Something Good - MarkJin

By mamapeach7

5.5K 282 64

"It's like I've lived this whole life -- but I can't remember any of it." In which a young man helps his sign... More

Bonus Chapter - End


251 10 1
By mamapeach7

ok listen to the song first before reading // YT - Kina Grannis 

btw this is it y'all 


"I really think you should take this with you.", Jinyoung's mother held a soft quilt in her hands. It was small to say the least. She and her own mother had sewn it before Jinyoung was born and he had spent his first year on this Earth wrapped up in it. It was designed with an oak tree and three birds sitting on one of its branches. 

They were packing up the last of Jinyoung's belongings before his flight later that evening. He had already gathered his clothes and essentials as well as the paperwork needed to be handed in at the new school board. 

"Ma, I'm too big for that now. Besides, when was the last time I've even used that?", Jinyoung softly spoke, gathering his favourite books. 

"In all honesty, you grew out of it not long after you turned one. But, it'll be nice to have it around, won't it?", she insisted. 

Jinyoung sighed heavily before approaching his mom and wrapping an arm around her. 

"Maybe you should keep it -- something to remember me by.", he suggested, a warm smile on his face. The older woman had used every fiber of her being to keep herself from bursting into tears. However, this didn't stop her from sniffling here and there.

She held onto his arm tightly, her eyes scanning his bedroom. It had been the place of refuge where he and his sisters would play and occasionally argue. A place of peace and warmth, all of which would only be sealed as a memory. 

"Ma, I'll be back. It won't be long.", Jinyoung whispered. As much as he looked forward to Switzerland, he knew deep down he would definitely miss his home. Along with his colleagues and friends and routine. 

"Why don't we have lunch together one last time?", he suggested, making his mother nod intently. 


The steam coming from the plate of Alfredo pasta was enough to make Jinyoung's mouth water, as well as make his mom's turkey sandwich look underrated. They simultaneously rolled their sleeves up, making each other laugh. 

"This'll be the last meal we share 'til a long time from now.", his mother spoke. 

"Let's not focus on that, right now. Just savour the time you have with me.", Jinyoung said, swirling the pasta with his fork. 

His mom took a small bite of her sandwich before changing the subject. "Mm, speaking of your remaining time -- I hope you had spent some of it clearing the air with Mark."

Jinyoung stopped eating abruptly, and stared at the glass of water in front of him. He thought about the conversation he had had with Mark the other day, and the sorrow he had seen in his eyes. He thought of the warmth and softness that Mark's hands had delivered when they made contact for a brief moment -- and the heaviness he felt in his chest when he left him by that lake. 

"Y-Yea, I-I spoke with him. S'all good.", he said quickly before proceeding to eat to avoid any more of his mother's questions. 

Seeing this, the elder woman dropped the topic and finished her own meal as to not disturb her already uneasy son. 

After having finished their lunch and reminiscing on the past, Jinyoung and his mother sat in silence, smiling softly at one another. As if to get one last good look before saying goodbye. Good luck finding another pretty face like mine, Jinyoung wanted to say but refrained as to not ruin the moment. 

"Let's get you going, shall we?"


Another young man was also feeling uneasy, himself. Mark was currently adjusting one of the helmets for the children whom he taught at the skateboard park. Having pulled too aggressively, he accidentally tore the strap. 

"S-Sorry, Teoh. I'll get you another one.", he explained to the child waiting patiently in front of him. The boy nodded, running off to play with his friends in the meantime. 

As he searched for another one of the same size, he heard the children yell excitedly. 

"Lift me up!", he heard one child say. 

Upon checking on them, he saw Jackson standing in a large crowd of kids all screaming his name. 

"How popular am I?", he joked when he saw Mark. The elder chuckled before breaking the kids up. 

"Why're you here?"

The younger sighed, fixing his cap. "Y'know Jinyoung's leaving today."

Mark nodded slowly, and proceeded to search for the helmet. "I know. We spoke yesterday.", he said, making Jackson's eyes widen. 

"Don't get your hopes up, though. He was just saying his farewells." 

"And you're not gonna do anything about it?", Jackson asked suspiciously. 

"Why would I do anything about it?", Mark asked in an arrogant tone, not meeting the younger's eyes. 

"Because you know you want to. You know damn well you wanna run after him and beg him to stay--"

"I don't beg--"

"If it's Jinyoung, you will. When have you never taken a risk for him? The man probably doesn't even know what to do and he's just waiting for you to tell him. And don't you give me that 'I don't even care about him' crap. If you really don't, then why'd you go through all that trouble of hiding your mistakes from him?"

And like many times before, Mark had gone silent. He processed Jackson's words -- the tone, the daunting question but most importantly, the truth behind all of it. What was he doing? The only man whom he cared about would leave the country in less than two hours and though he would return, would he return alone?

"Go on.", Jackson said, taking the helmet from Mark's hands. 

"I'll take care of the kids. Go after him."

Mark wasted no moment before flashing him a smile and dashing out the door. He stepped onto the curb, waving frantically to get a taxi but none were stopping by. 

Just when he was about to lose hope, a small black car stopped in its tracks right in front of him. 

"Hyung?", said the man inside who happened to be Jaebum.

"Oh thank goodness. Jaebum, please. I know you hate my guts but I'm trying to make my way to Incheon -- J-Jinyoung's leaving in a bit. I've no way of getting there but please. Please, help me."

Jaebum was about to protest until he saw the desperate look in Mark's eyes, making him think back to all the times the elder had helped him. On top of that, he had managed to catch a glimpse of the Polaroid picture he had in the car of Youngjae, and he knew that if he were in that same situation, he too would want help. 

He nudged his head, gesturing for Mark to hop in. Which he did, very quickly to say the least. 


"Yes, eomma I brought medicine in case." Jinyoung was reassuring his mother as she somewhat nagged him on the phone. He thought of it as her making conversation for as long as she could before he would leave. 

He sat in his gate, patiently waiting for the plane to board which would be happening in three minutes. His mother had continued to go on about the items he may have missed but he went along with it as to entertain her. 

Meanwhile, Mark and Jaebum were practically fighting security since they did not want to pay for a plane ticket. 

"I just needa speak wi--"

"Just go, I'll hold them back.",  Jaebum had to yell over top of the chaos. Mark quickly pushed a guard and ran passed countless people and the security check, managing to read where the gate to Switzerland was. 

Gate 13, he repeated in his head. 

Upon reaching the gate, he had noticed a line had formed and the passengers were now boarding. He tried looking for Jinyoung but couldn't seem to find him. 

"Park Jinyoung?!", he yelled, catching many people's attention. No one seemed to respond for a few seconds, until a certain brunette peeped his head up from the crowd. 

"M-Mark? What're you doing here?", he asked, confused and slightly embarrassed. 

"Jinyoung, please.", Mark began, holding tightly onto the younger's hands. 

"Please don't go. T-This your home. This is where we began. I-I know I hurt you, I know I messed up but I'll spend forever making up for it. Just--Just please don't leave me. I've never loved anyone this badly", he whispered that last part with tears flowing down his cheeks. 

Jinyoung's mouth was agape, his face also covered in tears. 

"M-Mark I'm sorry but I-I've to go.", he said, slipping away. He pulled away from the elder's hold, receiving many 'no's' from him. He continued to walk away, about to show his passport to the attendant. 

"Jinyoung!", he turned around. 

"New or old. Don't forget our memories.", Mark said, making Jinyoung choke up and bursting into tears, having to cover his mouth. 

The elder chucked bitterly before turning around and walking away in sorrow, Jinyoung mimicking the same pace but towards a different direction. 


don't worry -- there's a bonus chapter lol 

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