From a Duo to a Trio : the fi...

De Ausllymariichan3

49.5K 696 152

A Continuation of " from a Duo to a Trio"' join Auslly as they tackle the first year of parent hood! Ava's f... Mais

No sleep and the costume debate
Halloween photo shoots and Insecurties
Thankful For you
Date Night
The Merriest Christmas!
Stressful Song writing and rainy anniversies
Red kisses and birthdays
Littlest personality
Memory lane part 1
Memory Lane part 2
The Fantastic Five
A Duo?
Nerves and New beginings
Come Backs!
Our Baby Girl
Baby's first beach day
Wild nights in paradise
Daddy daughter day
The wedding part ( 1)
The wedding part (2)
The birthday planning and baby planning?
Baby Talk
Ava and Trish
Reflecting on 12 months!
The First Birthday Party
Grandma and suprises!
🎄The Christmas Special 🎄
An unforgetable Birthday
Here comes Darrie
The ultrasound
Show time!
Junior Prom ( finale)

Its a Darrie!!

1K 22 2
De Ausllymariichan3

" Good morning" Austin says tiredly entering the kitchen

" good morning" she smiled back at him

" did you get any sleep?" He asked

" no not at all" she shook her head

" that sucks.. I slept great" he smiled walking towards her

" yea, I bet you did.. having a whole entire king size bed all to yourself" she smiled

" Ally.. what's with her? Why isn't she sleeping through the night anymore" he asked " I thought we were passed this"

" I don't know how a one year olds mind work.. but it's worrying me." She said " we can't have her keeping us up at night especially on tour, we won't get good rest and we'll be cranky and won't give amazing shows"

" I know, and it's effecting our song writing too.. she constantly wants to be everywhere we are.. and it's hard when she wants to smash the keys of the piano" he said

" okay, but that's actually pretty cute how she copies us now.." she smiled

" yea.." he agreed " I thought once she got older, she'd be easier.. it's actually the other way around.."

He sat down

" imagine having two babies.." she said sitting

" yea.." he said " I can't believe we actually.."

" your idea.." she said gently kicking him

" you agreed" he kicked back

" well we'll both agree not for now.. let's wait until after she turns two.." she said

" I like that idea.. so no baby for now.." he said

" exactly!" She said

They shook hands

" wait so....that means no sex for nine months?" He asked crossing his arms

She scoffed and rolled her eyes  at him before getting up to leave

" answer me woman!" He followed behind her
" I can't believe we find out if baby wade is a girl or boy!!" Ally said excitedly " I'm so excited!"

" it's a boy.." Austin said

" you think so?" She asked

" I'm wearing all blue for a reason!!" He said

" well I'm on carries team and saying it's a girl" she said

" and you couldn't be anymore obvious" he giggles at her

She frowns at him but quickly Reverted her attention to Ava who was in her arms

" Ava what do you think?" She asked looking at her

" she has no idea what you're talking about" Austin said

" Ava say girl"

" gurr" Ava said

" see" ally said

" honey she growled" he said taking Ava from her arms

"Anyways I'm so excited!! Ah babies are so exciting." She said

" so you're not upset about putting a pause on baby making?" He asked

" oh yea.. these past weeks of not sleeping  next to a teething toddler totally cured my baby fever" she said

He smiled and shook his head

They walked inside Dez and carries House who were having a relatively low key reveal

With just a cake and a few friends

" hey Deedee!!" Ally said hugging her " how are you?? It's so good to see you"

" thank you it's so good to see you guys too!! And this little one!! Come in the party is just getting started!!" Deedee said

Dez and Carrie from head to toe was dressed in pink.. obviously they wanted a little girl

Pretty much everyone wanted them to have a girl

Except Trish and Austin, who were team boy.. the odd men out

Ally and Ava went off with Carrie to talk more about pregnancy stuff

While Austin sat with Trish and Dez

" they are so cute!" Trish said smiling " warms my heart!!"

" Dez are you excited?" Austin asked him

" VERY! we have a name picked out already!" Dez  said

" already? Don't you wanna know if it's a girl or a boy first?"Austin asked

" yea if it's a girl it's Darrie, if it's a boy, it's Darrie" Dez said

" Darrie?" Trish asked " you idiots combined your names?"

" hey I think it's cute.. maybe we should have  named Ava Auslly" Austin teased

" ugh.." Trish said " no.. Ava is perfect.. save that horrible name for your next one, actually don't do that at all.."

He laughs " I'm kidding.. and actually we aren't trying anymore.."

" what?" Trish said

" wait why?" Dez asked

" because..  it's not working, and we're busy with tour stuff and Ava recently has been a pain in the.. butt.." Austin  said " so maybe in nine more months or maybe a few more years"

" oh okay" trish said " I'm NEVER having a child, I love my job too much to have a child right now, I'm living my best life.." she smiled

" good for you!! I love seeing you on stage" Austin said

" yea were your number one stans!!" Dez said

" oh boys please stop!!" Trish blushed

" Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy!!" Ava toddles over to Austin

" woah woah" he said picking her up and putting her on his lap " hi my little one" he kissed her face

" she got tired of hearing her mom talk.." Trish said " same Ava same..."

" I heard that." Ally said " she wanted to show her Daddy a sticker she got"

" she's talking more" Trish said

" Trish.."

" not you Ava!"

" not everything is about you Ally." Dez said

Ally rolls her eyes " anyways we taught her how to say your names.."

" yea watch this!" Austin said " who's that?" He pointed at Trish

" tissh!"

" OH MY GOD!" Trish said " yea I am tissh!!"

" Ava who's that?" He pointed at Dez

" Desh!" She said


Austin laughs " okay who's that?" He pointed at Ally

" Ally!" Ava said

" yea.. that's me.. Ally.. not mommy" she looked at Austin

" hey I call you Ally all the time so of course she's gonna call you that too" he defended himself

" that's so funny" Trish said laughing

" I bet it's killing her inside" Dez laughed

" guys!" Ally said

" no Ava who's that.. you know" he laughed before pointing at ally again

" mama" Ava said " mama mama"

" cute!! Now let's find out what this baby is!!" Dez said

They all get up and go towards Carrie

" it's either gonna be Darrie or Darrie!" Austin said

Ally gave him the most confused look ever

" oh.. you had to be there.." he said patting her shoulder
She looked at Trish who agreed

" 5 4 3 2 1"

Dez and Carrie both cut into the cake and picked it up

" it's a boy!" Trish shouted out

" oh my god!!"

" I KNEW IT!" Austin cheered

" WE KNEW IT!!" Trish hugged him

" in your face Ally!" Austin said

Carrie cried with happiness

" it's a DARRIE!" Dez said hugging and kissing his wife happily

" I still don't get it.." Ally said

" babe, they're naming the kid Darrie, regardless of the gender, that's what you missed .." Austin told her

" ohhh" She said " it's a Darrie!!" She said excitedly

" who knew this doof was capable of making boys!" Trish said " I thought it would have been Austin but he's too soft"

" yea.." Ally said

" hey!" Austin said

She shrugged her shoulders

He gently tugged at her arm and put  his lips  to her ear

" you and I both know I'm far from soft.." he said to her lowly "huh Ally?"

She blushed him pushing him away " ohh I know, it's just fun messing with you"

He smirked " you're fun to mess with too"

She blushed " stop" she mumbled

" what? Did i miss something .." Trish said " anyways where's your kid?"

" I thought Deedee had her" Austin said

" I thought dez' mom had her!" Ally said

She looked around to see neither Deedee or Mrs wade with Ava

She started hyperventilating

" hey hey calm down we'll find her!!" Austin said " she's in the house, there's no way she could have gone outside!"

Her eyes widen " outside.. panicking panicking" she repeated

" come on" He said

They looked around the living room and she was no where to be found

" oh god oh god oh god" she panicked as bile rose to her throat  " where is she"

" Ava!" He called out

" guys!!" Trish said

" what!!" They said

" look at the stair case.." Trish said

They went over to the last step

And found her resting her head at the second stair fast asleep

The parents sighed in relief

" she chooses now to sleep in such a weird place" he said

" while giving us a heart attack.." ally said going to her side

" that's so cute.. but don't you two let her nap?" Trish asked

" sleep and Ava don't coexist as of late...kid is off the walls.." Austin said

" come here honey" ally scoops  her up " we  should probably get going, take advantage of the fact she's sleeping!!"

" aww I wanted Darrie cake" he whined

She smiled and shook her head "10 more minutes.."

"Yay" he cheered

He leans down and gives her a kiss
After a few games and catching up they all headed home
Back at home they did some dishes after dinner while Ava played around with the. Dog

" I can't believe it's a boy!!" Ally said " I was for sure thinking it was a girl!!!"

" who cares now..Trish and I were right, you owe us each 50 bucks" he smiled at her
" I'll give Trish 50 bucks, but I'll give you something better" she smiled

He goes behind her and puts his face into her neck " likeee???"

" likeee" She said leaning in

But pulls away suddenly " more dishes!! Featuring a brand new sponge

" I forget I'm married to a comedian" he said throwing his rag into the sink

" so you admit I'm funny!" She smiled
" no.. you're not funny.. I was being sarcastic" he said bitterly

She sighed and held his face " ohh baby" she cooed " don't use my game against me" She ruffled his hair

She runs off and he goes after her " gimmie my fifty bucks!!"

He goes up to her and she held up Ava

" you gotta get through me first!!" She mimicked Ava's voice

The almost 15 month omg giggles

" Ally.." He said

" ahaha" she said snuggling Ava

He surprisingly hugs them both " my sweet

They both kiss her little cheeks
They put her to bed even though in the next hour she would wake up they took the time to spend time alone in their room

" they're really naming him Darrie?" She asked

" yea ether way that baby would be named Darrie" he said

" strange name.." she said

" yea.. but I admire they had a name prepared.. remember how we struggled to name Ava?" He said

She nodded

She snuggles into his chest "hmmm.."

" what is it?" He smiled

" it's just.. I didn't tell you this before, but while we were trying I found a name I really liked.. it's gender neutral!!"

He smiled " what is it.."

She whispered into his ear and he smiled

" ohh.. that's really cute.. but why did you whisper it?" He asked

" because I don't wanna say it out loud just Incase.." she said

" oh.. you have a middle name?" He asked

" for a boy.. I can't find one for a girl just yet.. but.." she whispered into his ear

He smiled really big " Aw! Ally.. you're so sweet that's really cute! But why not our potential sons first name"

" uhhh.. no.. I like the first name I chose, so you like it?"

" yes, I love it!!  I think you just named our child" he said " that doesn't exist yet.."

" yea.." she smiled " it's only fair since you named Ava"

" yea that's pretty fair.. oh I love that name!! You are a genius!" He said

" oh thank you!!" She said

"The whole initial thing will bother me tho..but I can live with it" he said " because I'm AMM you're AEM and Ava is AMM"

" oh don't worry about it.. I chose the middle name because I like it a lot and I know you would too.." she began " besides you worry too much, we weren't even gonna give Ava a middle name until my mom was like uhh... annnd I need a girl middle name sooo I'm still...AHH.."

He kisses her neck playfully

" stop.. stop.." she giggles tying to push him off

" you talk too much" he said pinning her down

" mommaaaaa" Ava yelled from her room

" I guess that's my que.." Ally said getting up " good night.. I love you"

" I love you too." He said

She stands up and heads to the door

He sighs " wait honey ." He gets up

" let me.. you're right, we're supposed to be switching.. I'll take the rest of the week and next week to make up for it.."

" OH THANK YOU GOOD SIR!" She reached up and hugged him

He smiled

Then hops into bed

He laughs and closes the door
The morning started off different

Austin sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee exhausted..

While Ally Waltz into the kitchen

" good morning love of my life!!!" She said

He glares at her

And she smiles

It was a good morning

Hello my loves!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in 20 years, I'm in school so it's pretty hard to keep up and ish 😩buuuut I love u and I hope y'all enjoyed this cute lil update!! Let me know what u think 😊😊

Also !! Please please stream and watch Laura's new music Me on Spotify/ITunes/youtube and anywhere it's available!!! Show our girl some support!

Also ALSO !! STREAM chilling adventures of Sabrina on Netflix! It comes out SOON! Show Ross and the rest of the cast some support, they've been working soo soo hard on this project it's gonna be a good one!!

Also, Also,ALSO!! Support Calum with his new movie Bodied!! Show him some love!! From what I hear it's pretty fucking good!!

LAST ALSO ( Lmaoo) support Raini!! She needs all the love and support!! Shower her with all the love and the uwus you got girlies!!

Love u all happy reading!! 💕

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