Broken Pieces (Loki Laufeyso...

By Padfoot_76Backup

4K 119 17

Cover by @thecatgurl (Y/n) pov~ Growing up in the palace was a blessing in many ways. Such as getting to... More

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Four-
Chapter Five-
Chapter Six-
Hey Fam

Chapter Three-

595 19 2
By Padfoot_76Backup

I knew that today was supposed to be big, but it is much more extravagant then I had expected.
Not to whine or complain or anything, but the amount of people here is really starting to get to me. There's just people everywhere and they're really starting to get on my nerves.
    I stand up at the front just a little ways behind Loki. I feel like I shouldn't be up here because I am not one of them. Well not exactly...
    I grew up with Thor and Loki, but does that make me like them? I don't feel like it does...but maybe that is just me.
    I look around awkwardly, trying not to show how uncomfortable I am. I hadn't spoke to Loki since that night in my room and I feel like it's made things extremely awkward between us.
    I try to act like I didn't feel anything that night. But I did and there's no changing that. But the question is, did he?
   I am brought out of my thoughts when I see Thor parading down to the front where he would greet all of us ready to be declared king.
   He smiles boastingly as he swings around his hammer as if to show it off like a trophy. I roll my eyes and smirk at his behavior, he had always been one to show off.
    He reaches the front of the cheering crowds, kneeling in front of his father, he winks over at his mother who gives him a look that says 'wrong place, wrong time'.  He removes his helmet and places it on the ground in front of him. 
    Odin the All-father steps forward and that's when the crown begins to quiet down.
    "Thor Odinson, my heir, my first-born. So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal! as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a King. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms, in the time of the Great Beginning. And though the day has come for a new King... Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?"
    Without any hesitation Thor responds loud and clear, "I swear."

    "And do you swear to preserve the peace? I swear. Do you swear, to cast aside all selfish ambition, and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms?"

   "I swear." He repeats.

   "Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, will proclaim you..." he pauses causing everyone to stop and hold onto their breath.
    I look to Loki, he looks to Frigga, who is looking at Odin still.
   "...Frost Giants."


I stand outside the weaponry doors just pacing back and forth. Odin had taken Thor and Loki inside with him to inspect the damage and find any possible way that the frost giants could have gotten in.
"They've been in there for a while-- I wonder what's happening in there--"

"(Y/n), it has only been five minutes." Frigga says from beside me. I guess with children like hers one would learn to be patient. But not me.
    I may have grown up with them but that doesn't change my negative feeling towards waiting.
    "Can you hear what they are saying in there? What are they saying? Have the frost giants found a way inside of Asgard?!" I start to panic, letting my anxieties get to me.
"(Y/n)." She says pulling me aside and placing an assuring hand on either sides of my shoulders. "I'm sure all will be fine. You just give it a little bit longer and we will see what our circumstances are." She says soothingly.
    I nod my head and relax my shoulders, she's right; I'm sure there's nothing to fear.
    ...except the thought of the palace of even just Asgard being roamed by any foe.
    "(Y/n) dear you're doing it again," She points out as she nods towards me pacing again.
    "Oh yes. Sorry." I say as I stop and place myself firmly against the wall. "I'm fine. I'm fine."

    "There is no reason to be sorry. And we both know you are fine, everyone gets worried from time to time." She assures me.

"You are not worried?" I ask.

"I am, probably as much as you are. I've just gotten used to hiding it by now." She turns back towards the door, causing me to do the same.
I see the other three walk out, Frigga approaches her husband and walks away, I walk to the other two.
"Guys what happened in there?" I ask, struggling to keep up with Thor in his rage state.
"Nothing. Just my father being a fool!" He said before turning a corner and disappearing to where I figured where the others were.
"That bad then?" I ask stopping and glancing at Loki who was standing across from me now.
"You know Thor. Always one to exaggerate. Yes it was bad, but—"

"But what?"

"Nothing. I had a thought but it is gone now." He lied. I could see it in his eye again. He was hiding something and I didn't think it was just one of his little pranks.
"Loki if you were keeping a secret you'd tell me right?" I ask.

"There are no such things I would keep from you."

"Are you sure? Because you know I can tell when you are lying. And recently it's been like that's all you've been doing." I confront him. His face doesn't change, instead he just steps in front of me.
"Maybe there are just somethings I don't know how to tell you right now," he says causing butterflies to flutter around in my stomach. "Ever think about that..?"
     I am silent for a moment, trying to find something to say. But I don't know what. What do I say? Brain make words now!
"Your silence must mean a no." He says before turning away and walking down the corridor.
"Hey wait a second! I mean, yes I know there are some things you can't tell me. But this time it seems different." I say striding up to his speed.
   "Why can't you just trust me (y/n)?"

   "Why must we keep secrets from each other?"

"(Y/n), you have your secrets, I have mine. Some times some secrets need to be kept from people." He said without life looking away from the path in front of him. "--and that includes best friends."
   I feel myself tense up at those words. I can't expect him to tell him to tell me everything. Especially when I myself have my own secrets.
    Like my new found stop. I can't think about that right now.  But are they all that new?  Haven't they been there the entire time?
     "(Y/n), I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I promise when the time comes I will let you know what I am thinking." He says taking me out of my thoughts.
    "No you didn't hurt my feelings. I just hope you're not hiding anything bad."
We are interrupted by a guard who runs up to the both of us holding his arms up.
"Prince Loki, your mother would like to see you." His eyes dart between me then back at Loki, his face looking slightly embarrassed. "Alone."
"I'm sure whatever my mother has to say, it can be shared between both of us." Loki interjects. The guard looks even more nervous as he stands up straight, as if trying to seem more brave.
"She just asked for her two sons. I'm sorry but Miss (y/n) will have to stay." He stiffens.
Loki opens his mouth to argue once more but I speak before he can say anything.
"It is quite alright. Family business I am sure. I will head back to my room."

"(Y/n), you are family. Aren't you? You deserve—" I raise my hand to quiet him, I let out a shallow sigh.
"I am fine. Go, and you'll know where to find me." I say before he nods and starts to leave with the guard.
"Are you sure?" He asks, turning around to look at me again.
"Go," I urge him. He nods once again and this time leaves without hesitation. I rolls my eyes as I let's out a small giggle. What would I do without him?
I should probably go find Sif and the Warriors Three. But part of me just wants to wait in my room until Loki gets back...
...Stupid priorities. I pick up my pace as I go on with my first option. The other four shouldn't be too far. I mean, where would they go?

I walk and walk until I finally find them around one of the corners. "You guys! I have been looking for you for thirty minutes!" I say running over to them.
Sif hold a single finger to her lips and shushes me as I slow down and stop in from of them.
"What is it?" I ask. She says nothing but nods off towards the room entrance. She enters inside with the other three behind her.
I tab along just in time to see that Thor had thrown the table into the floor, causing the food to lay all around the ground.
"Oh my goodness..." I say looking at the mess he made.
    "Thor it's madness--" Loki says to his brother as we walk towards them.

"Madness? What sort of madness?"

"Were going to Jotunheim." Thor said proudly as he turned to face us.

"What?!" I practically shout.

"This isnt like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder, and the mortals worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim." Fanfral tells him.

    "If the frost giants won't kill you, your father will." Volstagg says with a deep, sarcastic chuckle.

    "My father fought his way into Jotunheim." Thor says pushingly, trying to get the others to listen. "—defeated their armies and took their casket. We will just be looking for answers."

"It is forbidden!" Sif finally interjects. I glance over at Loki who gives me a tight lipped solemn look that told me there would be no trying to stop Thor.
Thor just laughs and walks towards us with his arms open wide,"My friends! Have you forgotten all that we have done together? Fandral, Hogun, who led you into the glorious of battles?"
"You did." Hogun admits.

"And, Volstagg, who introduced you to delicacies so succulent you thought you'd died and gone to Valhalla?"

"You did." Volstagg says with a chuckle.

"And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?"

"I did!" Sif said protectively of her title.

"True, but I supported you, Sif." He says with a laugh. He finally turns to me, beaming with pride. "And (y/n), who's always been there for you since we were kids?" He asked.
"Thor that's a trick question." I roll my eyes. "It was pretty much all of you."

"Yes but I was there was I not?" He asks hopefully.

"Sure why not?" I give in.

He steps back up onto the stairs and begins to preach once more. "My friends trust me now! We must do this! You're not going to let my brother and I take all the glory, are you?"
He asks the last part while gesturing towards Loki who was staring at the ground, sitting on the steps.
"What?" He whispers. Barely loud enough for us to hear him.

"Well you aren't coming with me aren't you?" Thor asks, losing his smile.

Loki turns around and looks at him, a smile forming onto his face. "Yes of course!" He takes himself onto his feet and stands tall at his brothers side.
"I won't let my brother march into Jotunheim alone." He says bravely.
There was a great pause until Volstagg spoke up saying,"And I."

"And I." Says Frandral next.

"And I." Hogun says,"the warriors three fight together." With that the three turn to look at me. I look at Loki who gives me a promising look.
"I shall go as well!" I claim as I awkwardly shove my fist into the air.
We all turn to Sif who had yet to say anything yet. She sighs and looks down at her feet. "I fear we'll live to regret this." She courtesies before walking away, leading away the warriors three.
"If we're lucky." Thor laughs before leaving in the other direction. Loki follows shortly behind him and I after him.
"Loki, are you sure this is such a good idea?" I whisper behind him loud enough so only he can hear.
    "(Y/n), Im sure Thor has a plan that will lead to greatness. Even if not, he has me. And that oughta be a good enough backup statement." He tells me reassuringly.
    I skip slightly to keep up their pace as I blow a strand of hair from my face.
    "Oh I feel a lot better with that said. Thanks." I say sarcastically. Although neither of them had heard because they were both too excited for something that may lead to our very own destruction.

Sorry that it took so long and sorry about the short chapter. Working in a salon kicks my butt😂 anyways.

Last song I listened to was : Just to See You Smile. What about you guys??

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