Only Fools...

By LunaCresta

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'Tell me then, does love make one a fool or do only fools fall in love?' * * * Jess has... More

'They're Catholic, not Shakespeare!' - Chapter One
'He gave an adorable little smirk' - Chapter Two
'He was hotter than a furnace' - Chapter Three
'Why, is he gay?' - Chapter Four
'You should go into speech-making or something' - Chapter Six
'Apology accepted Jessie' - Chapter Seven
'Sir, that's gross it was just a wee' - Chapter Eight
'Are you trying to seduce me?' - Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine - Part Two
'On another date with your boyfriend?' - Chapter Ten
'I AM YOUR ELDER' - Chapter Eleven
'I'm sure that's not all he could do for you with his wand' - Chapter Twelve
'Yeah Jessie, I'm sure Rachel would understand' - Chapter Thirteen
'Just call me the matchmaker' - Chapter Fourteen
'I love majorities' - Chapter Fifteen
'Even better than my stunningly good looks?' - Chapter Sixteen
'He's so nice and hot and charming' - Chapter Seventeen
'Oh my gosh it's Tyger Drew Honey!' - Chapter Eighteen
'Gem and Fanny?' - Chapter Nineteen
'Especially in a Starbucks' - Chapter Twenty
'Danny is so buff' - Chapter Twenty-one
'I know we're in the middle of Maths but I must have you' - Chapter Twenty-two
'Grab the Ben&Jerry's and put in The Notebook' - Chapter Twenty-three
'Felicity says hi!' - Chapter Twenty-four
Only Fools... FAQs
'Any Mention of the She-Devil?' - Chapter Twenty Five
'It smells like BO and wet dreams in here' - Chapter Twenty Six
'I'm a horrible, horrible person' - Chapter Twenty Seven
'No kissing in the middle of my Maths lesson!' - Chapter Twenty Eight
'Was that your question?' - Chapter Twenty Nine
'He's my boyfriend, not yours' - Chapter Thirty
'What did you expect, you melon?' - Chapter Thirty One
'I'm not freaking Taylor Swift' - Chapter Thirty Two
'Focus on his eyes' - Chapter Thirty Three
'Who the hell do you think you are?' - Chapter Thirty Four
'Are you nervous?' - Chapter Thirty Five
'How the hell did I end up here!?' - Chapter Thirty Six
'A year and a half later' - Epilogue
Q&A with the author
NOW AVAILABLE TO READ - Revenge of the Teenage Geek

'Tell me about the boy' - Chapter Five

3.7K 138 17
By LunaCresta

So I'm not going to say much here apart from sorry again about the spacing, can't do anything about it! If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated, thanks!

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"Hey Jessie, how's your day been so far?" Rachel called as I entered Drama.

"Not bad, you'll never guess what?" I plonked my bag down at the side of the room, ready to act.


"Turns out, I do know someone here after all!" Rachel raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Really who is it?"

"Well his name's Danny and -" I was cut off by an excited squeal from Rachel.

"He's a boy?" People were starting to stare now as Rachel did a weird little dance thing.

"Yes," I laughed, "he's a boy!"

"Oh-Em-Geeee," okay Rachel had officially lost it! "How do you know him? Is he cute? Did you used to go out? Can I meet him?" Rachel bombarded me with questions and I didn't even know where to start.

Luckily before I had to answer her enquiries, the teacher interrupted our little conversation.

"Good morning girls! It's so great to see so many of you taking Drama at A Level!" I looked around, there was five of us in the room; was this really a good turnout? "Okay, so I think I know most of your names but let's go around anyway, please say your name and something interesting about yourself. I'll start! My name's Miss Bond and I have played Wendy in Peter Pan in four different pantomimes." There were a few nods of respect at this fact. "Rachel would you like to go next?"

"Sure, hi everyone!" There was a chorus of 'hi Rachel's as she did a little wave. "My name's Rachel and back at home I have 17 pets!"

"Wow," Miss Bond laughed, "Okay then next."

The other people in the class were then introduced. There were two boys, Sam and Lewis, who were very outgoing and confident - your typical drama students.

The girl was called Claire; I didn't recognise her from last night so she was probably in the other girls' dorm. I discovered that her uncle was some football I'd never heard of, who knew?

And then it was my turn.

"Okay, so next - introduce yourself!"Miss Bond smiled at me.

"Well my name's Jessica and my interesting fact is that," I thought for a little, was there anything interesting about me? "erm, is that I'm new." I looked around for smiles but all I saw was Miss Bond looking very disappointed.

"Jessica, no offence but I don't think that's very interesting."

"Oh okay," I laughed, trying to mask my embarrassment. My hands were getting clammy and my heart pounded. Crap, I really was bad at meeting new people. "Well, I," I froze, is there anything interesting about me? "I live with my mum and dad and - "

"Delve deeper," wow Miss Bond sure knew how to create an atmosphere; she must be a good actress.

"Erm," I squirmed, how much deeper was I willing to go? "My name's Jess and my Mum's dying from cancer."

I could see the shock on my fellow students faces. Crap. Was that too deep? I looked at Rachel and her face gave me the support that I needed. She was smiling though her eyes looked full of sorrow. I didn't want people to feel sorry for me, I knew that much, but the encouraging look that Rachel had was the perfect reaction. I could get through this.

"Excellent Jess, now all your fellow students know more about you. Perfect." Miss Bond congratulated me on my honesty.

For the rest of the lesson we did some Workshop stuff to drop us in slowly. There was a really good improvisation game we played called Freeze; a pair would be in the centre and then other people 'froze' themselves in to join the scene. We also did some weird catching game, not really sure how that one was relevant to Drama. So all in all I had a really good time, it was nice that even though these people knew about Mum, they weren't treating me any differently because of it.


It's the end of the day and I'm chilling in the room waiting for Rachel. I know that I'm going to be the victim of a lot of questions so I'm getting ready.

"Jessie!" Bang on cue, Rachel dances through the door. "How has your first day been, I feel like I haven't seen you since drama."

"That's because you haven't seen my since drama, you idiot!" I laughed. "It's been really good, I've met loads of really nice people and things are going well."

"Any of the dorm girls in your lessons?" Rachel probed.

"Yeah, Ruth was in my History class and I sit next to Katie in physics, they're both really nice."

"Yeah, they're lovely girls." All of a sudden Rachel bounced next to me, her face just inches away from mine. "Jess, don't delay any longer. Tell me about the boy." Crap.

"Who Danny?" Please say no, please say no, please day n-

"Of course Danny!" Double crap. Here we go.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"How you know him, what lessons he has with you, is he hot, if yes how hot? I think that's it for now."

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "He used to go out with my best friend, just maths, yes, very." From the look of joy on Rachel's face, you'd have thought she'd just won an Oscar.

"That hot?" I nodded meekly. "Okay Jess, describe him to me."

"Okay," I started. "You know that film 'John Tucker must die'? And there's the guy John Tucker-"

"Please say you're kidding Jess! John Tuck-"

"Rachel let me finish!" I interrupted. "He looks a little bit like him. I mean, he has this floppy brown hair and the darkest eyes. He's also kind of buff and he looks really good in tight clothes," I was getting off track. "So yeah, he's hot but aren't a lot of guys really?"

"No Jess." Rachel 'reassured' me. "Not a lot of guys are hot. Okay, next question; Why did he stop going out with your best friend?"

"He cheated on her." Should I really have told her that? Oh well, she would've had to find out sooner or later.

"Woah." Rachel gasped. "He's an utter bad boy; I can see why you like him." Rachel winked.

"Rach!" I screeched. "I don't like him, end of story."

"Who did he cheat with?" Rachel queried

"We never found out, he told Amy himself; guess he felt guilty or something."

"Awww," Rachel cooed. "That is so adorable."

"Rach, is your head screwed on properly? He feels bad for cheating, he didn't just save the rainforest!" I reminded her.

"But still, it's kind of cute." I stared at her, bewildered.

"Hey Rach, what time do we need to get up tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject.

"For what?"

"For the off-timetable day!" How could she forget?

The off-timetable day is a day where years twelve and thirteen have a social to help us to get to know each other. I'm not really sure what it will consist of but I really want to make a good first impression.

"Oh right, about eightish."

"Cool, make sure we do; we don't want to be late again!" I laughed.

Bring on tomorrow; I can't wait.

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So what do you think's going to happen at the off-timtable day? And what are you thinking about Danny and Jess at the moment now we know a bit more about them? Can't wait for you to read the next chapter! A few of you have been wondering if there'll be any 'bad-people' in the book as it's a bit 'unrealistic' if everyone's nice and I think you'll be satisfied with a certain character in the next chapter. Also we find out a little bit more about Matthew which all of you Matthew/Jess shippers will love!

This chapter is dedicated to Reekles because I read her book on here and it's what inspired me to start uploading 'Only Fools...' onto Wattpad. So please can everyone read her book 'Rolling Dice' because I'm loving it at the moment!

ALSO THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! Okay, not that important but I doubt anyone's reading this after the really long message, but I'm going to upload the CAST on the next chapter so if you have any ideas then let me know!! Remember they have to be British, or have really good British accents. And Matthew and Danny have to be hot!!! Okay that's all, don't forget to vote, comment, tell your friends, whatever! :) ~LunaCresta

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