What Happens In Vegas;] I Mar...

بواسطة ElsiieCake1

7.6K 62 17

Ella Dormer a beautiful soon-to-be 18 year-old girl attending Gregford High School. On the day of her birthda... المزيد

What Happens In Vegas;] I Married My Hot History Teacher.

What Happens In Vegas;] I Married My Hot History Teacher.

5.4K 23 7
بواسطة ElsiieCake1

This is probably the only chapter/prologue in First person the rest might be in third person mainly because if you notice i suck at first person!


I marched the halls of Gregford High School, a wide grin spread across my face. Why not? I had finally gotten the freedom I had always wanted, and it felt good. Convincing my mother to let me move in to my own apartment wasn't easy, but she gave in in the end-thanks to a reliable source that shall remain nameless; Kristin Page. Kristin had promised my mother to move in with me if she let me have the apartment, and it worked! 3 cheers for Kristin! But best of all, today's my 18th birthday. Nothing can get any better than this.

I pranced around the black and white halls, my heels clicking on the tile. All eyes where on me-nothing new. I heard my name being called from a distance. It began far but soon grew near, i whirled around unable to recognize any of the faces that came close. When from afar i spotted a blurry Kristin become clear. "Ella!" she yelled jogging towards me. I remained immobilized waiting for her to be at arms length. It was only seconds before she reached me, chest heaving.

"Kristi, what's wrong?" i asked. A smile bursted on her face as she began to jump, her soft brown hair flopping everywhere.

"Your never gonna BELIEVE where Im taking you tonight!" she gushed, holding my hands in a strangling matter. I eyed her curiously as her feet came 2 feet off the ground.

"Kristi- your scaring me. How much caffeine did you have?" Kristin stopped jumping and rolled her eyes.

"Never mind that! I have a surprise for yooooh." she sang waving a small envelope in my face titled 'Ella's B-Day'.

"What is it?" i asked.

"Open it, and you shall wonder no more!" she said with a thick french accent, i couldn't help but laugh at.

"Ok.." i mumbled, taking the envelope in my hand and teared it slightly. I peered inside it only to find nothing. I glanced up at Kristin who was smiling feverishly. "Uh.. Kris?"


I looked down at the envelope once more before looking at her. "This is empty."

"I know!" she said excitedly. She resembled a volcano about to erupt with emotions.

"Then why the hell did you give me the envelope? Or is this the present cause if it is-"

"I gave you the envelope cause i wanted to see how you would react when i gave you THESE!" she yelled pulling out two tickets to Las Vegas, Nevada. Once my eyes set on them, i let out a loud squeal.


"I KNOW!" she yelled, which was followed by jumping, screeching, hugging, and tears [on my part]. I guess things can get better.

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