relish » hemmings a.u.

By manically

15.2K 450 362

in which luke hemmings is a broken boy and jamie russell is just like him, expect that he's running from his... More

zero | rejoice
one | background
two | improvment
three | welcomed
four | impressions
six | hopes
seven | harsh
eight | memories
nine | visit
ten | cooperation
eleven | irony
twelve | pleasure
thirteen | pizza
fourteen | gay
fifteen | family
sixteen | anxiety
seventeen | party
eighteen | climax

five | hero

843 22 23
By manically

F I V E | H E R O

★ ★ ★

The boys drifted of to sleep on their living room, and Luke was the only one who woke up in the middle of the night.

He glanced at his watch and it read 1:43am, he quickly pushed himself of the floor and took out his car keys, phone and wallet from the counter and then walked four of the boys' flat without making any noise.

Luke had a lot inside his head so instead of just going home and sleep on his comfy bed he decided to go to the nearby lake; he loved it anyway.

Luke parked his black mustang on the lake's parking lot, he left his stuff inside the car; he wouldn't need them anyway.

He stuffed his hands in his jean's pockets and walked on the grassy pavement. He pulled the jeans jacket he was wearing closer to himself and huffed; it was very cold.

He walked for a good twenty minutes until he decided to sit down on a bench, his legs hurt him really bad and he couldn't move a muscle any longer.

He sat there for a while and kept staring at the lake, the moonlight above was giving the lake a beautiful shine and Luke just smiled; he loved admiring the natural landscapes especially lakes and rivers.

Luke just sat there and closed his eyes, he didn't even know how he would be able to head back home, he was still very tired. While he was deep in his thoughts, he noticed someone's presence next to him.

He opened his eyes and there stood a beautiful young woman, she looked really stressed; just like Luke. She had bags under her eyes, her feminine figure was very fragile and she was shaking uncontrollably.

"Sir...?" She called out for Luke, he lifted his head up and greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi..." She started and waited for Luke to shake her hand.

"Hey" Luke greeted, took her hand and shook it.

She started hugging herself and looked down at the grassy floor, then turned her gaze back to Luke, "would you mind if I sit here?" She asked and looked away just instantly.

Luke couldn't say no to her, her eyes were full of hope and she looked way too tired, "yes, of course" he replied and shifted to the right side of the bench, giving her enough room.

She thanked him quickly and sat on the left side, keeping a safe distance from herself and Luke.

She face-palmed herself and then spoke quietly, "Oh how rude of me, my name is Jamie, Jamie Russell" she introduced herself and jauntily tossed back her hair and looked back at Luke.

"Luke Hemmings." He said, giving her a small smile.

They both sat down and stared at the stars, Luke was counting them, but Jamie was just staring at the distance.

They sat there for a while but Luke decided to break the silence that was filling the atmosphere.

"Are you okay?" He asked all of a sudden.

"I don't know..." She answered, shrugging her shoulders carelessly.

"Okay..." Luke said, and then looked at their surroundings. There wasn't a lot of people, just some groups here and there. Luke took a look at his watch and it showed 2:30am, he gasped in surprise; did he really spent a lot of time outside?

Jamie knitted her eyebrows and looked at Luke askance, "Is there something wrong?" She asked worry clear in her voice.

Luke's heart warmed at her words, she was worried about him and that made him smile, "Yes, it's just that I've been outside for too long..." He replied and ran a hand through his blond locks.

Jamie nodded her head and then sighed before saying, "Me too, my boyfriend broke up with me" she simply announced, her eyes were somewhat filled with a rainfall of tears but she held them.

He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and nodded his head slowly, "I'm sorry to hear that..." He apologized.

She waved her hands in the air dismissively "Don't worry, he's a jerk after all" she hided her pained face with a fake-smile.

Luke wanted to hug her so badly, but that would be so awkward since they just met. They both looked away and then silence settled between them, it was comforting somehow.

Luke took out his phone and decided to message Mr. Narren.


So our appointment is tomorrow, eh?


What do you want now?


I was just conforming my appointment, god!


Aren't you supposed to be asleep?



Luke locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket, when he looked over at Jamie she was already sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise and he started getting worried.

'What am I supposed to do!' He asked himself and looked around; he was utterly lost.

After minutes of thinking he just settled on taking her with him. He lifted her and carried her to his car; bridal style. When he reached the car, he struggled with opening the door but did so anyway.

He placed her in the backseat gently, and careful not to wake her up. Luke made his way to the driver's seat and just sat there, obviousless to what he had to do. Then he just shrugged his shoulders and settled on sleeping inside the car with Jamie on the backseat.

He closed the windows and locked the doors then drifted off to sleep.


"Hey! Wake up already!" Luke heard a feminine voice yell at him.

He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed them, then stretched and looked at the backseat.

Jamie was sitting in the backseat, a small smile plastered on her face and was looking right at Luke.

"Morning" Luke said, and smiled back at Jamie. Her face was pale, pink pouty lips, ombré colored hair, and big clear blue eyes.

"Morning..."Jamie replied and her smile faded away.

"What's up?" Luke asked, and started the engine.

"Nothing, sorry... It's my big day today and," Jamie stopped talking and sighed then presumed speaking, "I was hoping that I would get to be at my flat by now" She admitted and took a quick look at her watch.

Luke looked at her and then started to pull the car out the parking lot, when he looked at her, he smiled and said, "Happy birthday"

Jamie's smile got wider, "Thank you, Luke... You're the first person who--" she stopped herself before completing the sentence.

"You're welcome, Jamie" Luke nodded his head, not bothering to question her about what she wanted to say. If she really wanted to say it out loud she would by now.

Luke suggested that they would eat breakfast together and then he would drop her at her flat, she couldn't say no because she was starving.

After a ten-minutes ride, Luke parked the car in front of Mckenzie's. It was a local small restaurant, he used to go there back in the days.

He ordered two plates of bacon and eggs, two glasses of orange juice, two cups of solid black coffee and headed back to where Jamie was sitting.

When he reached the booth, Jamie was sobbing, he went all worried about her and was not sure if she was alright.

He rushed to sit beside her and quickly wrapped his arms around her small body frame.

"It's going to be alright. Shh, don't worry..." Luke whispered into her hair and hugged her tight. He didn't even know if what he was doing was right or not.

"It's not okay, it's not okay..." Jamie cried out and an endless number of tears were falling down her eyes and she started to clutch into Luke's shirt.

He didn't mind at all and lifted her head up a little, he wiped away her tears and looked at her eyes before saying, "I'm not going to leave you until you're fully okay." He assured her and she started sobbing again, but this time she was covering her face with her hands.

"Whatever you're crying for, it doesn't deserve your tears." Luke told her, in attempt to calm her down.

She smiled a little bit and Luke's heart melted at her small small, she wiped her tears away and looked at Luke.

"You know, this is my best birth--" Jamie was cut off by a loud voice.

"Breakfast for two!" The waitress announced and beamed at both Jamie and Luke, she then placed the food in front of them.

The waitress didn't question them about what was happening she just nodded her head and headed back to where she came from.

They both stared at the food that was placed in front of them, and then back at each other.

"You were saying?" Luke spoke again, waiting impatiently for Jamie's answer.

"I was saying that this is the best birthday I've ever had so thank you" Jamie informed Luke, her cheeks turning a crimson red.

"Anything for you, Jamie" Luke gave her a full smile, showing his right dimple.

Jamie's face reddened even more and then she found herself admiring Luke's face. She stared for too long and Luke caught her off guard by saying, "Are you done? Because the food is going to be cold if we don't eat it now" Luke winked at her.

Her face flushed and she just agreed, it's not like she had a choice anyway. They both ate their food in pleasure, paid for their food and went back to Luke's car.

He had a great idea in his mind and he wanted to put it into action, it may seem very odd but that would make somebody's day.

He drove over to Flo's flower shop and parked the car behind the building so the surprise couldn't get ruined.

He told Jamie not to go anywhere but stay inside the car, she nodded her head and he went straight inside the flower shop from behind. He asked Flo -the shop owner- to prepare a bouquet of white and red roses. She obeyed immediately and did as she was told to.

A few minutes passed by and Flo came back from behind the store, a beautifully prepared bouquet on her hands. She notified Luke about the price, he paid for it and then thanked Flo, he then exited the shop and went back to his car.

When he approached the car the windows were all open and the passenger's seat was open. Luke panicked and quickly rushed to the open door, when he reached it, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, I thought you left..." Relief washed over his face when he saw a smiling Jamie sitting on her seat.

"Why would I ever do that?" She asked with a playful tone.

Luke didn't bother answering, he went back to the driver's seat; the bouquet being held firmly with his hands.

He sat down and before he could even start the engine he handed the flowers to Jamie.

She stared at the bouquet for a long time and then knitted her eyebrows together, "Why?"

"It's the least I could do. I mean I could've managed to get you a better gift but--"

Jamie reached over and pecked on his cheek quickly, putting a stop to his rambling. Luke's blue eyes widened in surprise, but he relived quickly.

"Thank you, Luke. For this and for everything... This is really the most special birthday I've ever had" Jamie said as she smelled the flowers and smiled at Luke.

Luke didn't say anything but started the car and it roared to life. He would drop Jamie at her flat and go to the appointment with Mr. Narren afterwards.

His parents would be really worried; so he decided to give his mom a call after the appointment is done; she will be very understanding...

Or that's what Luke only hoped for, Nobody was ready to face an angry Liz Hemmings.

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