Running Yet Found| VA (Co...

By BCarter66

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Rose has two options? Kill Dimitri or find a way to bring him back? After getting a letter from Dimitri, thre... More

VA Running yet Found
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16✔️
Chapter 17✔️
Chapter 18✔️
Chapter 19✔️
Chapter 20✔️
Chapter 21✔️
Chapter 22✔️
Chapter 23✔️
Chapter 24✔️
Chapter 25✔️
Chapter 26✔️
Chapter 27✔️
Chapter 27.5✔️ Bonus
*NEW STORY*| March 5,2021

Chapter 8 ✔️

505 9 1
By BCarter66

(Words 2,284)

Chapter 8

It's was the second week of July, with only a few weeks till August. Only a few weeks until Lissa's graduation.

Currently sitting at the kitchen window sipping hot tea as I carelessly gaze out at the pouring rain enjoying the quiet moment to myself. Over the time I've been here I've been running myself rugged , if I wasn't with Abe trying to track down Dimitri I would be with the other Guardians training. Though lately I've been more tired than usual, so having a moment to relax was a blessing in disguise.

This morning I woke up feeling restless, like I needed to do something but didn't know what so instead of worrying about something I can't seem to remember I'm just going to just give up and relax. Especially on this miserable Sunday.

"Hey! Rose can you come here for a second." Guardian Jackson's voice asked from the top floor. 'I spoke to soon.'

I sighed leaning my head back. "I'm coming!" I yelled before taking the last sip of my tea. Placing the cup in the sink ,I exit the kitchen and begin the track up the grand staircase. " Left or Right." I called.


Following Guardian Jackson voice through the house, I find her in her bathroom with a drug store bag full of what I can see is make up. Pulling me into the bathroom she locks it behind her " Okay what's going on your creeping me out." I asked, placing my hands on my hips

" Just take this and shut up." She shushed, throwing a box at me. Once I caught it I god a good look a the package than threw it back.

"Don't need it." She throws it back.

"Yes you do." I throw it back.

"No I don't! It's impossible." She throws it back.

"Well if it's impossible then there is no problem trying it."She taunted. 'Bitch'

Taking the pointless test out of the book and looked at her. "What?" She asked confused.

"Turn around." I asked suddenly nervous. 'Why am I nervous?' Its not possible, the only guy I've slept with is Dimitri. What if the impossible is real? How would I protect a baby, Lissa and save Dimitri.' I felt like I was going to puke. My hand where shaking the whole time as I did the test, after cleaning up Guardian Jackson and I waited. 'What if I am a mother, how will I be able to work. Right now I sure miss Lissa.'

"Your going to be okay." Guardian Jackson's voice cut me from my mental torture. "If you are pregnant you have your father and Brendan and I to protect you."

"Well I'm not it's impossible, I've only slept with a Dhampir so it's not possible for me to get pregant ." I reassured a tad bit smug."It's probably just a stomach bug." Suddenly feeling like I somehow lied. "Well then I'll guess you will know I'm a few minutes." And boy did those few minutes take forever.

"I can't look, you look." I said as the timer went off.

"Why do I have to look if your so sure your not pregnant." Smirked at my change of attitude.

"Just give me the damn thing." I groaned. 'Why am I panicking? Dimitri and I can't have kids, no dhampir can produce together.' Looking down at the test, and do a double take. 'Fuck no! This test is a dud.'

"This is not possible." I mumble to myself. "Two dhampir's can't have babies. It's not possible."

"What does it say?"Guardian Jackson asks.

"Can you do me a favour and listen for a second, I need your help." I asked panicking.

"Okay?" Now confused. "What do you need?"

"I need you to take me to a doctor, even if it's a human one."

"Is something wrong?" She asked looking at me curiously.

"I.. I'm not sure but you need to keep this quiet." Putting the test in the box and stuffing it in her garbage. "I need to know before I tell anyone." Feeling scared I also a little overwhelmed , not for mine and my child's life but for the future. 'How would I be able to guard Lissa if I am indeed pregnant, how would I be able to deal with Dimitri?'

"Okay deal. But first we have to get you off the premises and your father will need a solid reason for you to leave form safety?" Reminding me about my fortress solitude. "It's fine I got him, just be prepared and I'll convince Sergeant Bossman to let me loose." Walking to the door I turn to her getting a good look at her. " Also thank you, I may be a handful but I do appreciate it ." Then walked out the door.

"Abe we need to talk." I asked getting down to business as I sat in the seat facing his desk . Crossing my legs I get comfy. "Okay, what can I do for you ?" Directing his attention from his laptop to me.

"I need to go to town, and before you say no I need to go to the doctors." Not giving him the full details.

"No. I will let my doctor to take care of you ." He declined, continuing to typing something in his laptop.

"See that can't happen, I really need to see a doctor."

"Are you dying?." Abe asked.

"No, I'm not." Taking a deep breath.

"Then you don't need to leave this compound."

"Abe it's important I need to see a different doctor." I pleaded.

"And why is that Rose?" Looking at me curiously, making me feel like a child being punished. How am I going to get him to agree without telling him the reason why, thinking of different ideas.

"I need a physical." I blurted out.

Causing my father to almost fall out of his seat, the mans face was shocked and embarrassed. 'Why the hell did I blurt that out.'

"Oh." He said.

"Oh?" I repeated.

"Oh. Um... okay, well we will get both Guardian Jackson and Brendan to take you." He said averting his gaze to his computer. 'Well that worked, unfortunately I scarred my mobster father.'

" Good morning Rose," Guardian Jackson asked as she and Guardian Brendan where grabbing a coffee to go, before taking me to my appointment. "How are you feeling this morning ?"

Shrugging my shoulders I take a bite from my bagel and pack my bag quickly.

"Alright ladies you guys ready." A smiling Guardian Brendan asked, a large smile spread across his face. 'Why is he so damn chipper this morning.'

"Yes to answer your question," I replied. " But has gotten you in a happy mood this morning?" Guardian Jackson nodded in agreement.

"Well..." he said before stretching his back out. " it's a beautiful sunny day out and we can finally get some freedom even if only for your appointment." I just nodded understanding where he is coming from. To me honest I'm sick of being behind wards, at least in Russia I have freedom to roam anywhere I pleased.

"Well okay lets get going then, you don't wanna miss your appointment." Brendan added, breaking me out of my moment of wandering thoughts


Twenty minutes later, a room full of annoying humans I take a number find a open seat and wait for my turn. " She where exactly did you send Guardian Brendan again?" I asked.

"Well to get us lunch also us hot beverages, " she explained. " It was the only thing I could think of to get him out for awhile." I nodded in agreement

"Number 0156 ." The nurse called, making me look down at my piece of paper. 'Fuck! My number is 0170.'

'I was really starting to get nervous, I couldn't sit still in the seat. It felt like every minute that goes by, my body felt like it was going to jump out of my skin. Honesty, how will I be a good mother if I've never had one really, Janine was never around and Alberta did her best. How will I work and take care of a baby?'

Putting a hand on mine, Guardian Jackson gave me a tender but fierce look. " Stop over thinking Rose, everything will be alright."

"Yeah and how would you know." I muttered. " Cause honestly if I am indeed pregnant my life is over, I can kiss being Lissa's Guardian."

"You will figure it out," she smiled at me. "I did."

Few moments of my silent pouting, it finally clicked in. "Wait what do you mean you did, you have a kid?"I questioned, I was shocked, because I haven't seen a child around here.

"Mhm.. I have a little boy and I had a little girl." She smiled fondly of the thought of her children. A motherly love.

"Had a little girl?" I cautiously asked. " May I ask what happened?"

" She passed away when she was two," She said staring off into space. "A drunk driver sped off the road and hit her on our yard, she died that very instant."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. How insensitive of me to being such horrible memories up." I sadly apologized.

"Don't be sorry, I've had a lot of time to move past from the accident." She replied."Besides she is watching over us. Working for your father and making a decent income helps my mother and son Max with food and a home."

"Do you get to visit him often?"

"Number 0170," the nurse called, reading out my number. "Number 0170." Calling me again.

Standing up I look over at guardian Jackson.

"Don't worry I'll be out here wait out here for you."

"Would you come, I'm really nervous" I asked.

"Okay sure. " She replied nodding her head. Following me into the room." Great we wait for the human doctor." I sighed.

A few moments later the doctor arrived asking me multiple questions.

"Alright Rose, would you lift your short up for men." She smiled happily.

Lifting my shirt up, I watch her curiously as she puts a cold gel on my stomach. Cursing a few words, and listening to Guardian Jackson laughing as she said it reminded if her when she was pregnant I head a soft thinking on the monitor.

The sound of out miracles heartbeat was enough to make me ball my eyes out like a baby. " Alright from the size of the baby it would be about four months along, which is fine. Sometimes it takes a while to show, also considering your body physique it's quite normal." She explained. " I would like you to take these vitamins and to restrict your extreme athletic workouts until the baby is born. Also before you leave would you like to know the gender ?"

'Do I want to know now? Apart of me feels horrible Dimitri isn't here to experience this with me.'

"Yeah, sure that sounds alright." I nodded slightly disappointed.

Just as she was about to tell me the gender, I was slammed into Lissa's head. There in my view stood Dimitri, with a grin in his face.

'Where the fuck are her Guardian's! What the hell is going on!' yelling you myself.

"Hello princess," Dimitris thick accent spoke he looked her in the eyes while everyone was fighting strigoi. " It seemed your Guardians should have kept you on court, but don't worry I won't kill you." Smiling like a vicious animal. "Well at least not today, unfortunately your my bait , the last puzzle piece to taking Rose down.."

'Run Lissa!' I yelled, even though she cant hear me. 'Get out of there, go find Eddie! Where the hell are her guardians.' What boils me mad is this useless bond, the lack of connection on my side. If only Oksana was here so she could help me save her, again.

On the far right my mother finishes her kill and makes her way to Dimitri. Unfortunately he was faster, they where both legendary in there own way but with Dimitri's extra strength from being a strigoi he got ahold of my mother.

Instead of killing her, he looks up into Lissa's eyes and spoke directly to me. "Tick tock Rose, is this not proof of my warning, come out or I will personally kill one of them." He smirked letting my mother go limp. "Though I have to admit , I'm having so much fun with this game."His Cheshire smiled grin widened. Christians flames missed his face, comin from the right.

Dodging Eddies advance on him he quickly throws him away, giving me and Lissa one last smiled he makes a run for it, and succeeded.

Picking my critically injured mother up slowly, Eddie and another guardian put her in the seat beside Adrian as he got to work on her. Quickly looking for any survivors, Eddie and a few surviving guardian called the Alchemist and Lissa prepared help get the surviving few in the car to get my mother to court.

Than I was pulled from Lissa.

"Rose are you okay?" Guardian Jackson asked.

Not really wanting to discuss it in a doctors office I quickly thanked the nurse, taking my prescription and putting it in my pocket , I rush out the door with Jackson filling behind.

On the way to the vehicle I quickly explain what happened and that I needed to see Abe. Once we met up with Brendan we headed back home, so I can find a way to contact Lissa. I needed to know she was okay.

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