GATE: Thus the Doom Slayer Fo...

By After_Hours_Writer

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A DOOM X GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There Tale. More

Chapter 1: New Threats in Unknown Land
Chapter 2: Mind Games/The Caravan
Chapter 3: The Men in Green
Chapter 5: Italica
Chapter 6: The Horrors of War
Chapter 7: Making Amends

Chapter 4: The Search Begins

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By After_Hours_Writer

3rd Person POV

The colosseus that was the red dragon flew past the Doom Slayer and the JSDF, circling around towards the villagers in the carriages. Seeing the monstrous beast, the villagers quickly scattered around like flies, in an attempt to escape a painful, fiery death. As they scattered, the beast made a landing on both of its hind feet, leaving itself still for our heroes to attack.

Reloading the Super Shotgun, the Doom Slayer wasted no time in sprinting towards the beast, running throughout the flat land at the speed of a sportscar on a highway. The people of the JSDF, as well as Tuka, were dumbfounded by the man's incredible speed, though Rory showed only intrigue. It wasn't until the dragon roared that the JSDF snapped out of their trance, with Itami slamming his foot on the accelerator. As the Humvee took off, the LAV soon followed behind with one of the soldiers climbing up to the .50 caliber machine gun turret.

As the JSDF distracted the dragon by laying down machine gun fire, the Doom Slayer made a mad dash towards the beast, dodging and dashing past it's burning flame. Latching onto its side with the meat hook, the marine swung himself around into its backside. Detaching, he extended out the blade attached to his wrist and slammed it into its scales, puncturing enough to hold on as the beast flinched. Managing to get a grip on its scales with his hands, the marine pulled out and put away the blade and began his climb towards its head.

Meanwhile, the JSDF gunner found himself astounded when he discovered that the armor penetrating. 50 caliber rounds had no effect on the dragon at all. All the bullets, like the Doom Slayers', would simply ricochet off it's hardened scales. Getting on a portable radio attached to his combat vest, the gunner spoke to lieutenant Itami in panic.

Gunner: Our .50 caliber rounds aren't doing jack shit!

Itami: Shit! Seriously!?

Gunner: Do I sound like I'm trying to be funny right now!?

Itami: Fine! Just keep shooting until it-! Huh?

In the Humvee, Tuka attempted to speak to the lieutenant while pointing at her eye.

Tuka: The eye!

Unable to fully understand her language, the lieutenant responded with confusion.

Itami: What?

She repeated herself, this time in a  much more angrier tone.

Tuka: The eye! Hit it in the eye!

Seeing her finger, the lieutenant suddenly realized what the elf had said, widening his eyes in disbelief.

Itami: Oh my g-. Why didn't I see this?

Getting back onto the portable radio, he yelled out to the entire team.

Itami: The eyes! Shoot it in the eyes!

As the soldiers aimed their stream of bullets ever closer to the dragon's eyes, the Doom Slayer had climbed his way up onto the head of the beast. One hand on its scales and a plasma rifle in the other, the marine let go and go of off sprinting across its head. As he leaps off, the soldiers bullets hit the dragon's right eye, causing it to frantically move it's head around. In all its random twitching, the Doom Slayer air-dashed his way onto its left eyelid.
Impailing above its eye with his blade, the marine placed the barrel of the rifle onto its eyeball and held the trigger firmly. The dragon moved it's head even more frantically as superheated plasma instantly boiled up the blood inside its left eye, causing the eyeball to bubble up as it was being incinerated. But as the Doom Slayer burned away the entirety of the eyeball, he felt himself slipping off of the beast. The blade, unable to stick, slipped out as the Doom Slayer fell, forcing him to prioritize on landing instead of killing.

As he lands on the hard rock, the message 'IMPACT COMPENSATION' displayed across his visor. Standing up, he looked out to see the red dragon flying in a wobbily circle and blowing out fire everywhere around him before retreating once more. Cursing himself, the marine grabbed his futuristic weapon and sprinted through the line of simmering flames in search of any surviving villagers. What he found instead were several orphaned children, a few whole families intact, and another batch of corpses.

A Few Hours Later...
Doom Slayer's POV

A good portion of the caravan was lost in the surprise attack by the red dragon. In the darkness of the night, we transported the survivors to the plains a few miles ahead, only for them to make a pit stop to mourn the loss of their loved ones. As the JSDF assisted them in prayer, I stood alone, watching them from a distance as the Praetor Suit cooled itself down from running through fire. I wasn't too good with mourning, or even prayer for that matter..

Gotta add dragons to the list of shit I despise now. Them and demons.

But as I watched the old man speak to the lieutenant, I already noticed the families intact were preparing to leave. As they finished speaking, the old man was already waving his goodbyes at me, leaving behind some of the children.

The hell's going on?

Approaching the soldiers, I looked on at the many children left behind as I thought to them.

Why are they leaving?

Itami: They....couldn't afford to take them. I think.

You think?

Mari: What are we going to do with all of them?

After a few seconds of silence, the lieutenant spoke.

Itami: We're the good guys, right?

Are you?

Addressing the children, he spoke to them with a reassuring tone while giving them a thumbs up.

Itami: Everything will be alright! Haha.

Gather around, everyone.

As I thought, the children looked back at me.

We'll see to it that we find you a proper home.

Child: Are you going to leave us with them?

Looking back at the unit, I responded.

No. Not until I'm absolutely sure of their intentions.

Itami: Hey! Why are you smiling like that!?

Mari: Nothing. I just figured you'd say something like that.

Pointing at the vehicles, I instructed the children, all the while giving them a thumbs up.

Saddle up.

As the children entered the Humvee, one of them started questioning me from the back seat.

Child: Can I hop on your back!?


Child: Please?


Child: Pretty please?

Tuka: No!


Felling a bit of weight pushing me forward, it was evident that Tuka had jumped on my back once again.


Child: Aww! How come she gets to!?


Shino: I know you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart, lieutenant, but you know command's gonna kill you over this.

Itami: Well, let them. They'll come around to understand.

The Next Day...
In a Tavern Near Sadera...

As time passes on, the Doom Slayer himself, the Third Recon Unit, and their feat of fighting off the fire dragon spread from the Coda villagers like a plague throughout the land. The latest telling of it was from a waitress in a local tavern, where Piña and her unit, The Rose Order of Knights, stayed to listen in on gossip and have a drink or two.

Villager: You're joking me! A giant man in a green suit of armor fended off a fire dragon!?

Waitress: That's how the person from Coda put it, yes.

Villagers: Delilah, sometimes I wonder if you're just blowing these stories out of your ass.

Immediately receiving a metal plate to the head, the waitress defended herself.

Delilah: I know what I heard, pal! I'm not blowing anything out of my ass!

In the corner, the Rose Order of Knights, a unit mostly comprisesd of noble women and a few military men sat together, listening in on the conversation. Blending in, they spoke to one another casually.

Knight: So Norma, what do you think?

The noble knight responded.

Norma: What do I think? The food is atrocious, and the only thing worse are the drinks.

Feeling an old man's elbow nudging him, Norma stopped talking, allowing the oldest and most experienced member to speak.

Grey: Focus on the task at hand, you guys. We're here for reconnaissance, do let's focus on the flame dragon.

Hamilton: Right. So, there's been a lot of talk about a mercenary in green... A colosseus, some call him. He evacuated the villagers of Coda just a few hours ago, with the help of some other men in green. They say...he defeated a flame dragon.

Norma: Yeah, I don't know about that, Hammy.

Hamilton: Norma...

Morma: Wyverns and Drakes can easily be mistaken for a flame dragon.

Grey: But this "colosseus" is an interest to us right now.

As the waitress came by to take their empty glasses, Piña spoke to her before she could leave.

Piña: What more can you tell us about this "colosseus"?

Delilah: Gee, I don't really remember all that much.

The princess tossed a few gold coins at the waitress. Catching them, she changed her tone.

Delilah: Oh, nevermind! It's all coming back to me!

Piña: Then

At Alnus Hill...

When we entered the Japan Self Defense Force's Command Center, the children, and old man Cato for some reason, looked on in awe from the Humvee. Meanwhile, the soldiers were doing the same to me as I followed behind the vehicles. As the doors opened, the group stood all around, still in awe as Japanese soldiers went on through their day.

Lelei: Is this their fortress?

Pretty small for an army's Headquarters.

Tuka: H-Head....quarters?


Seeing the lieutenant approaching a man sitting behind a table, he explained the situation to him...I think. Mostly because of the soldiers response.

Soldier: What!? Why would you bring them here!? And what's with that guy!?

Itama: So....bringing them here was a bad idea...?

Soldier: Do we have anywhere to put them?

Itami: So....what are we supposed to do?

The man exploded into anger, standing up and yelling at the lieutenant.


Sitting back down, he calmed himself down before standing up again.

Soldier: I'll see what the general has to say about this.

As the soldier left his post, I felt a small tap on the shoulders. Turning around, a few of the soldiers were standing behind me, now taking a step back in hesitation.


Soldier: Ho-ly shit, we can understand him.

Soldier: Umm....greetings,  friend. I'm-.

Spit it out.

Soldier: Can we see your weapon?


Looking at the plasma rifle and back at the soldiers, I shook my head before leaving.

(-_-) No.

As I walked away, towards one of the tents they were setting up, I felt Tuka hopping off my back. Turning around to respond, she already disappeared from my sight.



Ah. Curiousity probably got the best of her. She'll return....unfortunately.

Entering the massive tent, several cans of cooked soup sat on a long table inside, still in its metal can. The refugees, a much better term since the old wizard's here, stared at the cans with amazement as Mari held out spoons.

Mari: Please. Eat.

Lelei: Ummm... Are we supposed to do something right now?


Cato: What?

Still staring, I was the first to grab one of the soup cans and a spoon from Mari. Sitting in a corner, I put the spoon inside and slowly lifted the helmet up part way, enough to only reveal my scarred chin. Blindly scooping some broth, I placed the spoon and it's warm contents inside my mouth. Tasting a mixture of chicken, parsley, celery, and a few other spices I couldn't name off right now, I pulled the spoon out and went for another, scooping up some chicken meat and noodles the second time. Taking a deep breath, the feeling of homesickness came back to me as I continued eat.

Chicken and Noodles....Tastes like home.

Placing the helmet back down, I waited for the Praetor Suit's systems to initiate. In the background, the refugees followed me, grabbing a spoon and slowly eating from their cans.

At least they listened.

Expanding out, a soldier entered the tent with a clipboard in his hands.

Soldier: I need their names for a report.

Mari: Oh? So the general approved, then?

Soldier: Yeah. He wants it to be part of a humanitarian effort, so we can make peace talks with the higher ups of the Special Region, whoever they are.

Mari: Higher ups? Do they have a king or...?

The man shrugged.

Soldier: Fuck if I know. As of now, the chieftains are all we got.

Mari: Oh, umm...friend?


Soldier: Friend? That's a dumb name.

Mari: He never told us his name.

Soldier: Speaking of which, where the hell did he come from?

Long story, kid.

Soldier: Oh....he can understand us... and speaks Japanese. Umm....

Mari: I was surprised, too.

Soldier: So umm....sir. Can I get a name?


Thinking back to the past, I could barely make out any form of name. Only nicknames, like the Doom Slayer, The Hell Walker, The Unchained Predator of the Night.  Not being able to remember, I just muttered out the first name to come off the top of my mind.


Soldier: Huh?

Mari: I'm sorry?

William Blazkowicz.

It was an oddly specific name, I knew, just just felt right.
Author's Note: For those who don't get the name, it has been confirmed by Id Software that Doomguy is the son of Commander Keen (old game), and the great grandson of B.J Blazkowicz from the Wolfenstein series. I honestly can't wait to see what they do with Wolfenstein: Youngblood.

Writing down the name on his clipboard, he responded.

Soldier: Mr. William Blazkowicz. Okay! So...what about the others?

Staring at the man in confusion, they turn to me to translate for them.

Your names.

Lelei: Oh. Is that what it is?

Cato: William Blazkowicz. And here I thought mine was odd.

It is odd, old man.

Clearing his throat, the old man spoke to the soldier slowly.

Cato: I am the wizard, Cato El Atlesian. This here is my student.

Lelei: Lelei La Lalena.

The soldiers looked at one another, and at myself as they were lost in confusion from the name.

Soldier: Uhh...What?

Confusing, I know.

Lelei: Are they lost by my name as well?


Lelei: Le-Lei. La. La. Le. Na.

Finally writing it down, the man moved on.

Rory: Rory Mercury, the apostle of Emroy.


Tuka: I....I'm Hodorn's daughter. Tuka Marceau, from Kowan.

So that's the village I was in.

The lieutenant entered inside as well, reading from the book to speak to them.

Itami: Ok. Today, we are going on a tour. So...

Posing like a moron, he yelled.

Itami: Let's go!

Soldier: You know, you still have time to take that language course.

Itami: Shut up.

An Hour Later...

Walking around the base, I found myself staring at the large stone gate that separated what they called the Special Region and Japan. Looking down the long tunnelway, I took a step forward towards the gate, but was stopped by Shino and Mari.

Shino: The hell are you doing?

This is the gate that leads to Japan, is it not?

Shino: Yes, but no-ones allowed to leave the Special Region. Not even us.

Then at least answer me this, how is things on Earth?

Mari: Hmm?

Shino: It's....Earthy? What are you talking about?

So nothing's happening?

Shino: Aside from politics and festivals, not really, why?

At the very least, they're not invading for now.... What do you want?

Mari: It's about Tuka.

Okay? Why are you telling me this?

Shino: Cause you're the one she's always clinging onto, dumbass.

That'll get you killed.

Shino: Right.

Mari: Enough. She's been asking for two of everything: Food, lodging, clothes, practically demanding it. When we try to give her only one, she won't touch it.

Shino: And just so you know, she's asking for men's clothes.

Jesus Christ, thus again...You ask her about it?

Mari: We tried having Lelei ask her, but she didn't know Japanese that well, so it didn't go too well. We tried asking master Cato, but he says she's a rare breed of elf and knows very little about her. He was just as confused as we were.

Shino: So that leaves you.


Looking at the gate, it seemed it would have to wait.

I'll see what's wrong.

Walking away from the gate, I searched around for the elf, finding her with the Rory chick and the old man in a new change of clothes. She wore a white t-shirt, sneakers, and jeans instead of the torn green dress. Approaching them, Rory was the first to speak.

Rory: Hello, Blazkowicz.

Tuka: Huh?

Turning around, she saw me standing behind her and waved in response.

Tuka: Oh. H-Hey.

What's going on?

Tuka: With what?

Why are you nervous?

Tuka: Oh, that, it's just.... I'm not used to being in a place so lavish...but....

Not what I was asking about, but sure.

Tuka: We're going to have to defend ourselves someday. My father has always taken care of me. I just think.....what if I have to sell myself to one of them, or even to you!?

And that statement alone caused an unprecedented amount of confusion on my part.


Hearing someone breathing heavily behind us, we all turned around to see someone in a small hazmat suit. The mask and breathing was enough to scare the elf girl.

Tuka: EEP!

The air's fine. Why are you wearing a hazmat suit?

Taking off the helmet, we found that Lelei was the one who pur on the suit.

Really Lelei?

Lelei: Does this "Hazmat Suit" have any form of magic? You mentioned air.

Put it back where you found it. And it's not magic.

Lelei: Oh. Okay. By the way Tuka, you won't have to sell your body.

Tuka: Really?

None of you would have to in the first place. We're not least I'm not.

The elf girl sighed in relief as she heard my thought. Tossing a large cloth bag filled with scales, the girl continued go speak as the elf stared at the bag in shock.

Tuka: Huh!?


Lelei: There were several dead Wyverns near their fortress, remains from one of their earlier battles. The soldiers said they do not need them, so they allowed me to gather as much as I could, and I did. There's another bag lime this one as well.

Tuka: WHAT!?

My ears...

Tuka: I mean.... don't you guys know how much these scales are worth!?

No. I, nor the JSDF have no need for any scales.

Rory: Where's the other bag?

Lelei: It's loaded up onto their horseless carriage.

Their humvees?

Noticing the lieutenant getting into a small army truck, I saw the bag of scales.

No. Truck.

Lelei: They're waiting for us to get in.

Taking off the suit and leaving it there, Lelei and the girls grabbed the bag of scales and walked towards them as I placed the suit on the table.

I...dont know where this goes, so.....yeah.

Leaving it there, I approached the soldiers as they spoke to one another in the cab.

Private: So the JSDF is now a delivery service?

Itami: Oh, quit your whining. Doing this, we can get a glimpse of how their trading and economy works, as well as giving them a chance to support themselves. Oh, hey. You joining us?

Looking around the place, it seemed like a safe place for now. That and the fact they wouldn't let me through the gate only means I would get bored here, probably kill someone in anger by accident.


Noticing all but Tuka getting in, I began to wonder what was wrong with her.

Tuka? You going?

Tuka: We're....going somewhere different, right?

That's seems to be the case, yes.

Tuka: I just....dont know what to do. Father...

Placing a hand on her shoulder, she looked back at me with widened eyes, surprised that I had done so.

We'll be watching over you. You'll be fine.

Lelei: He's right. With them here, not even a dragon can stop us.

Rory: Your father will know where you went, promise.

And for the first time, I saw the young girl smile. Taking Lelei's hand, she entered the truck as Itami spoke up once more.

Itami: Hey Blazkowicz! You getting in!?

I'll keep up with your truck. I weigh enough that it'll probably slow us down if I hop in.

Tuka: Huh!?

Private: Dude! How much do you weight!?

With the suit...a good 1 1/2 tons. Easily.

Private: WHAT!?

Itami: That's a scary thought....Anyways, we're hitting the road!

As the truck took off, I ran behind it, keeping up with it like I told them. Where we were going, I did not know, but it sure as hell has to be better than staying at their headquarters.

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