A long-awaited arrival of a K...

By user93757863

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A king named Leon Shepard, A young boy with a passion for ruling a land of love and peace and harmony for peo... More


7 1 0
By user93757863

Long ago there was a king named Leon Shephard, A righteous young man who saw that using Love and passion for humanity can be used to build a better world for living with perfect harmony and peace for all living things. At an early age of his life, he started training to become a proud warrior due to his upbringing in a kingdom that devotes itself to war and chaos. He couldn't bear to see himself slay an innocent soul that haven't done anything wrong in his or her life. At that moment he realized he didn't want to live like this or to grow up to be a tyrant that ruled by darkness and chaos. He started to hate his family and soon after he departed from the kingdom and set forth a journey toward becoming a proud king that wants to protect his people and his land.

He journey throughout the land searching for anyone to train him into becoming a warrior, He finally did a young strong woman that looks like she can hold out in a middle of a vicious battle against multiple enemies. My eyes gaze upon her as the heat of the scorning hot land, that time has forgotten and that the sand has taken over the land. He starts to speak to her but due to the heat, he passed out due to exhaustion. The young lady picked him up and carried him into her horse and started to travel to a nearby kingdom.

As he awoke he started to speak "W-Where am I? What happened?" As he said Leon was trying to regain his vision looking around to see if he is able to get some type of idea on where he is. He noticed a woman looking over him; She smiled with a big bright smile across her face. her words become echoes in his head as he is still dizzy from the heat, She started to speak to him saying 

    "Hello, it seemed like you have passed out it is very dangerous to travel out in  that scorning heat. You should more careful next time and be prepared for the harsh weather out there in the land of Alona" 

Leon looked at her as he held his head trying to regain his sense of motion. He then chuckled as he looks at her saying.

"Thank you for saving me - May I ask who you are?" He smiled as he looks at her seeing her beautiful face her eyes are like crystal sparkly in the sun. She responds back saying "My name is Abigail Vortikash. Strong strider for the empire of Alona DeVito.  "

"I've heard of that name before, She fought against that rancid prince of Eden a place far away from the Highland north from Daemon Forest. She's quite infamous for her historical battle. I never knew she still existed. By the divines, this is a great pleasure in seeing you, Abigail."

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