šŒš² šƒšžš¬š­š«š®šœš­š¢šØš§

By seductivemadness

331K 10.4K 592

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My Destruction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note

Chapter 27

8K 261 12
By seductivemadness

Chapter 27

I sat quietly on the bed, my hands folded into my lap. I couldn't do much especially when I'm stuck in this room. It's been three weeks I since that meeting with Alicia. She wasn't joking when she said I had to stay with Caine. I've experienced some of my worse days when I'm with him.

Although my mother may have set up, the entire plan. Caine still was as evil as he's always been. Cruel and Heartless, it seem to be the trend because all of people are turning this way. Within these weeks I've been chained to the bed once again, also I've had to accompany him on his jobs. When I see him kill people, the fear I have for him is so overwhelming I can barely stand it.

God knows how long I'm going to have to stay here with him and experience the torment he's going to cause innocent victims. Sometimes Alyssa might come and help him. I won't lie I was slightly upset when I found he didn't kill her, apparently she really good at hiding. When I see her all over him, just throwing herself at him. I don't even know what to do with myself, just disgusting.

I don't know how, I couldn't ever do that but she seemed it too. It's absolutely sickening, she's so desperate that it's actually pathetic. He doesn't give her the time of the day, he doesn't care about her feeling not one bit. She's treated just as coldly as anyone else. I see how much it hurts her, but I can't make myself care.

Lately, I've been so tired not physically but mentally. I just don't want to do anything besides escaping again but the door has a key to it that locks from the outside. I just wanted to run away from here, away from everything. I want my old life back, the life where I didn't have to worry about being killed or raped. The life where I never had much on my mind, the life with people I love, when everything was simple. I know I won't be getting that life no time soon. For now, I've decided on being a good girl. 

It's way harder than I thought, doing everything he says, not being defiant. One of the hardest things I've done but its going pretty well. At least I don't have anymore bruises, after my knife wound healed immensely. I'm able to move more freely, not be in so much pain.

Although, I still have discomfort its okay. I forgot all about how good it felt to not be in pain, to this day I don't say much. I'm more quiet lost in my thoughts. Its the only way they'll let their guard down if they thought I gave up. I still don't let anyone just run over me though but I do try to listen to the rules Caine has.

I make my way to the restroom, my feet not making a single sound on the hard wood floor. I fiddle with the hem of the grey tank top I'm wearing, once I reach the bathroom I quietly close the door with a soft click. I look around for the brush I keep in the drawer. Once It's in my possession I gently brush the tangles and knots out of my blonde hair. I don't stop until all the tangles are gone, I wash my face with warm cloth, hanging on the bathroom sink.

After that's done, I tip toed out the bathroom to resume sitting on the bed. I let out a sigh as I cover my face with my hands. Since they're aren't any windows or a clock I have no idea what time it is. I look up just in time to see the door knob turn and the quiet clatter of the keys. I try to ignore the way my stomach clenched in fear as Caine strolled in. I keep my eyes downward as I heard him walk around room, most likely searching for something.

"We're going on a trip, get ready." He ordered as he grabbed a duffle bag and began throwing things inside. I stood up. "A trip?" I questioned with a tinge of annoyance in my voice. A trip is way worse than going on a job. At least I assume it is, going on a job is like a 30 minute trip to where ever they are residing. Its always quick but, a trip is most likely out of state. I didn't want to spend 2 or 3 days stuck by Caine's side I mentally groaned. That's definitely going to be torture.

He gave me a cold glare. "That's what I fucking said," He snapped, rudely as he continued to ram clothing inside the duffle bag. I rolled my eyes. "Well damn, I was just trying to clarify." I grumbled under my breath as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I don't care, how about you shut the fuck up and do as you were told." He sneered. I shot him a death glare. "Well maybe if you wasn't so rude, I would've did as you said."

"You're going to do as I say rather you want to or not." He hissed, I bit my lip to quiet the insults that wanted to come out.

I had so many things to say to that response, but the satisfaction will only last a couple of seconds before he punched the hell of me. I crouched down to grab my combat boots once I was had them on. I took my seat back on the bed. I wondered who would be the unfortunate victim to die in the hands of Caine. I feel so bad for whoever it is I thought sadly.

If I was them I would never do business with Caine. I don't really know what he does but it seems as if him or his boss lend out money to people. The ones to doesn't pay it back after a certain amount of time. They die, I wouldn't ever get that desperate for money.

Caine won't bat an eyelid after he killed someone. How can you not feel remorse for the life you just stole? Another thought comes to mind is Alyssa coming? Most likely I really don't feel like seeing that bitch right now. She choose to live this lifestyle while I was dragged into it. She's so pathetic when it comes to Caine, I just wanted to vomit. I can't believe she choose him over me but its alright she's going to get what's coming to her.

I brought my knees up to my chest. I laid my head on my knees as I waited for Caine to be done. Not that I wanted him to hurry, he can take his slow time I'm good with that.

"Let's go,"

I probably jinxed it, I slowly trudged over to where Caine was waiting. He looked down at me. "You know the rules," He reminded me in a rather threatening matter.

I gulped as I nodded they were drilled into my head..You stay near me at all times and if you don't you'll suffer fatal consequences.

It gave me chills every time I thought of it. The way his blue eyes were so cold and dark while he said it. It was very terrifying, I don't even want to know the evil things he'd do me if I disobeyed him. He gave me a menacing smile before he grabbed my hand as we disappeared through the door.

We quickly walked down the quiet, vacant hallway. After all the times Caine has held my hand I'm still not comfortable with it. Even though its not as extreme as some of the other...things he does.

We reached a large black door in no time, he shoved it open. I'm slightly surprised when I noticed it was nighttime.

The moon gave off a warm, soft glow. There was no clouds to be seen, only the twinkle of stars in the sky. My eyes found the same sleek vehicle, that's always been used for Caine's jobs.

Outside of the car I see the 3 silhouettes of figures. As we come closer, I noticed the figures consisted of Shawn, Anton and Alyssa. I rolled eyes when I saw the glare she shot our intertwined fingers. I wanted to just yell at her and tell her she could have him. I would never be interested in Caine ever. Unlike her, I can't just fall for a pretty face. Especially when I know the evilness that hides behind it, she's seen it as well but she just doesn't care.

I stood a little bit away from group as Caine throw the duffle bag in the trunk. I ran a hand through my blonde hair. Anton began to make his way towards the drivers side as Shawn does the same only he goes to the passenger side. I turned my head in the direction I hear a low murmur of voices.

"Please Caine...stop being so stubborn.." Alyssa pouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Get the hell away from me, you're so fucking annoying. Do I look like I want you?" He huffed in aggravation, while roughly pushing her away from him. I snickered as I watched her desperate attempt. I don't understand what she's sees in him. He's cruel and heartless, I hated him with everything in me.

I walked over near him when he beckoned me over. I really didn't want to sit with the both of them in a confined space. I slid in the car as Caine comes in after me. Alyssa frowned as she ducked her head into get into the car after us. I wish I would've stalled, at least I'd be pressed up against Alyssa rather than Caine. I know she won't try to rape me. Sometimes I wonder if Caine can read minds. Every time I try to get away from him, he always pop up and touch me.

I discreetly scoot away from him, near the window. I don't think I was discreet enough because he threw his arm around my shoulder pushing me all into his chest. "Trying to escape from me?" He flashed me a smirk.

I frowned. "Actually I was, we're going to be in this car for a couple of hours. I don't want to be near you." I huffed as I scrunched up my nose, while trying to wiggle out of his grip.

Caine cocked an eyebrow at me "Well that's too damn bad," He drawled as he leaned back into the seat.

"Look at Alyssa I bet she's more than willing," I offered as I tilted my head in her direction.

Caine immediately scowls at mention of her name, even though she only on the other side of him. "I don't give a fuck about her, I'll do whatever I want with you." He snarled as he glared at me.

My frown deepened in annoyance, he has some serious anger issues. Why can't he be all over Alyssa? At least she actually wants him unlike myself. I wanted to be far away from him. I bet he knew this, that's why he wouldn't leave me alone. Alyssa glanced at me, I only blankly stared at her. Then I brought my attention back to Caine, I narrowed my eyes at him before I turned my head to watch the scenery pass me by.

I wanted to cut Caine's hands off. Why you asked? Because he didn't know how keep them to himself. I was trying my best to be a good girl, I really didn't want Caine to hurt me badly as he had before. But as it was so hard for me to let him have his hands all over my body. Not only that but Alyssa is burning the back of my head with so many glares I wanted to slap her. I knew if I wanted to escape I had to be good.

I slouched back into my seat as I felt my eyes get heavy. How long had we been driving for? An hour? 2 hours? Exhaustion seeped into my body, I wanted to sleep but I couldn't do that not around these people.

"Caine?" I called out his name quietly as I glanced down at my fidgeting hands. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.


"How much longer is this car drive?" I asked him as I brought my eyes up to meet his. By now shouldn't we be stopping by a hotel or something?

"Not much longer," He replied, his voice as low as my own. I nodded as I leaned my head against the window.

"Ugh! That's not fair, I already sleep in the same room as you in the warehouse. I don't want to share that bed with you," I argued hotly, while crossing my arms over my chest.

Caine walked closer, he roughly yanked on my hair. "Bryce I don't trust you to room with anyone else but me. I don't give fuck about what you want." He hissed in my ear, I clenched my jaw as he tugged on my blonde locks until I felt like he was snatching my hair from my scalp. Tears immediately stung in my eyes as I moaned in pain.

"Do you understand?" He spat through gritted teeth, he didn't wait for my answer before he let go of my hair.

"Son of a bitch," I muttered, angrily under my breath as I took a few steps away from him. This wasn't fair, I didn't want to share a bed with him usually at the warehouse I never saw him at night only when I woke up. I assumed that he slept somewhere else.

"Now get in the damn bed," He growled, I shot daggers at him before I dragged my feet to the bed. We were finally at the hotel everyone had a room of their own except for me.

The room itself was pretty fancy, the colors of the wallpaper were white and gold. The bed was decorated in soft, silky white sheets. A large window near the flat screen gave us a beautiful view of the city we were in. I still didn't know where we were.

I was so tired I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't sleep in the bed with him. However, I didn't have any other options. I slowly took off my boots and tied my hair into a high ponytail.

Once I made it to the bed, I slowly laid down. I was almost asleep until I felt a hand on my wrist and the low sound of a click. My eyes snapped, "Why did you handcuff me to the bed?" I asked as irritation dripped from my words.

"Because I wanted to," He said simply as he walked around to the other side of the bed.

"That's not even a real answer..." The words died on my lips when I saw him pull his shirt over his head. Then he proceeded to unzip his pants. "What are you doing?" I asked uneasily.

He laughed when he saw my facial expression. "Do you think I would sleep fully clothed?"

With Caine you never know and you couldn't let your guard down especially when he already tried to rape you a few other times. He shouldn't be shocked that I'm always on edge around him no matter where we are.

"Well, what did you expect me to think?" I mumbled, darkly as I eyed him near the bed. It was really uncomfortable to watch Caine while he only had on his boxers. But I wasn't about to go to sleep when I'm handcuffed to the bed unable to defend myself against him. My heart sped up as he crawled over to my side of the bed, unease settled in my gut. He didn't stop until we were inches apart, his warm breath fanned my face.

"If I wanted to have sex, I wouldn't hold back," He purred with a cruel smirk on his face. He positioned himself above me, although the hand cuff restricted any movements of my right hand. He still held it down along with my left hand. I'm positive my face was an open book right now.

If I was one thing I didn't want to experience was being raped. My virginity was so special to me and I didn't want this monster to take it. He was definitely handsome enough to have any woman he wanted.. Why go for someone unwilling? He leaned down and  nestled his face in my neck.

"Caine please stop..." I mumbled as I tried to move my body from underneath him.

His black hair tickled my cheek "I don't think I will," He whispered against my skin.

Deep down, I knew this was going to happen, especially since Alicia basically sold me off to him. I was so terrified I could barely speak, no matter how much I would plead or beg I knew he wouldn't stop. But I just couldn't accept this, I can't just lay here while he raped me. I struggled harder against him, I even moved my legs. Who knows maybe I could even kick him.

"Always so damn difficult," He grunted as he straddled me.

"Why do you have to do this to me? Huh? I bet there are hundreds of girls willing to sleep with you! Even one is right next door!" I shouted as tears burned in my eyes.

A dark, sinister smile formed on his lips "Don't you think I know that? I like it better to use an unwilling victim, even if it may be hard. I love challenges," His blue eyes had a dark glint within them.

He continued, "What better way to make you suffer than taking something I know is special to you," He smiles darkly.

"You're so fucking evil! What kind of human being are you? I understand that it the plan that made you torment me before, but now I don't even know why you're doing it now!" I seethed as anger seeping into my tone.

That creepy, evil grin never left his lips as he said, "Because it's a hobby I enjoy Bryce. You're my property now and I can do whatever I want," He hissed.

"I'm not your damn property! I'm not an object I'm a person I own myself," I spat out, venomously as I struggled.

"That's what you think, I own you now. No matter what the hell you say," He growled as he wrapped his hands around my throat, he squeezed so tightly that I couldn't breathe. Tears stung in my eyes, I knew my face was starting to turn a scarlet red. I tried to get him off me but it didn't work. There was barely in air seeping into my mouth. Soon my vision started to go black, that's when he releases me go. I coughed as used my left hand to rub my throat. I glared at him as I wiped away my tears.

He got off of me and settled next to me to pull the duvet over himself. That night I didn't get a wink of sleep although I was exhausted. I stayed lost in my thoughts the entire time.

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