With You

By Call_Me_Aloe

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Skyler and Butter

48 1 0
By Call_Me_Aloe

~Mitch's POV~

While practicing archery with Amber in the woods, I heard a faint scream. I stopped for a second.

"Did you... hear that?" I asked Amber. She put her bow down and nodded as I started to run back to the cabin. Amber follwed me to see Aaliyah on the couch, and a holographic screen on the counter table.

"What happened?" I asked Chelsea.

"James pulled a prank on Aaliyah so he his under the counter table and when Aaliyah passed by, he activated the holographic screen, which made James almost deaf, and scared the crap out of us." Chelsea explained.

"Hehe... oops..." James chuckled.

"Wait..." Aaliyah said as she walked up to the holographic screen. She tapped a link that read "Mission 1". She tapped it as a file popped up with these papers.

"Whoa! This looks AWESOME!" I exclaimed as Aaliyah looked closely.

"Mission 1: Follow the path a wanderer entered to enter the portal." Aaliyah read out loud.

"A wanderer's path? Who could that be?" Jerome asked. Everyone thought for a second. Then it hit me.

"IAN!" I said.

"Which one?" The two Ian's asked.

"Hehe... forgot there are two of you now. Um... Ian." I pointed to the Ian that had the 'Waldo' outfit he wore on the first day we saw him. It hit Sky.

"Oh yeah! When Jiselle ghost hunted you down, there was a path that you came out from!" Sky explained.

"Woohoo! Let's gooo!" I hollered as I started to grab my bow in my room. Seto sighed as he used his magic to stop me in my tracks.

"You do realize that these dudes don't have weapons, right?" Seto scoffed as he ate his apple. Quentin faked coughed.

"We kinda do." He smirked as he raised a blue dagger from his belt.

"Heh, fish dagger." Ian, the new one, joked.

"I'M NOT A- *sigh*, Shut up." Quentin grunted. I had to laugh. Then everyone started to laugh along as Jason brought out a blue sword, but had the sharpness of an iron one. Kermit, or Dakota, pulled out a bow. Ian didn't have a weapon.

"Hey, don't you need one too?" I asked. Ian shook his head.

"My weapon is underneath my glasses." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Your eyes?" Ty asked. Ian nodded as Seto let me go. I ran to my room, along with Jerome, to get our weapons. (If you're wondering what Mitch had, he had a practice bow, not his real one.) Everyone else did the same. I came back with my awesome diamond bow and quiver made out of dog hide. I looked back to see Ty and Sky at the living room, with Skyler in there hands.

"Hey, you doods okay?" I asked them.

"We don't know what to do about Skyler." Ty sighed. I thought about it.

"Didn't Sky 2.0 say something about a crib?" Sky nodded.

"Well... Yeah, but what does that have to do with this mission?"

"What if that crib has magic of Sky 2.0?" Jerome asked, coming down with Betty on his side.

"We can try that... I dunno what it'll do though..." Ty bit his lip.

"Worth a shot, I guess." Sky replied, walking to his room. I followed, along with Ty and Jerome. Ty let go of Skyler and gave her to me. She giggled as she started to pull my hood.

She's so cute, I thought to myself. I placed her down in the crib. Nothing happened. Not until...

"Hello, giant force field around a small baby!" Jerome exclaimed as he stepped back. The force field grew as a girl that had curls like Sky, and was skinny like Ty.

"Whoa..." She said in awe.

"Who... Who are you...?" I asked. She giggled.

"You don't remember Mitch? It's Skyler!" My eyes widened.

"Hold up. So... Sky 2.0's magical crib, made you all grown up?!" Sky asked.

"I guess... I don't remember much of me growing up, but I only remember me being a child in your arms, Sky." She smiled. Ty started to cry. Jerome patted his back.

"It's okay biggums, look on the bright side! We have ANOTHER new member!" Ty sniffed.

"I-I'm just glad that she's..." Skyler jumped out of her crib and went to Ty.

"Ty, it's okay! I may not call you mom, or dad... That'll be weird... But I can help you fight." Ty looked up. He started to hug Skyler when the door opened.

"Heyyy... I'm gonna leave..." Quentin said awkwardly. I stopped him, but he already left to the living room.

"It's okay dood." I said as I walked out of the room, along with Ty, Sky, Jerome, and Skyler. Everyone was just waiting for us, talking. Aaliyah looked up at us.

"There you guys are! C'mon, the mission isn't waiting, you know."

"Yeah, I know, but it's time for you to meet someone." Sky said as Skyler walked out if the shadows.

"This is Skyler." Ty announced as Skyler waved with a smile that reminded me of Sky's.

"Skyler? Who's that?" Tyler asked.

"Oh yeah... Totally forgot that Tyler was new. Remember the kid that was in Sky's arms, and the girl that kept pulling my tie?"

"Oh yeah! That's her?" We nodded.

"I don't remember anything about me growing up, I only know about how I was a child in Sky's arms." Skyler explained.

"Well, welcome! But I'm guessing this is really bad timing, so we'll have to teach you swords fighting and stuff." Aaliyah grinned.

"Can I have a butter sword?" Skyler asked.

"YAY!" Sky screamed as he started to throw butter all over the place. Not butter, the one you use for a sword, but actual butter.

"Ow! Sky! Stop!" Ian, I really can't tell anymore, told him as his hair was covered in butter.

"Hehe, oops." Sky chuckled. Jerome slapped him at the back of the head.

"That's karma." He said as he went to the bathroom to wash off the butter smears on his fur. I went back to my room to replace my hood.

"You guys better hurry up to wash up." Seto said as he used his magic to wipe off the butter. So did Ian.


Budder, budder, budder, budder.

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