The Mafia Monk (Crazy Mafia s...

De MedievalTomboy

1.2M 52.2K 10K

"I kill for living" I said seriously expecting the beauty before me to back away in fear. I leaned close towa... Mais

Things to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Bonus Chapter
Controlling Mr. Coopers
The Mafia God
The Mafia Stalker
Adopting Mr. Beggar
New Book
Draining Mr. Brainy
Stalking Mr. Cupid

Chapter 13

26.4K 1.4K 196
De MedievalTomboy

Demyan Point of View

"What happened with the spies that were planted by Valdimir? Do we have any of them?" My voice was authoritative and commanding like always. This is how I speak; rude and controlling.

I'm happy to be getting to my usual pose again.

"Oh, you will be surprised at the number." Egor smirked and leaned against the chair in a comfortable arrangement. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow for further explanation. His eyes were burning for the sight of blood and I understood that there are more than expected weeds in the gang.

No, I need to come up with some other plan, not to eliminate the spies but using them as I wish. Something unexpected. Something dangerous.

"There's something more to the story, Egor." I stated confidently and gave the pen drive to him and asked him to make changes in the security relating to shipment ports.

"True. There are few missing puzzles here. I don't think all the efforts are just to take your throne." I have the same feeling too. What Egor was thinking was the same I'm thinking too.

There's clearly something more to the story and this is one of the reason I have to get rid of Zinnia from my life before she becomes their target.

I sighed massaging my head with my fingers and closed my eyes for a moment. I'm positive that this date will set few screws straight in her brain.

I hope it does.

"Come let's see how Ms. Crazy is fairing up between the hazardous criminals outside." Egor suddenly said excitingly like he was gifted with a fortune on Christmas.

Why the hell is he excited to see her, damn it?!

I narrowed my eyes on him and gave him a pointed look but that doesn't seem to deter him as his smile widened and clapped his hands in enthusiasm.

Okay... What is going on here?

Why is he so enthusiastic?

"Why are smiling like that?" I asked with many doubts swamping in my mind. Intrigued by his sudden interest in the girl he feared till a day before, I leaned forward on the table and took a pen spinning it in between my fingers.

"Are you somehow interested in her?" My hand was clutching the pen in a dead grip and unknowingly my words came out gritted.

He cannot be interested in her. Can he?

Egor is too... hyper in many angles and he cannot like a person like Zinnia who is over-hyper. They don't match each other. He cannot tackle her in the pointed times.

Not to mention, Egor is a softie in interests of sex and Zinnia looks like she can even go berserk at her first try. They don't even fit in terms of an important division called sex.

How it would be to have... No No No!

Never. Do not get distracted Demyan!

Since Zinnia is a maniac, she needs someone who listens to her even though he doesn't want to. He needs to balance her craziness with his calm composure. That person should compensate the noise pollution she creates with his mute silence.

"Does it matter if I am?" He said quite seriously but I can also see a hint of smirk on his face.

Really now?

He cannot be interested in her.

She's Zinnia. She's mental girl. She's a maniac. She's a nut-loose. She's too good. She's too pure for him.

"I thought you were interested in the drugs girl?" This must be a joke. He must be just playing a wild joke on me. I know Egor and he likes kind of animalistic people and Zinnia is not like that.

"Drugs girl?" He questioned in confusion and I just waved my hand pointing towards his blacken eye. His eyes twitched in realization and the serious composure on his face shifted a little for a second.

"Yes, but I am still trying to calculate who among the both has more effect on me." The Heck?

"You will not make Zinnia an option." I gritted. Though Zinnia is a asylum inhabitant, she is an innocent girl with not much idea of the society.

Oh, she's annoying too.

Argh... why am I even vouching to her character?

'Because you are standing up to your future wife.' My mind put in stealthily which made me scowl. Seriously? I am never marrying someone, not at least her.

"And why are you so bothered with it? It's my life. I have two beautiful ladies in my life – although one is with brain and one without it – I would like to see who has a lucky star in their palms of capturing my heart." Capture his heart. What a joke. I scoffed at his gag and was ready to roll on ground.

"You don't have a heart" I stated the fact.

"Not now, Yes. Remember I gave my heart to you years ago when we met and instantly became friends? Now is the time to let it go, buddy. Please give my heart back. It's in a dire need to be installed in a female chest." Egor extended his hand in front of me and waved as if he is asking for a effing lollipop.

He was smiling goofily and there is also a mocking smirk playing on his lips.

God, why do I have to deal with these kinds of people? Is Egor not enough that I now have Zinnia too.

"How many times I have to tell you that I don't love you." I said in disgust and moved towards the door to walk out and see how frightened Zinnia is. "And yes, you are not going to go anywhere near mental girl." I warned him and walked out and closed my ears with my fingers when I heard his loud laughter.

I will kill him with my own hands one day.

"No, No don't touch there."

"You can only touch the chest, Mister. That was our agreement."

"No you can't go down and touch there. You are breaking the rules." I heard Zinnia's comments when I neared the room.

What the Hell is happening?

F**k it. I warned the men not to touch her and they are going against me?

And what happened to her? Damn it I should have not left her with those animal men.

I ran towards the room and opened it with a loud bang and rushed towards her who's sitting on a table?

Sitting on a table fully clothed and untouched... with stacks of currency bills before her in her lap.

What... what is happening here?

I looked around the room and all the men were still looking at me warily.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked in a boss tone which they fear a lot... well except Zinnia. Seems like I can never threaten her with my commanding body or my tone. She just doesn't care at all.

"Mr. Monk, please wait for a moment we can talk later. We are in the middle of the game." She pointed towards two men who were standing facing each other and either of their hands on each other's shoulders. That's was when I saw their fighting stance.

"A game?" I asked incredulously.

She is freaking conducting a wrestling game?

"Yes. These kind men offered to keep my company until you complete your work and also offered me tasty juice. I don't want to disturb them so instead I am hosting a 'fist talent show'." She clapped her hands excitedly and few of the currency notes fell off her lap.

And here I thought she would be scared. What a scar to my ego!

"A what show?" My hand curled into a tight fist trying to gulp down my irritation and disappointment.

Oh Zinnia, what are you made of?

"A fist talent show. In this game both the contestants should fight with each other and then should only attack the upper part of the body excluding the face. They should not touch lower body at any cost. And they should not attack face too. It was so exciting, Mr. Monk. See I'm even running bets. Ten percent is my share and the remaining ninety percent is for the people who betted on the winner."

Dear God, Show mercy on me.

I looked up towards the heavens asking for their kindness. I breathed in hard to blow off the invisible smoke coming from my ears.

Why the hell is she not terrified and to make the matters even worse, she is running bets?

"Sit here, Mr. Monk. Two more game and I will win enough money to buy you a piece of land." She led me to the chair that was behind her and helplessly I sat there like a sore thumb in my own den.

"Alright, this yellow card is for you, Blue. No more touching the lower body of Violet or else you will be announced as loser." She warned the men and blew the whistle which was hanging around her neck.

Blue? Violet?

"Their names are Robert and Teddy." I said irritation flooding inside me. She was yelling on top of her lungs like, "Come on" "Yes punch him there" "Yes Yes Yes" "That's a great Punch"

For goodness sake!

When you ask me what the most disappointing situation for me is, I wouldn't say that it was when you could not achieve what you are aiming for. I would say it is when the situation you are preparing for and that which turned out are quite opposite. It's one thing to fail but it is beyond annoying to be thrown in an unexpected position.

"Oh but one of them said that in the gambling places, they would give a fake name there to prevent their identities. I thought it was cool and I suggested naming them in colorful fake names. That person in the corner is red and that... that man who was holding a sack is yellow. He is orange, that man is brown, that man beside yellow is green. You also want to participate, Mr. Monk? You can be pink." Her eyes were shining in great exhilaration when she was telling me her brilliant naming patterns.

I heard Egor's laugh from the door and I scowled at him. I was already annoyed and on the verge of exploding like a volcano and now this fool is laughing at me.

I'm pink?

Grrr, One of the coming days she may even paint my f***ing nails. Darn it.

"Shut up Egor or else you will be baby pink or peach." I gritted slowly in his ear making sure Zinnia could not hear it and his face ceased amusement replaced by horror.

"Zinnia –" I was about to tell her that we need to go now but one of the men's question stopped me.

"Ms. White, Are you boss's girl friend?" Orange, I mean Fredrick, asked with an anticipating smile. Argh, not this again!

"Yes. But I'm not going to marry him. He's going to marry me." She said smiling widely and turned towards me whispering, "See, I did not tell anyone that I'm marrying you like I promised in the carnival. Are you happy?"

I slapped my face hardly and rubbed in great infuriation. I was inch away to bang my head on the nearest wall.

She will be my death one day for sure. Zinnia Mae White is my worst enemy.

I cannot just... I can't... I - Grrr!

Expected : Terrified, fled away Zinnia

Result : A hosting of fist talent show

Date 1 – Fail.

Time to plan date-2. And this time I will make sure to make a successful plan. I've underestimated Zinnia and I will not make the same mistake twice.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter of Crazy, Silly Zinnia is here. Hope you enjoy it.

Egor loves Demyan. Bromance!

What do you think about Egor's statements about Zinnia. You think he is interested in her?

What do you think about the gambling fights that Zinnia is hosting?

Which color do you bet on and how much?

Plan 1 failed. What can be plan 2?

Is it Zinnia's turn to get shocked or is it the routine?

Please shower me with votes and comments.

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

Continue lendo

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