By unJINtelligent

232K 4.7K 1.2K

Tired of scrolling through the endless #KPOP tag and #BTS tag and only finding incomplete AU's, bad grammar... More

skinship is hard
nickname series: hyung line
nickname series: maknae line
~fun in the sun~
전정국 | scars
김남준 | dimples
박지민 | mochi
사생팬 (1)
사생팬 (2)
moon lovers
<scarlet heart>
nana's mv
plan (1)
execution (2)
<police station>
to-do lists
김태형 | sock monkey
박지민| daredevil
king taehyung
modern times
ice skating


3.4K 85 65
By unJINtelligent

~In which everyone decides on colors~

Like many young adults, the members of BTS liked to drink. While it was fun when they first started, their tolerance levels varied greatly. For example, Yoongi and Jimin could probably chug several glasses of wine and not be affected, but give Nana or Tae a sip of soju and they're down for the count. Usually, knowing their limits, Nana, Tae, and Hobi would sip their drinks slowly or get non-alcoholic replacements.

Not this time. This time everyone was celebrating a win; not from a formal event or for recognized award, but a plastic trophy from a silly game they had put on. (Of course, Jungkook had won.) The eight were happily sipping away at their glasses, some going faster than others. All in all, they were having a great time.

"I think we should play another game," Taehyung slightly slurred out.

"Game! Game!" Hoseok clapped along happily. Nana cheered with him.

"What do you have in mind?" Jimin asked, more clear-headed but feeling the effects of the alcohol setting in.

"Why don't rock-paper-scissors?" Taehyung smiled wide. Hoseok clapped even harder.

Jin agreed; he was pretty good. The others had drunk enough to agree to any game at this point. 

"I'm gonna smoke all you bitches," Jungkook claimed. 

"Smoke? Fire? Where?" Hobi exclaimed. 

"He doesn't mean it literally...right, Kookie?" Nana reassured him, sending a warning glare towards the source. Jungkook raised his hands in mock surrender and took another swig out of his glass.

"Who's up first? I warn you all, I am so ready to win," Jin boasted.

"Wait! What happens?" Namjoon asked the group.

"What happens when what?" Nana asked, confused.

"When one of us loses? Or wins?"

They all thought for a few seconds. An idea popped into Yoongi's head first. 

"How about...winner chooses the next hair color for a loser of their choice?" The rest of the group nodded and found no issue with it. They began to tease each other.

"When I win," began Taehyung, "I'm going to make Jungkook dye his hair green."

"Yeah, well when I win," countered Jungkook, "I'm going to make you dye your hair pink."

"You know who would really look great with pink hair? Hobi!" Jimin added.

Hoseok replied, "I'm going to make you dye your hair yellow. Highlighter yellow, to be exact." 

Jimin gasped dramatically, "it's ok, I'd still look good." Nana shoved him lightly.

"Hmm," she started, "for Nammie~ I'd do dark blue. Then he would look like the night sky and that's my favorite!" She clapped; it was clear that she had gone past her limit for drinking. Hobi clapped with her, loving the excitement.

"Na, I'd give you light purple. Lavender suits you," said Namjoon, with a wide smile on his face in reaction to her cute explanation. 

Jin interrupted, "Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi, is there even a color you haven't done? Let's mix it up: black and white. Then they can call you 'salt and pepper' instead of Suga." He laughed, imagining the potential zebra-like hair.

"I'll make you dye your hair gray like the old man you are." The youngest ones laughed at Yoongi's comeback.

"Let's get started!" Nana shouted, unable to lower her voice.

Taehyung and Jungkook began; after a few rounds, Tae emerged as winner. The younger was teased for his earlier comment about "smoking" all of them and he pouted in the corner. Jimin and Hoseok were next, but Jimin won easily due to the fact that Hoseok could barely tell apart the different hand shapes. He would shout "scissor!" and show a rock unintentionally. Namjoon and Nana were up after them; Nana won, despite her intoxication. Namjoon couldn't bear to let her lose, and her punishment didn't sound bad at all, so he allowed her to take the win. Finally, Yoongi and Jin went up against each other, every round more and more dramatic. Ultimately, Jin won, much to Yoongi's disappointment. 

Then began the next round: Tae against Jimin and Nana against Jin. Taehyung and Jimin were tough, and it was difficult to figure out who would be the winner. Eventually, it came out to be Taehyung, who stuck his tongue out at Jimin good-naturedly. Jimin went to join the pouting Jungkook, both taking swigs out of their bottles. Nana and Jin were competitive and ridiculously drunk, which made them the most entertaining pair. The others crowded them, making bets on who would win and cheering for their chosen member. With a faulty "paper" against Jin's "scissor", Nana accepted defeat and collapsed on the ground, both for the drama of it all and the fact that she was way too drunk. 

All that was left was Jin and Taehyung. They smirked at each other; visual versus visual. This was more than just a game of rock, paper, scissors–this was to prove the most handsome of them all. Of course, this was only in their heads, and none of the others in the room even thought about their good looks competition. Jin won first, but Tae came back strong. With a dramatic yell, Taehyung brandished a "rock" countering Jin's "scissor", officially becoming the winner. The members burst into noise around them.

"I'd like to thank the Academy for this win..." Tae exclaimed.

"Don't be so cocky," Jin tutted.

Taehyung tapped a finger to his chin, pretending to be in deep thought. "You know, it would be wise to be nice to me since I determine the fate of your hair." Everyone began to fawn over him, hoping that he wouldn't choose them as his victim.

His eyes locked onto one target, "I choose...Nana. Although it was tempting to make Kook into Oscar the Grouch, my artistic mind won't allow me to. I need to see Nana's hair purple; she's so boring, her hair is never dyed any cool colors." He began to complain about her lack of color, to which she just shrugged and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 

"Then it's settled–Nana, you're getting your hair dyed."


The stylists were having the worst day of their lives. In came the members of BTS demanding that Nana's hair be dyed right this instant, and on top of that, it had to be the brightest purple in the world. 

"Have you run this idea by Hitman Bang?" asked one of the stylists.

Jin was quick to answer, "It's fine, I authorized this."

"You see, that's not really what I was asking..."

"It's called JinHit for a reason."

"Um, it's really not–"

"You're just gonna talk back to the CEO like that?"

The protesting stylist gave up, electing instead to go mix together the color necessary for the shade they wanted Nana's hair to become. She figured that, worst comes to worst, she could blame it on Jin.

Nana, meanwhile, was putting on her best act to inspire pity in the others. Despite her quivering lips and reddening eyes, the others didn't cave, even if they really wanted to. She was pulling on the sleeve of a crumbling Namjoon, who was very close to just letting her off the hook. Jimin saw this and put his hand over the taller one's eyes so that he didn't have to see her. She just tugged on his sleeve harder. 

"Nammie, please~ We were all drunk and I don't want to dye my hair because of this stupid bet!"

"Nana, love, I would stop this if I could, but I think the others would quite literally castrate me if I did that."

"But you're the leader. They have to listen to you!"

"These guys have a mind of their own. It's out of my hands. To be fair though, I think you'll look really pretty with lavender hair."

She didn't want to admit it, but she felt a very small spark of excitement at the color change. Of course, she would take that spark to her grave. 

She turned towards the others, who took one look at her sad face and immediately turned the other direction. It was no use; no matter what she did and no matter how close they got to agreeing with her, ultimately, they would allow this to happen. 

Her hair had to be bleached first–several times, given her dark hair. Her and Jungkook were similar in that their usual range of hair color consisted of brown to black. After she was left sitting in the chair staring at her now platinum hair, the boys grouped around her. By now, she was mostly over it, so she joked around with them as they lightly poked fun at her. 

The stylist came over with a bowl full of color, ready to do as asked (demanded) of her. She ushered the surrounding members out of the room, leaving only Nana and her. They talked and laughed as Nana's hair was getting purple brushed onto it. When she was done she got her hair dried and curled lightly. She decided she actually quite liked how it turned out and mentally thanked Joon for picking out such a nice purple.

When everything was finished and she was presentable, she decided on a dramatic entrance to showcase her new hair. 

She walked out of the room only to be greeted by loud gasps and small exclamations.

Jungkook reacted the loudest, "IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE!"

She giggled when everybody touched her hair and held it as if they had never seen hair before. "Like it?" She asked. They nodded in unison, wide-eyed.

"I could get used to this. Thanks, Joon," she blew him a kiss, prompting that scrunchy face that he tended to do when something cute happened. 

(Are you even a bts stan if you don't know the face?)

Taehyung whined, "Hey, I'm the one who won the game! He might've chosen the color, but I'm the one who agreed and made you do it in the first place."

She cooed at him, "Aww, my little Taehyungie, don't worry, I didn't forget you." She stroked his hair softly, smiling at him. He immediately got shy and smiled at her.

"It's going to take a while to get used to this new you," Jimin stated.

"I love it. It says to me: 'screw the man', which I, of course, support wholeheartedly," Jin spoke proudly. 

Nana groaned, "I totally forgot about Hitman Bang. Hope he doesn't freak on me."

"What's he going to do? Kick you out? As if," Jin scoffed, having done his fair share of rebellion. He was thoroughly familiar with what happened when he didn't listen; they were pretty much all talk. "Don't worry, I'll take the fall if it's serious."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Now I kinda want to dye my hair..." muttered Yoongi, who, despite his rainbow hair, had never had that shade. 

"What's one more purple in this family?"

"Thanos-looking headass," Jungkook interrupted loudly. Nana smacked him upside the head.

"I wish I could snap you out of existence right now."


y'all im actually addicted to that BT21 game–

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