The Struggle for LOVE

By storywriter47

162 24 28

"If you have LOVE in your life, then you have EVERYTHING". Lisa and David fall in love with each other. But p... More

Part #1
Part #2
Part #3
Part #4
Part #5
Part #6
Part #7
Part #8
Part #9

Part #10

14 0 0
By storywriter47


His fingers entered the area and as he touched my spot I started to spray my juices all over. With a sudden jerk I woke up to realise that it was a dream and I had my lower part drenched. David's thoughts made me drenched in my juices and I was all wet. I got up and now it was a need to change. It was dark and David had not yet showed up. I wanted to change my clothes so I proceeded towards parking basement and hid behind a car. There, I removed my jeans and wore a white colour skirt. I again packed my bag and waited for David. I had to wear a skirt as it did not need a panty. I decided to go to David's house and confront him to check what is the matter. I proceeded towards David's house. I reached his house in around after 45minutes. I saw a lock on his house. I thought he might be at Max's house. I went at Max's house and there I saw Casssy hurrying to go somewhere.

"Cass?" I asked

"Hey I was about to call you!" She said.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I enquired.

"Just come with me!" She pulled me with her.

"Cassy Is everything okay?" I was worried

"We do not have time to talk. I will explain you everything on the way" She answered.

"Cassy! Is David okay?" I insisted her to answer.

"He's shot by some gangster" She replied.

As these words striked my ears. I was frozen. I just couldn't believe what she said. I thought I lost David. My eyes were filled with tears. Cassy came near me and hugged me tight but I just couldn't feel her. I felt as if I did not have my legs and hands. I felt dead. Cassy told me that everything would be fine and she took me to the hospital. In the cab-

"How did it happen?" I asked

"I don't know. I just got a call from Max" Cassy told.

"When did it happen?" I asked.

"Today morning" She said.

"Who did it?" I asked.

"Cass! I don't want to lose David." I showed her my concern.

I kept my head on her shoulder and started crying She consoled me but my tears couldn't stop. I was purely in love with David. Why God did this to me? Why does it happen that I and David always struggle for each other's love?. How much more I have to struggle God?. I was irritated, tired and felt helpless. In about half an hour we reached the hospital. I started to feel nervous, my hands shivered, sweat and tears rolling down my face. I was tensed and worried. What if David is dead? How will I live without him? I started to pray that David is out of danger.

I entered the premises and saw Max on the counter. His eyes had turned red and his shirt had a huge red colour blood patch. His face had turned pale. He hugged Cassy tight and wiped his tears. Max took us to the ward where David was admitted. At the door I was not gaining the strength to go and see David. I was nervous. I went in. I saw him lying on the hospital bed. A plaster tied on his shoulder. He was sleeping and I did not want him to get disturbed. So we took a corner with refreshments which were already bought by Max.

Lisa - What had happened? Who did it? Do you know him? Why did he do it?

Max - Relax lisa!

Cassy - Chill out lisa!

Max - I can't tell you the name

Lisa - Why?

Max - Because you won't believe me!

Lisa - Tell me the name!

Max - Thomas

Lisa - What! I am shocked!

Max - Yes! He had hired some gangster named Johnny Lucas to kill David!

Cassy - I can't believe it.

Max - It's the truth.

I was freezed. I just couldn't believe that Thomas would do such things. I was furious on him but on the other hand it was David whom I had to take care of. I wanted to confront Thomas but David and his health was more important and a top priority for me. David had no one who would take care of him so I had decided to stay with David and give him whatever he needed. I wanted to go to pee so I went to the washroom as I was about to finish I heard some voices. It was of some girl and the voice was very familiar. I heard that-

"The work is done and now David and Lisa will never disturb us. I love you Daniel Brown."

I knew about who Daniel was she talking as the voice of that girl was familiar and I heard about Daniel from David before.

I was stunned to her this. It was now time for me to take some action. I told Cassy to lend me David's house keys. I came out of the hospital and took a cab went to David's house and as I entered I saw a mess. I started to clear up the mess and sort things out. I heard Daniel at the neighbourhood. I called Cassy to come home immediately. Till then I was checking on him whether or not is he still there in the house. After an hour, Cassy arrived. I told her of what I heard in the hospital washroom. I hurriedly took her in and explained her a plan.

We were all set and I knew that Daniel was alone. I rang the bell and he was amazed to see us. His mouth flew open and saliva started to ooze out of his mouth. We were looking tempting, for David I had to do this. We were just dressed in a two piece clothes. I was in a dark blue bra and Cassy had her white ones on. We had probably the same figure and size but she was a bit wheatish in complexion. But she was tempting. This was the only way we had to find out what the story is. I and Cassy pushed Daniel in and started to tease him, he was hungry for us so we started to tease him more, finally he couldn't control and he got naked. He pulled out his monster and it was so very tempting for us. Cassy and I looked at each other but we had to not cross the limits and not forget for what we are here. Without touching his monster we made him sit on the chair and tied him up to make things intense. We started to treat him in our way. Then we blindfolded him. While I was teasing him, Cassy ran and brought our clothes. We dressed up quickly and then we made sure that Daniel is tied tight and properly. We unfolded him and he was confused to see us dress. I slammed him with his leather belt.

Daniel - Who are you?

Cassy - Max's love!

Lisa - David's girlfriend.

Daniel (confused) - What?

Lisa - Why did you try to kill David?

Daniel - Because he deserved to be!

Lisa (yelling at him ) - WHY? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?.

Daniel - Because my girlfriend wanted to.

Cassy - Who?

Daniel - Nicole.

We locked the door and started to slam him with his belt. I slammed him around 20 times and I was drenched in sweat. After every slam he started to yell for forgiveness and moan in pain. He started to get marks on his body but after taking a break of 10 minutes I brought red chilli powder and salt. I sprinkled upon his marks which made him feel itchy and he was getting a burning sensation. I resumed again and started to slam him with his belt. I completed around 3 rounds and after every 20 slams I took a break to sprinkle salt and chilli powder. He started to plead and I resumed again but after around 5 rounds Cassy stopped me as Daniel was getting unconcious. We splashed water on his face. I caught his hair and warned him to stay away from us. I and Cassy were about to leave and he called us back again-

Daniel (in pain) - I am not the only one involved.

Lisa (in a furious tone) - Then who else is involved?

Daniel (getting back to his senses) - Nicole told me that she does not like you and she wanted your favourite thing to be destroyed and your favourite thing is David. Your brother Thomas had hired Johnny Lucas to just beat down David. I paid Johnny more and told him to kill David. Though he is my best neighbour but Nicole's happiness is my top priority. Nicole and I are just using Thomas for money so that I can meet my expenses. Your brother is madly in love with Nicole so he does not believe anyone else except Nicole in anything. Also if a police enquiry arises in David's murder then Thomas will get arrested as he hired Johnny to beat up David. We had a plan of leaving this city tomorrow as we had made lot of money and had our investments settled so we had our plans all scheduled but I don't know from where you came to know about us. I also know that David and Max have proof of me and Nicole in a realtion as when I was enjoying with Nicole, David recorded us. so It's good if he's dead. Thomas is a dumb guy and Nicole is his weakness. when Nicole told me about how you become the hurdle for us, I thought of removing you from the picture but Nicole stopped me as if something happens to you then Thomas will go in a depression and I knew that David is in love with you (Refer part #2). So it was my idea to tell Thomas about you and David through Nicole and we succeeded in it. So I am the mastermind behind the whole scene. I just did it for Nicole and for money. You both will pay for these marks on my body soon.

I was shocked to hear this. I and Cassy looked at each other. I thought the mastermind might be Nicole but it was Daniel. He played such games and politics that I couldn't even imagine about. I was shocked and stunned. I slammed him more for about 30 times again but this time he kept laughing continuously. I was confused I just kept slamming him and tears rolled down my eyes. Cassy stopped me and took me home. We went to David's house where I hugged Cassy and cried alot. She consoled me and patted my back. I felt good and I fell on the sofa while Cassy searched for snacks where she found some chips. I was really tired and I felt asleep on the sofa. I got up to a call from some unknown number.-








22:22 01-10-2018

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