Krypto meets Underdog

By AdventureGirl5

8.1K 127 146

Krypto comes to visit the Harpercop family in Capitol City. While there, he becomes a friend and mentor to Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

623 13 13
By AdventureGirl5

The next day, Kali and Krypto came out to meet with Jack and Shoeshine at Molly's house near the park about the past break ins. 

"Where were you last night?" Krypto asked as he came over to Shoeshine. 

"I don't sniff and tell" the beagle smirked, implying that he did something pretty great last night.  

Polly then came out and approached the two male dogs. 

"Hey, Polly" Krypto greeted with a smile. 

"How's it going?" Shoeshine asked the cavalier spaniel.  

"Shoeshine, Krypto, you wouldn't believe the date I had last night" Polly said. "It was so amazing!"

"Yeah, it was" Shoeshine sighed dreamily until Krypto nudged him slightly in the shoulder, realizing what he just said.

"What?" Polly questioned. 

"I mean, it was?" Shoeshine asked.  

"Can you two keep a secret?" Polly whispered. "I went out with Underdog" 

"Wow, really?" Krypto said before looking over at Shoeshine with a smirk, the beagle smiled playfully back at his mentor.  

"I hear he's shorter in person" Shoeshine said to Polly about Underdog.  

"He is not. He's quite strapping" Polly explained. "And such a charmer" 

Meanwhile, Jack showed Molly a map of the sewer system he got from his dad. Having shown Kali and the others a drainage pipe that could have access directly from the lab into the sewer where Barsinister was somewhere. 

Everyone continued with their conversations until Shoeshine and Krypto's ears perked up, hearing a distress call for help. 

"Shoeshine! Shoeshine!"  

It was Jack's dad! And he was in trouble. Barsinister and Cad had captured him and were using him as bait in order for Shoeshine to come in an attempt to rescue him so they could get the beagle's superpowers. 

"Hey, um, we gotta go" Shoeshine told Polly and barked three times to Jack. 

"Sorry, Polly" Krypto apologized and also barked three times to his owner. 

Jack and Kali heard the three barks from their dogs and had to leave quickly, knowing something was wrong. 

"Hey, um, I got to go" Jack told Molly.  

"But, Jack-" Molly started, but the two teens already took off with their dogs.  

"That is one strange beagle and white lab" Polly thought. 

The teens and their dogs came around a corner where no one would see them. 

"What? What is it?" Jack asked Shoeshine.  

"What's wrong, boy?" Kali asked her dog in concern, petting him on the head. 

"It's your dad. He's in trouble" Krypto told Jack.  

"The guy from the lab got him" Shoeshine added. 

"You two go to the police station and wait for us there" Krypto told the teens.  

"No. He's my dad. You're not going to go without me" Jack insisted. 

"Me neither" Kali sternly added, always taking after her father's stubborn nature. 

"Alright" Krypto sighed, giving in. 

"Fasten your seat belts" Shoeshine told Jack. "It's going to be a bumpy ride" 

Krypto went around in circles, quickly changing into his Superdog costume, then Kali got on his back to ride. Shoeshine grabbed Jack's jacket collar in his mouth and the four took off into the sky, flying off with supersonic speed to their destination in seconds. 

The three german shepherds continued barking at Dan, threatening to hurt him if he didn't call Shoeshine for help. 

"Shoeshine!" Dan continued calling. 

Right on cue, Shoeshine, Jack, Superdog, and Kali all came rushing into Barsinister's secret lair. 

"Shoeshine" Dan was surprised to see the beagle and the others had actually come to rescue him.   

"Dad!" Jack rushed over to save his dad but Cad stopped him from doing so and tied him up.  

Krypto had his teeth bared, ready to attack. He lunged straight for Barsinister. 

"I don't think so" Barsinister smirked evilly and held out a big green chunk of rock in front of the Superdog. 

But this wasn't just any rock. It was kryptonite! Krypto's one true weakness. 

The white lab tried to stay strong and fight, but was weakened by the kryptonite and collapsed to the ground. The kryptonite had drained all of Krypto's superpowers and the Superdog was now left helpless to defend his friends. Kali rushed over to Krypto's aid, but there was nothing she could do to help her dog. 

"Jack! Jack, what's going on?" Dan asked his son, completely confused. "What's going on here?" 

"'Shoeshine', isn't it?" Barsinister asked the beagle sinisterly. "Or shall I address you by your nom de guerre.... 'Underdog?'" 

"It's 'Shoeshine'" the beagle firmly replied. 

"He can talk?" Dan asked in surprise. 

Barsinister finally had Shoeshine beat, having taken his friends and family hostages and threatening to do harm to them unless Shoeshine did what he said.   

"I'm sorry" Shoeshine told his family and friends, finally surrendering to the bad guys. "Do whatever you want with me. Just let them go"  

"Oh" Barsinister chuckled. "Wise decision"

Turns out, Barsinister didn't want Shoeshine, he wanted his DNA. He took away Shoeshine's superpowers and put them in a little blue pill. But that wasn't the worst of it. 

"And in this pill, there is the DNA of a regular beagle" Barsinister held out in front of Shoeshine. 

"Shoeshine, don't do it!" Jack, Kali and Krypto begged. "No!" 

"Do you know what the saddest part is?" Barsinister asked Shoeshine. "You actually thought that they loved you. They only loved the power that I gave you"  

"No!" Jack protested.  

"That's not true!" Kali and Krypto said. 

But Shoeshine felt he had no choice and ate the pill with the antidote. 

"No, Shoeshine!" Jack, Kali and Krypto cried out.  

Shoeshine began feeling powerless and in pain as he was starting to change back. 

"Jack! Krypto! Ahhh! I didn't want... anyone... to..." Shoeshine started saying in between barks. "get... hurt..." 

Everyone watched with all different kinds of emotions as Shoeshine had now completely changed back into a normal dog. No longer the powerful superhero Underdog... just regular Shoeshine.

"Shoeshine!" Jack, Krypto and Kali looked helplessly to the beagle. 

Poor Shoeshine hung his head down whimpering, feeling like he truly had failed his family and Krypto as his apprentice. 

"Cad" Barsinister called for his henchman to take care of Shoeshine. 

"Not so tough now, are we, little doggie?" Cad placed Shoeshine in a cage and Krypto in another with the kryptonite placed next to him to keep him weak. Kali was also tied up. 

The little mad scientist then noticed Kali's crystal hanging around her neck and took it from her, fascinated by the way it glowed. He just had to test it out. 

"This city is going to pay for what they have done to me" Barsinister said before using Kali's crystal as it started glowing bright, using its magic for evil which already gave him great unstoppable power. 

Barsinister then began tossing some blue super powered pills to the german shepherds to eat. "Their doubt. Their blindness. Their betrayal" 

The three german shepherds started to power up with super-genetic DNA now which slightly startled Kali and the others.  

"Simon says, 'Heel'" The wicked mad scientist commanded the dogs. 

"Yes sir!" the first german shepherd spoke up.  

"Yes sir! Yes sir!" the other two shepherds replied.  

Cad then collected a bag with some things in it used for Barsinister's evil plan and the bad guys left, leaving Shoeshine, Krypto and the others all trapped in the sewers.  

While Shoeshine was stuck down there with the others feeling sorry for himself, Cad and Barsinister had returned to the Capitol. 

"Find a way up there" Barsinister told Cad, pointing up at the top of the Capitol building. 

Cad looked back up at the Capitol building. 

"Cad" Barsinister asked his dull-witted henchman. "Do you know what to do?" 

Cad soon held out his fist in front of the mad scientist, wanting a fist bump. But Barsinister just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. 

"What is that?" Barsinister asked. 

"A fist bump" Cad replied, holding out his fist but the mad scientist still didn't understand.  

Cad soon left to put part of Barsinister's evil plan to take over the city into action.  

As Barsinister and his dogs made their way up to the building's entrance, they were stopped by a woman and her daughter who were passing by.  

"Look how cute they are" the woman told her daughter, reaching out her hand to pet the shepherds when one of them barked at them, causing the woman to pull her hand away.  

"Oh, don't worry, ma'am. Their bite is worse than their bark" Barsinister told the woman, saying it rather evilly.  

The woman and her daughter looked a bit freaked out by this crazy man and quickly left in the other direction while Barsinister and his dogs continued to make their way up to the entrance. 


"Help! Help us!" Jack shouted, trying to get free. 

"Jack, that's not going to help" Dan told his son. 

"We need to think of a plan" Kali said to the others, specifically Jack. 

"You got to get untied" Dan told his son. 

"Forget it!" Jack replied in an upset tone, feeling defeated.  

"Jack, don't quit!" Krypto told the teenage boy, but sounded weak since the kryptonite was still near him.  

"Me, quit?" Jack questioned before turning to his father. "What about you Dad?" 

"You were the best cop in the city and you should be up there stopping Barsinister. But you quit, dad! You quit the force!" Jack glowered at his father in anger.  

"I did quit..." Dan admitted. "I quit, Jack"

"I quit because I didn't want anything to happen to me. I didn't want to leave you alone" 

Kali and Krypto looked at each other in silence, completely understanding what that must have been like for the Unger's. They then looked back as it had become quiet between the father and son. 

"Jack... We have to get untied" Dan gently told his son. 

Jack nodded, ready to listen at what his dad have planned.  

"Now, just back up" Dan instructed his son. "Put your foot on that ledge" 

Jack did as his dad said and placed his foot on the ledge behind him where he was tied up. 

"Okay, now grab that rope and jump up" Dan told his son. 

Jack did exactly so and with that, he was free. 

"There you go!" Dan said.  

"Great job!" Kali and Krypto cheered for Jack. 

"Now come over here and let me untie you" Dan told his son.   

Jack came over and sat down in front of his father so Dan could untie the ropes around his arms. 

"Could you hurry it up? I'm beginning to taste splinters" Kali told the Unger's while gnawing on the rope tied around her arms. 

"The reason we're down here is because of me" Jack admitted, feeling ashamed that he had lied to his father. "All I had to do was just tell you Shoeshine was Underdog"

"We all make mistakes, Jack" Krypto said weakly. "The important thing is though, is that we learn from them together" 

"I'll tell you what you should've told me" Dan glared at his son slightly. "That you gave my JV baseball sweater away to a superhero" 

The gang soon all smiled and chuckled to each other before Dan had finished untying Jack and helped the others break free. 

Kali grabbed the green chunk of kryptonite and threw it far away from Krypto. The white lab started to get up a little weakly since his strength wasn't fully back yet and his powers were still gone at the moment. But he felt a lot better once Kali embraced him in relief, wagging his tail. 

Dan went to grab some of Barsinister's remaining pills. "Grab Shoeshine" he told his son.  

Jack went to free Shoeshine from his cage. 

"Come on, Shoeshine. Come on, boy" Jack took Shoeshine and carried the beagle in his arms.  

"Here" Kali gave Dan an intergalactic communicator. "You might need this"

"What is this?" Dan asked, examining the tiny communicator that looked like a hearing aid before placing it over his ear. 

"The kind of thing that turns this..." Krypto demonstrated before barking like a normal dog, then spoke like a human. "Into this" 

Dan was a little shocked at first like with Shoeshine at how Krypto was talking to him, until Kali quickly explained how the intergalactic communicators worked with animals and people. Dan soon nodded in approval, glad that Kali gave him the communicator to understand Krypto and to better help them now at stopping these villains. 

The gang prepared to leave to go and stop Barsinister, but not before Dan grabbed a hypodermic needle he would plan on using. 

Dan then looked to Jack. "Alright, son, let's go"  

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