Attack on Titan: King of the...

By bluewhale02

101K 1.5K 810

Godzilla has went through a mysterious portal that sends him back in time and gives him the ability to talk... More

Author's notes
Temple of the Moth
The Fire Demon
Earth Titans
Broken Soul
Cave of the Earth Titans
Monster Zero
It's a Cruel World
Blue Magic
Size Does Matter
W. O. T. G
Heart of a Lion
M.U.T.O 1
M.U.T.O 2
Swarm of Death.
To You, in 20,000 Years

The Beginning

14K 210 249
By bluewhale02

Godzilla was resting peacefully on the ocean floor, he had finished a good long fight and was happy it was over.

He enjoyed the ocean, for it was his home and it was quiet for the most part, the only occasional time that the silence was broken was either a few gas bubbles rising or the sounds of whales singing, which in most cases, would usually end up soothing him.

Yep, the ocean was his paradise. However, something very unexpected, was about to change everything.

Godzilla opened his eyes slightly, he sensed that something was off. He raised his head a bit, scaring a few creatures around him. As he looked around he noticed a strange blue light not too far away from where he was. He stood up, and stirred up a massive cloud of sand and rock. He shook some of the debris from himself and began to head towards the strange light. As he got closer, the light looked like it was becoming larger, and when he finally got there, it was revealed to be a weird portal. Godzilla looked at it with curiosity and wonder, and when he went to touch it, the portal sucked him in before he could even react. He roared in panic, not knowing what was going to happen or where the hell he was going.


Back in the year 845, a large group of people were looking up at the wall that surrounded them. Three of those people were kids around the same age and height. One of them was a girl who had black hair, pale skin and eyes the colour of a storm, her face had Asian features and she wore a red scarf around her neck, her name was Mikasa Ackerman. The other two were boys, one of which had semi-long blond hair, tan skin and eyes as gentle and blue as the ocean, his name's Armin Arlet. The last one had short, brown hair, his skin was tan, and his eyes were the colour of the sky before a tornado, and he had an attitude, to match, his name was Eren Yeager.

However, they were all looking in the same direction, they were looking at a giant red skinless hand that was gripping the wall of the Shiganshina district.

"Woah, that's impossible, that wall's fifty meters high." Said Armin.

Eren replied with "Oh, god."

Then, an enormous skinless head looked over the wall.

Armin said fearfully, "It's a Titan."

It was indeed a titan. The biggest titan the walls had ever seen. It then lifted its foot up, and kicked the wall, sending large rocks and debris flying everywhere, making a large hole in the bottom of the wall.

"H-he blasted a hole, like he was kicking a rock. " Armin quoted.

Suddenly, a bunch of enormous grinning beings started to walk through the hole and saw the humans, everyone started to run and shouted "Run!", "They've breached the wall!"

Armin said "We have to go!" And started to walk away before noticing Eren moving in the opposite direction. He called out to him, but Eren ignored him.

"Our house is in that direction, Mom's all by herself." He stated fearfully.

Mikasa went to help Eren, Armin tried to stop her when he noticed how badly his hand was shaking, he took hold of it and said "Th-this is the end, they're inside, every last one of us is going to be devoured!"

Meanwhile Eren and Mikasa were running as fast they could to their house, witnessing the horrors caused by the big titan kicking the wall. Eren thought to himself "Our house is fine, our house is fine, you turn the corner and it will be standing there in one piece, just like always." But when they did, Eren ran faster shouting "MOOOOOM!"

His mother, Carla, was trapped by the debris from the house. They both tried to lift it off her but it was too heavy. They then heard the sounds of massive footsteps, they looked over and saw the titans walking through the town. One of them, was heading right for them. Eren yelled at Mikasa to try harder and she tried as hard as she could. After a brief argument between Eren and his own mother, a soldier from the garrison regiment came to aid them. The family knew this soldier whose name was Hannes.

"Hannes!" Carla shouted, "Take the children and get them out of here."

Hannes replied with "Come on Carla that's not our only option, hey I'm a trained soldier, and my skill set is killing titans and saving lives!"

Carla said "No wait, don't do this, please."

Hannes was making his way to the titan and thinking to himself "Nothing fancy, just take it down and get all three of them out of harms way, make good on the debt you owe!" Then, he skidded to a stop.

The thing, was horrifying. It had a wide smile that stretched across its face, going, quite literally, from ear to ear. And it was looking right at him.

He put his sword away, and went back to get the kids.

Eren shouted at him "No, what are doing? PUT ME DOWN YOU BASTARD!!" But it was already too late. Hannes was running away with Mikasa and him. Away from his mother.

Carla quietly thanked him and shouted to her kids that she loves them and to stay alive. Then she had a horrible realization, as she gasped and began to shed many tears, but it was too late. The titan had reached her. It removed the debris from her and picked her up. Eren was shouting for it to stop, but he could not do a thing, as he watched his mother struggle in the titans grip. Then Carla passed out, Eren thought she had died. And the smiling murderer brought her closer and closer to its opening mouth. Mikasa turned her head and looked away, Eren watched the whole thing. The titan, was about to claim its prize.


A flash of light appeared, and a huge black mass came out, crushing a few houses and titans, before landing on the ground with a tremendous crash.

Eren, Hannes and Mikasa got up, and looked at what appeared to be a reptilian face. It was shaped very squarely, its neck was broad and had shark-like gills, Its eyes were small and a golden yellow color, and its teeth are small and not straightly lined.

Its dorsal plates were a bit small for its enormous size, but they retained a core maple-leaf shape, although straighter and very sharp. The monsters claws were black in color, and its feet were wide, resembling an elephant's feet with large claws. Its skin was reptilian and crocodile-like, rough, and was a very dark gray (almost black) color. Its body and tail were very wide as well, making it look somewhat bulky.

Hannes saw his opportunity to run back and get Carla, while Eren and Mikasa looked at this thing in wonder. Mikasa walked a bit closer and said, "What is it?"

Then suddenly a pair of nostrils flared, and something began to stir. Then there was a very deep groaning noise that sounded very....... human.

Then a large head rose up and shook a bit. "Ugh, what the hell happened?" The creature said as it brought it's claw to its head. It then realized something. "Huh, I can speak. Hmm, that's new." Then it caught sight of Eren and Mikasa, who panicked when it saw them. Now discovering that he could talk, the beast decided to calm the kids.

"Stay calm young ones, I won't hurt you, I promise."

Hearing this, the two immediately let down their guard.

"God," the creature said "that was a really rough......... landing."

The enormous behemoth spotted what appeared to be... "Those are... really big humans."

Eren looked to where he was looking and was filled with anger. "Those are not humans!" He shouted at the monster. "Those are anything but humans! In fact. Their only goals are to consume humans!"

The monsters eyes shot wide open, and his pupils went from round, to reptilian. He then looked straight at Eren and said "Say again?" His left eye was twitching a bit.

Eren replied "Umm, I said their only goals are to consume humanity."


The monster planted his hands on the ground and began push himself back on his feet. As he was doing this, he said "Not on my watch, Not, on, my. Watch!" Standing to his full height, of about, 108 meters. He took in a deep breath of air, and then.

That sound. That one sound. Signalled every titan in the district, to drop the human they were going to eat, and run towards this new opponent.

As they were running, they didn't even notice Mikasa was in their way, frozen in fear. She couldn't move, then suddenly when they were right on her Eren pushed her out of way just in time.

"Mikasa, are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks." She replied

Their moment was interrupted by Hannes running back with Carla in his arms.

Eren and Mikasa ran to them with happiness. Thankful that Carla was still alive.

"Go, I'll take care of them. Oh, and by the way," a voice said, they all looked up at the creature who said. "The name is Godzilla."


Godzilla began to stomp on titans, claw at them, chew them and completely send them flying with his tail. As he was doing this, Eren, Mikasa, Carla and Hannes made it to the boat, where they met up with Armin and his grandfather. Eren told him about Godzilla and how he helped them escape the titans. Armin was both fascinated and impressed, then suddenly a huge Titan burst through Wall Maria. Everyone was terrified, trying to get away from these monsters. This Titan was 15 meters, but it had yellow plates covering its entire body, that looked like armour. Then a large tail snaked through the hole, grabbing the titan and pulling it back into the district. It was Godzilla, and he was giving the titan a real bad time, until suddenly it vanished.

Godzilla didn't have time to worry about what happened to it, he looked over Wall Maria, down at the boats and said "Go, before any of them get through." And then the boats left.

He then saw Eren, Armin and Mikasa looking up at him. He smiled and said
"And Who are you?" The kids faces lit up knowing he was talking to them.

Eren was the first to answer.
"I'm Eren." He replied.

"My name is Armin." The blonde said.

Mikasa was a little shy at first. Then Godzilla said "It's okay if your scared." Then she spoke "Mikasa, my name is Mikasa."

Godzilla smiled, and roared one last time. Then the boats disappeared from his sight.

Meanwhile back on the boat, Eren was worried about his mother. Wondering if she will ever walk again. Then unexpectedly, Mikasa rested her head on Eren's shoulder, peacefully sleeping with a smile on her face. Eren didn't know why, but he accepted it, resting his head on hers.

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