Through The Dark (Al-Ameen Fa...

By shakethesphere

381K 16.6K 1.1K

Safiyana Al-Ameen comes from a big family- A family of power, wealth and honour. She comes from a long line o... More

The Theatre
Dead Battery
To Each Her Own
Dubai Touring
Another Poet
Laundry Room
Piano Confessions
First Meetings
Double Engagement
Secrets Exposed
Mehndi Night
New Beginnings
Stormy Nights
Rooftop Tragedies
Rooftop Tragedies Part 2
First Date
Near-Punches and Full Heartbreaks
One Year Later
One Way or Another

Second Home

12.4K 535 37
By shakethesphere

So sorry for the long delay but here's an extra long chapter :D Enjoy. And please, everybody, pray for all our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

How I manage to get myself in these types of situations, only God will know.

Ayaan and I both pale as Enzo locks the door. We look at each other but Ayaan seems a lot calmer than me. He takes a couple steps back and quickly grabs my hand in his. I look at him in confusion but he warns me with a look.

"We meet again" Enzo smiles sickeningly. "I warned you not to get involved but here you are. Too bad. You seem like a smart bunch of kids."

 "Look, we'll just leave. We're not here to make trouble" Ayaan says cautiously.

"That's not possible boy. You've already made too much trouble by meddling in matters that are beyond you. And the last person who did so, well, she's behind you" he snickers. I think I'm going to hurl.

Ayaan slowly slips our hands into his back pocket. I had never held a boy's hand before besides my brothers' and here I was touching a butt. Oh God, forgive me. But then I realize what Ayaan's doing. He steps in front of me so I'm mostly hidden by his height.

I slide his phone out of his pocket and hastily put it on to silent before dialing the police, all the while keeping my eyes on Enzo.

Once the call connected, I kept it on while sliding it back into Ayaan's pocket and tapped his elbow to let him know it was done.

"What did you do to her Enzo?"

"Nothing really. Honestly, it was a lot more merciful that it should've been. But then again, it wasn't her fault."

"Why? What did she do?" I ask, unable to help myself. Mum always said my curiosity would get me in trouble.

"Oh cara, she started asking questions. And when she didn't get answers, she came looking for them. Too bad, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and look where that's gotten her" he shrugs.

My stomach roils and I have to hold onto Ayaan's arm. My entire life, my brothers have protected me as if I were made of glass. Even if a got a paper cut, I'd be taken to a doctor. This much danger put my panic into overdrive.

"Is she innocent?" Ayaan asks him. How he kept his voice so stable and calm was beyond me.

"Of course she was. They always are. But that's what keeps order. And you two will just be more martyrs of a long line of innocents" he smirks, putting his hand in his back pocket.

He pulls out a gun, slowly clocking it. I flinch and grab onto Ayaan's arm in sheer panic. What if she shoots? Zayed is getting married next week and our finals start tomorrow! I can't die now!

"Look, we're not going to make any trouble. Let us go and you'll never hear from us again" Ayaan puts a warning hand up, his other coming to hold mine. I grab onto it for my dear life.

"Sorry but there are no exceptions to this rule. Though I'm willing to spare the donna bella" he grins at me. I look away, not wanting to see his hideous face anymore.

Finally, the cops came. The door burst open but unfortunately it was a stupid move on their part. Thankfully for me, I had Ayaan.

He pulled us down to the floor, him hovering over me just as Enzo shot two bullets straight ahead. The glass of the window shattered everywhere and I could feel a couple pieces fall onto us.

Men scrambled into the room dressed in bulletproof vests with MI5 written across their chests in white letters. Ayaan stood up and helped me up as well. We were instantly escorted out of the room and down the hall into an empty patient room. 

"You alright Safiyana?" he asks me in concern.

I look up and see a little blood on his left cheek. "Oh my gosh Ayaan, you're hurt. Are you okay?" I take his face into my hands and inspect the cut. It didn't look deep but I could see the glass still in there.   

"I'm fine. Just relax" he puts a little distance between us, making me realize I was inappropriately close to him.

I nod, smoothing my clothes out in an attempt to feel a little more calm. A man in a suit walks into the room with two nurses and shuts the door behind him. One nurse pulls me to the bed farthest from the door and pulls the curtain divider shut.

"Could you remove your shirt and trousers Miss? I'm told to inspect for injuries" she smiles sweetly. I do as she says, though completely embarrassed and she looks over my legs and back.

She places on small bandage on my shoulder bone but gauze wraps the cut on my left shin. "It'll heal in hours, if not a day. Just keep it bandaged for till the morning to keep it from getting infected" she tells me.

I nod and she lets me slip my clothes back on before opening the curtain again. Ayaan had a small bandage on his left cheek and I see one on the back of his left leg just as he's rolling down his pant leg.

The officer gestures for me to join Ayaan on his bed. I walk over and sit down beside him. He offers me a small, reassuringly smile that I return with a grimace.

"I'm Agent Graham with the MI5. I've been working on the Italian Mob case for a couple years now. Are you two alright?"

We both nod. "I'm glad. Could I have your names?"

"Safiyana" I say at the same time Ayaan says his. Agent Graham continues.

"I just have a couple questions to ask you. What is your relation to Anna Collins?"

"We don't know her personally. We're university students and this was an assignment we were working on." Ayaan goes onto explain how we were actually focusing on someone else when Anna's story caught our attention and we asked her a couple question. It only when Enzo found out we knew she was innocent did trouble start brewing.

"Well. I hate to tell you this but you lot are in some deep trouble. Enzo has seen you two clearly but he escaped a couple days ago. There is no doubt other members of his gang are aware of you four. Your lives could quite possibly be in danger."

Ah shit. Only one thing left to do now. Call my saviour. "I need to call Mizan."

My brother came right away and as promised, did not mention a word to anyone. After speaking with Agent Graham, he told me and Ayaan he'd like to speak to us and instructed Ayaan to follow his car.

He took us to a small diner not too far from our house. We got a booth towards the back and I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

When I was walking back I saw Mizan say something serious to Ayaan at which Ayaan nodded and Mizan pat him on the back. I tapped my shoes a little harder as I got closer and both men lightened up.

 "You've really got yourself in a mess this time Saf" Mizan shakes his head. "They're asking to put you two in witness protection" he stresses.

"I know Bhai. But there's got to be a way out of this. Come on, you've helped me with everything all my life. Save me from this too" I looked at him desperately. He pulled me into his side and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We have to do it guys. It's not only for your safety but for everyone else's too. I just... Dad's gonna be pissed. And he's not going to allow it Saf."

"But Bhai, it's not like we have a choice" I argue.     

"Mizan has a point Safiyana. They want to put us in a house somewhere alone till the trial's over. It's just not acceptable" Ayaan adds.

"Exactly. Safiyana, dad's a man of old principles. If he finds out this even happened, he'll marry you off to some geek somewhere and assign fourty bodyguards till that happens."

"Then we can't tell him. If he finds out, he'll become unnecessarily protective and over the top. You both heard Agent Graham. It's just a precaution" I point out.

"True. And I see your point. I don't want to have Dad overreact and make decisions in haste. But you've got me torn here. We can't keep this from them. They're our parents" Mizan says like the responsible older brother he is. If it was Zayed, I would have no problem.

"Bhai please. My life will be over. Please, just this once, help us. You know, and I'll do everything you say. But don't tell Dad" I beg.

Mizan looks torn. He runs a hand through his hair stressfully and sighs. I hate to do this to my brother but I can't do anything else. Ayaan and I were as stuck as he is.



"Yes. And only because I know this isn't your fault. Just a matter of situation. But both of you need to hear me loud and clear. You are to be with people, someone I trust, at all times. You too Ayaan. And you're coming to Dubai with us. Agent Graham said that shouldn't be a problem-"

"And when we're back?" I interject.

"We'll figure something out. But for the next couple days till we're in Dubai, we have to be careful. Seriously guys. If anything happens to you lot, I'm responsible" he warns. Ayaan and I both nod.

"Okay. Let's have some food now. I'm told old for this shit."

For the past four days, I haven't had a moment to myself. Mizan, bhabhi, mom, Omar, Zayed, my dad and my uncle and aunt all left for Dubai the night of the incident. Since then, Yusuf was on watch duty.

"Wallahi Yusuf if I find out you left her alone for a second, I'll beat the crap out of you" Mizan threatened him.

"Geez, Bhai, relax. It's not like we're alone for the first time" Yusuf had laughed.

"There's been crazy stuff on the news lately man, it's not safe. Watch Safiyana and if you need anything, call us right away" were his last words till mum dragged him off. Bhabhi knew too so she'd given me all the numbers to our house staff in case of emergencies.

We had dad's personal driver of my uncle's driver come drop us off and pick us up from exams. When I was home, Yusuf or Emma or Ali was always home with me.

Zinat and Ayaan were flying with us today. My last exam was this morning and we had an overnight flight straight to Dubai.

We told the Zafars we'd meet them at the airport. Just as we were getting out of the car though, Yusuf's phone rang. He answered it while Ali and I helped the driver load everything onto the trolley.

"Wait guys" Yusuf holds a hand up. We wait for him to finish the call before speaking to us. "Mizan sent the jet. Head over there and I'll find Zinat and Ayaan and meet you there" he tells us. We get back into the car and once the driver's put the bags back in the boot.

Mizan's overprotectiveness was getting out of control.

We drive around to the back of the airport and sure enough the company's private jet is waiting for us. Ali runs into the plane while I grab my carry on and double check that we don't leave anything in the car.

When I get onto the plane, Ali is messing with the stereo. He always does this before a plane takes off. He can't sit still in boredom.

After five minutes, he begins the entertainment; aka my torture. He thinks it's fun to fly to a soundtrack. A Bollywood one at that.

He starts singing at the top of his lungs while I store my handbag and grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"Ho saari night besharmi ki height. Ho saari night besharmi ki height. Ek tuuuu, ek mainnnn aur ho dim dim ye light!" he pulls me up to dance with him, knowing how much it irritates me.

"Ali, bugger off" I swat him away but he continues to hip bump me.

"Aye bigda hoon main yun, thoda tu bhi bigad jaa. Arey aage badhun main, thoda tu bhi aage badh jaa!"

He's gonna break everyone's ears at this point but I can't help and laugh when he pretends to serenade me. Poor Zinat makes an appearance on the plane then and Ali turns his attention to her.

"Saari ki saari, hai jo khumaari, aa dono peele lamhe nasheele. Karein humko ye bada exciteeeee. Ho saari night besharmi ki height! Saari night besharmi ki height!!" he grabs her hand and twirls her.

I honestly can't help but giggle at her bewildered expression. Finally Yusuf comes inside and shuts the stereo off. "Shut the fuck up Ali, you're going to wake of all England. Go to sleep mate."

"Buzz kill" Ali scowls but sits down beside Zinat. He starts telling her all about the plane and the cool bathroom. I sit in my usual seat across from Zinat and Ali moves beside me when the pilot announces we're about to take off.

It's only a matter of minutes till Yusuf falls asleep. Poor guy's been up since 6am. About 20 minutes into the air, Ali falls asleep with his head on my shoulder too.

"Omar's been texting me all day wondering when we'll get there. He's saying Alia's been driving him nuts. He's been trying to converse with her all day and she just won't talk. Though why he's bothering to talk to her in the first place dumbfounds me" I say, yawning at the end.

"We've got to keep up pretenses. I think we've all forgotten that this isn't a done deal. He's still engaged."

"Not for long he won't be. You haven't met my grandfather yet Zinat. He is something alright" I smirk, closing my head to fall asleep as well then.

Not two hours later, my eye opens because I have to pee. I carefully maneuver out from under Ali and lay him across our seats. With the only light coming from Ayaan's seat, I stumble to the bathroom in the dark. Ayaan's still awake, doing something on his laptop.

 I take my sweet time in the luxurious bathroom before walking back out. I feel a little hungry so I grab a tin of Pringles and sit down in the only other seat available- across from Ayaan.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I ask him.

"I've got a lot of work to do for Dad. The faster I finish it, the more time I have to enjoy this trip."

Unwillingly, I decide I should apologize. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this. My family can be a wee bit overprotective."

"It's fine," he chuckles. "If I had someone like you in my life, I'd be pretty protective too" he smiles offhandedly, still focused on his screen.

Someone like me? What's that's supposed to mean. "I like your younger brother. He's a cool lad" Ayaan continues.

"Yeah? He's got the hots for your cousin" I snort.

"Are all the men in your family after my cousin sister?" he grins teasingly, finally looking up from his work.

"Maybe. Or maybe they're just after your big money" I play along, very unlike myself.

I couldn't be bothered to make a joke if someone promised me a million pounds.

"Are you trying to imply you're a gold digger?"

"Are you trying to imply I'm after you?" I retort.

"Touché. But for the record, you can have the money."

"I still think I'll take your hot cousin" I wink. He laughs, leaning back in his seat casually.

"You know, I'm kind of glad I got pulled into this trip. I need a break" he sighs, running a hand through his hair. It seems like all guys ran hands through their hair when they were stressed.

"Why?" I ask for the sake of conversation.

"Life gets pretty crazy at this age. Work, school, marriage" he mutters the last one distastefully.

Whoa. Marriage? "I didn't know you were engaged."

"I'm not. And that's exactly the problem" he rolls his eyes.

"What's the hold up?"

"Nothing. Just need to find the girl" he shrugs.

"Any luck?"

"Somewhat. But it's a tough call" he says, a look in his eyes that he was making some kind of joke.

"I feel you mate. My mom and aunt have been trying to get me engaged for two years. I've put it off long enough but I'm 21 now. In Indian years that's like 2000."

"Aw man, it's a disease I tell you. Mum's adamant now too," he laughs amusingly. "She keeps telling me all the good girls are gone."

"Well there's a simple solution. Just settle for a bad girl" I smirk tauntingly.

"In that case, I'll keep my eyes open" he grins at me and this time I know for sure he means more than what he's saying.

I fell asleep watching Ayaan work away. After finishing his computer stuff, he pulled out a bunch of files from his carry-on. Talk about a workaholic.

Ali woke me up but he had to practically carry me out of the plane. Zayed came to pick us up with a driver. We all piled in and after the initial hellos and flight inquiries, I fell asleep again.

It was 6am in Dubai when we reached home. I felt something shift under me and when my eyes fluttered open, I realized Zayed had carried me to my room. I fell asleep again before I could thank him.

Amee woke me up around 11am for breakfast. Since it was Saturday, everyone was off work and having a late breakfast in the courtyard. I showered and put on some Shalvar Kameez. It was time to greet my grandfather.

My grandfather was Indian but he married an Arab woman which is where my Arabic roots came from. He'd come with his brother from India and began his small hotel business before Dubai was developed into what it is today. He still lived in Dubai, never bothering to move to England or America with his kids after my Dadi died.

In years they'd made millions and eventually more. My grandfather's brother never had kids but he did- 2 sons and a daughter.

Safe to say the boy genes ran in the family.

My aunt lived in New York with her husband and three kids. They were here too for the wedding; I could hear my youngest cousin Navsheen's voice from up here.

I knock on the door and a faint come in comes from the other side. I open the door slowly and stick my head in first. My Dada is sitting on the upholstered bench at the foot of his bed.

"Safiyana" he breathes happily and stands up. I walk inside and up to him. He envelops me in his arms and places a kiss on the top of my head.

Even at 65, my grandfather was a dominant presence. He was intimidating to say the least, standing at 6'2.

Imagine Amitabh Bachan in Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham if you will.

"How you are dada?" I ask him, having to look up.

"Alhamdullilah my beta, how are you?"

"Alhamdullilah. How is your health? Well I hope" I say as he leads us outside to the courtyard.

"Yes. How are your studies? You had your last final yesterday yes?"

"I did. It went very well. I had a good semester" I smile. He asks me more questions about school till we reach everyone.

Ali comes to greet him so I walk over to Zinat who'd just come outside with Ayaan and Omar behind her.

"Dada" Omar calls over to him. "This is Zinat Zafar. She's the wedding planner. And this is Ayaan, her cousin who is accompanying her" he introduces them.

"Asalamualaikum" Zinat says and Ayaan after.

"Walaikumasalam. Thank you for coming all the way out here to help with this wedding. I trust my grandchildren will take good care of you for all the work you are putting into this wedding" he looks over at me and Omar Bhai and we both nod.

"Ayaan is Yasser Zafar's son Dada. He's working to be a lawyer like Safiyana to work for his father" Omar continues.

"Yes sir," Ayaan says and I take Zinat's hand to peel her away from the impending business talk between the men.

I happily greet my cousins Armaan, Aamir and Navsheen. Man, way too many boys in the family.

"Help yourself girls" Nifisa khala tells us when we sit down. I grab a bunch of cut up fruit and pull my feet up onto my chair.

"Mum where's Alia?" I ask her.

"Upstairs on the phone with her parents."

"Oh." I give Zinat a little head bob and we both excuse ourselves with the excuse of outfit things for tomorrow.

 "Okay, time to get the ball rolling. Alia's so dull that won't work in my family. You saw my grandfather, and you should meet his brother too. They're people people. Tonight a lot of guests are going to arrive and everyone's going to want to meet Omar's fiancée. It'll be easy for the adults to see she doesn't give two cents about people."

"How do I come in?" she asks nervously.

"You my dear are the wedding planner so you're going to be a busy little bee welcoming everyone and then you are going to impress my grandfather's brother's wife. Get her approval and you're basically ready to get married."

Kismat arrived around lunch time. After we all ate, I spent the afternoon with her, Alia, Aisha bhabi and Mehnaz apaa in Kismat's room just chatting. Kismat was so funny; I was glad to have her as my sister-in-law soon.

About half an hour after a bunch of wedding parties showed up, Zinat asked me to step outside for a second. She took me downstairs.

"Which one is your grandmother?" Zinat asks, pointing to the herd of old ladies in the living room.

"The one in the light blue." I point to my grandma who's laughing at something my dad's sister said.

"She seems nice enough. Okay, I'm going in with tea offers. Wish me luck" she says nervously.

"I'll come with" I tell her and she visible relaxes.

Well if the fate of my love and life rested on this one moment, I'd be pretty nervous too I guess.

"Chai aunty?" I start at one end of the room with a tray and Zinat at the other end. She reaches my grandmother and I keep my eyes on her as a cousin of my mom's takes some tea from me. 

My grandmother smiles and holds her cheek as she tells her something. The room is way to big for me to hear her at the other end but she seems to like her.

When I'm done making my round, I hand the tray to a maid and wait for Zinat to finish. She says something to my grandmother again and with a laugh, joins me.

"I take it went well?"

"Brilliant" Zinat grins.

"Hey" Omar hisses, catching my attention. I very quietly get up and leave the room that all the ladies had congregated in and were currently talking about the henna ceremony on Monday.


"We're going out for ice cream? Anaa hai? (You wanna come?)"

"Fuck yes. Let me grab the girls, I meet you by the car" I tell him and slide back into the room. I make eye contact with Kismat and wave her out and then tell Navsheen to bring Zinat and Alia too.

Couldn't leave comatose Alia on her own could we?

"What's going on?" Kismat asks me.

"The boys are saving us from death by boredom and taking us out for ice cream." I lead the way to the garage.

Zayed, Ali, Omar, Yusuf, Ayaan and Aamir and Armaan were there. We all piled into the Range Rover but most of us didn't fit.

I had Navsheen sit on my lap and we forced Kismat on to Zayed though if my mom or Kismat's saw this, they'd die of shame. There were still two girls unseated so Ali sat in the middle of the driver and the passenger seat and they put poor old Aamir in Omar's lap.

The windows were tinted dark and it was a little past midnight so we'd be okay as long as the cops didn't pull us over. But even then in countries like this, power meant you could get away with anything.

Omar was sitting by the window with Zinat between us and Alia on the other side. I could see the two smiling at each other.

"So what are we doing for fun during the wedding? Safiyana you gonna dance?" Zayed grins, turning around from the seat in front of me. Kismat gasps a little from the movement and he smiles meekly at her as she sits comfortably again.

"Very funny Bhai. Hey bhabhi, Zayed's really ticklish in his arms" I fire back. He scowls, looking like he wants to throw me onto the streets of Dubai and leave me here.

"Seriously though guys, what are we doing for fun?" Yusuf asks, looking at us in his rear-view mirror from the driver's seat.

"I'm sure lovely Zinat has some brilliant planned" Ali grins.

I see Omar roll his eyes as Zinat laughs at my little brother's flirting. "I do actually. A couple games, a couple icebreakers. That is, if the married couple's up for it" she looks at Zayed and Kismat.

"I'm okay with it if you are" Zayed says to her.

Everyone yells, "Awwwww!"

After many attempts, we managed to get out of the car and pile into the one ice cream parlour that was still open. There were a couple other people there besides us.

After driving the poor employee crazy with our orders, we sat down at a booth, some of the boys grabbing chairs to join us.

I adjusted the scarf around my head as Aamir scooted in beside me. We all kept our heads covered out of respect here rather than a necessity.

"Is everything ready for the bachelorette?" I whisper at Zinat beside me. No one was giving much heed to us.

All the boys were too busy teasing Zayed and Kismat. The poor girl.

Zinat nods. "And the belly dancers too" she grins.

"Awesome." We'd hired belly dancers for the mehndi to have some entertainment besides the regular singing and dancing but the bachelorette party was where the real fun's at.

"We should go touring tomorrow. Show our guests our second home" Yusuf grins at Ayaan.

"And escape the onslaught on aunties arriving tomorrow" Ali snickers.

"We should go to the gold and spice souks and then for a desert safari!" Navsheen squeals excitedly.

"We can ride the ATV's" Aamir says at the same time Yusuf says, "we'll stay for the show too."

"Okay, okay, everyone stop" Zayed quiets us all down. "We'll begin with the souks so everyone will have to be up early. Then we'll have lunch at one of our hotels and then see the Khalifa, the fountains, and then a really quick pop into the Dubai mall. We'll grab a snack and then head for the desert. Have a ride or two, watch the show with dinner and then home" he lays out the plan.

Excited chatter fills up the table and I watch amusedly as Navsheen and Ali bicker over which of our hotels we should eat. Talk about rich kids.

Next chapter's going to be a fun-filled day around Dubai lol.  Thanks so much for reading!! Vote and Comment for the next chapter :D xx

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