Roommate Wanted

By M_C_Moore

8.6K 143 12

Mariah needs a roommate. Tessa's new to town. Could this be a perfect match or will they end up with more tha... More

Night Out
Morning After
Just Netflix and Chill...I mean hang
The Date
Going To Just Stay In Tonight.

New in Town

1.7K 26 0
By M_C_Moore


Tessa lifted her guitar case into the trunk of her car. Staring blankly at the people in the park, not knowing where she would stay tonight. Playing for tips in the park, she had made enough money to get some food and a little gas, but not enough to get a room in the dump of a motel she had stayed at a couple of nights since she got here.

It had been a couple of weeks since she pulled into Genoa City, hoping to find a new life. Her guitar, providing the little cash flow she had. Tessa had put up some flyers around town offering in home guitar lessons, and while she had a couple of inquiries, she hadn't set up any appointments yet.

She was thinking about moving on, but something held her here. Something made her stay. She didn't know if it was fear of hitting the road again, or just exhaustion. Exhaustion had her vote, since she had spent several nights in her car, and it is impossible to get a good night's sleep there. She could really use a good night's sleep.

Counting out the money she pulled from her guitar case, she determined she had a little extra for a coffee. And since coffee was close to godliness, Tessa searched her phone for the nearest coffee shop. She ignored any chain shops in the area, knowing the best cups of coffee come from mom and pop shops. Crimson Lights, the closest, seemed like the best place to go.

Address in hand, she slid into the front seat of her gently loved car. She needed a shower, but that would have to wait. She drove the few blocks over and parked along the side of the building.

Tessa grabbed her guitar before heading in, she almost never went any where without it. It was like an extension of herself, another limb. She made her way to the door, holding it for a beautiful red head who seemed to be in a hurry. Her hair lit up like flames, surrounding an alabaster face that was stunning, but a little fraught.

Tessa counted out the change from her pocket and placed an order for a house blend with half and half. She could use the fat in her coffee since she had been getting very few meals and her frame was starting to show the signs of it.

"Do you play?" the attractive older blonde behind the counter asked.

Tessa, startled by the question and the sound, looked confused. She really hadn't had much conversation since she had arrived in town. It had been very lonely.

"Oh, yes." Tessa said shyly. "Would you mind if I set up on your patio and played for tips?"

"I guess that would be okay. I haven't thought about having a musician play here." The blonde cocked her head to the side, a look of concern on her face. "I'm Sharon Newman. Are you new to town?"

"Tessa..." Tessa extended her hand, "Tessa Porter. I've been here a couple of weeks. Just getting the lay of the land."

"Well Tessa, here is your coffee," Sharon said as she handed her the cup, "and let's give this a trial run. You can borrow my patio for an hour."

"Thank you." Tessa nodded and made her way out to the patio. The space was a decent size, and she set up her guitar case and an extra chair in a corner, so people could still move freely about the space. It was nice to sit since she has stood all day while playing in the park.

She strummed a few cords, letting her fingers find a groove, then she settled into a rhythm for an original song.

"When I'm in the shadows,

Stuck in my mind.

You break the darkness,

And cast it aside."

Tessa strummed along, finishing the song with ease, as she had sung it a hundred times. Several people gathering around, tossing change in her open case. She could see Sharon through the glass door, listening, watching. Tessa finished her first song, With Me, and everyone around applauded.

"Thank you." Tessa said, a slight blush hit her cheeks. She still got embarrassed from the attention. She transitioned into a cover of Joey by Concrete Blonde.

The hour passed quickly. Sharon had come out to the patio several times offering refills to customers and even topping off Tessa's coffee once.

Customers had tossed money into her case throughout the hour, and Tessa hoped she would be able to afford a motel room that night. She straightened out the bills and swept the change into a pile, startled to notice a hundred-dollar bill mixed into the ones. Someone must have made a mistake, she thought holding the bill up.

"Well that went really well." Sharon interrupted Tessa's train of thought.

"Yeah, I think someone made a mistake." Tessa said as she slid the bill towards Sharon.

"Did you see who dropped it in?" Sharon asked.

"No, not really. I was playing, and I try not to pay attention to what people are throwing in the case till the end." Tessa scooped up the change in her case and slid it into her messenger bag hanging on the back of the chair. "I think you should hold on to it, in case someone comes back looking for it."

"No, you keep it. If someone is missing it, we will figure it out." Sharon said.

"We?" Tessa questioned.

"Yes, I was thinking that you could play here a few days a week. I'll pay you to play, not much, but you can make the rest up in tips." Sharon took the chair close to Tessa's, settling in. "Do you have another job?"

"I convinced a club owner to let me host an open mic night for part of the door and I have a tip jar there too." Tessa said almost at a whisper. "I am trying to get some students, so I can teach lessons. I have hung some flyers around town."

"Well do you have a flyer, because we can put it up on that board there." Sharon pointed to the bulletin board attached to the brick wall behind her. "With you playing here, people might be interested. You should probably get some more made so you can leave them out while your performing."

Confused by Sharon's interest, Tessa asked, "Why are you doing this for me?"

Tessa's life had always been rough. She had to fight for everything she got, and her family was the worst kind of bad. She had a sister and loved her very much. That is why she left. She needed to get to a place where she could rescue her sister from her drug addicted mother and her alcoholic father.

"Tessa, I don't know you, but I can tell that this life hasn't been easy on you. I want to help, if I can. This is a simple way to help." Sharon smiled and stood up. "So, come by tomorrow afternoon and we will set up a schedule and get you started."

Sharon made her way back into the coffee house, leaving Tessa with her thoughts. She now had enough money for a room. She would be able to shower the day off of her, shower the week off.

Tessa scanned the board to find a place to hang her flyer. Reading through the papers posted on the wall, she found an add for a missing dog that she swore she had seen at the park this morning. She would have to keep an eye for it, as there was a hundred-dollar reward. Reaching up to pin her add next to someone who cleaned houses, something caught her eye.

Wanted: Roommate.

Tessa read the flyer slowly.

Wanted female roommate to share two-bedroom one bath apartment and expenses. Must be clean, friendly, not crazy, with a respect for space. For more information and to set up an interview, call 555-0454.

Tessa put the number in her phone, even though she thought there was no way she could afford an apartment at this point. She would need way more money than she had, and even with Sharon helping her out, she isn't sure she could earn enough to keep paying rent.

She pushed a pin through her flyer and turned away from the board. It would be nice to sleep the same place every night. To have a home to come home to. With the money she made today, and the money she could make the next two days, it could be possible.

"Hey, are you giving lessons?" A shaggy headed teenager asked.

"Yeah, do you play?" Tessa answered.

"I want to learn. My dad played."

Tessa reached into her case and grabbed an extra flyer.

"Here. Just in case you decide to take the leap." She handed him the flyer. "I'll be here tomorrow afternoon if you want to come by for a listen. I'm Tessa."

"Reed." The young man reached out and took Tessa's hand. "Thank you."

As he made his way out of the coffee shop, Tessa decided to take a leap of her own. She found the number for the apartment and hit send.

After a couple of rings, a woman's voice came on the line.


"Hi, yeah..." Tessa paused, nervous for some reason. "I'm calling about the apartment."

"Sweet, do you want to come see it? I can meet you in about an hour?" The woman on the other end of the line responded.

"Sure." Tessa said.

"Did you call from a cell phone? 'Cause if you did I'll just text you the address."

"You are just going to give out your address without meeting me some place neutral first? Isn't that a little risky?" Tessa asked.

"Wow, I didn't think of that. Since you thought of it though, your probably not a serial killer." The woman laughed nervously. "You're not a serial killer, are you?"

"Well no, but if I was, wouldn't I lie about it?"

"Another good point."

Tessa waited as the awkward silence grew. This woman was funny, and she could already tell they would get along. She hoped she hadn't screwed it up.

"You still there?" The woman asked.

"Yes. I'm here." Tessa said nervously.

"Ok, here is what we will do. I'll meet you at Crimson Lights, it's a neutral place, and we will talk. Then if we feel good about it, you can come look at the apartment. Do you know where Crimson Lights is?"

"That's where I found the flyer." Tessa answered.

"That makes sense. I only put up a few flyers. Would you meet me in an hour then, at Crimson Lights?"

"I'll be there." Tessa said as she got off the phone.

She grabbed her coffee cup and headed inside, hoping to find Sharon behind the counter.

"Can I get another coffee?" Tessa asked as she sat her cup down. "And a brownie."

"No problem." Sharon said, as she busied herself with filling Tessa's order.

"I'm supposed to meet someone here in an hour about a room for rent in an apartment, do you mind if I hang out on the patio till then?"

Sharon looks at Tessa, head cocked to the side. "From the flyer pinned on the board?"

"Yes." Tessa responded.

"That's my daughter." Sharon said, smiling. "She is looking for a roommate since her last one moved out of town for work. Do you not have a place to stay?"

Tessa bowed her head. She didn't really want to explain to Sharon how she had been living in her car, and at dump motels for the past couple of weeks.

"Not a permanent place." Tessa says.

"Where have you been staying?" Sharon asks, handing Tessa a brownie and her coffee.

"In my car mostly, I have spent a couple of nights at a motel over on the highway." Tessa said, embarrassed.

Sharon paused, her face cycling through several emotions. Tessa couldn't really get a grasp on what she was thinking or feeling.

"Do you want me to leave?" Tessa asked

"Why would I want you to leave? Like I said earlier, I'm not sure what you have been through, but I can tell you haven't had an easy life." Sharon came around the counter, pulling Tessa over to a table. "Are you in trouble?"


"Do you do drugs?" Sharon questioned.

"No." Tessa was starting to feel uncomfortable. She wanted to bolt, but for some reason, she stayed in her chair.

"Are you running from something?" Sharon asked.

Tessa looked up, tears in her eyes. She wasn't a crier. She put all her emotions into her songs. This was not her.

Sharon reached out and put her hand on Tessa's.

"Did someone hurt you?" Sharon asked.

Tessa dipped her head slightly. She couldn't believe Sharon had figured all this out and she had only known her for a little over an hour.

"My homelife wasn't good." Tessa answered. "I saved every penny I made to buy my car. I started driving, the gas got me here. I have been playing for change and trying to get students for lessons. I'm sorry, I will go."

"Tessa, you have no reason to leave. You have done nothing wrong. I am sorry you have had such a difficult life. It couldn't be easy for you to tell me."

"I don't talk about it." Tessa said.

"Well thank you for sharing it with me. Now, I can't promise you Mariah will rent you the room, but we will find something for you. And we will try and get you some students. Would you be interested in working here? Maybe pick up a few shifts." Sharon looked hopefully at Tessa.

"Why are you helping me?" Tessa asked.

"I have had a very troubled past. I didn't always make good decisions, but I had people in my life who fought for me. Who tried to lift me up, and I want to do that for you."

"But you don't even know me." Tessa leaned back in her chair, hands falling in her lap. She had never had anyone be so nice to her. She had fought her own battles, always, protected herself, protected her sister.

"I don't, but I'm a good judge of character and I have a feeling about you." Sharon stood up, walking to Tessa's side of the table. She reached out her hand to Tessa, pulling her up and into a hug. "Isn't about time you had someone on your side."

Tessa started crying. She hadn't realized how tired and lonely she was until Sharon's arms wrapped around her. Tension melted from her shoulders, she felt like she could breathe again.

"Mariah." Sharon said as she pulled away from Tessa.

Tessa turned to find the very attractive redhead from earlier. She was even more beautiful than Tessa remembered. She had a striking figure, rounded hips that accentuated a thin waist. Her eyes were like honey, pure and golden. Tessa's heart stopped as she fell upon the gorgeous mouth smiling at her now, full red lips, with just a hint of a smirk.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Mariah said. "I am meeting someone here about the room in my apartment. I wanted to get here early and ask if you would keep an eye out. The woman was a little weird, she actually said the word serial killer while we were talking about meeting at the apartment."

Sharon laughed.

"I actually think you said it first." Tessa added, "I think you actually asked if I was a serial killer."

Mariah's mouth dropped open.

"Mariah this is Tessa. She is going to be working here, serving coffee a few days a week. She also plays guitar." Sharon smiled at Tessa. "She came in earlier and played on the patio, she's going to play here a few days a week as well."

Mariah still looks dumbfounded at Tessa. Tessa smiles and reaches out her hand.

"This town seems to be really small." Tessa says trying to break the tension. Sharon excused herself to help a customer at the counter

Mariah reached out and took Tessa's hand. Tessa's mind exploded into a million tiny pieces as she touched her for the first time. She can't help but smile, was this the reason she couldn't seem to get the courage up to leave town.

"Hi, I'm sorry about that. I sometimes just open my mouth and insert my foot. I didn't know you knew my mom. How long have you known each other? I haven't seen you around. I seem to be rambling. Just tell me to shut up." Mariah fumbled over her words.

"Shut up, you're perfect." Tessa said with a smile. She couldn't believe those words had escaped from her lips. She had barely met this woman. Tessa immediately wanted to take the words back.

Tessa watched as Mariah's eyes shuffled through several emotions at once. Finally, Mariah smiled, her eyes shimmering like stars. Tessa sighed, that had been close.

"So, do you want to see the apartment?" Mariah asked.

"Are you sure? We haven't really talked." Tessa said.

"You have Sharon's stamp of approval." Mariah looked down at her feet. "And I have a good feeling about you."

"That's what Sharon said." Tessa smiled. "You could both just be really bad judges of character, like something genetic."

Mariah laughed out loud. Tessa thought it was the most magical thing she had ever heard. Her heart skipped a beat as Mariah looked up at her with a smile.

"Come on, we can ride together and then I'll bring you back here." Mariah headed for the door.

Tessa watched her walk away, her feet failing to move at first. She couldn't understand why she felt this way. This woman was going to be the death of her, she could already feel it. She grabbed her guitar and followed her out the door.

"You can put that in the trunk if you want?" Mariah said as she pointed to her car.

"Thanks, I don't usually let it out of my sight." Sliding her guitar into the trunk, Tessa moved around to the passenger door. "So, does your mom often rescue strays?"

"I was kind of a stray." Mariah looked sad for a moment. "I didn't grow up with her as my mom. I grew up in a cult. It's a long story, but when I came back to town, I didn't know she was my mom and I did some bad things. Some truly horrible things, but she forgave me, she loved me despite it. She knows when someone is worth it."

Tessa blushed, "You don't know me. How can you assume I'm worth it?"

"It's in your eyes." Mariah blushes herself. "I mean you have kind eyes."

They rode in silence to the apartment. Tessa would steal glances at Mariah. She seemed to be in deep thought, her face changed. What could she possibly be thinking about, to look so sad. Tessa had to resist the urge to reach out and touch her, to reach for her hand.

"Here we are." Mariah pointed at the building. It wasn't too big, a courtyard surrounded by a dozen apartments, with an empty pool in the middle. "It isn't much, I had a roommate before you, but she moved off for work. Now it's just me."

They got out of the car and Tessa followed Mariah to the corner apartment. Mariah unlocked the door and walked in. She picked up a wine glass off the table and headed to the kitchen.

"Sorry it's a mess. I should have planned better, sometimes I get distracted." Mariah smiled, her hands fidgeting with the wine glass. "So, this is the living room, not too big but perfect for watching a movie at the end of a long day."

There was TV mounted on the wall above a console that held some electronic equipment. The furniture was comfortable, a couch that looked like it would swallow you up if you gave it the chance. An arm chair next to a reading lamp, a chenille throw draped over the back. There was a coffee table, two end tables and a bookshelf. Tessa moved to the book shelf, the complete works of J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien.

"I love these books." Tessa said as she let her fingers lightly touch the spines of the books. "This place feels very relaxing, very comfortable."

Tessa turned to find Mariah staring, eyes soft, her mouth slightly agape, her tongue wetting her lips. The two made eye contact, no words were said, but there was something between them. Tessa had never felt this before, never had this kind of connection. She had been with women, that wasn't what was new, it was something else. Something scary and exciting.

Mariah jumped, deep in thought, a blush touching her cheeks. "The bedroom, I mean your bedroom would be in here." She turns quickly and heads past the kitchen and down a hall. She opened the first door she came to. The room was small, but big enough for Tessa. She could get a futon to sleep on, maybe a little table for beside the bed. She didn't need much.

"There is one bathroom." Mariah said as she pointed to a door. "We share it, and we both have access from our rooms."

Tessa opened the door and stepped in. There were several towels on the floor, a hairdryer still plugged in, and make up strewn across the counter.

"I rushed out this morning." Mariah said from behind Tessa. "I am not this messy. Are you ok? You haven't said anything since the living room."

Tessa paused, she hadn't realized she was being quiet. Her mind was detailing the apartment and distracted by thoughts of sharing a bathroom with Mariah.

"Sorry, I was just taking it all in." Tessa stepped forward, turning to face Mariah. With a smile and a wink, she asked. "Can I see your room?"

Mariah blushed. "Yeah sure." She stepped past Tessa, her hand slightly brushing against Tessa's arm. She opened the door.

"It's a little bigger, but not much. I also have two windows because this is the corner of the building. I like the light."

"Well I'm a vampire, so have at the light." Tessa smiled.

"So, what do you think? Are you interested?" Mariah fumbled over her words. "I should probably tell you about the rent and bills."

Mariah went through all the financial details as they made their way back to the living room. She sat down on the couch. Tessa took a seat next to her and turned to face her with one leg tucked underneath her.

Mariah's phone dinged. She pulled it out to read the message.

"When do you need to know?" Tessa asked.

Mariah looked up, head tilted to the side, a questioning look in her eyes.

"Why is my mom so concerned as to whether or not I like you?"

"Not sure." Tessa answered, knowing that Sharon was trying to save her from the streets.

Mariah's phone dinged again. She opened the message and looked up.

"Why is she willing to cover your part of the rent?" Maria looked even more confused.

Tessa sighed.

"Your mom is sweet, but I can take care of myself." Tessa stood up. "Can you take me back to my car?"

Tessa made her way to the door, Mariah's phone dinged again in the background. Tessa turned to see Mariah staring at her, her eyes sad.

"She told you?" Tessa asked.


"She had no right." Tessa dropped her head, ashamed. "I have been taking care of myself for years, I can take care of myself now. I just need some time to get some money together. I can probably have it by the end of the week, if you don't mind waiting. If not, I'll understand."

Tessa felt Mariah's hand on her arm. She looked up to find her standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry." Mariah said. "I really do tend to put my foot in my mouth."

Mariah moved her hand up and down Tessa's arm igniting something inside of her. Maybe this was not a good idea, Tessa could already tell she was attracted to this woman. If something ever happened, which it could never happen, she would only mess her life up more than it already was.

"Come sit back down. We can talk if you want. Or you can tell me about you. Or I can tell you about me." Mariah grabbed Tessa's hand and led her back to the couch.

Tessa followed her to the couch, her hand holding on tight. If she let go, she might fall.

"I'll start." Mariah said. "I'm 28, I grew up in a cult. Yes, that is real. I came to town because someone paid me to pretend I was my dead sister's ghost. I didn't know she was my sister, or that Sharon was my mom. I was given up for adoption. Well my sister Cassie was. No one knew I existed because the doctor lied about Sharon being pregnant with twins. I have had a troubled past, but I currently work on a show called GC Buzz. I have family now, a half-brother and half-sister. I have a boyfriend, but none of that would have happened if Sharon hadn't taken a chance on me."

Mariah paused, tears in her eyes. "Sharon has a huge heart. She wants to help people. She wants to help you."

Tessa looked down at her hand, still being held by Mariah. She wanted to tell her everything. About her sister, her drug addicted mom who had overdosed a half a dozen times over Tessa's childhood. She wanted to tell her about her alcoholic father who would rather hit than talk. But she couldn't. The words were stuck in her throat, stuck in her mind.

Mariah's thumb gently stroked the back of Tessa's hand. She couldn't move or speak.

"I just want you to know that you don't have to talk. You can move in when you want, if you want. We will work out the financials." Mariah smiled.

"You have a boyfriend?" Tessa asked.

Mariah let go of Tessa's hand. Tessa immediately felt a coldness from the absence of Mariah's touch.

"Yes. We haven't been dating long. He just got divorced. I work with his ex. It is really weird." Mariah paused, "Why do I keep telling you everything?"

"I guess I'm just easy to talk to." Tessa looked around, this really could be her home. She just needed to get over her fears, just let these people help her. "I'd like to move in if that is ok with you."

Mariah smiled. "That would be awesome. Do you have furniture? If not, I think there is some extra stuff out at the ranch, that's where Sharon lives. We can raid the storage. We should get back to Crimson Lights and tell mom, she is going to think you kidnapped me, since I haven't responded to any of her texts."

Tessa stood up off the couch and turned to Mariah.

"Thank you." She said, her voice catching in her throat. "I'm not used to people being nice to me. I'm not used to people caring."

"Tessa, I'm not sure why, but I think you are supposed to be here." Mariah reached out for Tessa's hand again. "And I'm not one of those people who gets overly emotional or believes in divine intervention. I just have this feeling in my gut."

"Me too." Tessa breathed the words more than spoke them. She was afraid her heart thought she was here for Mariah. Which was terribly unfortunate, because Mariah had a boyfriend.  

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