GATE: Thus the Doom Slayer Fo...

De After_Hours_Writer

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A DOOM X GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There Tale. Mai multe

Chapter 1: New Threats in Unknown Land
Chapter 2: Mind Games/The Caravan
Chapter 4: The Search Begins
Chapter 5: Italica
Chapter 6: The Horrors of War
Chapter 7: Making Amends

Chapter 3: The Men in Green

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De After_Hours_Writer

Several Hours Prior...
Sadera's Grand Palace...
3rd Person POV

In the Grand Palace, in the city of Sadera, the emperor of the land sat on a secondary throne as the Imperial Senate joined him in discussing their embarrassing defeat to Japan's Self Defense Force.

Senator: Sixty thousand of our men were mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of these men in green at Alnus Hill, all the while, not a single casualty was reported on their end! Senator Godasen, as well as a few others barely escaped alive in a retreat! So I ask you, your grace, what do you supposed we do!?

Molt Sol Augustus: We will have to torch the villages between here and Alnus Hill; Burn all the crops,  poison the wells, and bring our livestock this way. That should keep their armies from using our food and water. Then we can plan out a counterattack.

Senator: A scorched land policy... But with the gate in their hands, I do not think this will have any  effect on-.

Hearing the massive doors slam open, the red headed beauty of the land, princess Pina Co Lada  (I shit you not, that's her actual name), entered the Grand Palace, approaching her father and the Senate in a state of anger.

Pina: Your majesty!

Sol Augustus: Princess Pina Co Lada. Whatever are you here for?

Pina: It was my understanding that we were defeated in the battle of Alnus, and that the subordinate nations have gathered their troops together in retreat.  What is your majesty doing in response to this travesty!?

Senator: Obviously, we should wait to coordinate a plan and-.

Pina: Wait for a plan!? The enemy is right on our doorstep. We need to act now!

Senator: Do you not hear yourself, princess!? Or were you not aware of the casualties we've taken on Alnus Hill alone!?

Another person entered the Grand Palace, slamming the doors open once more. This time, one of the king's many servants. Running towards everyone, the tattered man yelled out in horror.

Servant: Your majesty! Princess! Senators! You must come see what has been summoned at our front door!

Sol Augustus: What is it?

Servant: I....I can't explain it, but please!

As the servant ran back out, everyone soon followed as a massive crowd encircled the object. As the senators moved the crowd aside, the king, the princess, and the two princes stood in front of the unknown object that glowed in front of them.

Citizen: What is it!?

Citizen: I don't know!

Raising his hand, the emperor silenced everyone around him. Approaching the object, he placed his hand on the glowing mark, causing it to brighten a little more. Seeing this, the ruler backed up in response as the object spoke in a deep, grim tone of voice.

"In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer."

As the testament came to an end, the object began to melt away into the ground, disappearing forever as the crowd stared at one another in horror. The oldest prince was the first to speak up.

Zorzal El Ceasar: This has got to be a joke, right?

Sol Augustus: Find him.

Everyone: Huh?

Sol Augustus: While we are planning for a counterattack, have everyone in the land search for the being that wield that mark.

Zorzal: You really think it's a "chosen one" situation?

Sol Augustus: No, you buffoon. Whoever this being is may just be what we need to fight back these "men in green". This thing will be our backup plan.

Doom Slayer's POV

Treking ahead, we came upon a few minor problems of our own. In one case, a carriage got stuck in a small puddle of mud. Another involved two broken wheels from overloading, which resulted in the burning of the wagon and the sharing of horses and carriages. The children of the villagers began to take an interest in me, one by one, each one hopped off their parents carriage to take a look and inspect the Praetor Suit. Eventually, I became a small beacon for children to gather around to, as the armored filled their tiny minds with curiousity. Hilarious, considering I'm not a fan of them at all.

And they showed me why. The started questioning me.

My god. So many questions.

It was enough to make me wish for the sweet release of death. About an hour in, I got that sweet release, though not in death, but of distraction. Ahead of us, a single forest green humvee and LAV drove up to us slowly, stopping in front of me and the crowd of children. Looking through the window, I could see several armed soldiers in uniform staring back at me in suspense. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I didn't like it in the slightest.

Back to your parents, now.

As the kids ran back to the carriages, the soldiers stepped out of their vehicles and slowly walked towards me, all of them unsure of who I was.

Soldier: The hell?

Soldier: Woah, that's.... he's much bigger than I thought.

Soldier: Is that a shotgun!? Where the fuck did he get a shotgun!?

Soldier: Shino! Quiet!

I must've grown a lot in Hell, seeing as the dark, spiky haired  man standing in front of me stood up to my neck. Holding what looked like a pocket book, he began to recite some crap from it I didn't understand in a laid back, carefree tone of voice. Remember, I'm  the one with the language voodoo powers, or whatever Lelei called it.

Soldier: Onoko, la madere. A-.

Oh dear God, this is assinine to listen to.

Then the short, brunette lady who was talking about my shotgun responded in a rather aggressive, short tempered tone.

Shino: How do you think we feel?

Soldier: Huh? You can understand Japanse?

Oh god, is that what that was!?

Shino: No, he's being an idiot. Again.

Soldier: Watch it, young lady.

Shino: Oh, bite me lieutenant.


Soldier: Anyways, thank God we don't have to use this book much longer. Honestly, I hate having to translate this crap.

Who are you people, and what are you doing out here?

Shino: Where did you find a shotgun out here!?

I didn't. It's mine. Seriously, who the fuck are you?

Soldier: First Lieutenant Yoji Itami of the 3rd Recon Unit.

Recon unit? Of what?

Itami: Japan Self Defense Force, or the JSDF for short.

The Japanese military!?

Then another one of the soldiers spoke, this one of average height, long, straight black hair, and a gentle, motherly kind of tone.

Soldier: Yes, sir. I'm Sergeant First Class Mari Kurokawa. The head nurse of the 3rd Recon Team.

This really is a full blown unit.

Shino: The hell you think this was? And. I'm not even giving you mine.

Your lieutenant already told me it.

She glared at me as I continued.

So what in the hell is the Japanese military doing out in what I could only describe as a few centuries back in time?

A Few Hours Later...

So you're telling me that there's a gateway from our home to this Japan?

Itami: Hard to believe, isn't it?

At this point, I'm more than willing to believe anything.

After a long time of discussing our siruation, the Third Recon Unit had agreed to assist in aiding the village caravan in their evacuation effort. Out of curiosity about these individuals, I stayed with, making sure they were true to their intentions. Walking along with the Humvee out front, the soldiers began to converse with me once more, this time an older gentleman, who introduced himself as Sergeant Major Soichiro Kuwahara.

Soichiro: You sure you don't want to hop in here with us?

I'm sure of it.

Mari: The young girl you're carrying. What about her?

Tuka? Hop off?

Feeling her squeeze me harder, I took it as a no.

Guess not.

Shino: I just now realized, she has pointy ears.

Yeah, she's an elf.

The lieutenant himself turned around from the driver's seat towards me and Tuka.

Itami: What!? She's an elf!?

Private: You're kidding!

Why would I be lying?

Mari: Where did you find her?

In a well, alone. Her village was attack by a massive red dragon.

The young girl began to shuffle as I thought, confusing me.

She was the only survivor.

Tuka: No I'm not!


The other soldiers looked back at her sudden outburst.

Shino: Uhh....

Itami: What?

Tuka: My father is still alive!


Tuka: I know he is....he'll come for me.

Is she hallucinating? No, wait...

Itami: What was that about?

Nothing. It's complicated.

Mari: Well It's good to see you taking the role as a father figure to her.

The only thing I'm doing is trying to find her a home. Give her a new life. That's it.

Mari: Oh. I apologize.

There's no need to. You didn't know.

The private sitting beside Lieutenant Itami spoke up again, this time looking ahead with binoculars in his hands.

Private: Lieutenant Itami?

Itami: Yo.

Private: You might want to see this.

Taking the binoculars, the two looked on ahead. As I did so too, I noticed several crows flying in unison in the distance.

The hell?

Itami: Crows?

Moments later, a young, dark hair, red eyed girl walked towards us uphill, wielding a cartoonishly large axe, nearly twice the size of her.  Seeing her caused both the private and the lieutenant to gasp in awe.

Another child? Jesus Christ, how many-?

Private: Goth Lolita girl...

Itami: What did you say!?

The two frantically looked into the binoculars, all the while, I remained confused by their reaction.

Uhh....what's with them?

Mari: They're...what would you call them Shino?

Shino: Morons.

Mari: Otakus.

Morons. Got it.

Noticing the girl winking at the soldiers as she slowly walked forward, I began to question her.

She looks like trouble.

Mari: The people around here sure are young.

Walking ahead, the "goth lolita girl" as Itami called her, stepped towards me and stared at the mark on my helmet with interest. Placing her hand on the Praetor Suit, I deadpanned and thought to myself as she closed her eyes.

Is everyone I meet gonna just touch the Praetor Suit?

Tuka: Praetor....Suit?

Oh. Right. Yeah.

Lolita girl: Your soul is filled with kindness and love, but it also reeks of blood and brimstone.

The scent of Hell.

As she finally opened her eyes, the children from before ran out from their parent's carriages and from the soldier's vehicles towards her, surrounding her and speaking yo her in awe.

Child: Oracle!

Child: Rory Mercury!


Rory: Where are you kids from?

Child: Coda village, ma'am! The red appeared near our village, so we evacuated while we could.

Hearing the soldiers behind me, they responded.

Itami: Anyone else hear, "Oracle"?

Private: Yeah. You think that maybe those clothes of hers may have a special meaning, or something?

Walking past me and towards the soldiers, the woman spoke to the children once more.

Rory: And who are these people with you?

Child: They're the ones helping us, as well as that giant man in the green armor. They're the good guys!

Rory: And you're certain they're not taking you somewhere against your will?

Child: We're sure of it!

Then she began to ask the soldiers, unaware that they couldn't understand her.

Rory: How is this carriage moving without any horses?


Tuka: What?

I'm kidding. It's an engine.



Child: I dunno, but it's more comfortable than a carriage.

After hearing that, her tone changed from that of curiousity to one of devilish flirtation as she leaned herself toward a now nervous Itami.

Rory: Oh really? More comfortable than a carriage? Well I would love it if you could show me how comfortable it is.

Umm... do you know what's going on?

Tuka: I don't.

Me neither.

Itami: Uhh.....

Pulling out the book, he attempted to speak to her,  only for her to forcefully enter through the driver's seat and sit down on his lap, confusing everyone and causing the man to have a nervous breakdown.

Itami: Huh!? Oh my god! Hey! This is not where you sit!

Private: You're a lucky man, sir!

Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.

Tuka: What's going on with the men in green?

Them? I don't even know what they're doing anymore.

A Few Minutes Later...

Treking along once more, we found ourselves quite a distance away from Coda, into what looked like a large canyon. Insisting that Tuka should enter the Humvee for her own safety, she eventually hopped off my back and into the vehicle. Walking alongside the Humvee, the soldiers spoke to one another about the terrain.

Soichiro: The terrain is starting to get rough.

Itami: But at least we've made some progress in evacuating these people.

Looking back, I was surprised to see the line of wagons still behind us.

Private: It sure gets hotter around here than it does in Japan.

This is Arizona kind of weather.

Itami: Guys...

Shino: What now?


Looking where the lieutenant was, I noticed the same shadow flying in front of the sun that he did.

It's back!

Shino: What's back?

That damn dragon!

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