By The Rules

Por 400_SoKold

44.7K 2.2K 335

Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... Más



2.3K 129 8
Por 400_SoKold


I watch closely as the nail tech trims my toenails. I've been back in New York for a few days now and I wanted a day to myself. The plan in Cuba went well and we're only waiting for the shipment to come in. Which should be sometime tonight. I told Cass to handle what ever needed to be handled, although I am doing my own side shit. Adela and I haven't talked in a year and I needed to find her. I sent Buddha out to find her a week ago and he hasn't got back to me yet. I sit back when Yazmine sits my foot back in the water. She then grabs my other foot and begins working on it. The door opens and I witness Kaseem walk in with a brown paper bag. I could see the grease spots so I knew it was food. He has a seat in one of the chairs across from me as we stare at one another. Kaseem raises his brows while taking a platter out the bag. He looks at me while raising his brows, opening the foam platter.

"You want some?" He questions.

"You got that from Peppa's?" I question.

"Yea. Cree was behind the counter so you know he hooked me up." He smiles, walking over towards me.

"What's you get?" Kaseem shows me the platter full of food, causing my stomach to growl.

"Curry goat, dirty rice, cabbage and plantain." He takes the fork and grabs a little of everything, feeding it to me. Everything is still a little hot which causes me to blow through chews. I'm going to have blisters and all, but it was too good to spit out.

"Mm. Damn. Why you didn't get me one?" I frown, checking to make sure I didn't waste anything on myself. I grab my bottled water that sits beside me twist the cap.

"You said you weren't hungry, so I didn't bother to ask again." He says, shrugging his shoulders. Shaking my head, I gulp my water and belch when done.

"Remember that."

"I will with your nasty ass."

"You love when I'm nasty." I smirk, causing him to laugh and cover his mouth with his fist.

"Chill. We not even on that type time. You want me to get you a platter?" He questions in chews, closing up his food.

"No. I'll get something when I'm done here." I watch as Yazmine paints my toenails the color I wanted. When she's done she places the foam separators between my toes. Kaseem takes my hand to help and I walk on my heels over to the dryers. I have a seat and sit my feet under the neon lights feeling the heat. My fingernails are already dry so I grab my bag and dig through it for my phone. When I grasp it, I unlock it and head straight to my messages. I see nothing which causes me to sigh and shake my head.

"Everything all good?" Kaseem questions while eating again. I witness the time of two thirty and nod.

"Yea, I'm just waiting on this guy to call me back about Adela and my mom." Kaseem nods while chewing.

"Give him time, he'll call you." While sitting back in the seat, I sigh while shaking my head. Right now is when my family and I should be close together, not far apart. I get they're upset but they knew the situation at by hand. I didn't want things to be like this and I damn sure don't want them to be this way now. After my toenails are completely dry, I put on my socks and sneakers and dress in my jacket afterwards. Kaseem pays for the service as we travel to exit. I was going to pay for it, but Kaseem insisted so I didn't bother to argue with him. Leaving out of the nail salon, we travel to the Maybach with a group of guards present. Kaseem opens the door and I get in as he follows and closes the door. Floyd cranks up the car and waits for the guards to get in their vehicles. Once we're all set, Floyd pulls off as I lay my head back on the head rest and look through the dark tented windows. As we drove through the crowded streets, I watch as the people look in our direction. It always made me wonder if my father got this kind of attention. He always rode around with an entourage. People probably thought he was a celebrity when he never seen himself as such. While sitting in a peaceful silence, I hear Kaseem's phone go off and turn to him. He types away as I roll my eyes in another direction.

"One of your hoes again?" I question.

"I don't have hoes. It's my mom. Wanting to know if I'm coming to help out at the shop." He informs. I turn to him as he smirks, arching a brow.

"What?" He chuckles while licking his lips.

"You always worried if I'm talking to some other female. That's what." He chuckles.

"I'm not worried about you and some other bitch. We're not even together." I remind him amused. He puts his hand on my thigh, squeezing it.

"We could be, if you'd stop playing." We stare into one another's eyes and I quickly look away. Kaseem could be ready for a relationship again, but I don't want to go down that rode. Not with him again and certainly not with anyone else. It's time I just take a break from dating.

"Are you going to meet with your mom?" Kadeem sighs and removes his hand from my thigh.

"Yea." He responds.


"Already on it."

"Thank you." As we ride through the town, Kaseem and I sit in silence. There wasn't really tension but I didn't have much to say and I'm guessing neither did Kaseem. We arrive to our destination and Kadeem grabs his platter of food.

"You coming in to speak." I look around him and shake my head with pouted lips.

"No. Tell your mom I said hi." He nods while rubbing the side of his face.

"Ard, I will. I'll drop by if you're not busy later." He informs.

"Please call me before you do." I warn. Kaseem laughs while leaning in towards me.

"Will do, give me kiss." He says, pulling me closer to him by my chin. We peck lips a few times, making the others linger afterwards. As he pulls back, he caresses my bottom lip with his thumb as we stare at one another in lust.

"Don't get use to this." I tell him, more so telling myself while moving his hand.

He smiles on the sly saying," don't be looking forward to it." He opens the door while keeping his stare strong. Once he gets out, he closes the door as I kiss my teeth in amusement. It's true that we're both playing games and we need to stop. Either one of us can get hurt in the end. My phone rings and I open my bag, seeing it's just the person I was waiting to hear from. I swipe the icon to the right and put the phone to my ear.

"You got what I need?" I question, connecting my attention with Floyd through the rearview mirror.

"Yea. Meet me at Westlight out in Brooklyn at ten p.m." He hangs up in my ear and I lock my phone back, waving Floyd to go on.

"You can take me home Floyd, we won't need to be anywhere until later on tonight." I inform. He nods and pulls off as I sigh and lean my arm on the car door. I rest the back of my hand against my lips, staring out the window. I'm relieved that he got something for me because it's been weeks since I asked him to do this. I need to know that my mother and sister are safe as all. My sister might not care to talk to me, and I might not care to hear my mother out. However, they are still family and I have to protect mine.

The waiter sits down my drinks I ordered, leaving to assist his other customers. I take a glimpse at my watch that reads nine forty-five. I haven't eaten all day and I should put something on my stomach before drinking, but I don't really have much of an appetite right now. Removing the paper off the little black straw, I witness who I'm looking for exit the elevators. It's Cypher, the guy I hired to find my mother and sister. He was recommended to me by one of my guards, since Buddha isn't a "snitch" as he says. I get it but I know he has a little thing for my sister so I know he'll protect her. He'll protect my mother as well, I have no doubts about that. However, I still need to know where they are. Cypher has a seat across from me and leans in his lap, sliding a folder over to me. This man really means business because he's early and he came prepared. I'll definitely have a spot for him on the team, if he wants it.

"That's everything you need. Where they live and or work. I also took some pictures." He says, taking a swig of the brown liquor I ordered for him. I open the flap of the envelope and take out the stack of papers. They're addresses and numbers, even the person my sister is supposedly dating.

"Damn. You don't play around do you?" I question.

"Someone gives me a job and I get the job done. Do you need anything else?" He questions. I look through the papers and shake my head in amazement. I really don't know what to say at this point.

"Do you need a job?" Is all I could say which causes Cyph to laugh.

"I work alone. Now can we talk about the payment?" He arches a brow while pulling the glass of liquor up to his lips. Digging through my purse, I take out the envelope that's full of money. I slide it across the table and nod as in thank you. Cypher nods while taking it and throwing his drink back. He stands to his feet and travels toward the exit. I received some information. My sister works at Aces and my mother is in rehab. I'm relieved that my mother is getting help and I hope she continues to do so. As for my sister, her and I need to have a talk. Whether she wants too or not. While sighing, I grab my drink and take some long sips through the straw. I hear my phone ring and remove it out of my purse. I witness Shad calling me, sliding the icon to the right.

"What." I answer rudely. Shad sighs over the line in annoyance.

"Are you home?" He questions.

"Why, your bitch don't want to be bothered anymore?"

"Look, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. I want to talk to you, it that's ok with you."

"For what?" I mutter, waving over the waiter for the check.

"Yes or no?" He questions. If you know me, you know that I don't do second chances. I was never that easy to give into anything. Shad knows this. Why was he trying me right now? I open my mouth to speak, but I hear a beep on my other line. I pull my phone away from my ear and see its Kaseem. I put Shad on hold and answer's Kaseem's call.

"Yea." I answer in annoyance.

"Who you talking too like that? Make me spank you." Kaseem says, laughing afterwards. I couldn't fight the smile that grew as I shook my head.

"What do you want Kaseem, I got Shad on the other line." He smacks his lips and I knew he was about to say something smart.

"Well let him know, I'm on my way to your house. We can scrap and watch me win your heart." He says.

"I ain't watching shit. While y'all fighting, my ass will be in the house sipping my wine while I'm laid up in my bed." I inform while putting the papers in my bag.

"That's fucked up Mel." He chuckles.

"That's real shit Spriggs." I call him by his nickname, causing him to smack his lips. The waiter sits the check down and I place the money inside the book, handing it to him.

"Only the hoes call me that." I laugh lightly while putting on my jacket.

"I thought you didn't have hoes." I remind him of our conversation we had earlier.

"I don't. If you listen, you'd hear me say the hoes. You know the real me, that's why you know my real name." He explains. I nod while hearing the other line beep, notifying me that Shad hung up.

"Well, I'm on my way home. You can meet me there if you like." I board the elevator once the doors open, putting my phone on speaker. I text Floyd telling him to pull around and press the button down to the first floor.

"I'm already here fat head." He teases causing me to laugh.

"Nigga your head is fat."

"Which one?"

"Okay. You doing too much now, bye." I hang up and ride the elevator down. I don't mine having company over. If Kaseem wanted to come over, he can keep me company. I need it anyway. When the doors open, I step off and travel towards the exit. When my feet hit the pavement, I look up and down the street for Floyd. I grab my phone to call him. A Audi pulls up in front of me and parks. The driver exits and walks around to the passenger side, opening the door. A well dressed man steps out, and I had to admit he was fine as hell. He smirks while nodding his head and I do the same. Once I notice the driver pull off, a crew of other cars followed behind so he must important. Floyd arrives while putting on the hazards, and parking. He was about to get out, but I get in and tell him to drive. I wanted to get home and in the bed. It's been a real long day.


"You need a ride?" Jay questions while digging through her purse for her keys. I look at my phone, seeing it's five o'clock in the morning and Buddha is twenty minutes late. I was getting tired of waiting around here for him. If I still had my car, I wouldn't have to wait for rides or anything else for that matter.

"If you offering, I'll gladly take it." I say as we leave out the building to the parking lot. The bouncer Tubbz walks out with us to Jay's Mercedes. Just as I put my hand on the handle, Buddha pulls up on the side of the car. He rolls the window down while leaning into view.

"Come on." He orders. I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest.

"You're late Bryan." I remind him in annoyance.

"I know and I'll explain when you get in the car Adela. Come on so I can get you home." Smacking my lips, I walk around to where Jay is and give her a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell her as we pull back. Opening the door to Buddha's car, I get in and close the door. I sit back and cross my arms as he takes off.

"Seatbelt." He tells me before taking off. I put it on and sit back while keeping my attention out the window. As he speeds down the side streets, I sigh while resting my fist on my temple. It's dead quiet which I do like, but I rather talk and see why he was late. I do deserve that much, right?

"So what's the excuse this time?" I question a little unbothered.

"There's no excuse. I had to pick up my sister from the airport. Her flight was suppose to land at eight, but it kept being delayed because of the snow storm in Chicago." He explains. I nod in understanding while laying my head back on the head rest.

"You could of called me." Buddha shows me his phone that's dead as usual. I scoff and shake my head as we both laugh.

"I gotta get another cord." We sit in a peaceful silence for few as we continue our drive to my place. I decide to start a small conversation while we ride.

"You never told me you have a sister." I inform. He shrugs while steering with one hand.

"You never asked. She's in town for the holidays." He says.

"That's nice."

"Yea. What are you doing on Christmas?"

"Nothing, why?" Buddha takes a quick glance at me than back at the road.

"You want to have dinner with my family and I?" He questions. I furrow my brows in shock, somewhat speechless.

"Buddha, I don't know." I answer truthfully. I turn my head to the window and witness we're not to far from my place.

"I know you're use to celebrating holidays with your family, and no one should spend them alone. My mom and aunts are cooking and you aren't doing anything. You should come through." He suggests, parking in front of my building. I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my bag, thinking about it.

"I'll think about it." I get out and throw my bag on my shoulder.

"Cool. I'll be by here tomorrow night to take you to work." Buddha informs as I close the door. I nod while walking up the steps to the door of the building. I enter the key into the door and open it. I turn around and wave as Buddha honks the horn.

"Thank you." I tell him as he pulls off. I close the door and it automatically locks. I travel to the mailbox and take the key to open it. I know Tristan never really bothers to get the mail, unless he's looking for something. I close the door to the mail box and flip through the envelopes. Nothing but bills and junk mail. Entering the apartment, I sigh in relief to the dark quiet place. Tristan most likely went to the studio where he should be in the first place. No one wants to hear that loud music at four in the morning anyway. After getting settled in, I take my clothes and toiletries downstairs to the bathroom with me. I turn on the shower to the right temperature and undress to get in. I let the hot water run over my body and sigh in relaxation. It's so peaceful that I could think clearly for once. After a while I step out, dry off and lotion my body. I then get dressed for bed so I can get some sleep. I have work in the morning.

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