13 Hours Ahead In Australia |...

By PhanHowltersKat

545 23 0

"Just come to the party it'll be fun May please I want you to meet my friend Michael he's so cool please" Ash... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 pt. 1
Chapter 9 pt. 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Epilogue

Chapter 13

32 1 0
By PhanHowltersKat

(3 months later)

Maycie's p.o.v

I am now 6 months pregnant and you can tell I'm pregnant my stomach is big and me and Luke are going to find out the gender of the baby today so I'm attempting to stand up from the couch and the lads are laughing at me cause I can't get up

"Lucas Robert hemming help me up please" I groaned at Luke

"I'm coming but why is it hard for you to get up?" Luke asked smirking

"I'm carrying your child you finish the puzzle" I said being a smartass

"You love me though" Luke said and kissed me

"I do, oh do we have the things we need for after we find out the gender?" I asked

"Yeah, Auden come on buddy" Luke said and the 4 year old came running to Luke and got his coat and shoes on since we're in America now and it's October

"Bye guys we will be back later" I yelled as we left we got in the car and drove to the doctor jane told us to go to

Once we got there Luke carried Auden as we walked back to the room

"Hello you must be Maycie Irwin" doc. Mary said

"That's me" I said and sat on the bed thing

"Ok let's see what gender your baby is" Mary said and I laid down and she put the gel on my stomach

"Congratulations your having a little girl" Mary said

"Thank you" I said as she gave me the pictures and we left

"Mummy" Auden said from his seat

"Yeah buddy" I said

"Where we going" Auden asked

"You'll see" I said as soon as I did we arrived at the picture place

We walked in and brought the pink washable paint and the black white board with the neon pink marker

"We're gonna put pink handprints on mummy's tummy for your sister" Luke said and did Auden's handprint on in the middle of my stomach and damn the paint was cold next Luke did his handprint on the right of Auden's and mine on the left

We took the black white board and used the neon pick marker to write 'I'm having a baby sister' and had Auden hold it as we got pictures taken and took the package home

Once we got back to the hotel everyone was waiting in the living room waiting to know the gender

"Well what's the gender" everyone asked

"it's a girl!" Me and Luke said

"Yes!" all the girls said

"So what's her name gonna be?" Ashton asked

"You guys get to wait for the day she's born to know her name" I smirked

"Damn it" Ashton said

"No swearin uncle Ashton" Auden said and everyone laughed

"It's only 3 months away ash" I said and the baby kicked and grabbed my stomach

"Hey babe you ok?" Luke asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine she kicked" I said and he smiled I put his hand where she's kicking and he smiled at the feeling

Everyone felt her kicking

"Ok who wants to help me start planning my baby shower" I asked

"We do" the girls said and we all went down to the banquet hall they have here and rented it out and we set the baby shower date for October 15th in 2 weeks the day I will be 7 months we planned for the lads mums and sisters to come down for the shower to

We went back up to the room and ate dinner and went to bed


*2 weeks later*


Maycie's p.o.v

Today is my baby shower and the lads mums and sisters arrived yesterday so I walking into the living room of the hotel room and seen my mum Luke's mum Calum's mum and mikeys mum along with Lauren and Mali

"Hey guys" I said and hugged all of them

"Hey sweetie how's the baby" mum asked

"She's good I'm 7 months now" I said and heard Auden come running to me

"Hey buddy" I said

"Hide me mummy daddy's it" Auden said hiding behind me

"Oh Auden where could he be hiding" Luke said pretending not to see Auden behind me

"I think you should get dressed Audi ok so you can help mummy open presents for your little sister" I said and he clapped Luke grabbed him kissed me and took Auden to get dressed

"You guys are cute together when is he purposing" mum asked

"Mum" I said feeling my baby kick again

"Oh she's kicking mum guys come feel" I said and they did

"Whoa that's cool so when is my grand-daughters due date?" liz asked

"December 15th" I said

"When was she conceived?" mum and liz asked

"April 15th" I said

"It's amazing that your a mum with soon 2 kids at only 17 and Luke is taking the father role for Auden and his own child at 17 too" liz said

"I'm so grateful for Luke being here every step of the way since I had Auden at 15" I said

"Hey babe where's Audi's shoes?" Luke asked come into the living room and wrapping his arms around my stomach kissing my cheek and joy Karen mum and liz all awed

"Umm I haven't seen them Ash took Audi to the park yesterday that's the last time I seen them" I said

"Oh" Luke said

"Ashton!" I yelled

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin I swear to god I will sit on you if you don't come here!" I yelled again

"I don't want to be sat on Luke get your crazy girlfriend before she sits on me" Ashton said walking in

"I'm not crazy I'm just 7 months pregnant how about you try being pregnant" I said

"What did you need oh hey mum Lauren Mali liz joy Karen" Ashton said

"Where are my sons shoes?" I asked

"Stacey!" Ashton yelled

"Yes babe" Stacey asked

"Audis shoes do you remember where I put them" Ashton asked

"Yes they should be in the living room somewhere check by the TV and hi Anne liz joy Karen Mali and Lauren" Stacey said quickly before going back to hers and Ashton's room to get ready

I sat down and Auden came running to me fully dressed with shoes and everything

"There's one of my handsome boys where's daddy" I asked

"He coming mummy he said it time to go" Auden said

"Auden look grandma Anne is here" I said pointing to mum

"Grandma" Auden yelled and ran to mum

"Damn it I can't get up" I said

"May love we gotta go to the baby shower it's starting in 10" Luke said

"I can't get up" I said laughing

"I'll help you" Luke laughed helping me up

"I blame you mr. Hemmings" I said giggling

"Whys that?" Luke smirked

"Because this is your baby" I smiled

"It was a 2 person job babe" Luke smiled back

"Shut up and kiss me already" I said and kissed Luke

"Every time I walk into a room you two are always making out" Michael said

"He has a point" Ashton said

"Lucas stop trying to suck her face off we have to go" Calum said

"Mummy" Auden said and I broke the kiss

"Let's go to the baby shower" I said and we all went down to the banquet hall

I walked in and seen a lot of people

"Hey little mamma how's the baby" el asked hugging me

"She's good she's good Auden's excited so is Luke" I said as we walked to where I was gonna be sitting

"Babe" Luke said walking over

"Yeah" I asked as everyone sat down

"It's time for the presents" Luke said and I sat down

After the baby shower was done we went back up to our hotel room

"Luke you guys have a concert tonight don't you?" I asked once we got in the hotel room

"No not tonight" Luke said

"Good I don't think I can walk anymore my legs hurt so bad" I said an laid down

"Well you do have an extra like 25 pounds right now from our daughter" Luke said

"True but I didn't expect this to come with pregnancy I'd rather not gain weight with being pregnant" I groaned

"Oh shush it'll be worth it once she's here babe and you know it" Luke said

"I know I just want her here cause I want to be able to have sex with you again" I smirked

"Yeah but when we do we will have to use protection unless you want another baby right after you just had one" Luke said coming closer to me

"Yeah I'll wait until I'm married to have anymore kids" I said

"Yeah" Luke said and kissed me

"Well I'm going to bed I'm tired goodnight I love you" I said

"Night love you too babe" Luke said


*2 Months Later*


Maycie's p.o.v

I'm now 9 months pregnant and my due date is 6 days away the tour got extended by a week so it looks like I won't be delivering this baby with jane but hopefully we get back to Australia in time we're in London right now and I'm waiting for Luke and the lads to get home from there concert tonight I'm all by my self with Auden cause the girls went out and the doctor told me I can go into labor any day now and I want to wait until we're back in Sydney

"Mummy" Auden said

"Yeah buddy" I said

"Where's daddy" Auden asked

"He's at work he will be back in about 10 minutes ok" I said and Auden nodded

Exactly 10 minutes later they walked through the door

"Hey babe" I said as Luke kissed me

"Hey how's my beautiful girlfriend" Luke asked

"Miserable we leave tomorrow morning at 5 right for the airport" I said

"Yup" Luke said

"Good" I said


We finally landed in Sydney and went home mum liz joy and Karen all spent weeks on the baby's room and I'm excited to see it

We got home and I went inside and up to the baby's new room I opened the door and and it was beautiful they had her full name above her crib which is white with a pink elephant theme in her room her walls all pink with baby cartoon elephant stickers it was just adorable

"Can we see her room please" Ashton asked

"I was gonna let you guys but it has her full name above her crib oh wait Luke can you cover her name up" I asked and he nodded and covered it

"Oh my god our mums can do amazing things" Calum said

"Yeah Karen did the name it's amazing I lo-ow- love it" I said and a slight pain went through my back

"Hey you ok?" Luke asked concerned

"Yeah I think" I said

"Ok let me know if you think you need a hospital cause you can go into labor any day now" Luke said

"I'm hoping to make it to the 15th but I don't think that's gonna happen" I said holding my stomach and my back

"Why don't you think you'll make it to the 15th?" Luke asked and that's when my pants became wet

"Did you just pee or did your water break?" Luke asked

"Well I didn't have to pee so I didn't pee myself" I said and my eyes went wide

"Shit Luke my water just broke" I said and everyone looked at me

"Wait you mean your in labor now" Ashton asked

"Yes?" I said in more of a question

"How far apart are your contractions?" Calum asked

"I had one about 12 hours ago when we landed and had one 10 minutes ago so 12 hours apart but still we need the hospital" I said holding my stomach

"Ok you guys get Auden in the car I'll get May Mikey call our mums" Luke said

"Luke calm down ok" I said laughing a little as we drove to the hospital

Once we got there we went into the hospital and jane seen me and took me to the maternity ward and got me started on medications to help with the processes

"Ok now the medicine I just gave you might make you throw up but don't worry it's not bad your 3 centimetres dilated I'll be back in about an hour to check you again" jane said and left I laid my head back onto the bed

"Knock knock is my grand baby here yet?" liz asked walking in with mum joy and Karen

"Not yet" I said

"How far are you dilated sweetie?" mum asked

"jane said I'm 3 centimetres" I said as another stronger contraction hit

"Ow ow ow damn it this fucking hurts" i said as some tears fell from the pain

"I know baby I know but just think at the end of all of it you'll have her in your arms" mum said

"Just breath May it helps" Karen said

"I want the epidural" I said still In pain

"Jane will be back in half an hour May " Ashton said

"Mummy I tired" Auden said

"I'm sorry buddy" I said to him


*1 hour later*


It's been a hour and the contractions have gotten worse

"Where's Luke" I asked Karen and joy

"He should be back soon May " joy said

"Knock knock let's see if we can have a baby" jane said

As she was checking me Luke and the others came back in

"Well it looks like your 5 centimetres dilated" jane said and left for a moment

"Luke" I said

"Yes love?" Luke said

"Remind me to get the epidural next time I have a child this fucking hurts" I said and he laughed

Liz mum Karen and joy where on the left side of my bed and Luke was on the right side


I've been in labor for 26 hours now and it's now December 9th I've been here since last night

"Ok are we ready to see if she wants to make her appearance yet" jane asked walking in

"Yes" I said and jane checked how far I am

"Well your now 7 centimetres dilated if your not to 10 in id say an hour or 2 then we will prep you for a c-section ok" jane said and I nodded as she left

"Why won't she come out already the epidural wore off and this pain sucks it hurts worse then losing my virginity" I said and a contraction hit hard

"Well it's part of life hon if it wasn't then this earth wouldn't have lots of people" joy said

"I'll do anything at this point to get her out of me" I groaned feeling pressure in my stomach

"Get the doctor" I said

"Why" Ashton asked

"Just get the doctor something's not right" I said

"Ok what's up" jane asked

"Something's not right" I said and the pressure just stayed

"Ok let me get an ultra sound of the baby" jane said and I nodded

"That's not good looks like you'll be getting an emergency c-section cause the cord is wrapped around her neck about 3 times" jane said and left a few moments later she came back with nurses and took me down to the delivery room and prepped me Luke came in a minute later in scrubs and sat next to me

"Ok you'll feel some pressure" jane said

A few minutes later we heard our daughter cry and after they said she was healthy they gave her to Luke to show everyone out in the hall while they stitched me up

Luke's p.o.v

As I walked out into the hallway where everyone was waiting I looked down at my daughter and more happy tears fell

"There he is with the baby" I heard mum say as they walked up to me

"You ok" mum asked with a small laugh

"Yeah she's just so little and she's mine it seems so unreal" I said

"When will May be back" Ashton asked

"There stitching her up right now so in about 5-10 minutes they said I could take Skylyn back to the room" I said as we all walked back

"Skylyn Rose Hemmings born December 9th 2013 10 pounds 9 ounces" I said

A few minutes later May was brought back in

"Ok she should be waking up from the anesthetic we gave her and when she dose she will be in pain and out of it" jane said and left

"She's perfect luke" mum said

"Want to hold sky" I asked and mum nodded I handed sky to her and sat next to May and held her hand

About a hour after Skylyn was born May finally woke up from the anaesthetics they have her

"You did great love she's perfect" I said to May and kissed her

"She's yours now" May said

"No she's ours" I said and smiled at Ashton helping Auden hold his little sister and then I remembered something

"Ash can I see Skylyn for a minute" I said and he smiled knowing what I was about to do I took sky over to the bassinet and put a pink onesie on her that said 'will you marry my daddy?' with a ring on a necklace got everyone's attention

"Your daughter has a question" I said to May and handed her Skylyn

"Oh my god Luke yes a million times yes" May said smiling with a few happy tears falling

"Really!?" I asked excited

"Yes really" May said and I kissed her after putting the ring on her finger everyone was clapping

"Ash will you be the one to walk me down the isle?" May asked Ashton

"Me!?" Ashton asked happily

"Yeah" May said

"Yes I will May " Ashton said and hugged May


*5 months later*


Maysie's p.o.v

It's been 5 months since Skylyn was born it's now May 9th 2014 Audens 5 now and sky sleeps through the night now and she's starting to stand up on her own my stomach is healed now from the stitches and Luke and I have our wedding all planned out we're getting married on November 9th this year

"Mummy sky is crying" Auden said

"Awe what happened Audi" I asked as I picked up sky

"She hit her head on the table mummy I tried to catch her but I couldn't" Auden said pointing at the coffee table

"Awe well thank you for trying to catch her" I said as sky kept crying

"Oh sky shhh it's ok just a bump baby" I cooed as I rubbed her back and seen it was 12:00pm noon and it's her nap time

"Ok Audi mummy's gonna go put sky down for her nap will you stay right in the living room for me" I asked Auden who sat on the couch and watched TV I walked up to sky's room and laid her down and she fell asleep almost instantly I walked back down stairs and seen Auden still where I left him

"Ok I'm back" I said setting the baby monitor on the coffee table

"Mummy where's daddy" Auden asked

"They will be home soon" I said

Around 8:30pm the lads got home and walked in laughing

"Shhhh skylyns sleeping" I shushed them

"Sorry" they whispered

"How were the kids babe" Luke asked hugging me and kissing me then hugging and kissing Auden

"They were good Skylyn hit her head and Auden was helpful and tried catching her but he couldn't" I said sitting down

"That sucks oh we have 4 years off cause there rebuilding the building were management works we will still be doing acoustic shows around here and interviews and photo shoots" Luke said

"Yay" I said and Skylyn started crying

"I got her since it's getting late you should put Auden to bed and meet me in our room" Luke winked and went up stairs I laughed to myself and picked Auden up taking the sleeping boy up to his room and tucking him in walking back to mine and Luke's room

"So I bought us a house today" Luke said

"Oh really" I said

"Yeah it's big enough for Us it has 6 bedrooms and 4 1/2 bathrooms it's right here in Sydney and all of our furniture is moved in except for what we have here which the boys said can stay here as like a holiday thing" Luke said

"That sounds nice when do we start living there?" I asked

"Tomorrow" Luke said as we laid down

"Yay" I said and yawned laying my head on Luke's chest with his arms around my waist

"Goodnight I love you" I said looking up and kissing Luke

"I love you to goodnight" Luke said and I drifted I to a deep sleep



until next update bye bye pic of skylyn on the side



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