Time's Up. | Yoonmin.

By unmellowxyellow

13.9K 989 280

Every second counts. More

Birthday Wishes.
The Scan.
Sucker Fish.
Street Rat.
Crashing Waves.
Good Jitters.
Broken Bonds.
Cool Breezes.
Broken Promise.
A New Promise.
New Adventure.
A True Nightmare.
A New Home.
Recurring Memories.
Bad Blood.
Inconvenience Store.

New Dreams.

430 46 18
By unmellowxyellow

Everything was feeling like it was going back to normal except it wasn't, it was only normal in Jimin and Yoongi's reality. Ever since the two boys made it back to Yoongi's home they've been talking for hours and just joking around with each other. Neither of them wanted the night to end if they could sit in Yoongi's bedroom forever with no one around they would. It felt calming that no one was after them for once. 

Yoongi smiled at Jimin and tried throwing a few chips in his mouth, but Jimin missed each time. "Come on," Yoongi laughed, clutching his hand to his stomach as he continued to laugh. The boys have been laughing for a while now making both of their tummies sore. 

"Sorry," Jimin contain the huge grin on his face as he listened to Yoongi laugh. His smile flatted out as he looked over at the clock seeing it was getting close to 1 am. "Yoongi, I think I should head home now." Jimin really didn't want to go home, he was having a great time with Yoongi but he didn't want to get caught by Mrs. Min. That would definitely ruin the fun. 

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he shoved some chips in his mouth. "Why?" He said with his mouth full, he was confused on Jimin wanted to leave. 

"Well... it's late and your parents will be home soon anyway." Jimin stood up from the floor and pulled Yoongi's coat off since he was still wearing it.

"Can you stay?" Yoongi asked standing up also. He didn't want Jimin to leave, it was the most fun Yoongi has had in a few months.

"I don't think your mom will like that," Jimin said, wanting to respect Mrs. Min, he didn't want to make her even madder than she already was. "I'll see you tomorrow." Jimin forced a smile, he hoped Yoongi would beg one last time because he would give in if he. 

Jimin got lucky because that's exactly what Yoongi had done. "Just one night?" 

"I- eh." Jimin scratched the back of his neck, a small smile appearing on his face. Before Jimin was about to say yes, Yoongi continued talking so he could try and convince Jimin to stay. 

"Then let me walk you home," Yoongi said quietly, he looked down trying to act really sad so Jimin would feel bad and would want to stay the night with him. 

"No, it's too cold and late for that," Jimin said, placing Yoongi's coat on the chair in front of the desk. Yoongi stayed quiet and frowned, he didn't understand why it hurt his feelings that Jimin wanted to leave. He would see him tomorrow morning but it still made him sad.

"Do you really want me to stay?" Jimin asked walking closer to Yoongi he still had a smile on his face, he felt really loved at this moment. 

"Yeah, I want you to be safe and we were having fun..." Yoongi trailed off feeling embarrassed, he didn't really want to admit it thinking it was weak of him, the one thing he wanted to be in front of Jimin was strong. 

"Yeah, I enjoyed this like a lot. What if your mom walks in though?" Jimin asked worried he would start drama between Yoongi and his parents once again.

"I have a lock on my door," Yoongi said sitting down on his bed. "I'll let you have my bed," Yoongi wasn't going to let Jimin sleep anywhere else. He wished he could sleep in bed with Jimin woo but he didn't want things to be weird between them. 

"And where would you sleep?" Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"On the floor," Yoongi pointed to the hardwood floor right next to his bed. Jimin shook his head feeling bad that Yoongi would do that for his comfort.

Yoongi nodded his head. "Yes, Jimin, I'll force you to sleep in my bed. I'm fine sleeping on the floor." 

Jimin sighed, "Okay, but I'll move onto the floor if you want me to,"

"I don't want you to," Yoongi smiled and walked over to his closet grabbing the extra blankets he had and placed them on the floor. He grabbed a pillow from his bed, then sat down on the bed he had made.

"Are we going to bed then?" Jimin asked sitting on Yoongi's bed.

"We can talk for a while, I'm just tired," Yoongi said laying down.

Jimin nodded his head, laying down also, pulling the blanket over himself. "What do you want to talk about?" He fixed the pillow then laid his head down.

"I dunno," Yoongi yawned loudly. "Just something,"

"Hm, you seem tired Yoongi," Jimin yawned covering his mouth with his hand afterward, he couldn't help it, yawning was contagious. 

"Well, I just ate chips and I have these nice warm blankets over me and it makes me sleepy." Yoongi nodded his head and closed his eyes, his full tummy and the warmth surrounding him almost had him passed out already. 

"Well, then go to sleep." Jimin yawned once again then turned over on his side closing his eyes, feeling sleepy as well.

"Good night, Jimin," Yoongi smiled to himself, he was happy that Jimin stayed over.

"Night," Jimin whispered, he knew he was finally going to get some good rest tonight, especially in Yoongi's comfortable bed. Both of them slipped off into sleep a few moments later, forgetting to turn the light off and to lock the door.


Yoongi groaned as he woke up to Jimin's whining. "What is wrong?" Yoongi asked rubbing his eyes as he looked over at Jimin who was still sleeping. Yoongi's eyes wandered over to the clock and sighed seeing that it was only 3 am. Jimin groaned loudly, making Yoongi look back over at Jimin who had the blankets kicked off his body.

"Jimin, wake up," Yoongi slowly crawled onto his bed and sat next to Jimin. He knew he had to wake the poor boy up if he was having a bad dream, Yoongi didn't want him to struggle through it. Jimin had a few drops of sweat on his forehead while his face was twisted up, looking like he was in pain.

Yoongi pushed Jimin's shoulder lightly. "Please, wake up," Jimin's eyes snapped open as he sat up quickly. "Jimin," Yoongi said softly.

Jimin looked at Yoongi a bit out of it. Yoongi couldn't help but stare at Jimin, even though he just had a bad dream, Yoongi thought he looked extremely cute. Jimin's hair was pointing in all different directions and his eyes were still heavy from just waking up. "I'm okay," Jimin laid back down and turned on his side so Yoongi couldn't see him.

Jimin felt embarrassed that he had a bad dream. "No, you're breathing really hard still." Yoongi pointed out. Jimin didn't know what to say to that, he just pulled the blanket up closer to his face for some comfort. Yoongi decided to lay down, pulling the covers over the both of them. 

"You're okay now," Yoongi wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist and pushed his face against Jimin's back. Jimin's eyes widened, he didn't want Yoongi to do this, he didn't want Yoongi showing him this much affection. Jimin didn't want to start to like Yoongi even more than he already did. "Go back to sleep, I'll be right here to protect you," Yoongi mumbled, trying to fall back asleep himself. 

Even though Jimin was about to go against his own words that he just thought about he couldn't help but let his hand fall over the top of Yoongi's hand. Yoongi did make Jimin feel safe, safer than he's ever been. Now that Yoongi was right by his side, Jimin was able to sleep peacefully throughout the night. It also gave him a little hope to keep going because he actually wanted to live, he wanted to spend his time with Yoongi.

yall, i started writing this story in 2015.
i'm shook. no wonder this story was a mess. 

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