Never Again - Ruby Rose x Mal...

By Pie-inator

88.4K 994 782

Due to a tragic incident that took place in Haven Academy, (Y/N) (L/N) was forced to move to Vale. After bein... More

Welcome To Vale
You Belong
First Impressions
Dust Hike Brawl
Best Day Ever
Unfolded Past
Unfolded Past II
Proposing for a Dance
Swaying Preparation
Swaying Preparation II
Dancing with Fire
Stocking Up
A Close Encounter
Down Under
Brace for Impact
Last Stand


4.3K 54 37
By Pie-inator

Your POV

My team and I were heading towards the library to meet up with team RWBY and JNPR, they invited us to play a board game. Not sure what the game was exactly about, I think it had something to do with Remnant being at war.

"Hey, Perseus..." I called him. "No hard feelings for the 'friendly fire' yesterday right?"

He simply sighed and gave a reassuring smile; "Next time, try not to hit your own team mate?"

"Speaking off yesterday, who knew Ruby was that fast?" Wintria said a bit amazed. "I mean, we knew she was fast, but not THAT fast."

"In the end, she pulled through for our side." I smiled. "Man, I'm glad to be with her."

We eventually arrived at the library only to see team JNPR doing their own business and team RWBY in an all-out war against each other. Well technically, Ruby and Yang were.

"Pretty sneaky, sis." Yang seemed very confident. "But you just activated my trap card!"

Ruby stared at her in disbelief.

"Giant Nevermore!" Yang exclaimed as she slammed the card down onto the table. "If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feather will slice your fleet in two!"

What is this game..?

"But if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!" Ruby warned her.

Yang disregarded the warning and rolled the die, she then shouted triumphantly. I guess she won?

"Come on, Etsuki." Wintria said dragging her. "I need more weapon ideas for my semblance!"

"I'll be hanging out with Ren if you need me." Perseus said taking his leave a well.

Ever since I got here, they've been nothing but nice and caring. They didn't care about my past and accepted me as their new leader. No they're more than just team mates, they're family, all of them. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Ruby tugging on my arm.

"(Y/N)!" she said in tears. "Yang is bullying me!"

"Well I can't really do anything about it, you know?" I said trying to reason with her.

Ruby didn't budge however, and kept staring at me with puppy eyes. I eventually gave in and sighed.

"Alright Yang." I said taking a seat beside Ruby. "Let's do this."

Etsuki's POV

Wintria dragged me off to the weapons section of the library, as she claimed to look for "new weapon ideas".

"Alright, tell me what's up?" I low-key confronted her.

"What do you mean?" she innocently asked.

"Since when do you need weapons, you literally manifest your own." I said crossing my arms.

Wintria let out a short sigh, before looking back up to me.

"I just wanted to do something for (Y/N)." she said looking through a book called 'Weapons for Newbies'. "Remember when he told us about his past? I just wanted to make him feel that we accept him despite of it."

I couldn't argue with her, (Y/N)'s been through a lot and he's not so open about it either. He's only told us so far, not sure if he's told Ruby since they're a thing now.

"Does Perseus have a say in this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I do." He said approaching us. "He's been nothing but considerate and helpful, unlike our previous 'leader'."

Just the thought of Hunter pissed me off, that coward left us for dead. I thought that we could trust him, we all thought that we could.

"Well what weapon do you guys have in mind?" I asked them. "He's already got his Iron-Man like gauntlet."

"Iron-what?" Perseus and Wintria said simultaneously.

"Oh, nothing!" I giggled. "Don't worry about it."

Ruby's POV

"You can do it (N/N)!"

I cheered (Y/N) on as he went head-to-head against Yang, for a beginner he was doing surprisingly well.

"You're good, but I'm afraid that your luck is about to run out!" my sister laughed.

Yang drew a card from her deck and flipped it over, she was right (Y/N) might be doomed!

"You have activated my trap card!" she smirked.

"You just have to roll a six or less to lose right?" (Y/N) asked her.

Yang simply nodded, but she seemed confident enough to not care.

"What are you gonna do (Y/N)?" I asked worried. "She's gonna tear your fleet to shreds!"

He remained silent and just smiled.

"Don't worry, my silver angel." He put on a serious face. "I got this."

"Really?" I asked with hope.

"Not really, just hope that she rolls a six or less..." his serious demeanor instantly disappeared as he scratched the back of his head.

Perseus' POV

We were able to agree on a weapon to give to (Y/N), when all of a sudden we heard a loud cheer coming from team RWBY's table.

"Should we check it out?" I asked both of the girls, only to receive a shrug from the both of them.

"Fine." I sighed. "I'm sure they're alright."

Your POV

"Hah-ha!" I laugh victorious. "Ruby and I officially win!"

"Looks like your luck ran out Yang!" Ruby pointed at her triumphantly.

"I'll give you this round, (Y/N)." Yang smirked. "But don't think I'll go that easy on you the next time around."

"Hey!" Jaune exclaimed as he approached our table. "Can I play?"

"Sorry Jaune, we just finished." said Yang as she picked up the pieces of the board game.

"Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning," Weiss added. "That I seriously doubt that you possess."

"Uh," Yang intervened, "You attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago."

Weiss let out an annoyed groan. Jaune then proceeded to taunt Weiss, only to be burned by her shortly after. Their argument kept going, until Jaune accidentally brought up a sensitive topic, resulting to Pyrrah slapping his mouth shut. We all look at Blake who seemed annoyed that her secret was out.

"Right. That. Ladies, and (Y/N). Enjoy your battle." Jaune bowed as both him and Pyrrah walked away.

"But we literally just... never mind." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

Sun and Neptune arrived not shortly after, only for Neptune to hit on Weiss, again.

~Sometime Earlier~

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you up here." Ozpin said as he took a sip from his seemingly never-ending coffee.

"Well that, and the Atlesian Airships." I said pointing towards the window behind me.

The Elevator doors opened to reveal General Ironwood, who seemed surprised to see my presence.

"Ozpin!" he smiled as he approached the table. "It's been too long since we last met."

"It appears so General." Professor Ozpin smiled back.

"Please, drop the formalities." General Ironwood reassured him.

"Oh, James!" Miss Goodwitch approached us as well, giving off a genuine smile. However, it didn't last long before she dropped her pleasantries and left the room.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit." General Ironwood commented.

The general then looked at me, observing me every detail before speaking up.

"Is this the boy that Leonardo kicked out of Haven?"

Ozpin adjusted his glasses; "To put it bluntly; yes that's him."

"I see." Ironwood responded. "When did Leonardo, get so-"

Professor Ozpin cut him off, and motioned to me.

"Right, anyway." Ironwood excused himself.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" the professor handed him some coffee.

The both of them chatted for a bit, regarding the "main reason" why General Ironwood came, only for the professor to explain how we live in a time of peace. I couldn't make up what else they were saying, because decided to look out the window and stared at the airships. Only for it to bring back memories of what happened in the past. I shook the bad thoughts out of my mind, and went back to professor Ozpin's table.

"I'm just being cautious." The general reasoned.

"As am I." Ozpin stated. "Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can."

"Um, may I interrupt?" I said catching their attention. "Why am I here again?"

"Ah yes," Ozpin cleared his throat. "We trust that you will keep this information on a low profile (Y/N)."

I remained quiet to hear out what Ozpin had to say.

"We cannot fully disclose everything to you, not yet at least. But we trust you with this; we want you to keep a close eye on anyone suspicious among the arriving students." He explained.

"Our intel claimed that there may be an imminent danger lurking among the exchange students from the different academies." Ironwood further explained. "And we trust that you can keep an eye out for us as well."

I was slightly confused at what they were saying, trying to piece everything they have told me and what I heard.

"With all due respect, why me though?" I asked them. "What can I do?"

"We've seen your combat results back in Haven, and they're astounding. It also states that you aced the perception part of your combat class as well, able to know where everything was and what they are without giving you any context." Ironwood continued. "We believe that you may be able to keep watch for any intruders that may have infiltrated us."

Looks like they know about my history as well. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't be surprised. Knowing Ozpin's position among the headmasters of the different academies, he would have data on any student attending Beacon.

"Alright, I'll do the best I can." I said unfazed.


I wonder what or who it might be and why did they choose me out of all people to keep watch? I'm just another one of his students, I'm nothing special. Pyrrah could've been a perfect candidate for snooping around, or Blake, she used to be a-- yeah she would've been the best choice. I made my way back to my room.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but why me?" I said staring at the floor, deep in thought.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I accidentally bumped into someone. The emerald haired girl was latching onto me, barely standing.

"I'm really sorry." I said helping her up. "I didn't mean to--"

Hold on, where's my wallet?

"It's alright, I'm sorry for bumping into you as well." she apologized.

"Well, I would've taken that more sincerely if you gave back my wallet as well?" I said putting my hand out.

The girl froze for a bit, before sighing.

"Alright, you caught me." She handed it over in defeat.

"Why'd you steal my wallet though?" I asked her.

Not to mention with such precision.

"Um... force of habit...?" was all she said, before a gray haired boy grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey, um." He spoke up. "Forgive my friend here, she's not alright in the head."

The emerald haired girl, bumped his stomach using her elbow, only to receive a groan from the gray haired male.

"The name's Mercury by the way," he said shaking my hand. "And this is Emerald."

Oh wow, so her name is also her hair color. Wait those uniforms... no way...

"I'm (Y/N)," I said returning the handshake. "Haven't seen you guys around here before, probably haven't since I enrolled late."

They're wearing Haven's uniforms, but I don't recognize them at all.

"We're just visiting from Haven, actually." A black haired girl spoke up as she made her way towards us.

"You don't say." I said in suspicion.

Yeah, I really don't recognize these students. Not to mention one of them tried to steal my money.

"Visitor dorms are at the other side." I said pointing behind me. "Guess you're all here for the Vytal Festival?"

"Thanks, we were lost anyway and tried asking for help." The black haired girl responded. "I'm Cinder."

"(Y/N)," I have a bad feeling about these three. "Well, see you all around then."

"You're not half bad yourself." Cinder whispered, before the three of them went off.

I stare at the three of them, their movements aren't what you call ordinary. The way Emerald precisely took my wallet without me noticing right away; The way Mercury kept grinning and the way Cinder talked was almost too unrealistic. Maybe they're the ones I have to keep watch of, but can't just jump to conclusions. I called up Wintria.

"Hey Tria," I said making my way back to my dorm. "I'm on my way back, tell the others as well. We have work from the professor."

"Awww what!?" she complained. "Another project!?"

"No, not that kind of work!" I mentally facepalmed. "Work, work."

She went silent for a few seconds, before hanging up. I think she got the idea.

"Well here goes noth-" I was cut off by Etsuki who suddenly teleported in front of me.

"No time to waste, come with me if you want to live." She said extending her arm out to me.

"Seriously?" I facepalmed.

She grabbed my hand and teleported us back to the dorm.

"Sorry, but we couldn't wait." Perseus said in anticipation. "What did the professor assign to us?"

"We're going on a stake out, ladies and gentlemen." I said in a serious tone. "I'm honestly dreading this already."



A/N: Chapter 7 complete, yet again I apologize if this took a while. Schoolwork has been brutal.

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