High School Dxd x Op Oc/Male...

Da DragonNote

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Ryo(or your character) is just your regular high school kid. Scratch that, he's anything but regular. He is a... Altro

The New Kid
Date Gone Wrong
Special: Serafall x OC/Male Reader (Lemon)
Special: Koneko x Oc/Male Reader (Lemon)
Asia and Fighting
Ryo vs The Fallen Angels
Battle for the Familiars
Meeting A Turkey
Special: Kuroka x Oc/Male Reader
A Conversation With The Tomato
Halloween Special
Rating Game
Ryo vs Riser
Talking With the Tomato's Brother
Accidents and Kiba's Problem
Shenanigans: Escape!
Challenge With The Exorcists
Battle With The Exorcists
Fighting Freed
Ryo's Kusanagi
Christmas Special
Kokabiel Fight(Part 1)
Kokabiel Fight(Part 2)
New Devil
Special: Kuroka x Oc/Male Reader(Part 2/Lemon)
Special/Shenanigans: Birthday
Pool Day
Shenanigans: Court
Discussions at School
School and News
Sister (Part 2)
Making Babies(Lemon)
Shenanigans: Boys Night!
5 Faction Summit(Part 1)
Battle(Part 2)
Red Dragon vs White Dragon(Part 3)
Talk with the Dragons
Shenanigans: Tomato's Fear!
Shenanigans: Morning(Lemon)
Shenanigans: Seven Deadly Sins Description
Shenanigans: The Sisters
Shenanigans: Ryo and Rias
Shenanigans: A Day with Team Dragon

Hanging out

16.9K 182 296
Da DragonNote

Male Reader:

Name: Y/n

Hair Color: H/c

Bang Color: B/c

Eye Color: E/c

Personality: Kuudere(if you don't know look it up)

Thinking: Blah


With Ryo:

Currently Ryo is a crow flying over Asia and a prick named Freed who are are going back to their hideout. Why you ask? Well, Ryo was watching Issei complete a contract but the client was killed by Freed, he tried to kill Issei, Asia was there, she tried to have Freed not kill Issei, so he tried to "punish" her. After Issei was taken away and Freed took Asia back to the hideout, Ryo was watching her so that she wouldn't get hurt, or worse. He may show no emotion, but he still knows what to do to help people. 

Freed: Get in here slut! *throws Asia into her room*

Asia: Ow! *slightly crying from being thrown*

Ryo was watching as Asia was thrown into her small room. There was a tiny bed for her to sleep on, a tiny closet, and one window. Ryo thought the conditions she lived in was horrible but though his travels around the world, he's been in worse

Freed: Don't worry, tomorrow it'll all be better *Walks out of the door and closes it*

Asia: *Sits down onto her head and begins to cry*

Ryo: I feel bad for blondie. She most likely doesn't feel safe in this place, I now I wouldn't, despite how strong I am. I may as well introduce myself to her to assure her she's safe

 While Asia is crying, Ryo begins to form back into his actual body. Due to all the crows swarming in a circle, Asia looks over to see a guy wearing a black shirt with a black jacket and pants as well as bandages covering his arms and hands with black boots

Asia couldn't help but feel threatened by Ryo. His ghoul eyes were activated and the shadows surrounding him didn't help his case. Asia was about to scram in fear until Ryo said this

Ryo: There is nobody around here...good

Asia: *Terrified* W-who a-are y-you!

Ryo: *Steps out of the shadows and deactivates his eyes*

Asia: *Shocked* Y-your Ryo! Issei's friend!

Ryo: I'm not his friend, I tolerate him

Asia: W-what are y-you doing here! How did you get here!

Ryo: I suggest you quiet or the four here will come here

Asia: *Quickly covers her mouth with her hands*

Ryo: Now that that is clear. Time to answer your questions. I'm here to keep you safe and how I got here was due to me becoming a crow and following you here

Asia: Why do you want to keep me safe

Ryo: I was watching when you, Freed, and Issei was at that house. That Freed guy and his fallen angel friends here probably want you here for their own needs, I came here to watch over you to make sure you live to see yourself in a week

Asia: I-I didn't realize you care for me that much

Ryo: I don't, I just want others to feel happiness in their lives, like I didn't

Asia: What do you mean

Ryo: Isn't that a bit personal to ask someone

Asia: I know but you want to make me safe and happy and yet from the first time I met you, you've always had a look void of any emotion, like you've been hurt and betrayed many times before

Ryo: So your not only cute but your observent

Asia: *Blushes deep red*

Ryo: Might as well tell you, but make sure you don't tell anyone else this, even Issei, okay blondie

Asia: Sure! *Smiles brightly*

Ryo: *Sits net to Asia on her bed* So the story starts when I'm eight years old

Ryo then tells Asia about his life, about himself, sister, and brother. At the end we have a crying Asia and a semi-sad Ryo

Asia: *Sobbing while speaking* S-so t-that's your c-childhood

Ryo: Yep

Asia: *Hugs Ryo very tightly* I'm so sorry! 

Ryo: Don't apologize, you weren't there..... stop hugging me

Asia: No!

Ryo: Were gonna be like this for a while then *Activates eyes*

Timeskip 1 hour brought to you by chibi Asia hugging chibi Ryo:

After about 10 minutes of Asia hugging Ryo, she let go. The two then decided to pass the time by playing games. Ryo kamuied home and brought about 4 board games he had at his house and they began to play. Asia was getting really lucky but Ryo won all 4 games. After about an hour, Asia began to feel tired so Ryo took the games back and came back not soon after

Ryo: You should go to sleep blondie

Asia: *Yawns* What about you

Ryo: I'll watch over you

Asia: How are you gonna do that, if they come here they'll see you

Ryo then begins to turn into crows

Soon, there was only 1 left due to the others dissapearing, and that one was looking directly at Asia

Asia: Ryo, is that you

The crow doesn't answer but he flies onto the bottom of the window and keeps on staring at Asia

Asia: So I guess you are Ryo

Crow Ryo: *Nods*

After getting this conformation, Asia smiles and begins to change into her sleeping wear

Asia: Um Ryo, would you mind looking away

Crow Ryo: *Turns around*

After Asia changes she tells Ryo he can turn around again, which he does. Soon after Asia falls asleep for the night. With Ryo watching over her

Timeskip to the next day brought to you by Asia hugging Ryo in her sleep like a stuffed animal:

Asia: *Yawns and stretches* Ryo, where are you

Asia truns around and sees crow Ryo in the same position from when before she slept 

Asia: Ryo did you get any sleep

Ryo then transforms back into his regular body

Ryo: No 

Asia: Want to sleep then

Ryo: I'm good and Asia

Asia: Yes

Ryo: I think you should leave this place 

Asia: I agree, just let me wash up and get my things

Ryo: Okay *Turns into a crow again and flies and lands on Asia's shoulder*

Asia: You seem to be my guardian angel

Crow Ryo: ....

After does all the things she has to do, she leaves the church with Ryo flying above her until their out of range. Ryo then kamui's to his house to put on his non-battle clothing and comes back quickly

Ryo: *Turns back into his normal body* So what do you want to do now

Asia: I don't know *looks over to her right* is that Issei

Ryo: *Looks over* Its Issei

Asia: Let's go over to him *Walks over to Issei*

Ryo: Sure why not *Follows Asia*

With Issei:

Issei is currently trying to do pull ups with one hand but fails miserably 

Issei: I'm a sissy boy. *Has quick flashbacks* No. I'm not gonna bitch out and trow out the towel. I gotta save Asia from that angel douche

Asia: Issei its actually you

Ryo: Told ya

Issei looks over to see Asia and Ryo staring at him

Issei: Asia, Ryo

Ryo: Hey Issei

A moment of silence occurs for a brief moment

Issei: Wanna hang out

Ryo and Asia: Sure

Timeskip to that food place brought to you by chibi Issei and Asia eating food while chibi Ryo looks in sadness:

The three get to the food place with Issei and Asia getting burgers, fries, and a soda with Ryo getting a coffee

Asia: *Looking down at her food in confusion*

Issei: Trust m there's no other way

Asia: There isn't

Ryo: No there isn't 

Issei then gives a demonstration to Asia on how to eat a burger by taking it in his hands and taking a huge bite out of it, which Asia soon follows

Asia: Its so yummy

Ryo: I bet it is *says in semi-sad voice*

Issei: So Asia, Ryo, what made you guys want to come to the park

Asia doesn't answer for a bit and looks at Ryo quickly before looking back at Issei

Asia: I thought the weather was perfect and wanted to enjoy the day and met Ryo along the way

Ryo: I thought it would've been fun to walk around

Asia: My day was already going great until I saw you here though Issei. Yay

Issei: You know what since we are all here together why don't we all hang out!

Asia: *Blushes* Yeah sure

Ryo: Got nothing better to do

The three(mostly Issei and Asia) are having an incredible time. They went to arcade to play some games, which Ryo beat everyone there and Issei got Asia a stuffed animal, which Asia enjoys very much. The three soon exit the arcade

Asia: I had a very fun time guys!

Issei: I did too

Ryo: It was okay

Issei: I still can't believe you beat everyone in there

Ryo: I enjoyed that 

Suddenly, Issei clutches his arm in pain

Ryo: You okay

Issei: Yeah I'm fine

Asia: *Gets closer to Issei* Its your wound from yesterday, isn't it

Issei: Yeah, its stings

The three then walk to a fountain of some sorts where Asia begins to heal Issei's wound

Issei: Man she sure is pretty

Asia: *Finishes healing Issei* Does your leg hurt too

Issei: Y-yeah

Asia: *Heals Issei* You feel better know

Issei: Yeah. I feel as if I'm at 100%

Asia: *Smiles*

Issei and Asia sit on the bench while Ryo is standing next to them

Asia: When I was a baby, I was abandoned by my real parents. They left me at a church in a small town. The people in the church had told me once they had found me I wouldn't stop crying. one day when I was eight a sad little puppy who was hurt really bad had found its way to the church where I lived. I prayed as hard as I could that God would spare him. When I did, a miracle happened. Because of my power, I was immediently taken to a larger church. Men and women from all over the world would come to me when they were sick or hurt and I was told to heal all of them. The idea that I could use this thing to help other people made me so happy. I finally felt like I had a purpose. But then one day, I had come across someone who had fallen and was in bad shape. I was able to heal him, but it wasn't a man

Man from flashbacks: She has the power to heal devils!

Man 2 from flashbacks: Demon!

Man 3 from flashbacks: She's a witch! Burn her!

Asia: They said anyone who had my kind of power was a heretic so I had no choice but to run away

Ryo: So just because you the power to heal someone they despised they branded you as a witch and heretic

Asia: Yes

Ryo: Tch, dicks

Issei: So after you took off is that the reason you decided to join the fallen ones

Asia: Yes, but I'll never forget who I am. I say my prays and try to have a good life. They're horrible, they do such evil things, all in the name of God. The suffering has to be a test of my faith. If I can overcome these trials, someday I know my hopes and dreams will come true. That's what I believe anyway

Issei: What are your dreams

Asia: To make lots of life long friends. To get to know them well and do cool things, to be able to have fun together and care for each other. That was so silly. Honestly I'll be happy to have any friends

Issei: *Stands up and walks forward a bit* 

Asia: Hey something wrong

Issei: I don't care what anyone says I'm your friend and I'm sure Ryo is too

Ryo: *Walks next to Issei* He's not wrong, I like you much more than I like Issei

Issei: Not to mention I care about you and I'm sure Ryo won't admit it but he does too

Ryo: Tch

Asia: I appreciate it guys, but my past isn't as depressing as Ryo's *covers mouth quickly*

Ryo: Dammit 

Issei: Huh, what does she mean Ryo *looks at Ryo*

Ryo: Nothing

Issei: I'm sure she meant something *realizes something* Oh yeah Ryo, I have a question to ask you

Ryo: What is it

Issei: Is it true you were-

???: Isn't that sweet

The three look over to see Raynare over the water

Issei: Yumma

Ryo: A fallen

Asia: Lady Raynare

Ryo: More like stripper Raynare

Issei: Your right, guys, she's a fallen angel

Raynare: So the rumors your downwards spiral into the wickedness of devildom are true and I had such high hopes 

Ryo: I'm not a devil

Raynare: *Looks at Ryo* Oh its you, that cute boy that Issei had me meet. I can't believe your with them too. Such a shame, you were really cute too. Anyway *glares at the three* don't dare try to run Asia

Asia: Begone! I don't want any par of you or your partners evil anymore

Issei: Good job Asia.Your too good for them, you don't belong with those god for nothing has been wannabes anyway. What do you want from me Yumma!

Raynare: Don't worry, my business has nothing to do with you little boy

Ryo: You want Asia don't you

Raynare: That's correct cutie. But unfortanately your in my way *forms lightspear* 

Issei: Oh shit, a spear of light

Raynare: I always hate to see someone die a virgin, I feel bad for you Issei

Issei: Hey! I bet Ryo is a virgin too!

Raynare: I highly doubt that

Ryo: He's right I am

Raynare: *Shcocked* Really!

Ryo: Yep

Raynare: *Forms seductive smirk* How about we change that

Ryo: Fuck you

Raynare: I was planning to let you do that

Issei: Are you two done flirting!

Raynare: Sorry where were we

Issei: Fighting *summons sacred gear* it worked!

Raynare: *Begins to laugh* Is that really all you got. Its nothing but a twice critical. Coming up short as usual

Ryo: Power wise or-

Raynare: You know what I meant

Issei: Wait what do you mean

Raynare: Issei your gear is also known as the dragons hand. That thing only doubles your power temporarily. You might as well as be fighting me with sticks and stones

Issei: that's all it does

Raynare: Word upstairs is your a devil to watch out for. they said your sacred gear was a force to be reckoned with, that's why I put on that dumb little girl act. If I knew your gear was that weak I would've left you and went to your friend ages ago

Ryo: Okay we get it you wanna fuck me, I said no let it go

Raynare: That breaks my heart

Issei: Shut your face

Raynare: You really think you can take me on with that puny little thing. Give me Asia and your friend and take what's left of your dignity and go

Issei: Not happening

Asia: Please be careful

Ryo: He's not

Issei: *Powers up* Now show me wwhat your made of gear *gets speared in the stomach*

Asia: *Shrieks* Issei no!

Ryo: This seems familiar

Rayanre: Nice catch, it looks like your equipment can't get the job done

Ryo: How about you fight me

Raynare: I would but I want you for my own needs

Ryo: I don't even want to know what those needs are

Raynare: Now Asia, be a good little girl and come with me. You power is more rate and infinitly more valuable than his gear ever could be 

Asia: I knew it, you were only interested in me because of my power

Ryo: Hopefully she's only interested in m for my power

Raynare: Nope, I only want to fuck you

Ryo: Well my hopes were crushed

Raynare: Now that you mention it, I do sense a power within you. Your trying to keep it hidden but its still sensible, isn't that true

Issei: Huh *looks at Ryo* is that true

Ryo: Yes it true

Raynare: That amount of power you have can easily take out this whole city, I wonder how much of it you truly have. *Forms another spear* How about we make a deal, you and Asia come with me and I won't kill your friend

Issei: Screw you lady! No way she's going with you!

Raynre then jumps and throws the spear to the ground, causing Issei to push Asia away and having him and Ryo get caught in the blast, which sends him flying

Asia: Issei, Ryo!

Issei: *Grunting while standing up* That sucked... I've never seen a spear so strong *falls back in the water

Raynare: I spared his life. If I wanted to I could've delivered a fatal blow. Your friend would've shattered into a million pieces

Asia: I'll go with you

Ryo: Don't do it Asia

The three look up and see Ryo in the sky, before he lands on the ground

Asia: Ryo your alive!

Ryo: You thought that would hurt me Raynare

Raynare: Come on now, we don't have to fight, you can come with me and we'll be happy

Ryo then glares at her which makes Issei, Raynare and Asia look as if their about to shit themselves

Ryo: How about no

Raynare: *Still scared* Oh look at the time gotta go bye cutie I'll be back for you! *Teleports away*

Ryo: *Slightly shivers* I feel as if one of these days someone is gonna try an sexually assault me *looks at Issei* Issei meet me at the church Asia is at later, we'll get her back *truns around* Kamui *Teleports away*

Issei: *Passes out*

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