''We'll take whatever they throw at us,'' he says. ''That's why we came here.'' He snaps his fingers and suddenly the Dupli are there, dressed in Raimon's uniform.

Tenma blinks and looks down when he notices that he and his friends have changed clothes as well – that will be weird no matter how many times Fei does it – and his eyes widen when he catches sight of his arms. ''Oh my god.''

''Tenma?'' Shindou turns his head, concern in his eyes once the brunet's horrified tone registers in his mind, and his eyes widen. ''Tenma.''

Shinsuke makes a restricted choking sound and Yuuichi pales rapidly, while both Fei and Wondeba can't do more than stare.

Not that Tenma can blame them, considering he's also still quite horrified at the sight of his own skin.

Black, black, black. The horrid mess of colors, if the barely distinctive shades can even be called that, are a sickening contrast to his natural tan. The last time he looked like this was after the match against Dragon Link, and even then there wasn't so much black.

He tears his eyes away from the bruises and looks up at Shindou. He's not sure what kind of expression he has, but something in the strategist's face tightens, something unreadable yet familiar in his eyes. The older boy grits his teeth and looks away.

Only when the match has already begun does Tenma realize, with startling clarity, that it was guilt he saw in Shindou's gaze.


They're time jumping back to the present and Tenma can honestly say he can't wait to see Tsurugi again. His best friend might be an edgy emo kid, but he's Raimon's edgy emo kid and the brunet has missed him.

He's pulled from his thoughts when someone sits down next to him. ''Shindou-senpai?''

The strategist smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. ''Hey. Mind if I sit here?''

''Not really...'' the brunet trails off hesitantly. There's something off about his older friend and he hesitates for a few moments. ''Are- are you okay?'' he asks when his concern wins out, and at the game maker's surprised look he looks down. ''I mean, you're acting a little... unlike yourself,'' he mutters and glances up through his bangs.

Shindou's gaze softens and he sighs. ''I'm alright,'' he says, ''but you're not.''

Tenma blinks, even more confused now. ''Senpai?''

The older boy leans his arms on his knees, keeping his gaze on the ground. ''You were hurt.'' He says it like a statement and the young captain pauses, not sure what to say. He doesn't have to say anything. ''And we weren't there.''


That's what this is.

''It's alright,'' Tenma tries to reassure him, ''Fei helped me and it's not as bad as-''

''Don't.'' The brunet's smile melds off his face at the cold tone in Shindou's voice, and the older boy still won't look at him. ''We should've been there, Tenma, and yet we didn't even remember you. You were alone and hurt. I should've been there.''

Tenma swallows but he doesn't hesitate. He won't allow his friend to blame himself for this. ''It's not your fault,'' he stresses and there's a hint of steel in his voice. ''Protocol Omega attacked you out of nowhere, there's nothing you could've done. If it weren't for Fei, I don't know if I would've given in. There's only one who's to blame here and that's El Dorado, not you.''

Shindou finally, finally looks at him and the brunet swallows at the pained look in his brown eyes. ''That might be so,'' says the older midfielder softly, ''but you were still hurt, Tenma. You might be captain but you're only thirteen.''

''And you're fourteen,'' answers the brunet stubbornly. No way he'll concede on this. ''I don't blame you, and you'll just have to live with that.''

The game maker cracks a smile, barely noticeable but still there. ''Stubbornness issues much,'' he mutters under his breath and with that, the seriousness is gone.

''Hey!'' the brunet protests and Shindou laughs. Tenma feels fully justified to hit him.

The topic is dropped for the time being and while the younger midfielder can sigh in relief, he doesn't dare fool himself by thinking this is the end of it.


When everything is said and done, Shindou watches Tenma and Fei leave the clubroom.

He's still reeling from the new soccer ban, but more than that, there's another issue on his mind.

''Shindou,'' says Kirino softly and the strategist is pulled back to the present. Realizing he's still staring at the closed doors, he looks up and catches sight of his teammates – that is, everyone but the captain. His best friend is looking at him with worried eyes. ''What's wrong?''

The game maker would like to say he's surprised by his friends' perceptiveness, but he really isn't. Instead he slumps in his seat, eyes focused on the ground and expression tight. ''Tenma,'' he answers simply. ''It's worse than after the Dragon Link match.''

Well hello, heavy atmosphere, how are the wife and kids?

The silence is very, very painful, and it's no surprise Shinsuke feels the need to break it. ''I talked with Fei,'' mutters the keeper softly and all eyes turn to him. Everyone notices the downward tilt to his lips, but no one mentions it. ''Tenma explained Protocol Omega's ball, right? How it can teleport and stuff. Apparently there's also something called 'Strike Mode', which is- it's used to... to hurt. A lot.'' The small boy winces, but forces himself to go on. ''Fei- Fei said, when they tried to erase Tenma's memories, he kept fighting and- and Alpha, he used Strike Mode on Tenma so he'd give up.''

Knowing their captain, that can't be anything good.

Still, they have to ask.

''How long?'' Shindou pretends his voice doesn't crack.

Shinsuke clenches the fabric of his uniform pants and shakes his head. ''I- I don't know,'' he says softly. ''Fei said it was already going on a while when he got there, so...'' he shrugs helplessly.

Shindou closes his eyes and tries to ignore the heavy feeling in his stomach.

That's... bad.

He's not the only one who seems to think so. ''That idiot,'' hisses Tsurugi, but beneath the venom in his voice, there's the same deep-rooted concern they've all grown familiar with when it concerns their wayward captain.

''This is dangerous,'' says Kurama eventually and it's surprising that he's the one who's the calmest. Or, well, seems to be the calmest, if the dark look in his eyes and clenched fists are any indication. ''Fifth Sector had limits. El Dorado doesn't seem to be of the same mindset.''

It's with a sickening dread that everyone realizes he's right.

So far, El Dorado doesn't seem to have any trouble with hurting them and hurting them badly.

''And knowing that idiot,'' adds Tsurugi, the venom having left his voice, ''he'll dive head-first into reckless situations. Like he always does.''

''Is that concern I see?'' asks Shindou, voice joking but also weary, and he must look as bad as he feels because the striker doesn't give a snappy retort. The former captain sighs and runs a hand down his face. ''I don't think there's anything we can do now,'' he says finally. ''We'll just... have to be careful. And make sure he's careful.''

Tsurugi snorts without humor. ''You do know this is Tenma we're talking about, right? The guy who allowed himself to be beaten up by Keshin users, challenged Fifth Sector head on, started a revolution in the process and managed to win?''


This just moved from 'hard' to 'nearly impossible'.


It's been two hours since Tsurugi woke up as a Knight of the Round and they're just finishing their meeting.

''Alright, so everyone's in agreement?'' Shindou asks. ''We'll wait for the others to show up and follow the story line? So it doesn't matter who the main character and his friend are, we have to pretend to be the Knight of the Round?'' there are nods all around.

''I have to go now,'' says Aoi, standing up and dusting of her dress. ''My 'father' will be looking for Princess Merola if I stay away much longer.'' She excuses herself and disappears through the double doors.

''Alright, stay close, everyone,'' orders Shindou and Tsurugi can't help but feel nostalgic when the midfielder easily falls back into his role of captain. ''We can't know for sure when the others will arrive, but I doubt it'll be long.''

Everyone goes off to do their own thing after that and Tsurugi makes his way to one of the balconies, looking out over the garden. He sighs and leans on the barricade, staring at the land beyond the city.

They're stuck in a fairy tale, separated and forced to play out the story.

Tenma is not with the Knights of the Round.

The striker ignores the twinge of worry and instead huffs. ''Knowing that idiot, he's probably managed to become the main character or something, with all the trouble he attracts.''

Great. Now he's talking to himself.

He glares at nothing, annoyed with himself. Three months ago, he was a ruthless Seed, and now he keeps thinking about the soccer freak who's somehow managed to become his best friend.

Stupid Tenma, for making him worry like this.

But even as he thinks it, he grimaces as he remembers the sight of the bruises on the brunet's skin, black, contrasting sharply with his always-cheerful smile. The resigned look on the captain's face when he finally told them the truth, the way he casually deals with the nosebleeds and ignores the bruises that would've send anyone else to a doctor.

Tenma might pretend it doesn't bother him, but Tsurugi knows him better than that.

And the brunet's tendency to act first, think later is not very reassuring, especially when said brunet isn't here. He's somewhere in this strange land, probably alone and who knows what El Dorado will do next.

He's torn from his thoughts when someone joins him on the balcony. ''You're worried about him,'' says Taiyou softly.

For a second, Tsurugi thinks of playing dumb, but then decides not to. ''Like you're not,'' he mutters in response.

Taiyou leans on the barricade as well, his eyes sharpening. ''Of course I am,'' he says and there's something in his voice that causes Raimon's striker to look at him. ''Not sure if you noticed this, but I don't know what's going on with him.''

The striker's eyes widen.

''He hasn't told you?'' he inadvertently asks.

Arakumo's captain shakes his head and sighs. ''No,'' he says softly. ''I mean, I know there's something. I wasn't sure before, but after I joined you guys, and the bruises... it wasn't hard to figure out, especially since you all seemed to know something. I meant to ask him, but, well, there was never a right moment for it.'' He shrugs nonchalantly, but the hard edge to his lips gives him away.

Tsurugi stares at him and easily remembers his own frustration from only a few weeks ago.

He makes a decision and hopes Tenma won't be angry. ''It's hemophilia,'' he says and Taiyou blinks in surprise. ''A blood disorder.''

''You-'' the other teen pauses. ''You're telling me?''

The striker shrugs. ''You deserve to know, besides, if Tenma knew how worried you were, I doubt he'd mind if I told you.''

Taiyou seems stuck between eagerly listening and betraying his friend's trust. Tsurugi waits patiently, letting him make his own decision.

The bright-haired boy looks out over the fairy tale city and breathes in slowly. The silence between them isn't uncomfortable, but it's a little on the heavy sid.

''So,'' says Taiyou eventually, finally meeting Tsurugi's gaze again. ''Hemophilia, you said?''

The forward smiles just a little bit.


Fei has stopped moving.

His teammates are shouting at him, taunting him, but he doesn't move. Tenma keeps an eye on him but he's also focused on the match, because they have to win. They have to.

Out of the corner of his eye, the brunet suddenly sees Fei move and there's a flash of blue and-


A scream tears itself from his throat and through the agony in his head, he can hear his friends screaming as well. He drops to his knees, clutching his head, and he manages to gasp out, ''what is this?'' before another wave of agony crashes over him.

It's as if his mind is tearing itself in pieces and he falls forward, leaning on his knees and elbows, still clutching his head. He hears the commentator shouting and his teammates screaming but he can't focus because it hurts, it's still hurting and it only gets worse.



He tries to gasp for breath, but he can't get the oxygen in his lungs and it hurts-

Through the pain he manages to push himself up, somewhat, and he can see someone walking towards him, even through his blurry vision. The bright orange vest gives his identity away.

''Is it you, Fei?'' he gasps out and part of him screams that no, it can't be, Fei would never do something like this, he wouldn't hurt us like this, but there's no denying it. ''Is it you doing this?''

His only answer is a flare of purplish blue lighting up around Fei and the pain in his head increases tenfold, a scream tearing itself from his throat. Agony courses through his veins like acid, and he can't breathe-

He can't breathe.

Then it dies down a bit and he wretches his eyes open, even though he wants to give in and curl up into a little ball and hide, but he can't.

He can't because his friend needs him.

''Please,'' he gasps out instead, forcing himself to ignore his trembling body, and tries to convey his pleas through his eyes, ''stop, F-Fei. You can't...''

Another wave of light and agony-

He chokes on his scream and he can taste blood in his mouth when he bites on his tongue and it hurts and it won't stop, please make it stop, no more! Please!

Tenma forces himself upright again, forces himself to look at his friend. ''T-This isn't the soccer you wanted to play, Fei!'' something shocked, vulnerable, flashes through the other boy's expression and the brunet pushes on. He has to. ''Am I right?!''

He's running out of breath and he chokes, tasting iron on his tongue as he crumbles to the floor, barely catching himself halfway. If Fei attacks him more viciously again, there's no way he'll be able to hold onto consciousness.

But then he hears Fei's voice. ''Tenma...'' there's something pained in it and more than the mental agony, that hurts, because his friend is in pain and he's not sure if he can do anything to help.

He forces himself to keep looking, to hold on for just a little while longer, because Fei needs him.

Another wave of agony and Tenma crumbles to the ground, his strangled scream cutting itself off. He clutches his head through the burning, searing, tearing agony but even then he can still hear Fei's voice. ''I'm your enemy!'' there's a note of desperation in it, as if the other boy is trying to convince himself as much as Tenma.

A flash of light – how many has it been now? – and the brunet curls in on him, gasping through the taste of blood and the feeling of acid in his veins. Please...

''I'm the enemy! I'm Tenma's enemy!'' and he runs forward, taking the forgotten ball and moving to El Dorado's half. No one can do anything to defend, except-

Except robot Ray Rukh.

He tries, but it's not to be. One android can't fight an entire team of Second Stage Children.

Tenma doesn't know what Saru is telling Fei, but he can see the hesitation, the pain on his friend's face. Before he can think on it, however, there's another wave of energy, the worst one yet and the stadium is filled with screams.

Distinctly, he can recognize his own voice.

Agony, agony, agony, agony, agony, agony agony agonyagonyagonyagony-

And then it's gone.

Fei's confused, and pained, and scared, all at once. Tenma forces himself to his feet, listening to Supporter X, telling Fei to stop, and he's sure Saru is also mentally talking to his friend.

''Fei!'' he calls, because if there's anything he can do to help, he will.

The boy looks at him and the look in his eyes is so full of desperation that Tenma has to fight of the nausea. ''Ten-''

''Fei!'' he calls again, because he can't let Saru win. Not with this.

The boy is looking at the balcony where Feida's emperor is sitting. ''I... I...'' and then Tobe is suddenly there, stealing the ball, and the match continues.

Tenma gives Fei one last look and then joins his teammates.

I promise you, Fei, I will save you. I will, no matter what.


He lies on the blue field, gasping for air. He's hot, and sticky, and beyond exhausted, but there's a surge of happiness that makes it all worth it when the whistle echoes over the field.

''The match is over! Chrono Storm wins the final round!''

The audience explodes into cheers, and Tenma pushes himself to his knees. ''We won!'' Shinsuke's shout is echoed by their teammates and the keeper flings himself at the brunet, catching him in a hug. ''Tenma!''

The captain yelps but can't help the smile spreading over his face. ''We did it, Tenma!'' Nishiki grins.

The brunet laughs cheerfully. ''Yes!'' Fei offers a hand and he grabs it, letting his friend pull him to his feet. Around them, the stadium floats down, out of the pocket dimension the Second Stage Children had created.

He looks over at the other team, smiling a little when he sees them all standing together, and excuses himself. ''Saru!'' he calls when he's in hearing distance, and the other boy looks up. Tenma holds out a hand and the other captain stares at it for a second.

Then his face softens into a smile and he reaches out to shake it. ''Thank you.'' His grip is strong, no sign of hesitation, and the look in his eyes is genuine.

They talk for a while as people start leaving the stadium. It's a relief to hear Saru say they'll give up their powers and continue to play soccer and soon both teams are moving to the benches.

As he watches the players interact, Tenma can't help but smile. He couldn't possibly describe how amazing it is to see all of them get along like this.

Fei's standing next to him, smiling as well. ''It's amazing, isn't it?'' he asks and the brunet nods.

Tenma closes his eyes for a moment and grimaces at a sharp flare of pain in his head. He's been feeling it since the match, after he took a particular bad fall – he's pretty sure he banged his head on the ground or something – but the adrenaline kept the pain at bay for a while.

Now, however, it comes back full force and he raises a hand to his temple, lightly massaging it. Ouch. He's aware of Fei next to him, still talking, but the pain makes it hard to focus on his voice.

His eyes open and his brow furrows in confusion when he feels something hot and wet on the side of his face, hidden by his hair. He touches his ear lightly and when he retracts his hand and looks at his fingers, they're covered in blood.

He stares at it, uncomprehending, for a few seconds.


The brunet looks up at the sound of his name, eyes meeting Fei's worried, minty green ones. He opens his mouth to reassure him, but there's a lurch in his stomach and his vision seems to twist, colors and figures mixing until nothing makes sense anymore. His blood rushes through his ears and for a moment he feels like he's floating, but then he's falling, falling, falling-


Everything goes black.


Fei pauses with what he's saying when he notices the way Tenma is holding his head. He frowns in concern and almost reaches out for the brunet, but then hesitates. ''Hey, are you alright?''

His captain doesn't seem to hear him and is instead massaging his temple. Then he suddenly pauses, pulling his hand back.

Fei's eyes widen when he notices the red coating them.

''What's wrong? Can you hear me, Tenma?'' finally, finally does the brunet look up at him, his eyes glazed over, dazed, and without having to ask, Fei knows his friend isn't entirely with him.

The brunet opens his mouth to say something, but the only sound that comes out is a strangled gasp and then suddenly his legs give out and he's falling.

Fei shoots forward to catch him. ''Tenma!'' he drops to his knees, arms around the brunet's shoulders, and he would be relieved at having caught him before he hit the ground if his friend's head wasn't hanging limply against his chest. ''Tenma!''

He's vaguely aware of his friends moving towards them, but he can't really focus on them.

Instead he stares at the blood coating Tenma's uncovered ear.

This is bad, is the only thing his mind registers. Crap crap crap this is bad this is bad this is bad-

Someone kneels in front of them and Fei tears his eyes away from his friend's face, instead looking into dark, worried eyes. ''C-coach?'' he barely recognizes his own voice, so desperate and shaky that it takes him a moment to realize that yes, it's his.

The others are frantic, unable to stay still, pale with worry and fear. Fei thinks he probably looks the same way, but it's oddly detached, as if his thoughts and feeling are muted somehow.

The next who-knows-how-long passes him in a daze. He's partly aware of Endou taking charge and Tenma being taken away by people in white clothes. Raimon's coach and his friends, Kidou and Gouenji, then guide them to a waiting room and once they get there, Fei can't do more than fall down on one of the benches and stare blankly at the wall in front of him.


The second he's finished talking with the other Second Stage Children, Saru excuses himself. Meia and Gillis, both pale, stand up to follow him and no one seems to blame him for his hasty retreat.

The three of them quickly make their way through the many halls of Saint Elda and to the medical wing. They reach the waiting room in record time and quietly slip inside.

Saru pauses as he stares at the scene in front of him. Every single Raimon player and their friends from various timelines, scattered through the room. Some are whispering quietly, but mostly it's silent. Their defeated, slumping forms are lined with exhaustion and anxiety and Feida's emperor has to take a moment to calm himself.

His eyes move to the familiar figure of Fei. His friend is sitting with Raimon but not actually talking to any of them, curled up on the couch-like bench, arms hugging his knees to his chest and eyes staring blankly at the opposite wall.

Saru shares a quick look with Meia and Gillis and then the three of them move over to the mint-haired boy. ''Fei,'' says the captain softly as he sinks down on the bench next to him, Meia and Gillis both take seats as well.

''S-Saru?'' whispers his friend, finally shaking himself out of his daze. ''What... what are you doing here?''

He looks so defeated that Saru has to swallow first to make sure his voice won't crack. ''We were worried,'' he says softly. ''About you and about Tenma, so we came to make sure you're taking care of yourself. After all, that's what friends do, right?''

At least, he hopes so.

The tiny smile gracing Fei's lips tells him he guessed correctly. ''Thank you,'' whispers the mint-haired teen and Saru has to swallow again when he hears the unimaginable amount of gratefulness in his friend's voice.

Meia places a hand on Fei's shoulder and when the boy looks at her and Gillis, she smiles. ''We're here for you, Fei.''

The four of them settle down for the inevitable wait.

Eventually, a nurse enters the waiting room and looks around. ''Endou Mamoru-san?'' said man immediately moves over to him. ''Am I correct in the assumption you're responsible for Matsukaze Tenma-kun's well-being while his guardian is unavailable?''

''Yes, that's true,'' he confirms.

The nurse nods. ''Very well. I have an update on his status, would you like to hear it in private?''

Endou takes one look at the pale, terrified faces of the teenagers gathered in the room and then shakes his head. ''No, I will tell them anyway. It's easier if they all hear it now.''

The man nods again. ''Alright. Matsukaze-kun, as you might be aware, suffers from a blood disorder-''

Saru's eyes widen at this. He hadn't known that.

''-and we suspect that, during the match today, he somehow hit his head. Because of this, he has a cerebral bleed.''

Everyone freezes.

Cerebral bleed. Internal bleeding in the brain.

Endou inhales sharply and for a second, he clenches his fists. Then he nods, clearly trying to stay calm. ''And now?'' his voice is tightly controlled.

The nurse smiles sympathetically, politely. ''We have scheduled him for an emergency surgery. I will not go into the details, for our future medical options differ much from the ones you're used to. If all goes well, the surgery will start in about twenty minutes. We're not certain about the time it will take, but it will most likely range between the three to nine hours.''

Raimon's coach nods a few times, biting his lower lip. Kidou, seeing his friend's distress, steps up and places a comforting on Endou's shoulder. ''And his chances?''

The other man hesitates for only a second, but everyone notices it. Saru feels like his blood has turned to ice, but he only has to take one look at Fei's distressed, grey-looking face and he puts his own discomfort to the side to wrap an arm around his friend's shoulders.

The nurse sighs. ''Less than great,'' he says finally. ''The odds are... bad. A cerebral bleed is a very serious injury, and in this case, there is a... sixty percent chance Matsukaze-kun will not survive this. We will do everything we can, but we can't say anything for now.''


''Oh my god.''

The whisper is barely audible, but Kidou hears it anyway. He tightens his grip on Endou's shoulder and shoots the nurse a polite nod. ''Thank you very much.''

The man inclines his head for a moment and then leaves. Kidou doesn't acknowledge it, instead focusing on pushing Endou back to the bench they were sitting on, next to Gouenji. The coach sits down, staring dazedly at the ground, and his two friends share worried looks.

Gouenji leans towards Endou and starts to talk to him in soft tones. Kidou sighs softly, pushing his gratefulness at the other man's insight away for now, and instead turns to the other people in the waiting room.

If the atmosphere was morose before, it's positively depressed now. The teenagers look understandably distressed, to put it mildly.

Near tears is more like it.

Kidou mentally curses his inability to deal with them. They're not like Teikoku; they need support, comfort, in a way he's not used to giving. Endou is way better equipped to deal with a team like Raimon, but his friend is in no state to do so.

Teikoku's commander grimaces and forces his feet to carry him towards the teenagers. They notice him, but Sangoku is the only one who acknowledges him. ''Kidou-san,'' says the keeper softly, defeated.

Kidou mentally frowns at the lack of response from Shindou. If he knows anything about the teenager, it's that he's always ready to step up and take the lead if need be.

''Don't give up already,'' he says softly, instead of commenting on that. He's not sure if the teenagers are listening, but he doesn't know what else to do. ''Nothing is set in stone yet. Ma- Tenma needs you to be strong for him now.''

Their captain's name gets a reaction out of them.

The way they tense is impossible to miss and Kidou almost, almost grimaces, but he manages to hide it – it wouldn't do much good if he showed his own fear right now. ''He has been with you from the moment he joined Raimon. He has supported you and put aside his own discomfort for you,'' he tells them and maybe it's not what they need right now, but he wouldn't know what else to say. ''But now he's the one who has been hurt and it's time for you to be there for him. Can you do that?''

They don't answer and even Sangoku looks away when Kidou tries to make eye contact. The commander sighs quietly to himself and, after a last look, moves back to Endou and Gouenji.

He sits down on Endou's other side. The young coach has buried his face in his hands and Kidou shares a look full of concern with Gouenji. The white-haired man shakes his head silently, hand on Endou's back for comfort.

''How're the kids?'' asks the striker and Raimon's coach tenses slightly.

Kidou grimaces. ''Not... not well,'' he says finally. ''I'm not... I don't know how to...''

He doesn't need to finish his sentence, for Gouenji nods in understanding. The Teikoku coach sighs and leans his elbows on his knees, resting his chin on his folded hands. He eyes his two friends – Endou, still slumped forward and not looking at anyone, Gouenji sagged against the back of the bench with his eyes closed.

''You okay?'' he asks softly.

Gouenji opens one eye and, after a few seconds, shrugs. Kidou can see right through the nonchalance of the motion.

He sighs.

There's nothing they can do now but wait.


''We want you to fight them at Ragnarok as members of El Dorado!''

Everyone gasped in disbelief and shock at the exclamation from El Dorado's leader, no one really seeming to know what to say. ''What do you think, Shindou?'' asked Kirino, turning to his best friend.

The game maker turned around and thought for a moment.

Before he could say what was on his own mind, however, another voice cut through the silence. ''Let's do it!'' everyone stared at Tenma and the young captain stared back with fierce eyes. ''Our goal is to protect soccer, right? And the Second Stage Children are born from soccer's future... if they destroy the world, we won't have protected soccer!''

He balled his fists, the determination in his gaze burning brightly. ''So, we should beat the Second Stage Children and keep soccer from being used for something bad in the future! I want to protect soccer!''

Shindou looked down in thought, knowing that the team would still look to him for his opinion.

Mentally he smiled.

Tenma's logic was so understandable yet simple at the same time, as genuine as it always was.

Whatever Shindou decided here, it wouldn't matter. The team would follow their captain even if their strategist told them not to do it.

And so would he.

''Tenma is right... everyone! We'll accept their challenge!'' he smiled.

The brunet's face split into a bright smile and he directed all the gratefulness he felt at the game maker.

Shindou's smile merely widened.

No matter the challenges they would have to face, Raimon would always follow their captain.


The hours passing feel like eons.

The light above the doors of the emergency room almost seems to mock them and for the first hour, no one really says anything. The silence is heavy but no one knows how to break it, and so they don't.

Shindou is resting his head on the back of the bench, watching his friends tiredly. They all seem as listless and drained as he feels and part of him wants to say something to comfort them.

But then he looks towards the double doors, still closed, and he can't bring himself to open his mouth.

Raimon would always follow their captain.

So where would they go if Tenma isn't there to drag them along?

He hates himself for thinking it, but at the same time he can't focus on anything else. The mere idea of Tenma not being there with them is too unbelievable to even imagine fully, but the cold, heavy feeling in his stomach gives him a pretty good demonstration.

Shindou feels like throwing up as he closes his eyes and does the only thing he can do right now.

He waits.


''Even if I left Feida now, I have nowhere else to go!''

It hurt him to admit it, but it was true. He was alone. He didn't have anyone he could go to – he betrayed his friends, hurt them, and he didn't have anyone else.

Everyone stared at him sadly, not knowing what to say.

Tenma stepped forward, standing next to Kinako, and smiled.

''You do, Fei!''

The mint-haired boy glanced up at him, scared and pained and confused.

''Your home is here,'' said Tenma simply.

''Here?'' he repeated hesitantly, not daring to hope that this was really happening.

The brunet nodded brightly. ''Of course!'' he said, as if he should've known it already. ''We're friends who played soccer with each other all this time! When you said you loved soccer, that definitely wasn't a lie. That's why you tried to protect soccer along with us, right?''

Fei looked on, speechless, as Tenma placed a hand over his own heart. ''Your home is here. No matter what happens, this is your home!''

The mint-haired boy stared at him. ''Tenma...''

Everyone smiled at him and Shindou took a step closer. ''Tenma is right,'' he said, his voice encouraging. ''We know how Fei was more serious than any of us about protecting soccer.''

''Come back,'' agreed Sangoku.

Fei stared at them, barely holding back tears. ''Guys...'' he hesitated, trying to compose himself, and then turned away, moving towards the exit.

''Fei!'' he halted at Tenma's voice, but didn't turn around.

Please don't stop me.

And he didn't.

''We'll be waiting for you!''


Fei can't stand the silence anymore.

It's been three hours and the quiet is killing him. He needs something to distract him from his thoughts, from this whole situation.

''What...'' his voice is hoarse and the first thing to break the silence since Kidou went back to Endou and Gouenji. It's enough to break his friends out of their trances and make them look at him. ''The nurse, he said T-Tenma has a blood disorder. What...?''

He doesn't finish his question, but he doesn't have to. They already know what he wants to ask.

''It's called hemophilia,'' says Sangoku quietly when no one else says anything. ''His blood doesn't clot. You've seen the bruises, right?''

Of course he has.

It's impossible to miss.

Fei nods, trying to fight down the nausea he feels at the reminder of the horrifying colors covering his friend's arms almost all the time. Sangoku takes a moment to compose himself. ''He bruises really easily and his blood doesn't clot, so when he gets hurt, it keeps bleeding.''

The mint-haired boy is suddenly thrown back to the time he saved Tenma from Protocol Omega. ''So that's why...'' the brunet's hand was covered in blood, but when he treated it, there was only a medium-sized cut.

Clearly he's not the only one looking for a distraction. ''What's why?'' asks Shindou softly, seemingly willing to talk about anything to get his mind off their current situation, their teammates looking just as curious.

''Ah...'' Fei pauses, wondering how to explain this. ''After Tenma was attacked by Protocol Omega and we picked him up, he was... hurt,'' he says finally. ''Scrapes, mostly, but there was one larger cut on his hand. Nothing worrisome, but I remember being surprised by how much it bled before I treated it...''

''He's too reckless,'' mutters Tsurugi, but there's a fond smile on his lips, barely visible. ''And whenever we tell him to be careful, he brushes us off.''

There are a few weak chuckles at that. ''That sounds like him,'' agrees Saru softly. ''So... has anything like this ever happened before?''

Shindou shakes his head. ''Not that we know of, no...'' he trails off and sighs. ''Other than the bruises and nosebleeds, it's usually not an issue. I guess this time he just... hit his head or something.''

Fei can't help but mentally go over their matches, trying to find the possible moment where Tenma got his injuries. He was hit by the ball a few times during their match against The Lagoon and of course he fell a few times, but it's not the first time that happened, so why would he-

Mint green eyes widen.


No, no way, no way. It can't be- it can't be-!

But now that the realization is there, it's impossible to ignore it, and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place no matter how much he tries to stop it.

''Oh god.''

He hears his own voice, but it sounds distant, as if he's under water.

''Oh god, oh god, oh god-''


Please, no.

Anything but that.

He clutches his head with trembling hands and clenches his eyes shut, trying to block everything out.


His lips are moving, and it takes him a while to figure out the word he keeps repeating.

''No, no, no, no, no, no, no-''

He's only aware he's crying when someone grabs his wrists and his eyes flash open. The world is blurry, from tears, hot tears that spill down his cheeks, but he can recognize the long brown hair anywhere.

Kinako pulls his wrists away from his face and shifts her grip to his hands, holding them tightly. ''Fei, what's wrong?'' her worry is overwhelming, reflecting in her beautiful brown eyes, and he doesn't deserve it. ''Fei?''

''No,'' he gasps, trying to pull away, shaking his head, and why doesn't she see? Why doesn't she realize? ''No, don't- I- no, no, no, no, please no-''

''Fei, please, you're scaring me!'' she tries, but he keeps struggling against her grip.

Saru joins them and grabs his shoulder, pushing him down. ''Fei, what's wrong? Fei!''

He can see Raimon, their worried faces, so, so worried, sees Wondeba looking ready to do whatever he needs him to do, and the painstaking concern is his downfall.

Fei slumps against the back of the bench, not caring about the tears rolling down his cheeks or the hands holding him, and lowers his gaze.

He can't look at them, not now.

''I-'' his voice cracks and he takes a shaky breath, because he has to tell them. He has to. ''I used... my powers, I used my powers on you- on you all, on Tenma, I- I-'' he's gasping and he allows Kinako to draw him into an embrace. Only when her short yet steady arms circle him does he realize how much he's shaking. ''This is my fault, this is all my fault- I never- never should've used my powers- because of me Tenma is- Tenma is-''

He can't say anything more than that.

Instead he glances up at his friends, not knowing what to expect but needing to see it. And see it he does, the understanding, the realization, the horror-

He bows his head again and weeps.

It's all my fault.


''Put me on!''

Tsurugi stared at them, out of breath, desperation in his eyes.

''Tsurugi!'' Tenma exclaimed what they were all thinking.

He stepped forward. ''Let me play in the match.'' Please. Please, please, please. They needed to let him play, he had to play.

But he could see the coldness in Shindou's gaze. ''You aren't running off this time?''

''Not as a Seed...'' he said. ''As a soccer player, I'm asking you to let me on! Please!'' he was definitely not below begging, not about this.

Kurama stepped forward, glaring, blaming. ''How can we trust you?'' the hard look on his face was mirrored by everyone.

''It's your decision, guys,'' said Endou softly.

Tsurugi could feel his desperation grow. After everything he did, there was no way they would let him play, no way they would trust him again. He had to play, he had to, but he wasn't stupid. Not a single person would stand up for him now-

''I believe in Tsurugi.''

For a second, he wasn't sure if Tenma had slapped him. That would've left him less stunned than his actual words did.

The whole team stared at the brunet, but he didn't look away from the Seed.

''Tsurugi's the one who's been giving us a hard time all this time,'' said Kurama, the disdain in his voice impossible to miss. ''I thought I could trust you a bit in the previous match, but you didn't even come to practice after that. And now you're late to this match.'' He turned to Tenma. ''And you still trust him?!''

Tenma didn't look away from Tsurugi, grey eyes holding orange ones captive. ''I do,'' he stated, unwavering. ''Remember Tsurugi's plays. You can't make amazing plays like that if you didn't like soccer. That's why I believe in him,'' he finished with a smile.

Tsurugi could only stare, disbelieving, and for a moment he felt like he could cry.

This boy, the one he'd been targeting all this time, the one he'd hurt on more than one occasion... out of all people, it was this boy who stood up for him.

And Tenma smiled, small, trusting, determined, and nodded once.

''I believe in him too,'' said Shindou, and slowly the others started to smile.

One might believe it was Shindou, their captain, who convinced them, who made them believe in him, but as Tsurugi stared into warm, grey eyes, he knew that wasn't the case.

It was Tenma, and only Tenma, who could always change their mind.

He'd done it before, and he was doing it again, and the best thing? He didn't even know it.

Part of Tsurugi wondered if he, too, would feel obligated to follow this boy one day, to trust him as unconditionally as Raimon already seemed to do, to want to stand beside him not because Tenma told him to but because it was Tenma.

And as the brunet grinned at him and said, ''let's do our best, Tsurugi!'' his own lips involuntarily curled up into a small smile.

If that would really happen, he couldn't quite say he would be opposed to it.

As long as it was Tenma.


After Fei's breakdown, he pretty much collapses from exhaustion.

It's been four hours since the surgery started and they're all feeling it. The exhaustion, not only from the match, but also from their deep-rooted worrying, is felt by all of them.

Tsurugi can barely keep his eyes open, but he doesn't dare fall asleep. There's a clock on the wall, and it's almost time for dinner, but no one is willing to leave. That problem is solved when Alpha, Beta and Gamma bring them a few bags filled with food, enough to last the night.

The three of them linger for a while and then excuse themselves, leaving quietly. Some of the food is handed out and Kidou and Gouenji make sure that everyone – including Endou – eats at least something, but no one really has an appetite at the moment.

They talk in quiet and hushed tones, and some people sleep or rest for a bit, and the minutes slowly tick by. Tsurugi stares at the clock, sees the second pass, one by one, and he wants to look away – time only seems to go slower this way – but he can't.

There's nothing else to focus on and he won't leave, not until he knows more.

His gaze is drawn to the double doors, as tightly shut as they've been for hours now.


He might be an idiot and he might be reckless and even if he annoys me more times than I can count, please.

Let him be alright. He has to be alright.

Tenma is exasperating, and always talking or moving, and cheerful, and he shines so bright Tsurugi sometimes thinks he'll be blinded by it.

He's his opposite. Tsurugi is quiet, and calm, and more often than not he stays in the background, and if Tenma was the sun, he'd be the moon.

That's not a perfect comparison, though. Tenma isn't only positive and bright, he's serious when he needs to be and sad and he's the most empathetic person Tsurugi's ever met.

But he's Tenma and people would say he's the least likely person for Tsurugi to get along with, but they do.

They're teammates.

They're friends.

They're more than that, a lot more. Tenma might hang out with Shinsuke, have fun with him, and he might talk to Aoi and have known her for longer than anyone else on the team, but it's not the same.

They don't share the deep-rooted understanding, the words within silence, the conversations hidden in a single look.

People might say the two of them are too different, but they balance each other out.

And the striker might call the brunet annoying and act like he doesn't care, but he does.

Because Tenma is his captain and if he ever needs help, Tsurugi will be right there at his side, where he should be.

And while he wouldn't let anyone but the brunet himself hear these words, he's not ashamed of them.


Please, be alright. Pull through. You can do this, Tenma. You've done insane stuff before, so please, please, please don't give up now.

Don't leave.


The only reason Endou is awake is because Gouenji keeps giving him cups of cheap coffee from the coffee machine in the corner, and Kidou makes him drink it.

It's been seven hours, or, he thinks it's been seven hours. According to the clock, it's getting close to eleven and most of his team has crashed somewhere in the last two hours. They're scattered over the benches and the coach can't imagine it's very comfortable, but they all look so exhausted, he leaves them be.

He's managed to shake himself out of his daze – the fifth cup of disgusting, black coffee helped with that – and he listens to Kidou and Gouenji's quiet conversation, chewing on some sort of snack the Protocol Omega captains brought earlier.

It's almost peaceful. Probably as peaceful as it could be, everything considered. His friends' soft voices lull him into a weak sense of security and while he doesn't sleep or really relax, Endou can at least let himself rest for a bit.

When the hour approaches midnight, the doors of the emergency room finally, finally open.

Endou straightens, energy he doesn't really have sharpening his mind.

A doctor walks into the room, the double doors falling shut behind him, and looks around at all the people in the waiting room. He looks a little surprised but shakes it off, instead focusing on Endou, Gouenji and Kidou.

The man walks towards them and the three stand up, giving him tired but polite smiles. ''Should we wake them?'' asks Gouenji softly, shooting a look at all the teenagers.

Endou's first reaction is to say yes, but then he thinks the better of it. They're all exhausted and who knows what the news will be? ''Better to hear it first and wake them up later, if- if we feel it's necessary.''

If the surgery failed.

He doesn't dare say it, but they understand.

''Endou Mamoru-san?'' asks the doctor once he's reached them, voice low, mindful of the sleeping teenagers.

''That's me,'' replies the coach.

The doctor nods. ''There's good news and there's bad news,'' he says softly.

Endou inhales sharply and Gouenji places a hand on his shoulder. When the coach looks at him, his friend nods. We're here. Kidou doesn't say anything either, but he lets the back of his hand touch Endou's for a moment in silent support.

''The good news is that the surgery was successful,'' says the doctor after watching their exchange, thankfully not commenting on it. ''It was touch-and-go for a long time, but Matsukaze-kun is strong. He pulled through.''

Raimon's young coach wishes he could feel relieved at that, but the words bad news keep echoing through his mind. ''But?'' his voice is hoarse and dry, and he swallows.

The older man sighs. ''I won't sugarcoat this. Matsukaze-kun is alive, but we don't know when, or rather if, he will wake up.''

Endou kind of feels like someone punched him in the stomach and knocked all the breath out of his body.

He feels himself nod shakily. ''I- I see,'' he whispers and Gouenji's hand on his shoulder tightens, while Kidou's fingers curl around his wrist lightly. ''What-''

He doesn't finish his question, but he doesn't need to, for the doctor smiles sympathetically. ''Matsukaze-kun is young and healthy, so we have hope he'll wake up again soon, but for now, he's in a coma. His body is still weak, but it'll heal. However, after that, it's all up to him. We're monitoring his condition constantly, and we will continue to do so, but there's nothing more we can do now.''

''I- thank you,'' he whispers, tightly shutting his eyes for a moment. ''Thank you,'' he repeats, opening his eyes again.

The doctor nods and his voice is just a tad gentler when he speaks again. ''We're moving him to a personal room for now. Would you like to visit him?''

''Yes,'' says Endou, perhaps a bit too fast, but he doesn't care. ''Yes, please, I- please,'' he settles on saying.

''I will send someone for you once you can see him.'' They thank the doctor again and he inclines his head, accepting their gratefulness. He disappears again through the double doors, leaving the three young men on their own.

The second the doors close behind the doctor, Gouenji is in front of Endou, embracing him tightly. Kidou's grip on his captain's wrist tightens, and the dark-haired man takes a shuddering breath.

''Oh my god,'' he whispers, pressing his eyes shut, ''oh my god, I- oh god-''

They lead him to the bench again, sitting down on either side of him. ''Endou,'' whispers Kidou, allowing his friend to sag against him.

Gouenji wraps an arm around Endou's shoulders tightly, his expression grim and his eyes pained. ''It's going to be okay,'' he mutters, offering all the meagre comfort he can. ''Tenma's strong, he'll pull through. He started a revolution, he'll beat this too, you know he will.''

Kidou mentally curses the little they can do. He can barely imagine how his friend is feeling – he wouldn't even know what to do if something like this happened to one of Teikoku's players, and Endou is even closer to Raimon than the commander is to his own team.

It makes him wonder how Gouenji is coping with all this, but the white-haired male seems to focus all his attention on comforting their friend, instead of giving in to his own grief.

They sit there for a while, huddled close together, and eventually the double doors open again. A nurse – female, this time – quietly enters the room, careful not to make too much noise. The doctor probably told her about the sleeping teenagers. ''Endou-san?'' she whispers and the man in question looks up. ''You can see Matsukaze-kun now.'' She shoots a look at Kidou and Gouenji. ''Your friends can come too.''

Gouenji releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding – he doesn't want to think about Endou having to do this on his own – and shoots the nurse a grateful look. ''Come on,'' he says softly, helping Raimon's coach to his feet.

The three friends follow the woman through a smaller door and through a bunch of corridors. Tenma's room is close, for barely a minute later, the nurse stops in front of a closed door. ''Here it is,'' she tells them softly, smiling supportively, and excuses herself.

They're left in the hall, and both Kidou and Gouenji wait for Endou to do something. The young coach stands in front of the door, his hands shaking, and breathes slowly. ''You okay?'' asks his white-haired friend softly.

''Yeah- yeah,'' he whispers and nods. He reaches out for the doorknob and his hand shakes. He touches the cool metal and hesitates for a slight second, but then opens the door and steps inside, followed by his friends.

The room is not as small as he expected, with white walls, a white ceiling and a white floor. There's a window in the opposite wall, the light blue curtains closed already, but that's not what any of them looks at.

No, they're all staring at the boy lying in the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

He's pale, even with his natural tan, and deadly still. A thick, white bandage around his head stands out sharply against his hair and he's surrounded and connected to countless tubes and wires. An oxygen mask covers his mouth and among the many pieces of medical equipment, there's a heart monitor, beeping steadily if slowly.

It would almost seem like the brunet is sleeping, but the rest of the scene makes it painfully obvious that he's not.

Endou breathes out shakily and stumbles to the edge of the bed, falling in a chair at the bedside. His hands clutch his pants so tightly the skin is turning white and his eyes are trained on Tenma's peaceful – if it can be called that – face.

''Tenma...'' he breathes, hesitantly reaching for one of the brunet's hands. Gouenji and Kidou move closer, until they're standing behind Endou's chair, and Kidou takes note of the white-haired man's paleness and clenched fists.

Confronted with it like this, he can't push his own concern aside anymore.

So Kidou takes it upon himself to comfort his two friends, gentle fingers curling around Endou's shoulder and the back of a hand bumping softly against Gouenji's. He forces himself to keep his breathing even, despite the sheer wrongness of the scene.

He may not be as close to the young brunet as his friends, but he was his coach for a while and he can't deny the concern he feels.

Endou, having grabbed one of Tenma's hands, holds it lightly, careful not to move any of the needles in his skin.

There's a frailness to it that makes him feel nauseous.

The brunet looks so goddamn small and fragile, surrounded by all the machinery, his skin looking almost translucent and his face relaxed in a mockery of sleep.

It suddenly hits Endou that Tenma is only thirteen.


A child, barely a teenager.

The coach tightens his grip on Tenma's hand slightly and clenches his eyes shut.

He can't even imagine the reactions from the team when they find out about this.

Wake up.

He opens his eyes again, staring at the brunet's motionless face.

Please, wake up. Raimon needs you.

They need you. You might not realize it, but you're the light that guides them.

They're lost without you, so please, please, wake up.

Wake up.

But Tenma's eyes stay relentlessly shut.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

The second half of this chapter will be done... someday. Not sure when XD

- Yara Meijer

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