Innocence (Completed)

By suhdude205

34.3K 1.6K 3.2K

Ranked #1 in #MichaelJackson ❤️ Ranked #1 in #TheJackson5 Teenage Michael Jackson and his brothers are on top... More

America's Sweetheart
Boys Will Be Boys
J5 Groopies
What's Wrong With You?
Just Friends
Be Careful With Me.
Find a brain.
It's Okay.
I cant.
No Winners.
Lady In My Life.
Baby Steps.
My Angel.
Moving Forward
Love is my message.
She's Out Of My Life.

Seperate Ways.

1.5K 78 179
By suhdude205

Saturday 3:38pm

I couldn't stop thinking about Michael. Obviously my feelings for him has deepened since that night. I kinda laid low because he made me soooo sore. I also haven't taken the necklace off since he gave it to me. It made me feel like I was his. I'm going over his house today to see them off. The boys leave for Europe in a few hours.


I was helping Tito and Randy pack some suit cases into the van. I hated the fact that I had to leave for Europe right now. I wanted to stay with Lilly. We'd just experienced something so special and I know it's brought us closer together. But I have to keep reminding myself that we're still just friends. And that I need to act accordingly.

I saw Lilly park and get out of her car. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to her as he was getting out. She had on a small blue jean skirt, a really small white t shirt, and some white sandals. She also had a red sucker in her mouth. I bit my lip as she smiled at me.

"Hey Mickey. I can't believe you're leaving." She leaned against her car and waved at Randy and Tito.

"Yeah I wish I could stay.... what are you wearing girl?" I couldn't help but to mention it. It looked like she borrowed my little sisters clothes.

"What do you mean? ... I'm comfy." She smiled as she licked on her sucker.

I looked around as I walked closer to her. I kissed her cheek and looked down at her. She blushed as she looked back up at me. "May I?" I asked as I rubbed on her leg and licked my lips.

"May you what?" She sucked on her sucker and I pulled the stick from out of her mouth and put it in mine. "C'mon." I mumbled. She smiled as I grabbed her hand and led her to the side of the house.

I took the sucker out of my mouth and pushed her against the brick wall. She squealed as I cut her off with a deep kiss. She soon wrapped her arms around me and kissed back. She took her sucker back and pulled away as she seductively stuck it back into her mouth. I licked my lips and turned her around to where her back was to me. I needed her one more time.

I lifted her skirt and realized she didn't have any panties on. I smiled. "You came prepared huh?"

She looked back at me and licked on her sucker. "I knew you were gonna want to before you left."

Of course I do.

I zipped my pants down and slowly entered her. I moaned, gripping her waist as I made myself go in and out of her. She moaned and threw her head back as she held herself up on the brick wall. I kept looking to the left to make sure no one was coming this way. I wasn't too worried because no one comes over here and you couldn't see us.

I went faster as I felt her tighten around me and reach an orgasm. God she's so sexy. She was moaning and gasping and driving me crazy. I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back to me. She laughed and bit her lip. I smiled as I kissed and sucked on her neck. She smelled so good. I started to go faster and harder till I reached my peaked and pulled out of her in just enough time. I moaned as I let my load out on the ground. She leaned her body against the brick wall and fixed her small skirt. I licked my lips and smiled at her as I fixed my pants.

"I'm gonna miss you." She whispered as she pulled me into a deep, slow kiss. I grabbed the sucker out of her hand and put it in my mouth again. I winked at her and walked back towards my brothers.

"Hey give it back!"

"Welcome back Mike." Randy said sarcastically.

"Lilly. I'd appreciate it if you stop tying to get my little brother pregnant." Tito joked.

I rolled my eyes as Lilly blushed.

Our conversation was interrupted my Joesph, Marlon, and Jackie coming out of the house.

"We all packed up boys? Hey Lilly Lola." Joe said as he threw a bag into the van. Joe always liked the fact that I was close to Lilly. Publicity.

"Yep. Ready to roll Joesph." Tito responded.

Everyone began to get in the van. I looked at Lilly and hugged her. "I'll be back in two in a half weeks."

She kissed my cheek and took her sucker back out of my mouth. "Mine." She mumbled.

"Me or the sucker?" I winked at her. She giggled and pushed me. "Have a good tour guys. Be safe."

"I'll be calling you. And I come see you as soon as we get back." I said as I got into the van.

She took a step back and waved at me. I waved back as we pulled off and headed to Europe...

I'll see you soon Lilly Lola.

• • • •

July 5, 1977

I'd been so busy lately. Going from Cali to Miami, to Paris, to Milan, to Washington and back home to Cali. All in the past month. My face has been all over magazines and I been on about 4 runways. I've done about 6 photoshoots. I must admit that my career is really taking off and I'm happy, yet tired. I really need to get a manager now. My life is basically a day to day thing with my job. I get called to do something and I have to make it there. That's what modeling is about. I'd just made it back home yesterday and I instantly went to bed.

I woke up and did my morning routine. I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. My dad sleepily came into the kitchen, looking like he had a long night.

"Hey daddy." I smiled as a poured him a cup of coffee.

"Hey sweetie. You have some downtime finally huh?" He took a seat at the table and opened the newspaper.

"Yeah finally.... hey has Michael tried to call me since I've been gone? I know he's been back." I sat his coffee on the table.

"Um... no he hasn't actually." He looked at me apologetically.

I gave him a small smile. "It's okay. I'll go see him later on. Maybe he's been busy too."

• • • •

I walked up to the Jackson house and knocked on the door. I was greeted by little Janet.

"Hey Dunk." I smiled as she gave me a curtsy.

"Hi Lilly. Hey can I get your autograph. My best friend is a big fan and didn't believe me when I said I see you all the time."

I giggled and nodded. She pulled out one of my magazines and I signed the front cover for her.

"Hey is Mike around?"

"Yeah he's just been busy working on his movie. I'll go get him for you."

I looked at her puzzled as she ran upstairs. What movie?

She ran back downstairs and stopped in front of me.

"He's in his room with Miss. Diana. He said he'll be down in a little bit."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Diana? As in Diana Ross? What movie?"

She smiled at me.

"Their remaking The Wizard of Oz movie. But with all black people! Mikey is gonna be the scarecrow and Miss. Diana is gonna be Dorthy!"

Very interesting.

After about 10 minutes of playing with Dunk in the living room, Michael came down in a T-shirt and sweat pants and Diana came down in a pink jumpsuit. They walked into the living room and Mikey has his head down.

"Lilly Lola. I'm am such a fan. I remember when you were just 8 in that movie 'Glory'. So cute and now look at you. Stunning."

I gave her a polite smile. I'd only met Diana once before and I didn't really remember because I was little.

"Thank you Miss. Diana."

"Well, I should get going... I'll see you later, okay baby?" She kissed Michael on the cheek and headed for the door.

Did she just call him baby?

Michael rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me finally.

"Hey Lilly..." he gave me a weak smile.

I glared at him as I walked past him and up to his room. He followed close behind me. When we made it to his room I sat down on a chair.

"What's been up Michael?" I glared at him again.

He sat on his bed and twiddles his thumbs. "I should be asking you that. You're everywhere." He giggles.

I raised an eyebrow at him as his smile fades. "Okay look. I'm sorry I didn't call you when I got back... or at all while I was in Europe. Im doing a movie with Diana which is huge for me. So I've been spending a lot of time with her... I'm sorry." He bit his lip nervously.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him on his bed. "I'm not mad at you for working or for doing a movie. I'm actually proud of you." I put my hand on his leg. "I just missed you is all.."

He gave me a weak smile. "I missed you too."

I leaned in to slowly kiss him. He kissed me back and put his hand on my cheek. I pulled away and looked in his eyes. "Wanna show me how much you missed me?"

He shifted uncomfortably and slowly stood up. He bit his lip and looked down. "Actually... I should really study these lines. I won't sleep till I remember the whole movie." He gave me a nervous smile.

What the fuck is up with him?

"I should go.. call me when you have time Michael." I stood up and frowned at him as I made my way downstairs. I've known Michael since we were kids. I know when he's lying or hiding something from me.

I was ready to walk out the door when I was stopped by Marlon and Jermaine.

"What's up foxy mama?" Marlon said pulling me into a hug.

"Why you look so down?" Jermaine asked looking me up and down.

"I dunno... just Michael being all weird." I shrugged it off. I then saw Jermaine and Marlon look at each other then look at me. They knew something...

I gasped. "Tell me what you guys know!" I crossed my arms.

Marlon pulled me into the living room and hushed me. "You cannot repeat this. This is for your knowledge only." I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me now." I said.

Jermaine stepped into our conversation. "I don't think we should talk. It's not our business to tell Marlon." He looked concerned.

"No. Tell me!" I pouted.

"I'm telling her. She deserved to know." Marlon said to Jermaine.

I pinched Marlon and he groaned. "Ok ok! Mike has been sleeping with Diana Ross. Damn girl." He said as he rubbed his arm. I stood there shocked.

Jermaine cleared his throat and there stood Michael at the entrance, glaring at Marlon.



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