King Arthur And The Olympians...

By MisakaLovesYou

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Arturia is trying to be a normal girl.. In other words, attempting to get used to her Foster Mother's boyfrie... More

Arthur Tries Cheerleading in a Thunderstorm
Arthur meets her old Baby Sitter.
Arthur Sits With the Council of Cloven Douchebags
Arthur Goes To the All you Can Eat Life or Death Meeting
Arthur has Bad Dreams Again
Arthur Joins A Jail Break
Arthur is the Queen of the Beach (or the Fan Service Chapter)
Arthur and Mordred go Surfing Together
Arthur Watches Jeopardy
Arthur Goes Used Eruption: It's Super Effective
Arthur takes Another Summer Vacation (without the fan service)
Arthur Takes a Dare
Arthur and Mordred In Mortal Kombat
Arthur Joins Idol Project
Arthur Fights A RWBY Fanatic
Arthur and Grover Converse With Nature
Arthur Goes To War
Arthur and Family Sit with the Council of Cloven Clod Heads
Arthur is Mommy's Little Huntress

Arthur meets The Two Faced Bastard.

896 32 38
By MisakaLovesYou

"OVER HERE! You twit! Pick me! I'm the one you want! This passage!"

"Oh no dear,  don't rush her.. come now Annabeth this is the path you must choose, yes, much safer."

I almost couldn't process what I was seeing. Now don't get me wrong, I've seen PLENTY of crazy things in my life. A Holy Grail that looked more like a pulsating drooling mass of crap hovering over a lake instead of an actual.. er.. 'holy grail'.. Agravain riding a donkey in full body armor with a bonnet on his head (long story), and even a dancing tyrannosaurus (VERY long story that one.. Mordred was involved.. all I will say).

But still, nothing could prepare me for a god, dressed as a doorman in a red uniform, with two faces under his doorman's hat. I mean, probably not TOO weird to you fiction readers out there, but once you see it in person, it's quite a sight.

(From what I remember, Sir Robin met a three headed guy.. I'm not sure what happened, but his traveling minstrels kept singing 'Chicken Chicken Sir Robin' after that.)

One of the doorman's faces was grumpy and impatient, with an air about it that suggested recklessness. The face on the right was a smiling friendly face, but to me, it felt as if this false smile hid a darker side.

The aura of course, said god all the way, it didn't feel like a servant, but the magic power streaming from his body was strong enough to be one.."

"Wh.. who that?" muttered Tyson, blinking. "That man have two faces.."

"If anything is to be believed..." Mordred muttered. "HE MUST BE THE GUARDIAN TO SOME TREASURE!!!"

"Mordred not everything is Indiana Jones.." I muttered as I looked at the two shut doors behind the god. "I.. I think this guy is here to confuse us.. "

"I know who he is.." said Annabeth tentatively. "But.. no.. this is too soon.. it can't be that time now.."

"Yes Annabeth.. it's time for you to make your choice.." said the right face cheerfully. "One door leads to certain death, and another leads to what you seek.. but you'll have to pick correctly!"

"YEAH! so hurry up and pick ME!" roared the left face angrily.

"Oh no! Pick my door Annabeth! That's a good girl! You're going to have to make a choice quickly now.. no use dawdling, that's a choice too you know.. heheheheh.."

"Hey! Stop rushing her!" Mordred growled.

"Oh.. you.." muttered the left face, glaring at Mordred with dislike. "I've already run into you.. you've made your choice already.. though it would've been a FAR more interesting choice to decide to keep hating Arty there, you decided to stand WITH her... damn boring a choice if I've ever seen one.. "

"What do you want from us?" I asked. "What is your aim in confusing Annabeth? Are you an ally of Kronos?"

"Ally is such a STRONG word.. but.. well.. yes." said the right face giddily. "But regardless of whose side we're on.. we still govern the same thing.. choice.. and no matter what.. whenever you have to make a life making, or breaking choice... I'll be there.. I'll get to you soon enough Arturia Pendragon.. but for now.."

The doorman grinned with both his heads as he tossed a gold key between each hand. "Choose.. choose.."

"Being bad are we now..? Janus."

A voice spoke as suddenly a new figure entered the room. She was a beautiful woman... if anything, I could probably compare her beauty to Queen Guinevere (and she was a bombshell beautiful woman I tell you). her face was like that of a super model, with soft brown eyes, long licorice hair,  and wearing a beautiful gown that was almost as white as my Saber Lily gown, and a cape of peacock feathers.

The two faced god, now apparently named Janus, stared at the woman with horror in both his faces.  "H.. HERA!!"

The Queen of the gods,  held out a lotus tipped staff, glaring sternly at Janus. "You didn't answer my question.. are we being bad?"

"N.. NO!" stammered the right face.

"Yes." said the left face matter of factly.

"SH..SHUT UP IDIOT!" stammered the right face.

Hera raised an eyebrow pointedly at Janus. "Now now.. Janus, you know your duties. Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Oh you know!" said the right face nervously. "heheh.. just handing out choices, giving decisions.."

"Causing havoc." finished Hera. "This girl's time has not yet come.. though her Avenger self's choice is indeed coming soon.. this one is not yet in the fray of the choice..  so do kindly leave.."

"Right you are Hera!" said the right face.

"I ain't leaving.. " said the left face.

"OH WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!!?" squealed the right face shrilly.

Janus took out his key and turned it in the air, as if opening an invisible door, and immediately, he disappeared.

Hera turned and smiled at us. "Well well, that was quite dramatic wasn't it? Are you children hungry?"

"Grrrrrrmmmmblle.." My stomach decided to answer for me as usual.

"Apologies.." I muttered, feeling my face go pink as I bowed respectfully.

Hera merely smiled as she held out a hand, and a picnic table appeared out of thin air, with a plate piled high with sandwiches.

We probably should've been more suspicious considering it was a goddess, but as usual ,just like every single goddamn quest, our stomachs won over reason.. (admittedly, I'm the one who most frequently has that problem).. and we dug in.

Hera sat with us, acting like a typical mother.

"Go on Tyson dear, eat up.. you're quite small for a cyclops, so we need you strong... oh Grover, slow down, you need to breathe a little..  there there Annabeth, don't rush either.."  Hera chided like a typical mother. "Oh and you Arturia, this isn't Shirou's cooking I know, but feel free to have as much as you like.. "

"Thag ou.." I said, my mouth stuffed with bologna.. crumbs falling down the front of my white dress..

After we had finished the sandwiches, Hera cleaned up the table easily with a sweep of her hand. "now now.. I do apologize for the earlier incident.. Janus has been being rather naughty of late, what with all his unwarranted choice giving.. 

"What's up with him?" asked Annabeth. "He.. he was confusing me..!"

"Intentionally I might add." said Hera.  "This might come as a slight shock, but lately, minor gods and goddesses have begun defecting to Kronos's side.. and doing so quite rapidly I might add.. it's become hard to determine who is still with us and who is against us.. the gods still pay lip service to Zeus.. and yet.."

Hera shook her head and sighed. "Still.."

"Why are they defecting?" asked Grover.

"Oh.. mostly they feel unappreciated.. they have no thrones on Mt. Olympus, no cabins for their children in Camp.. of course, most of the Hermes cabin is comprised of their children you know. But Kronos has offered them larger roles, more respect.. Janus here is doing all he can for Kronos by causing confusion to your quest.. "

"Why?" Annabeth muttered.

"Well I thought I just explained-."

"No.. I mean.. why did you help us?" Annabeth asked.  "You.. hate demigods.."

"Yeah.." I murmured. "Didn't you try to kill Heracles plenty of times.. ? And then there's that rumor about you and Thalia-."

I stopped, for a moment, Hera's face had turned cold and wrathful, but she resumed her kind face. "I.. would ask you not mention those two Arturia dear.. yes it is true that I've been known to be negative towards my husband's... affairs.. but that is solely directed at HIS.. affairs.. Artemis and Athena, and even Poseidon make their own choices.. but if there's one thing that I hold above all else.. it's family.. I am the goddess that represents this.. and lately, this war is threatening to pull my family apart."

Hera sighed and shook her head. "The gods are all arguing amongst themselves regarding this war.. despite the coordinated effort, if Kronos isn't stopped all that might come to a head.  I myself do not wish for that to happen, so I've taken the liberty to help you all on this quest. But of course.. a word of warning.. I won't be able to do anything after this point you know.."

"Right.." said Annabeth, still eyeing Hera with tentativeness.

This time Atalanta spoke up however.  "You say that you respect Artemis's decisions.. but she and Apollo are also children of Zeus by another..  if anybody would have a grudge against Lady Arturia.. "

"Like I said.. I'm past that.. thing is, me and Zeus have received some rather excellent marriage counseling of late." said Hera.  "But.. with Kronos in the mix, my family is in danger of falling apart.. it would be MOST  welcome if you helped me keep it together dears..

Hera looked at Annabeth. "And by the way, I should warn you that I've only Postponed your day of critical choice, I haven't stopped it.. regardless of whose side he's on, you will meet Janus again eventually.  And I imagine he'll be seeing your Other Self quite soon."

"Avenger." said Annabeth.

"Yes.. she has a rather grueling choice to make I believe." said Hera.  "Now.. be careful on the ranch coming up.. or rather.. I should say... be careful at the Beach... Geryon's been making a few strange changes..."

"Beach..? Ranch?" said Annabeth.

"Oh you'll see.. tata!" 

Everyone but me, Mordred and Atalanta averted their eyes as Hera revealed her true form and disappeared in a blast of white light.

"I don't trust her." said Atalanta. "i've heard things ever since Lady Arturia's status as Artemis's daughter came to light.. Hera was supposedly vocal about obliterating her on the spot.."

"Not like she could.." said Grover. "i mean.. Servants are immune to certain divine magic.. it's why Ares couldn't just snap his fingers and combust Saber like that. If Hera wants to kill Saber she literally has to get into a brawl with her.. "

"Ares is one thing, but Hera's a direct descendant of the titans like Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. " said Atalanta. "I do not fancy having to fight her, even if it's somebody as strong as Arturia."

"I don't want to fight anybody.." I said. "If given a choice, I'd rather we all live in complete peace.. but I agree with Atalanta.. it felt a bit like she was putting on a front in regards to me.."

"Either way though." said Annabeth. "She's on our side, and having a god on our side is better than no god on our side..  maybe she's telling the truth.. she wants her family to stay together, so she's gritting her teeth through the issues she doesn't like and bares with it. "

"Me like lady.. she give sandwiches." said Tyson with a satisfied burp.

"Of course ya would One Eye." said Mordred with sigh and a grin, patting Tyson's elbow.  "But let's try not to judge a woman by her sandwiches.."

As we stood up to go.. there was a sudden sound of grunting coming from one of the now unblocked passages that Janus had been guarding... heavy... massive breathing..

I drew out Caliburn uneasily as Mordred assumed her own Servant form and drew out Clarent. "Hear that?"

"It.. sounds big.." said Grover uneasily.

"Uggghh.. ghhhh..." the sound grew louder and louder, and the sound of massive dragging footsteps could be heard getting louder too.

"I think I know which door I want to take.." stammered Annabeth.

"Yep!" I said as we hurried to the door on the right as the left passage continued to let out the grunting noises.

The passage ahead of us was pitch black, but thankfully, I had Caliburn to provide light for us as I led the way through the straight wide passage.

Behind us.. the grunting continued, as if whatever had come from the Left Passageway had most certainly followed us through the right one.

I slashed my sword across the walls of the passage as we ran.. causing the passageway to collapse behind us. But even doing that didn't deter whatever was following, for I heard it crashing through the rubble with ease.

"Oh jeez.." I said.

"Wanna try firing our Noble Phantasms back at whatever's followin'?!" said Mordred quickly.  "Might kill it.."

"This passage is already unstable enough without that.." I said "Just keep running!"

"A door! over there!" said Annabeth, pointing ahead of us at what appeared to be the door of a jail cell.  Heading to a dungeon to escape a monster!? didn't seem like a good idea, but considering there were no other passages going any other way, it seemed like there wasn't a choice in the matter.

We slammed into the gate and hammered on it..

"It's locked!" Annabeth yelled with exasperation.

"Tyson! Mordred!" I yelled

Together, the three of us grabbed the gate and used our combined strength to wrench it open, apparently it wasn't actually locked.. just really freaking hard to open..

We squeezed in, and after we did, together, Mordred and Tyson gave the door a tremendous shoulder charge with their combined physical power, and slammed the door shut, after which Annabeth pulled a lock on the inside of the door.

We heard a roar of frustration as whatever had chased us hammered angrily against the obviously enchanted door, before stopping and dragging away..

We turned around, sighing with relief.. but it didn't seem like a pleasant place at all.  A skeleton was hanging on chains in the corner, and we appeared to be in a jail cell of some sort..

"Don't worry.. door's open." said Annabeth, stepping out of the jail cell and into the hall of what appeared to be a very old prison.. an empty one at that..

"I know this place.." said Mordred. "HEY! I know.. I came here once before I met all of ya! This is that.. er.. what was it..? Alka Seltzer? Alcapone? Alpine something?"

"Alcatraz prison!" said Annabeth. "I went here once with Dad."

"Wait.. REALLY!?" I said. "We traveled that far!? Indeed this maze is a remarkable Noble Phantasm..."

"Time travels differently in the maze though, so it might not have mattered in the end.." said Annabeth picking up an old newspaper that had blown in. "Okay.. good.. still the same date.."

I looked around the prison. "Do you think Percy could've come out at this end..?"

"Doubtful.. he could end up anywhere.." said Atalanta, who also added quickly, probably seeing the look on my face. "But we'll find him. "

"We should just go back in.. " said Annabeth. "We're short on time as it is-.."

Suddenly, there was the sound of sobbing.. echoing from a floor below us.. as we heard it, Tyson's ears perked up with amazement.  "No... can't be.."

"Yo! Eye Bro! what's up?" said Mordred looking concerned.

Tyson didn't say anything, instead he began running out down the balcony and hurrying towards the sound of the voice.

"One Eye!? One Eye wait!" Mordred exclaimed, running after Tyson. Me, Grover, and Annabeth looked at each other nervously, and then hurried after Tyson...

And what happened next only got crazier from there..


Hi guys! Now don't worry, just because I've started updating King Arthur and the Olympians again doesn't mean I'll start neglecting RIFT NXT. I've decided I'll start concentrating two stories at a time so I can avoid neglecting stories that I really want to finish.  And lets face it, RIFT NXT was a LONG time coming, no way am I abandoning that. So I'll try and update as much as I can on NXT and KAO for now.. 

Now.. as for news regarding my current status on Fate Grand Order. those of you who are my friends on the game and have told me that they can't use Summer Arturia right (which are a lot of you, which is why this is a chapter announcement) , I'll provide some fast tips. Arturia's raw damage I admit is shitty, but that's because if it WASN'T she'd be even more stupid crazy unfair powerful than she already is.  Summer Arturia is an NP SPAMMER.. gear her kit towards immediately recharging your NP right after you fire it the first time, pair her with guys like Waver, and make sure you use her first skill (which I maxed out btw) and she'll spam her NP BACK TO BACK like a crazy monster. When you use that, not only is she vicious and incredible in challenge quests, but some people call her Crazy Stupid Unfair. Always make sure you look up a Servant's niche before you call them useless. Spamming type Arts servants like Lancelot, Chloe,  (and admittidly Tesla, though I hate him) tend to have low damage to balance out the fact that they can fire their Noble Phantasms  frequently, clearing multiple bosses, or even entire waves in an instant.  Pair my Summer Arturia with some servants good at NP Gain support and she'll turn into an absolutely EVIL MONSTER... proving once again, that in anime, Fan Service makes you stronger.

I am currently at 35 out of 60 of my friend limit in FGO right now. if you want to friend me (for I have some pretty strong SSR servants right now.. including the Bride version of our friendly neighborhood "UMU!" ) here is my friend code! I tell you honestly, a good Support can carry you for around half the singularities if you're first time players! be sure to tell me your in game names if you add me so that I know who to accept requests for 


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