Cheated Then Knocked Up By Ro...

By KimmyUB

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Chapter 1 - The Text ✔
Chapter 2 - Truth revealed ✔
Chapter 3 - Stupid ✔
Chapter 4 - Clubbing ✔
Chapter 5 - I want her ✔
Chaper 6 - I want you ✔
Chapter 7 - Who is he? ✔
Chapter 8 - Cancelled ✔
Chapter 9 - The Run In ✔
Chapter 11 - The test ✔
Chapter 12 - I'm Pregnant (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 13 - I'm Pregnant (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 14 - Surprise visitor ✔
Chapter 15 - Who the hell are you?! ✔
Chapter 16 - I'm bleeding ✔
Chapter 17 - Hospital ✔
Chapter 18 - Two of them?! ✔
Chapter 19 - We having Twins?! ✔
Chapter 20 - Our Home (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 21 - Our Home (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 22 - Meeting the "In-laws" ✔
Chapter 23 - Family Drama ✔
Chapter 24 - The Dinner (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 26 - Missing ✔
Chapter 27 - Why are you doing this? ✔
Chapter 28 - I'm Coming ✔
Chapter 29 - I Got You Baby ✔
Author Note
Chapter 30 - The Doings in "The Mafia Mansion" ✔
Chapter 31 - I'm Fucked! ✔
Chapter 32 - I Owe You The Truth... ✔
Chapter 33 - Manipulative Bitch ✔
Chapter 34 - Barbeque ✔
Chapter 35 - Surprise Guest ✔
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Loose Ends (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 37 - Loose Ends (Part 2)✔
Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔
Chapter 39 - Proposal ✔
Chapter 40 - Doctor's Appointment ✔
Chapter 41 - Gender Reveal Dinner ✔
Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔
Chapter 43 - Labor Pains (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 45 - Welcome Home ✔
Chapter 46 - Christmas Day ✔
Chapter 47 - Girls Night ✔
Chapter 48 - Marry me NOW! ✔
Chapter 49 - Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch
Chapter 50 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 52 - Honeymoon
Chapter 53 - Explosion
Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News
Chapter 55 - His Awake
Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital
Chapter 57 - I'm Done...!

Chapter 10 - Dinner Invitation ✔

16.1K 518 10
By KimmyUB

SAME DAY - (Fri, 24 March 2017)

Kiara's POV

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were led to our table that was booked for 4 people by Zee, which we found weird but didn't say anything as we just followed the hostess who led us to a table on the lower level, on the right side of the restaurant between the front door and the stairs. I sat at the chair that faces the door as I got a view of the outside.

It was just Mel and I here as Zee and her mystery guest did not arrive yet, she's late as usual, she likes making an entrance. We kind of figured out that the 'surprise' she had for us was indeed a person as our table was booked for 4 people, so it was kind of obvious and I bet it's a guy she 'likes' but we all know by tomorrow, he'll be gone and she'll say that he wasn't 'the one' for her as usual. I'm not quite sure why she is so afraid of commitment or why she refuses to fall in love, she has a problem.

"Do you have any idea who our suprise guest is?" Mel says nodding her head to the extra place setting. "or should I ask who the guy is she's 'surprising' us with?" She asks and we both chuckled. I was just about to respond but a waiter arrived cutting me off.

"Good evening and welcome to Del Posto, my name is Stan and I'll be your waiter tonight. I see your other guests haven't arrived yet so can I get you guys something to drink while you wait?" Stan asks giving us a friendly smile and We both smile back greeting him and placing our order as we both decided in the car already, that we will be having a Sex on the beach cocktail for our first drink as we haven't had it in a while.

As soon as the waiter walks off, I look towards the door just in time to see Zee walk in with our mystery guest and I could not believe my eyes who she walks in with, I scream forgetting where we are and jump from my seat startling Mel as I run off to them and threw myself at our long lost friend from college Aurora.

Aurora Taylor, I met her through Zee back at college, she and Zee met in our first year and first day of class. Zee is 2 years older than all of us in the group, and Zee and Aurora had a few classes together as they both studied fashion and design, they met that day and clicked immediately and then after class she introduced us and we all have been friends ever since. After college she had to move back home to LA to take care of her dad as he was ill and we haven't hung out that much after that as she was on the other side of the world but we would visit each other a few times a year, her dad died a year and half after she returned home and we went down to be there for her, she was a mess.

"OMG!!! You're really here!!! I've missed you like crazy!" I scream as I grabbed her in a tight hug, so tight that she couldn't even breath and had to tap me on the back. So I let go of her.

"Hey beautiful, god I've missed your crazy ass." She says to me as she makes her way to the side to grab Mel who was frozen. And they pulled apart after having a few words to each other.

"So... Surprise!" Zee says with a huge grin on her face. God I love my crazy sister.

"Best surprise ever Zee." I say hugging her and then turn to Aurora. "So how long are you here for, we have a lot of catching up to do." I say to her.

"Let's go to the table and we can talk there, yeah?" Zee said reminding us where we were, I turn around only to see everyone staring at us I blush and looked down and the other 3 burst out laughing at me as I had completely forgotten we were in a fancy restaurant.

We made our way back to our table, only to find our waiter waiting patiently for us with our drinks and to take Zee and Aurora's drinks order as well. They both ordered a beer, typical. And we told him we need more time to order our food as we first want to get in a buzz before we eat, Zee's words not mine. So we started catching up on things and she said that she moved back a few days ago and that Zee actually helped her and insisted that she move in with her, so basically we all in the same building, which is awesome news.

Aurora was telling us funny moments she had on her way back to the states and we all were laughing so hard, gosh I missed her and her jokes, it was nice to have the group completed again, as we were laughing I could feel someone's eyes on me and it felt intense. When I turned my head to see who it was, my breath caught in my throat and my heart stopped. There he was standing in all his glory, looking as yummy as ever in all black and like an idiot I froze, not moving I doubt I was even breathing, which made him smile big of course, that heart stopping smile of his. GOD HIS GORGEOUS!

I was just staring at him frozen, he was with two other guys and the one spoke to him after a few minutes and he answered him without taking his eyes off of mine. Then he started making his way over to me, not breaking our eye contact once and my heart started to sped up so fast, I was sure I was close to a heart attack.

"Kiara!" He said with a huge smile on his beautiful face, loud enough to catch everyone's attention at our table and a few tables near our table as well, might I add and I was still frozen and speechless just drooling over him, infront of everyone.

"Kaira!" Mel whisper yelled at me while nudged me in the side, making him chuckle at me, so embarrassing being tongue tied and obviously drooling.

I immediately blush and looked down to try an hide my embarrassing face. Could this moment get anymore awkward for me, God I'm so stupid sometimes. I felt a finger under my chin and it was him again lifting my head to look at him as I just broke our eye contact but his smile was still evident.

"Hi beautiful" he said while his smile grew even bigger.

"Hi" I said, finally out of my trance. "You're back! When did you get back?" I ask him as to not look as awkward as I feel.

"This afternoon actually, I'm back just for this business meeting tonight. It's kind of weird walking into you here of all places as I was planning on calling you tonight" he say chuckling a bit.

"You were?" I asked clearly in disbelief but before he could reply we were interrupted.

"Ehem" Aurora clearing her throat, loud enough to get our attention, obviously indicating that I should introduce him.

"Oh how rude of me, I'm sorry" I apologize to no one in particular.

"Guys this is Stephano" I said pointing to him and then I turn to Zee, "Stephano this is my older sister Ziara" I introduce him first to my sister.

"Pleasure to meet you." He says extending his hand to her for a shake.

"Same." She says and actually shakes his hand which made me smile, as I'm happy she's trying atleast for my sake as that could have turned ugly and embarrassing.

"And this is my two best friends Melody and Aurora" I said pointing at each of them, when I said their name.

"Pleasure to meet you ladies" He says while shaking each of there hands.

"Please to meet you too." Mel says.

"The pleasure is all mine handsome." Aurora's response of course, not a surprise there. Making him chuckle again but doesn't say anything back to her, he just turn his attention back to me.

"Kiara could I talk to you for second?" He asked me and then turn to the girls. "I promise I won't keep her long and I'll return her in a few minutes if that's okay?" He asks their permission see what I meant, such a gentleman. But before any of them could reply to him a guy walks up to him.

"Hey man what's going on, the clients are here and we're waiting for-," then he turns his head in our direction cutting himself off and he smiles and said. "Well hello ladies, aren't you going to introduce me to these beauties?" He asks Stephano.

"This is Kiara" he says pointing at me, "Kiara this is my younger brother Dante"  WOW they're brothers, his just as charming as his big brother, I guess I can see it.

"Please to meet you" I say extending my hand and he takes my hand turns it and presses a light peck on the back of my hand and then smile.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you" he says making me blush again. "And who are your beautiful friends" he asks nodding to them.

"Oh sorry that's my sister Ziara and my two best friends Melody and Aurora." I said pointing at them and he shakes all there hands except for Aurora's, he kisses her hand and linger there a few seconds longer than necessary and smiles flirtatiously. Oh no... here comes trouble.

"Kiara?" Stephano calls me and nudge his head to the side, indicating for me to come with him. I excuse myself from the girls while Dante is keeping them company making them laugh as I have no idea what his saying to them and just make my way over to him opposite of the restaurant on the left side of the lower level.

"Am I allowed to hug you or are you still mad at me?" He asks the moment I get infront of him. I answer him with a nod as I lost my voice all of a sudden.

I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and yet he still has an effect on me, it's so crazy! I think I'm losing it. The minute I nod he grabs me into a tight hug, then pulls slightly away after a few minutes then capture my lips in a passionate kiss, like a starved animal that was deprived of food for months and everything Zee said about him and everyone around us immediately disappeared and it's just us, nothing and no one else existed.

After what felt like hours of kissing, he pulls away leaning his forehead against mine both of us breathing heavily. And we just stand there catching our breathes, staring at each other with big smiles.

"God I've missed you, I've been dreaming about kissing you for so long now." He says breaking the silence and pecking me again.

"I've missed you too and no I'm not mad at you, I was just a little upset that you didn't call me once and a bit disappointed when you cancelled our date with a text" I said, I don't know why but when I'm around him, I always say exactly what I feel with no hesitation.

"I know baby" he says while pulling away so he can look at me. "I didn't want to call you knowing how upset you must be and I knew when I get back, I would explain and try and make it up to you, so Listen I have a meeting to get to and I'll be leaving again tomorrow for  3 weeks and I would really like to take you out to dinner and this time I promise, come what may, I won't disappoint you again." He asks almost pleading. But all I really heard was that his leaving again and my heart dropped at that and I'm sure he saw it as he spoke again.

"I know it might not have been what you wanted to hear and I'm sorry. I promise this will be the last trip I take without you but I really have to sort out some things back in France and when I get back, I won't leave you again I swear, just please don't give up on me..." He pleads with a worried expression.

"It's okay I guess, I understand, I'll be here when you get back and when you do you can give me a call about that dinner date." I said as I didn't really have anything to say at the moment, I do have a lot of questions but it will have to wait till he gets back.

"I take that as a yes?" He ask raising his eyebrow with a questioning look and I just nod. "I promise I'll call you everyday and the minute I land back in the states I'll call you and let you know what time I'll be picking you up for our date, yeah?" He asks grabbing my waist again and pulling me against his hard, ripped chest.

"Okay, I'll wait by the phone then" I say smiling up at him. Before he can say anything else, his brother shouts for his attention and show him his watch tapping it as to say they're late.

"Listen baby I have to go now, I have a meeting upstairs with clients and I'm already late so I'll be taking my leave now but I promise to call you later yeah and when I land in France okay." He says kissing me again before I could reply.

When he finally releases me and pulls back I pecked his lips again. "Have a safe trip and come back in one piece and I'll see you when you get back okay?" I say and he smiles that gorgeous smile and reply with a yes and he kisses me again before walking off. God I think I might be in love. I thought smiling to myself while making my way back to the girls.


Hope you enjoyed it and just to let you know, next chapter will be out later today 😉 Anyways please don't forget to comment and vote.




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